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MensHealth eb ia) 3 bees Aoi] rN : 7 U RESOLUTION MADE POSSIBLE ans ie cee M EL SUMMER 2012 MAKE If. POSSIBLE FROM THE EDITORS OF MEN'S HEALTH MAGAZINE. CONTRIBUTORS Louder Kenta ed ‘enynCorve Fav Greghre tg dams Mere Boeen Me Bair Fags Marana, tf uh na Byrn eserana Sater ager (Chremore Sehr dre Coke ‘ONLINEEDITORDjinMutirbery SPECIAL PROVECTOESIONERRO Mane INSHOUSEPHOTOORAPHER Jeremy Publishing Team Sesowia once 24 Magazine ral Sales: SERGI SAUANESSESTS! — Marktingand Promotions Sica EOS, cane orth 7080908 Mab S08 Ar ali om, seas yam Media 24\~ ectors, SuascaiPTHoNeNQUIRIES erste POD Vader BO General Manager PRINTING Rnnegs cee Circulation mendes aah 087 Met Py AL gtr Peso . trecalsntmetevmentninayernetyey ax Sock BL amg Mediay24 Rodale Ditn PUBLISHES, LETTER FROM THE EDITORS LOSE YOUR SHIRT (and make this your best summer ever!) ‘Think back to when you were a kid. The instant the weather warmed up, your mind would focus ‘on squeezing the most fun out of every waking moment outside. And you probably spent a good ‘chunk of that time without your shirt on: at the beach, at the pool, mowing the lawn, playing on the “skins” team during a game of touch rugby. Baring your chest in publie was no big deal, right? ‘Now consider all the activities you've done in the last week or the last month. How many of them took place outdoors? And when was the last time you didn't hesitate before taking your shirt off at the beach? Sadly, a8 we age, the amount of time we spend sitting in an offiee (or in the car, or on the couch) far surpasses the amount of time we spend being active. But inerensing your activity level can help you slim down, lower your stress level, improve your sex life and decrease your risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke and cancer. (Not to mention — have more fun!) Here is our four-step plan to help you fry fat and build muscle — an life in the process. improve your whole 1. LOSE YOUR GUT FOR GOOD! First stop dong crunches. Instead, use the hard-core moves in “The Sbe-Pack Fast ‘rack! on p8, to coax your abs out of hiding. Then, shed fat fast by employing some ofthe simple lifestyle changes proposed by Or Travis Stork, host of The Dactos,in“The Lean Belly resorption on p16. 2. BUILD THE BODY YOU WANT! Whot good are abs if you neglect everything north and south of your core? Start with four assessment on p38 to find your fitness level. Then move on tothe workouts that flow to sculpt your entire body ‘am your back and biceps to yur chest and legs ~ and yes, even your butt. Or Learn rom our eight staff members in ‘the *SicPack Challenge" on p50 so that you too can eam yourself a ripped trsol §3. FUEL YOUR BODY THE RIGHT WAY! Tink you have to give up your favourite foods to lose weigh? Think again. You can enjoy summertime treats ike braais and burgers without softering your abs i you chaose wily. So fre up the gril and check ot the recipes in"8 Short-Order Power Meals” on pl. or harness the goodness of nutvious (and tasty), posta in “The Power of Past on p24 ‘4, MAKE YOUR SUMMER SIZZLE! Is time to put that nenly chiselled body to good use. Checkout all the ways you can spice Up your sex fe with an exclusive excerpt from the Men's Health ‘end Women’s Heotth Big Bok af Sex (Heat the Sheets? p36) What are you waiting for? Get started! LOSE YOUR GUT FOR GOOD! cospreR ‘The Six-Pack Fast Track ‘The Lean Belly Prescription chuprens ‘The World's Most Efficient Workout. onus WEIGHT-LOSS NEWS. BUILD THE BODY YOU WANT! cuaprees How Fit Are You? cnserees The Six-Pack Challenge Hard Muscle the Easy Way caaereR? Forge an Iron Chest Build a Broader Back cmerers ‘Supersize Your Biceps. ‘Add Meat to Your Legs. FITNESS NEWS. 16 28 34 36 50, 62 72. 78 82. 88 4 FUEL YOUR BODY THE RIGHT WAY! ouapreR The Best of Belly Off. 8 Quick & Healthy Power Meals ‘aprER 12 ‘Savour the Season uapren ie ‘The Power of Pasta. NUTRITION NEWS. MAKE YOUR SUMMER SIZZLE! cuapren is Heat the Sheets 96 HO 120 124 134 136 IMI¥Fi The Six- Fast Track BY LOU SCHULER Ihad abs before they were cool. had no dest how ky T a ‘or why my dating prospects impnved so dramatically asthe ‘weather warmed up, All Tknew was that Twas skinny and I wanted tobe bigger: My wish eame true soon enough; with a desk job and a workout programme that consisted almost entirely fling heavy things, the weight was easy to put on. My abs disappeared, ut Ienjayed the modest strength gains more than I missed the ripped enntous ting easier bat lifting nearly impossible: my body dng itself vo hunch over a keyboard So returned to my core. Instead of few random sots of mi body beginning or end of my workout, coe training ‘became the eentrepicee of my programme “Meanwhile, strength and conditioning specialist Alwyn Cosgrove, ‘was searching for solutions to the same dilemma as he designed his ‘workouts. Cosgrove notice that elients were coming to hie in far ‘worse shape than demographically identical clients ‘were just few years before, Their posture was dis Aorted, thanks to years of working ever longer hours with everssmaller technology. Bven the eients who ‘were “fit often displayed unbalanced fimess: the strong ones lackod endurance, the anes with good endurance lacked strength and most of them strug fled with injuries related to training for one goal at the expense ofall others. "The solution, Cosgrove discovered, was to spend less timo in the weight room and ‘more time on mobility, conditioning and core training. Bspocally cove training. You'd think that less time ‘ith the ion would meso a softer body and weaker muscles. But that's ‘ot what happened ~ not tome, und ‘ot to Cosgrove’ clients, The foous ‘on eore training not only helped me injuries, ut also leftme leaner and much more ath letie than Pa fet in a tong time. Twas the combination of Cosgrove’s ‘new training approach, and my sue- sss with it, that Ted us to write oar book, The New Rules of Lifting for ‘Abs (R276, Read on to lear the bady-changing benefits {youll achieve using our eore-