Common Verbs - Regular - NEW

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(They take –ED in the past and past participle forms)
No se incluyen los que son transparentes para nosotros: adjust, admire,
celebrate, communicate, connect, control, direct, edit, export, familiarize,
imitate, import, initiate, investigate, invite, prepare, produce, protect,
recycle, relax, repeat, specialize, structure, transport, use, verify, etc.

Afford = permitirse pagar, darse el lujo de (Right now I can’t afford a new PC /
I can’t afford to buy a new PC)
Allow = permitir (Allow me to introduce you to the manager)
Answer = contestar
Arrange = organizar (Let’s arrange a meeting with the manager)
Apply = aplicar (We need to apply this solution to the problem)
Apply for = solicitar (She’s applying for a UK visa)
Arrive = llegar
Assist = ayudar (She will assist us in the preparation)
Ask = preguntar (I need to ask some questions about course registrations)
Ask for = pedir (Can I ask you for a favor?)
Ask out = invitar a salir (The new student just asked me out)
Attend = asistir (a clase) (I think I won’t attend class next Monday)
Bake = hornear
Believe = creer
Book = reservar
Borrow = tomar prestado (Can I borrow this pen?)
Breathe = respirar
Brush = cepillar
Call = llamar

Call up = llamar por teléfono (Call me up tomorrow, will you?)

Call off = cancelar (We’ll have to call off the final exam)
Care = cuidar
Care about = importar, preocuparse (Bankers don’t care about people)
Care for = importar (I care for my daughter) (I don’t care if he gets angry)
Carry = cargar, llevar (Do you always carry an umbrella in your bag?)
Carry on = continuar (Let’s carry on reviewing these verbs)
Carry out = llevar a cabo (We must carry out several tasks at work)
Change = cambiar
Charge = cargar (electricidad) / cobrar (How much do you charge for fixing
Check = revisar
Clean = limpiar
Clear = aclarar
Climb = escalar
Close = cerrar
Collect = recoger / coleccionar
Congratulate = felicitar
Cook = cocinar
Cough = toser (Esa G suena como F)
Crash = chocar
Cross = cruzar
Deliver = repartir
Die = morir
Discover = descubrir
Drop = dejar caer

Drop by = visitar (I’ll drop by your office tomorrow if I can)

End = terminar (What time does the class end? It ends at 9:45)
Enjoy = disfrutar
Erase = borrar
Expect = esperar, tener una expectativa (I expect to go on a trip in December)
Fail = fallar / reprobar
Fill = llenar
Fill up = llenar un vaso, un tanque
Fill in = llenar espacios (Fill in the blanks with the correct word)
Fill out = llenar un formato (Please fill out this form)
Finish = terminar What time do YOU finish class? WE finish class at 9:45
Fish = pescar
Fit = caber / quedar bien (My car won’t fit in there) (That shirts fits you)
Fit in = encajar, adaptarse (I can’t fit in that school. Everyone is so rude)
Fix = arreglar
 Hang = colgar, ahorcar (The prisoner was hanged after the verdict)
 Es irregular (HANG – HUNG – HUNG) cuando significa colgar un cuadro, una
Follow = seguir
Glue = pegar (adherir)
Hate = odiar
Help = ayudar
Hope = esperar, tener la esperanza de (I hope to pass the final exam)
Hug = abrazar
Introduce = presentar (May I introduce you to the manager?)
Join = unirse a (Do you want to join our WhatsApp group?)

Jump = saltar
Kid = bromear (Are you kidding?)
Kill = matar
Kiss = besar
Laugh = reír (Esa G suena como F)
Learn = aprender
 Lie = mentir (Don’t lie to your mother)
 Es irregular (LIE – LAY – LAIN) cuando significa yacer / acostarse
Like = gustar
Listen (to) = escuchar
Live = vivir
Lock = cerrar con llave
Look = lucir (You look good in that sweater) (That sweater looks good on you)
Look (at) = mirar (Look at these beautiful drawings)
Look like = parecerse a (Your baby looks just like you)
Look for = buscar (What are you looking for?)
Look forward to = esperar con ansias (I’m looking forward to a holiday)
Look up to = admirar (What kind of people do you look up to?)
Look down on = despreciar (It’s wrong to look down on others)
Look out = tener cuidado (Look out! That tree is falling down!)
Love = amar / encantar (I love swimming)
Matter = importar Nothing else matters (Nada más importa)
Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter (No te preocupes. No importa)
Mean = significar What does buckle mean? It means hebilla
Mean = querer decir:
Teacher: The test will be easy. No sweat.

Student: I don’t understand that expression. What do you mean?

Teacher: I mean “Don’t worry”
Miss = extrañar (I miss you so much) Perderse de algo (You should come
home early tonight or you’ll miss the Red Carpet of the Oscars)
Move = mover / mudarse
Nag = regañar
Need = necesitar
Open = abrir
Order = organizar / pedir (I’m going to order pizza. What would you like?)
Pack = empacar
Pass = pasar (Could you pass the salt? Do you think you’ll pass the test?)
Pass out = desmayarse (The girl in the movie passed put when she saw the
Pass away = fallecer (My grandmother passed away when she was 105 years
Paste = pegar (adherir)
Pick up = recoger
Pick on = molestar
Pick out = escoger
Play = Jugar / Tocar (Can you play any instrument?)
Please = complacer
Pray = rezar, orar
Prefer = preferir
Pronounce = pronunciar (How do you pronounce that word?)
Pull = halar
Push = empujar

Receive = recibir
Remember = recordar
Repair = arreglar, reparar
Reply = contestar
Request = pedir, solicitar
Research = investigar
Rest = descansar
Review = repasar
Roll = enrollar (Roll up your sleeves and get down to work)
Search = buscar
Seem = parecer (It seems easy to do / She seems to be a kind person)
 Shine = lustrar (I think I should shine my shoes before the interview)
 Es irregular (SHINE – SHONE – SHONE) cuando significa brillar por sí mismo o
ser brillante, destacado
Show = mostrar (Show me your answer)
Show up / Turn up = aparecerse, asistir (Mr Brown didn’t show up today)
Show off = alardear (I don’t like to show off the things I buy)
Smell = oler (Your perfume smells really good)
Smile = sonreír
Sneeze = estornudar (What do you say when somebody sneezes? Bless you!)
Sound = sonar (That sounds good)
Spell = deletrear (How do you spell your first name?)
Spill = regar, derramar
Squeeze = apretar
Start = empezar (What time does the movie start? It starts at 6:00)
Start = encender el carro (Something’s wrong with this car. It won’t start)

Stay = quedarse (Where did you stay during your trip to New York?)
Study = estudiar
Support = apoyar
Surrender = rendirse
Survive = sobrevivir
Swallow = tragar
Talk = hablar (Who are you talking to?)
Taste = probar un sabor (I’ll taste this tea)
Test = probar, poner a prueba (We need to test this device before using it)
Thank = agradecer
Tidy = ordenar / limpiar
Touch = tocar / sentir con los dedos
Translate = traducir
Treat = tratar (I’m gonna love you and treat you right)
Try = intentar, probar (I’ll try to learn Chinese next year) (I’ll try this tea)
Try on = probarse una prenda (Do you want to try these shoes on?)
Turn = girar (Turn left, go straight, and when you get to the corner, turn right)
Turn on = encender (aparatos eléctricos)
Turn off = apagar (aparatos eléctricos)
Turn up/down = subir/bajar (el volumen)
Turn down = rechazar
Turn into = convertirse en
Wait (for) = esperar (What are you waiting for?)
Wait on = servir (Por eso waiter es mesero)
Walk = caminar

Want = querer
Wash = lavar
Watch = ver (TV) (I love to watch fiction movies)
vigilar (The cops are watching us)
Watch out = tener cuidado (Watch out! That tree is falling down!)
Wish = desear (We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year)
Work = trabajar
Work out = hacer ejercicio (I usually work out for 3 hours on Sunday)
Work out = solucionar (Don’t worry. We can work it out)
Work out = funcionar (The solution you proposed worked out perfectly)
Wrap = envolver (Do you know how to wrap gifts nicely?)

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