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Intro to PAST tense

Present Past Examples

am - is WAS Where was your mom this morning at 5:00? She was in her bedroom.
I was a good student when I was in school.
are WERE Where were you last night at 8:00? I was at home.
Where were your parents last Sunday morning? They were at work

PAST What were you doING this morning at 6:00? I was takING a shower
CONTINUOUS What was you your sister doING last night at 11:00? She was sleepING


Regular verbs take the ending –ED: play – played, clean – cleaned, brush – brushed.
Irregular verbs take a different form in past: go – went, take – took, eat – ate, write – wrote.
The past form is used only in affirmative form, not in questions or negative form: Did you go
to the movies yesterday? I didn’t go to the movies yesterday. I went to the movies last Sunday.
The Simple Past form is the same for all pronouns: I went to the movies. He went to the movies.
Did they go to the movies? Did you go to the movies? We didn’t go there. She didn’t go there.
 Some irregular verbs:
wake up – WOKE UP / get up – GOT UP / go – WENT / get – GOT / make – MADE /
have – HAD / eat – ATE / drink – DRANK
 Some regular verbs:
turn – turnED / brush – brushED / wash – washED / watch – watchED / check – checkED
What DID you do this morning before class?
I woke up at 5:00 and turned on the TV. I watched the news for a few minutes and then I got up.
Next I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and took off my pyjamas. Then I took a shower, went
back to my bedroom, and got dressed. After that I went to the kitchen, made coffee and breakfast.
Finally, I had breakfast with my family. We ate pancakes, eggs, and cheese and we drank coffee and
orange juice.
NOTE: The vowel E in the ending –ED is NOT pronounced:
cleaned washed watched liked stopped changed passed
cleanD washD watchD stopD changD passD
Pronounce the vowel E after T or D:
need needEd attend attendEd divide dividEd
want wantEd accept acceptEd translate translatEd

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