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Name: Ricca Mae Saguisa

Section: Hebrews

SITUATION- I was seventeen years old when I started my online business. At first, I was
hesitant because of my fear in the unknown and uncertainties. During the process, indeed, I met
a lot of disrespectful and bogus customers. And worst, I’ve came to the point of giving up
because I felt like I was unseen and unappreciated.
REACTION- My reaction to that circumstances was to simply breathe. I gave myself the time
and space that I knew I needed. Then, I went back to my “why(s).” Being fueled up again, I
started to go forward again—even with the uncertainties and the unknowns

KARMA- The results of this led me beyond this far. Right now, I am able to give back to my
loved ones and of course, to myself. I am also paying for my own expenses without depending
on anyone else. I realized that you need to trust yourself that you can do all things because the
first person that should trust you is yourself. If you trust yourself, you can accomplish things that
you think that is impossible.


SITUATION: When I was a child, I always buy my favorite candy at the store. My mom gave
me and my sister a money but unfortunately my money was not enough to buy my favorite
candy. So I stole my sister’s money since she just kept it and I wanted to buy a candy.

REACTION: I’m happy because I bought my favorite candy and I ate it. She hated me for
getting her money without her permission and as a child, we fought and cry. I said sorry
because my mom asked me to say so.

KARMA: It’s 4:00 AM in the morning of May 21st, I am on the way to the market to do
errands. There’s a man who is walking towards the same direction where I was heading. I am
having panic attacks because he tries to talk to me. Asking my personal informations. Then
suddenly when we reached a place that is dark and there’s no people around, he grab me and
put a knife around my neck. He stole my money and go like nothing happened. I realized that
you should never stole any things that is not yours. Time will come that your things will be
stolen. Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.

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