The Study of Skybustechnology On Mass Transportation: Jyoti Meena & Dr. Om Prakash

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362,

The Study of Skybustechnology on Mass

Jyoti Meena1 & Dr. Om Prakash2
1B.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur,
2Department of Civil Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India.
Abstract: India, being a developing country needs suspended coach transportation system in which
to progress in the field of mass transportation. So, the coaches are suspended from a beam fitted to a
the government is looking for additional means of bogie moving on rails. The tracks are enclosed in
supporting national transportation facilities. India an elevated concrete box supported by vertical
being densely populated country should have an fillers. The system has been quite efficient for
effective mode for rapid movement of vehicles. solving traffic crisis. There is various design
With the current available scenario, metro railway elements to demonstrate the dynamic behavior of
system has been proven to be a sector of exquisite skybus and its various components. It can run to a
advancement. Skybus metro system has been a maximum speed of 100 km/hr. Skybus metro is a
suitable option for this purpose. Skybus has better method of exploiting the full operation of bond
and more benefits than a normal metro railway between the single flange giving a full speed
concept As a solution of traffic crisis, skybus potential and at the same time being very flexible
concept can be widely used. in an urban area. The Skybus volts re-engineering
of time tested conventional technology. It runs on a
1. Introduction conventional rail guided bogie commonly used for
normal metro rail system. It uses 3 phase AC and a
When it comes to 21st century, technology synchronous motor technology for conventional
advancement clicks everyone’s mind. Several electric motor units. The thing is widely adopted in
changes in the field of engineering has been made abroad and India. Lightweight coaches travel below
till date and is an ongoing process. A combined rail guides the physics of which is easily
output of civil and mechanical engineering has engineered. The shells of coaches and suspension
resulted in invention of a new transportation links use conventional proven designs. The
discovery named as skybus metro. The invention elevated track structure uses the latest pre-
has been exclusively used and is a wonder for fabricated construction technologies. This saves
traffic controlling agenda. It has been a productive time and money and will not disturb the existing
invention in the field of road engineering. Public pattern of traffic during execution. It uses
transportation which is an efficient component of information technology tools for the control and
urban mobility, is in a state of crisis. So there is communication operations which will benefit from
growing reliance upon private vehicles. The modal precision and flexibility. As a result, manpower
share of public transportation is declining as its requirements will also get low as most works are
quality of service. This is a serious threat to urban done electronically.
productive efficiency. Road transport cannot
adequately handle the demand of growing needs of
people. So, the urban transportation solution has to
alleviate the existing chaos in road traffic patterns.
For this present technology like surface, elevated
and underground rail systems cannot follow road
alignments. For this the world is to be introduced to
Skybus metro technology.

Technically, Skybus metro is elevated suspended

coach mass rapid transit system designed to easily
follow existing road alignments. The concept of
Skybus metro was brought up and patented by an
engineer B.Rajaram who is managing director of
Konkan Railway Corporation limited in Bologna
University in Italy in 1989. It is actually a

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 968

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

2. Components 5. Advantages
 The rate of transportation is fast and at a better
It consists of following main components: pace.
2.1. Sky way: Concrete box is set up over a series  There is no problem of land acquisition
of piers. The sky way helps in guiding sky  No problems of demolition , vandalizing or
bogie. capsizing
2.2. Sky bogies: It consists of two axle bogies  As compared to metro rail , it requires less
incorporated with bogies of 3 phase AC motor amount to investment.
with regenerative motor power capability. It is  No deaths due to people interference.
facilitated with disk brakes and it also has
emergency mechanical brakes.
 No hindrance to traffic or it reduces traffic
2.3. Sky coaches: These coaches are controlled
from a remote location and do not require the  It can be set up on metro route.
presence of any technical staff onboard. The  No pollution at all due to its execution
coach design options use the composite  There are facilities like air conditions and
materials. These are air conditioned and bear luxurious seats
automatic doors. Also there is facility for audio  No possibility of leaving rails thereby
visual information for passengers. preventing accidents.
2.4. Sky station: Each sky bus metro is provided
 It helps to enhance tourism to a level.
with sky stations of generally smaller area. It
is totally automated without drivers and  There is fast clearance and better capacity i.e.
guards. The control for access is easily swiped it can hold greater number of passengers.
by card.  It is not tedious and passengers don’t need to
2.5. Traverser arrangement: This is the wait
component used in balancing the loads beared  It has easy emergency exit if needed.
by the structure. It is also important in the  As most of the stuffs are electronically
course of changing the routes. There is no performed, it requires less manpower and
points or crossing in traverser. working hands.

6. Current scenario
The idea of skybus metro has been successfully
tested in Margaon of Goa.The necessary
information about the test is given below:

 Length: 1.6 km
3. Description of materials for  Maximum test speed : 100 kmph
standard skybus metro  Steepest gradient : 1 in 50
 Heavy 60kg/m rails are placed in concrete box  Radius of sharpest curve : 105m
structures.  Radius of flatter curve : 875m
 These are supported over 1m diameter.  Maximum radius of vertical curve : 3375m
 Columns are set up at a gap of 15m-20m.
 The length of column must be of at least 8m. After the successful test in Goa, the idea of
introducing sky bus metro has been planned in
cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru,
4. Working principle Chennai, Delhi etc.

A railway coach is ran on the track. Also the

provided railway wheel is made to run on the track. 7. PROSPECT
Thereafter, the coach which is firmly attached on
the under frame will cover the concrete box Skybus metro system has an incredible future
resulting the carrying of coaches. prospect. It can play a vital role in urban transport
crisis. It will help tremendously in the traffic
controlling and thus help in an efficient method of

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 969

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

transportation in the country. So, it is to be

encouraged and brought into effect soon.

8. Conclusion
Skybus technology has therefore several
advantages and prospects in current state of mass
transportation in the country. There is tremendous
and huge scope of Skybus technology in near
future. As compared to metro railway system,
Skybus technology is easier to operate and
investment for its operation is comparatively less.
That’s why the entire concept of running Skybus
metro technology is a boon for improving country’s
mass transportation and should be therefore
encouraged and brought into effect.

9. References
[1]Rajaram Bojji: Skybus Tech movie full
[2]The Hindu National: Skybus metro resumes
after 3 months
[3]KONKAN Rly to invite EOI for sky bus metro
[4]The Times of India: Skybus project: Fantasy or
reality ??

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