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 Mixed  Methods  Interna>onal  Conference  

Leeds,  29th  June  -­‐  2nd  July  2011    

 Computer  Generated  Mixed  

Methods  Displays  as  New  Tools  
for  Analysis.  
Prof.  Dr.  Udo  Kuckartz  
Philipps-­‐Universität  Marburg  

Folie  1  

!   Introduc>on:    
-­‐  Where  linking  occurs?  
-­‐  Mixed  displays.  Examples  from  Creswell  &  Plano    
-­‐  Joint  Displays  
!   Joint  Displays  in  MAXQDA  10    
1  -­‐>  Quote  matrix  
2  -­‐>  Crosstabs  
3  -­‐>  Typology  table  
!   Mixed  Displays  of  qualita>ve  data  

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   Folie  2  

When  mixing  of  qualitaCve  and  quanCtaCve  data  occurs?  

Quantitative Data Analysis Qualitative  Data Analysis

Statistics (SAS, SPSS) QDA-Software

(MAXQDA,Nvivo ...)

Research Report A
Research Report B

Final Report

Mixing after data analysis based on the (preliminary) reports.

Prof.  Dr.  Udo  Kuckartz            06-­‐2011   Folie  3  

Mixing  Data  on  the  Level  of  Research  Reports:  by  Use  of  Links  

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2010                Mixed  Methods   Folie  4  

Linking  Data  on  the  Level  of  Research  Reports  

a)  by  use  of  text  links  

!   major  subjects  are  linked  by  hyperlink  techniques  
!   lexical  search  func>ons  may  be  used  to  iden>fy  major  subjects  in  the  
reports,  also  dic>onary-­‐based  techniques  may  be  used  
!   Copy  and  paste  the  text  chunks  into  the  final  report  
b)  by  use  of  codes  
!   major  subjects  are  coded  (subjects  are  used  as  codes)  
!   lexical  search  func>ons  may  be  used  to  iden>fy  major  subjects  in  the  
reports,  also  dic>onary-­‐based  techniques  may  be  used  
!   retrieval  techniques  are  used  to  produce  a  sequen>al  list  or  side-­‐by-­‐side  

Udo  Kuckartz            06-­‐2009                Types   S  5  

Mixing  on  the  level  of  data  analysis  

Quantitative Data Analysis Qualitative  Data Analysis

Statistics (SAS, SPSS) QDA-Software

(MAXQDA,Nvivo ...)

Research Report A
Research Report B

Final Report

Prof.  Dr.  Udo  Kuckartz            06-­‐2011   Folie  6  


Joint  Displays  
John Creswell:
“A joint display is a figure or table in which the
researcher arrays both quantitative and qualitative
data so that the two sources of data can be directly
compared. In effect, the display merges the two
forms of data.”

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  7  


Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  8  

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  9  
Part  2  Joint  displays:  
Mixing  during  data  analysis  
Joint  Displays:  Quote  Matrix  
 Quote  Matrix  is  a  joint  display  of  coded  segments  (themes)  
and  variables.  It  lists  quota>on  of  respondents  with  par>cular  

Joint  Display:  Coded  Segments  X  Adributes  -­‐>  Quote  Matrix  

Men     Men   Women   Women  

Age  <    30   Age  30+   Age  <  30   Age  30+  

Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments  

of  Peter   of   of   of  
Larry   Heidi   Barbara  
Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments  
of  John   of   of   of  
  Nigel   Lina   Joanna  
Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments  
of   of   of   of  
Jus>n   Robert   Sarah   Susan  
Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments   Text  Segments  
of   of   of   of  
Bob   Mark   Stella   Scarled  
    Dr.  Udo  Kuckartz            06-­‐2009
Prof.      Types         Folie  12  
Quote  matrix  
Code Family status not married (doc variable Family status single (doc variable category)

emotions Happiness does not remind me of one event. It I feel as if I am very healthy and I know that I
makes me think of my life. Even though there have a firm background on what being healthy
are bad times, overall I am very happy with the means because of my interest in Nutrition and
way I turned out as a human being. and I like Exercise. I always to try to eat better and make
were my life is headed. the right choices and exercise on a regular basis.
I really think that those two components
(New York/Joanna, 34-35) contribute highly to health. But, health also
means emotionally, mentally and even
Sadness reminds me of the death of my spiritually. I feel like my spiritual life really
grandmother (Dec. 90') and my grandfather contributes to the rest of my health because I
(June 96'). Their deaths effected my life take care of my body because God tells us to in
greatly. They were like my second parents. the Bible and everything else falls into place.
These two times were definately the worst times
of my life (New York/Milly, 11)

(New York/GINA, 12)

education My career now is college. I am graduating this My major is Dietetics and I am planning on
weekend from my Community Health working with children at either a center or a
Undergraduate program at Hofstra University. I Children's Hospital and do meal plan counseling
am continuing my undergraduate studies at CW for children that need special diets because of
Post in the fall to get a BS in nutrition. Getting sickness, or whatever the case may be.
my RD is my major career choice. My
satisfaction level on my career is only a 7 I know that will not be happy in my occupation
because I am not looking forward to going back unless I work with children. I have a heart for
to undergrad college but it is the only way I can kids and I found this out by working a summer
achieve a license. camp for kids for the past 2 summers.

(New York/GINA, 17) I started taking a Nutrition class last year and
decided that it interested me and found out what
kind of jobs that I could get involved with by
talking with my counselor and it all worked out
Overall I am pretty happy with my mental, social great.
and physical health. I would like to improve my
dedication to working out. I am the type of (…)
person who will work out 5 times a weekPhilipps-Universität
for a Marburg
month staight and then is slowly turns into lessDr. Udo
(NewKuckartz 06-2009
York/vincent, 12) Types
Joint  Displays:  Crosstabs  
 Crosstabs  –compares  the  number  of  coded  segments  for  
selected  subgroups  of  texts.    

Joint  Displays.  Codes  and  Categorical  Variables  

Codes, e.g. themes (horizontal, x-axis)

and categorical variable from quantitative data (vertical, y-axis)

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  15  

Joint  Displays.  Themes  and  Categorical  Variables  

Row Percentage -> Distribution of Themes

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  16  

Joint  Displays  

List of quotes belonging to a cell of the joint display

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  17  

Joint  Displays  

List of quotes belonging to a cell of the joint display

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  18  

Joint  Displays:  Typology  table    
 Typology  Table  combines  in  merged  analysis  qualita>ve  
theme  data  and  quan>ta>ve  data  based  on  a  typology  or  

Typology  Table  

Part  3  Visualiza>on  in  Mixed  
Methods  Analysis    
QualitaCve  (Data  Analysis)  or  (QualitaCve  Data)  Analysis  
Analysis   Qualita>ve   Quan>ta>ve  

Qualita>ve   A   B    
 Interpre>ve  text  studies.   Search  for  and  
Hermeneu>cs.  Grounded   presenta>on  of  meaning  in  
Theory  etc.   results  of  quan>ta>ve  

Quan>ta>ve   C     D    
Turning  words  into   Sta>s>cal  and  
numbers.  Classic  Content   mathema>cal  analysis  of  
Analysis.  Word  Counts.   numeric  data.  
Free  Lists.  Pile  Sorts,  etc.  

Folie  22  
The  „quanCtaCve  aspect  of  coding  

If  you  are  aware  of  it  or  not,  when  coding  your  data  you  create  
classificaCons  and    „quanCtaCve“  informaCon,  i.e.  
!   text  has  been  coded  with  a  par>cular  code  (yes  or  no)  -­‐>  classifica>on  
!   a  code  can  have  evalua>ve  aspects  (e.g.  you  read  the  en>re  interview  and  
make  a  decision.  Does  the  person  feels  itself  responsible  for  the  
environment  (not  at  all,  partly,  highly))  -­‐>  classifica>on  
!   codes  may  occur  at  the  same  >me  (adached  to  the  same  part  of  the  text)  
-­‐>  rela>on  
!   codes  may  be  near  or  have  a  long  distance  to  each  other  in  a  text  -­‐>  
!   how  ojen  a  code  has  been  applied  to  a  par>cular  text  -­‐>  quan>fica>on  

!Classification is different from quantification. A classification is still

qualitative. !

S  23  
Visual Comparison of Different Interviews and Themes  

Code Matrix Browser

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  24  

Number of Segments per Code and Interview
Code Matrix Browser:

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  25  

Thank  you  for  your  a[enCon!  

Udo  Kuckartz            05-­‐2011                Mixed  Methods   S  26  

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