Mayangsari Prihatiningrum (201811019)

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Individual Work

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Disusun Oleh:
Mayangsari Prihatiningrum (201811019)



Conversation 1
Patient : “excuse me, nurs. I feel so uncomfortable in my stomach, can you help me?”
Nurse : “sure, can you tell me which part that you feel?”
Patient : “I feel pain in the lower chest and the pain feel come and go”
Nurse : “you may have some damage to the hull. Let’s check it futher more with the doctor”
Patient : “ok, thank you nurse.”
Nurse : “you’re welcome”
Conversation 2
Doctor : “nurse, can you report the last patient condition?”
Nurse : “yes sir, he complain uncomfrortable in his stomach and he feels the pain confines in
the lower chest and the pain come and go. I feel he seems to have a ulcer, doc.”
Doctor : “I approve your diagnosis and give patient painkillers and medicine fpr the wounds in
his stomach”
Nurse : “yes, doc and thank you”
Doctor : “you’re welcome”
1. He has sprained his feet
2. She has difficulty her breathing
3. The patient vomit his blood
4. Doctor, Mr. X seems to have bloody stool
5. He may have chickenpox
6. She may have constipation
7. He often bowel motion
8. He felt dizzy
9. He suffer from his very bad stomachache
10. What kind of pain is brother you?

Patient 1
Nurse : “Can you tell me your name and age?”
Patient : “My name is Amelia. I am 8 years old, ners.”
Nurse : “What your chief complaint?”
Patient : “I have Painful swallowing, a sore throat, swelling of the throat, a fever”
Nurse : “You may have inflammation. Let’s check it further more with the doctor”
Patient 2
Nurse : “Can you tell me your name and age?”
Patient : “My name is Jessica. I am 9 years old, ners.”
Nurse : “What troubling you?”
Patient : “I have a fever and a rash of pink, and I feel blotches-tired and miserable.
Nurse : “You seems to have measles. Let’s check it futher more with the doctor”
Patient 3
Nurse : “can you tell me your name and age?”
Patient : “my name is Andrew. I am 10 years old, ners”
Nurse : “how are you feeling today?”
Patient : “I feel a fever- very and rapid breathing-sleepnes, ners”
Nurse : “you may have inflammation. I’II tell the doctor later”
Patient 4
Nurse : “can you tell me your name and age?”
Patient : “my name George. I am 8 years old, ners”
Nurse : “how are you feeling today?”
Patient : “I have a sore throat-painful swallowing”
Nurse : “I will measure your temperature first”
Patient : “Ok. Ners”
Nurse : “Your temperature is 39 C and you have a rash of bright-pink spots on his neck. I’II tell
the doctor later.”
Patient : “Ok. Ners. Thank you”

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