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Student Week 2 Notes

DD M: ​Just like last week, this activity was not difficult for DD. He was able to repeat
all of the words without any errors. Also, this week DD was able to explain his
thinking when asked if a word included a short or long vowel. He stated that the
ones with a long vowel usually say their name. For example, the word “pine” has a
long vowel because the letter “I” says its name.

Tu:​ Last week, the Tap-Switch-Tap cards were a challenge for DD. This was also
true for today. DD was not able to tap out the sounds for words such as, pin, fin,
tag, and rag. With some prompting, this student could explain their thinking when
asked what letter sound was switched when they switched from the first picture to
the second picture. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly
pronounced 13.

W:​ DD had trouble creating the word “tube” when shifting from the word “cube”.
The teacher needed to remind DD that an E at the end makes a vowel say its
name. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 16.

Th: ​DD is becoming more independent with explaining his thinking when asked
what letter sound was switched during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity. Also, he is
becoming stronger with his word recognition. Out of the 30 words reviewed today,
the student correctly pronounced 18. This is a large improvement from earlier this

F: ​Had trouble creating the word “cane” from the word “can” when given letters to
build these words. Shifting from one word to another is challenging for DD, this
could be because he struggles with breaking up the word sounds into parts. Out of
the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 17.

LJ M: ​LJ could not pronounce the words “dome”, “hope” and other long “O” words. LJ
could not explain her thinking when asked if a word included a short or long vowel.
Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly repeated 17. Just like
last week, most of the errors were with long vowel words. She needs explicit
reminders that an E has at the end of the word changes the vowel pronunciation.

Tu: ​LJ was not able to tap out the sounds for words such as, pin, fin, tag, and rag.
LJ was able to explain her thinking when asked what letter sound was switched
during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity with some prompting. The teacher provided
support by explaining which letter sounds changed. Out of the 30 words reviewed
today, the student correctly pronounced 12.

W:​ LJ had trouble creating the word “tube” when shifting from the word “cube”. LJ
still has trouble recognizing how adding an E at the end of a word can change the
vowel sound from a short sound to a long sound. Out of the 30 words reviewed
today, the student correctly pronounced 11. LJ did not make any improvement on
this activity from last week’s sessions.

Th: ​LJ had trouble with the words: six, mix, dad, and mad. With some teacher
support, LJ was able to explain her thinking when asked what letter sound was
switched during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity. Out of the 30 words reviewed today,
the student correctly pronounced 13. The Tap-Switch-Tap cards remain a
challenge for LJ.

F: ​LJ had trouble creating the word “Time” from the name “Tim” when given letters
to build words. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly
pronounced 12. This is a minor improvement from earlier this week.

JM M: ​JM was able to repeat all of the words without any errors. Also, this week JM
was able to explain his thinking when asked if a word included a short or long
vowel. He explained that the words with a long vowel usually have an E at the end.
Just like last week, repeating the words was not challenging for JM.

Tu: ​JM was not able to tap out the sounds for words such as, pin, fin, tag, and rag.
The Tap-Switch-Tap Cards activity is still challenging for JM, compared to the
other activity choices. JM was able to explain his thinking when asked what letter
sound was switched during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity. Out of the 30 words
reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 16.

W:​ JM was easily able to create the word “tube” when shifting from the word
“cube”. JM could identify that these words rhymed. This shows that he is able to
recognize the sound patterns. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student
correctly pronounced 22.

Th: ​JM was able to explain his thinking when asked what letter sound was
switched during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity. Out of the 30 words reviewed today,
the student correctly pronounced 21. JM still needed support with a few words
such as, stick and smell. This could be because these were challenge words that
also included consonant blends.

F: ​JM was easily able to create the word “cane” from the word “can” when given
letters to build these words. He knew that adding an E would make the vowel say
its name. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced

AR M: ​Just like last week, this activity was not difficult for AR. He was able to repeat all
of the words without any errors. AR was able to explain his thinking when asked if
a word included a short or long vowel. He stated that the ones with a long vowel
usually say their name.

Tu: ​AR did well with this activity. AR explained his thinking when asked what letter
sound was switched when they switched from the first picture of a pin to the
second picture of a fin. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, AR correctly
pronounced 26.

W:​ AR was able to understand the pattern that occurs when adding an E on the
end and how it changes the vowel’s sound. He knew in order to change a word
from a short vowel to a long vowel you can add an E to the end. Out of the 30
words reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 25.
Th: ​AR was able to explain his thinking when asked what letter sound was
switched during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity. His way of thinking words well with
this activity. He likes the picture clues. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the
student correctly pronounced 27.

F: ​AR was easily able to create the word “cane” from the word “can” when given
letters to build these words. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student
correctly pronounced 26. AR Made an observation that “time” and “lime” are
rhyming words.

MS M: ​MS could not pronounce the words “dome”, “hope”, “bet” and “bit”. She needs
explicit reminders that an E has at the end of the word changes the vowel
pronunciation. MS could not explain her thinking when asked if a word included a
short or long vowel. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, she correctly repeated

Tu: ​The Tap-Switch-Tap cards are still a challenge for MS. She was not able to tap
out the sounds for words such as, pin, fin, tag, and rag. MS could not explain her
thinking when asked what letter sound was switched when they switched from the
first picture to the second picture. The teacher provided support by explaining
which letter sounds changed. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student
correctly pronounced 11. MS is inconsistent about using strategies to determine
how to pronounce an unknown word. Sometimes she successfully uses strategies
independently and other times she needs significant reminders.

W:​ MS has trouble recognizing how adding an E at the end of a word can change
the vowel sound from a short sound to a long sound. The teacher needed to
explain that an E at the end makes a vowel say its name. Out of the 30 words
reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 10. Many of the errors were
made when shifting back and forth between short and long sounds.

Th: ​MS was not able to tap out the sounds accurately for the following words: six,
mix, dad, and mad. MS still has difficulty being able to explain her thinking when
asked what letter sound was switched during the Tap-Switch-Tap activity. Out of
the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 12.

F: ​MS could not create the word “cane” from the word “can” when given letters to
build these words. She also had trouble creating the word “Time” from the name
“Tim”. Out of the 30 words reviewed today, the student correctly pronounced 12.
MS still makes guesses with unfamiliar words instead of using strategies ot sound
words out.

Weekly Check-In:​ Based on the data collected this week, the intervention is resulting in positive
growth among all of the participants. Some are improving at a faster rate than others. JM and
AR made the observation this week that they heard rhyming words in some of the activities we
did together. This shows that they are hearing the different vowel sounds the words are making
and are able to understand and identify sound patterns. This week, DD became more
independent in his ability to explain his thinking. He still needs support with changing words
from a short vowel sound to a long vowel sound by adding an E. LJ and MS also need support
with this skill and are not able to explain the patterns they are noticing with short and long vowel
sounds. LJ and MS are becoming stronger with their repeated pronunciations and their ability to
sound out words, but need more teacher support than the other students. This week, all
students are showing that they are more familiar with the routines of the interventions. This
allows for more time to do focused work and less time explaining the activities.

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