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three traditional usability metrics (ISO 9241) - Efficiency, Effectiveness, and basic subjective


Emotion Affects – This is the most important and underlying factor of all !
Usability” refers to the ease of access and/or use of a product or website. A usable interface
has three main outcomes:

1.It should be easy for the user to become familiar with and competent in using the user
interface on the first contact with the website.

a. If we take a travel agent’s website that a designer has made well, the user should
be able to move through the sequence of actions to book a ticket quickly.

2.It should be easy for users to achieve their objective through using the website.

If a user has the goal of booking a flight, a  good design  will guide him/her through the
easiest process to purchase that ticket.

3.It should be easy to recall the user interface and how to use it on subsequent visits.

So, a good design on the travel agent’s site means the user should learn from the first
time and book a second ticket just as easily.

User Centric Design

Main focus of UCD - The suitability of solution for real user

The needs of user and the context of use should be kept in mind while solving a certain problem


Specify User


Empathy Design- Make a design keeping yourself in their place.

Benefits/ ROI of UX design

1. Products that meet the user's needs - If your users are involved in the design process
then your final product should meet their needs. That should deliver a more commercially
viable offering and thus higher levels of profit for the company.
2. Products that require less tinkering after release - It's cheaper and easier to tweak
sketches, wireframes and prototypes than it is to tweak a product after launch. UX enables a
company to work out what doesn't work and then abandon it before the development phase
rather than after.
3. Products which are less risky to the business's reputation - UX is a quality measure.
When you release products that users love to use and that meet their needs; your business
reputation will grow. Conversely if you don't get things right - your reputation will fall.
4. Products which are relatively immune to scope creep - If you define the user's needs
and then design with them in mind; there should be a whole lot less scope creep and that
makes it easier to budget for a project and to define a delivery timetable.
5. Products which are competitive - the research phase of UX means that you should know
what competitors are doing and how your product will be "better". Design in this manner is
based on the evidence and not on the "gut instincts" of the development team.

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