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Western Mindanao State University

Zamboanga City

Assignment 1
Metacognitive Reading Report

Name: Christian T. Calulut

Course/section: BS CRIM 1 DELTA

Instructions: Read Lewis Wolpert’s the Medawar Lecture 1998. Is science Dangerous?
( Then, complete the meta cognitive
reading report below:

1. Difficult Concepts
a. Eugenics
b. Reproduction: Cloning, Genes and Stem Cells
c. The conflation of science and technology

2. Learning Insights

a. Before reading the article, I thought that the technology and science where the same. I
also thought that science and technology is a partner in everyday life. I thought that
Science have contribution to the technology. However, after reading the article, I
learned that Science tells us how the world is. I learned that dangers and ethical issues
only arise when science is applied in technology.

b. Before reading the article, I thought that cloning is a healthy benefit of Science that can
help humans in their everyday life. However after reading the article, I learned that even
science sometimes cannot help us. Because cloning have a lot of negative effect. It can
give abnormalities when they clone something. It is like disrespecting God, because
scientists are creating a life that is already created by God itself.

c. Before reading the article, I thought that politics and science was companion when it
comes to Health benefits or something that talks about health issues. However after
reading the article, I learned that even politics use science in a different way or should I
say in a bad way. Politics are abusing science and the capability of how it works.

3. Discussion Questions
a. Are scientists in favor of the technological applications of science?
b. Are politics worthy to deal with science stuff?
c. How would scientists cope up if there is a failure while doing their work?

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