2 Verbs

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CHAPTER 2 VERBS > Averbis a wotd or group of words expressing an action, a condition, or a state of being. HM Categories of Verbs 1.1. Action verbs describe physical or mental action. a. Atransitive verb is a verb having a direct object. Example: Augie bought an oboe. (direct object of the verb bought) b, An intransitive verb is a verb having no object Example: I moved to the City last May. Note: ) ld When passtve-voice verbs are changed to their active form, they are always transitive. Passive ‘The World Cup is won by our team. | ‘Active ur team wins the World Cup. | Gdirect object) 1.2. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence to its complements: a predicate noun, a predicate pronoun, or a predicate adjective. They do not express action. List of Linking Verbs a. various forms of be (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been) Example: She is the lead actress in the play. (The verb is links the subject she with the predicate noun actress.) b. verbs related to the senses (appear, feel, look, smell, sound, taste) Example: _Paullo felt tired today. (The verb felt links the subject Paulo with the adjective tired) c. verbs expressing condition or placement of the subject (become, grow, remain, seem, stay) Example: The family remained calm after hearing the news about the . accident. (The verb remained links the subject family with the ‘adjective calm) SL note: «. Some verbs can function as either linking oF action verbs depending on how they are used. Examples: ‘The drainage smells foul. (linking verb) We smell the fragrance of the biooming lowers. (action verb) b. Since linking verbs do not have objects, they may be considered intransitive. 1.3, Auxiliary verbs help the main verb in a verb phrase. A verb phrase is a combination ofa main verb and one or more auxiliary verbs. Common Auxiliary Verbs forms of have (has, have, had) forms of do (does, do, did) pose Auxiliary + Main Verb is singing + did love being sold might have come would have gone will have been working Wi Principal Parts of Verbs forms of be (be, being, been, am, is, are, was, were) other forms (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must) Verb Phrase is singing did love being sold might have come would have gone will have been working > There are four principal parts of the verb: the present, the present participle, the past, and the past participle. (The list below shows the present participle and past participle forms with auxiliary or helping verbs in parentheses.) > Averb is also classified as regular or irregular. 24. Regular Verbs > To form the past and past participle of a regular verb, add -d or ~ed to the present and to form the present participle, add -ing to the present. However, some regular verbs change in spelling before adding -ing or -ed. > Following is a list of some regular verbs in their different parts. Present Present Participle | Past Past Participle carry (is) carrying cartied (has) carried cruise (is) cruising cruised (has) cruised dance | (i) dancing ‘danced (has) danced arop (is) dropping dropped (has) dropped evolve | is) evolving evolved (has) evolved jump (is) jumping jumped (has) jumped picnic (is) picnicking picnicked (has) pienicked seream (5) screaming screamed (has) sereamed work (is) working worked (has) worked 2.2. Irregular Verbs . > Irregular verbs have different ways of forming their principal parts. Here, they are grouped into five, a. Group 1: The present, past, and past participle have the same form. y | Present Present Pasticiple | Past Past Participle burst (S) bursting burst (has) burst cost (iS) costing cost (has) cost cut ~ | (is) cutting cut (has) cut jhit (is) hitting hit (has) hit y= (s)hurting hurt | (has) hurt b. Group 2: The past and past participle of the verb have the same spelling except for the verb get which has two past participles, got and gotten, Present “~T[PresentParticiple | Past Past Partieiple bring (is) bringing brought (has) brought catch, (is) catching ‘caught (has) caught ‘seek (is) seeking sought (has) sought” shine (is) shining shone (has) shone | wind (is) winding ‘wound 1 (has) wound © Group 3: The past participle is formed by adding -n or ~en to the past form except for bear, bite, and fhear. Present Present Participle | Past_ - Past Participle ‘bear (is) bearing bore (has) borne break (is) breaking broke (has) broken choose (is) choosing chose (has) chosen shear "| (i) shearing ‘sheared (has) shorn speak (is) speaking “spoke (has) spoken wear (is) wearing ‘wore (has) worn 4 Group 4: The vowel f in the present changes to a in the past and u in the past Participle. For the verb spring, which has two past forms, sprang is preferred. Ting "| (is) ringing Tang (has) rung | Shrink (is) shrinking | shrank | (has) shrunk: sing (is) singing ‘sang (has) sung spring (is) springing sprangorsprng (hes) sprung 7 . Group 5: These verbs form their past participle from the present form. Present Present Participle | Past Participle give . (is) giving (has) given oo (is) going ‘went (has) gone run (is) running Tan ~) (has) ran shake (is) shaking ‘shook (has) shaken slay (85) slaying slew (has) slain eS Note: : ‘ 1. Tite present participle and past partictple must always be used with auxiliary ver | Examples: are watching will have known Fon ms est cavers er or eg, &s formed by adding -ing to the present i tenses of Verbs > A verb takes different forms to show when an action occurs. These forms are called tenses. The table in the next pages shows the six basic tenses (the three simple tenses and the three perfect tenses) and the special forms of a verb: the six progressive forms and two emphatic forms. Problems in using the tenses are also included. Se Note: in the formation of the passive voice, only two progressive forms are included. [Tense FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE Simple | Active «| Expresses t | -3%person singular, | a)present action or Presem Pei eu ee Dad leaves Gangster, a German ent form -s/- | con: Pres s/- | condition shepherd, to guard the house. (active) es eg She sings. b)regularly occurring action regularly % LSC opens at seven-thirty each -other cor condition morning singular/plural forms, use Jconstant action or Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. unchanged present | condition form eg They sing. + d)introduction toa eoThey in 4 ‘The Bible teaches: ‘Love your neighbor quotation as you love yourself Passive -amjis,are past | e}vivid description ofa past Gen. MacArthur leaves the Philippines participle historical action ora piece of and says, “I shall return.” eg Itissung. literature asifhappening now ‘future time when sentence contains adverb or phrase indicating the future ‘The concert starts in ten minutes. slaction or condition as in We hear that the old man is dead. present perfect tense Expresses Simple Past | Active The president arrived at the airport a}action or condition that yesterday. happened at a definite time -regular verbs inthe past In 1986, Haley’s comet was spotted crossing the Earth's orbit. +-d/-ed eg walk ‘TENSE FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE -irregular verbs, use past form egdrank Passive -was, were + past participle eg. was played bjaction or condition that began and ended in the past c)polite speech ‘The men hiked and climbed the ‘mountain all day. Could you wait fora minute? Did you wish to speakto the manager? Simple ‘Active Future -shall/will + simple Bert will join the campers in the : present summer. ee. expresses an action or | shall see. They will The campers will be joined by Bart in condition that will take place Bo. the summer. sometime after this moment Passive From now on, Ronald may think twice -shall be/will be + before smoking. (phrase with future past participle time) eg. will be joined Present | Active Expresses Perfect -has/have + past | a)anactionor condition _| The invention of the computer has made participle completed at an indefinite | the world a smaller place. eg. has gone time in the past Passive bjaction or condition that | Ihave been in Austria for seven years. -has been/have been + past participle eg has been made started in the pastand continues to the present time ‘action or condition ina sentence containing the “since” clause or phrase Philippine Airlines has served the country since the 1940's. ‘TENSE FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE Past Perfect | Active -had + past participle | a)expresses past action _| The traders had supported the eg. She had danced. that took place before revolution until they learned of its another past action ‘excesses. Passive had been + past ‘b) For sentences expressing | The revolution had been supported by participle two past actions, use the the traders until they learned of its eg. Themambohad | past perfect tense forthe | excesses. been danced action that happened frst and the simple past for the other action. cJFor sentences with two | In 1986,some people said they had seen ppast actions expressed with | the Marcos family fleeing the palace. the “if clause, use the past perfect when action in the “if' clause occurred before | the other, d)used in reported or | ‘The Philippines might be very different ‘indirect speech | today if Japan had won World War Il. Future: Active Perfect, -shall have/will have Bill Condon will have led the school as + past participle principal for eight years when his term eg shall have seen | expresses expires next year. __ | fature action that will take Passive place before another future | -shall have been/will | acti shall haps boxe ” ‘The school will have been led by Bill h + past ave been + Pa Condon as principal for eight years participle . when his term expires next year eg. shall have been seen ‘TENSE FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE Present | Active Progressive | -am/are/is + present | "*PT®S9*s ‘The residents are planting mahogany participle a)ongoing action that is seedlings along the streets ofthe eg is raining taking place now subdivision. Passive i b)future time when sentence | The flight from Talwan is arriving in an -am being/are h ta beingyis being « pase | Comainsadverb or phrase | Hour: a indicating the future participle eg.are being planted j Past Active" Progressive | -was/were + present In the late 1800's, pirates were plaguing participle traders in the Mediterranean. eg. was learning Expresses an ongoing action ata certain time in the past Passive -was being/were In the late 1800's. traders were being being + past plagued by pirates in the Mediterranean, participle eg. was being done Future Active Expresses ongoing action People will be speculating on what will Progressive | -will/shall +present | that will take place in the happen by 2022, participle future eg. will be watching Present Active Perfect -has been/have been | Expresses an ongoing action | The veracity of the reported Progressive | +present participle | that began in the pastand is. occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle eg. has been singing continuing in the present has been puzzling scientists for years. TENSE FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE The survivors ofthe plane crash had PastPerfect | Active «| Expresses an ongoing action Plane cra been fighting for their lives when they Progressive | -had been + present | that is interrupted by . ‘were spotted by the rescue team down participle another past action the slopes ofthe meuntaiy. es! 7 eg had been dancing jopes of the mountain. Future Active Perfect -will have been/shall_| Expresses an ongoing future By the time your great-grandchildren Progressive | have been + present | action that will have taken are adults, people will have been participle place by a designated future inhabiting other planets for many years. eg.willhave been | time studying | Special Forms of a Verb TENSE | FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE Present | -does/do+simple | Lends force and The ozone layer does seem tobe Emphatic | present emphasis to verbs disintegrating, Past -did + simple present | Lends force and Many did suffer mortal injuries from land Emphatic emphasis to verbs mines. Problems in Using Tenses TENSE | FORMATION USE SENTENCE STRUCTURE Using | -having + past Inaparticipial phrase, | Incorrect: Excavating the lost city near the Having | participle use having with the past | Aegean Sea, scholars believed the existence witha | eg-having excavated | participle to show that _| of the legendary site of Troy. Past one action was Participle completed before Correct: Having excavated the lost city near another action took the Aegean Sea, scholars believed the place existence of the legendary site of Troy. Using | -to+ simple present | Expresses an action that | Incorrect: The leaders of the Arab countries | present | eg. togive happens after another | had hoped to have signed the peace treaty infinitive action ‘ending the war. Correct: The leaders of the Arab countries hhad hoped to sign the peace treaty ending the war. Using | -tohave + past Expresses an action that | Louis felt ashamed to have banished his, Perfect | participle happens before another | twin brother, Philippe, in order to become Infinitive | eg tohavegiven | action king. Note: Improper Shifts in Tense and Form The same tense must be used to express two or more actions that occur at the same time. 1. A shift.in tense within a sentence or between consecutive sentences must be.avoided. Incorrect Lea Salonga played the leading role in Miss Saigon, and critics applaud her performance. Correct Lea Salonga played the leading role in Miss Saigon, and critics applauded her performance. 2. A shift in tense may be necessary to show a lagical sequence of actions or the relationship of one action to another. This fs considered correct. | Examples: The Beatles had performed in small German clubs before they conquered the international scene. By the time our team wins the World Cup, the Ice Age will have returned. Hl Voices of Verbs > The voice of verbs indicates whether its subject is the performer or the receiver of the action the verb expresses. 4.1, The active voice shows that the subject is the doer or performer of the action. Itis preferred in writing because it is more forceful and direct than the passive voice. Example: The citizens of France gave the Statue of Liberty to the Americans. (doer) (action) 4.2, The passive voice shows that the subject is the receiver of the action, It is used in the following: a. “to express an action when the doer of the action is unknown. Example: fThe residents ofthe village had been warned of the possible | (receiver) (action) eruption of the volcano near their place. b. to describe an ongoing experience. Example: The PBA basketball games are being played at the Araneta (receiver) (action) Coliseum. ©. to avoid giving a direct order or to state a rule. Example: The Child Labor Law has been approved to protect the rights (receiver) (action) of children. d._ to express action when the doer is not important. Example: In a science experiment, the chemical is mixed with the water; (receiver) (action) then, the mixture is heated, (receiver) (action) El Moods of Verbs > Mood identifies the manner in which a verb expresses an idea. ‘The Three Moods of Verbs 5.1.The indicative mood states a fact or asks a question. Examples: Amelia Earhart, a famous aviator, has the distinction of being the first woman to complete a solo flight across the Atlantic. Did Euclid develop a kind of geometry? 5.2. The subjunctive mood is used to express: a. awish ora condition that is contrary to fact. Examples: I wish J were the President. (expresses a wish) , If 1 were a billionaire, 1 would help the needy. (expresses a ! condition contrary to fact) b. acommand or request after the word that. Examples: I would order that the street children be given decent dwellings. (expresses a command after the word that) 5.3, The imperative mood gives a command or makes a request. Verbs in this mood are always in the present tense and second person. Examples: Get ready for what the new millennium will bring. (expresses a command) Please conserve the resources of our planet. (expresses a request) ee Note: The indicative and subjunctive moods have the same forms, except for the following: | 1. Inthe third-person singular, the -s is omitted from verbs. | Indicative Minela holds a press conference frequently. ‘Subjunctive The media men asked that Minela hold a press conference next month. | | | 2. The form of the verb to be is always be in the present subjunctive mood. Example: Minela suggested that the press conference be at Café Adriatico. 3. The form of the verb to be is always were in the past subjunctive mood. Example: Ifher schedule were not that hectic, Minela would hold a press conference every week EB Commonly Confused Verbs > These commonly confused verbs are presented in their four principal parts, together with their meanings and uses in a sentence. 6.1 BRING AND TAKE . Present Present Participle Past Past Participle bring (is) bringing brought (has) brought take (is) taking took (has) taken .Bring is a transitive verb meaning “move toward.” Example: + The studeyts brought all the materials needed for the project. b.Take is a transitive verb meaning “move away.” Example * The winner takes a brand new Ford Expedition as his prize. 6.2 HANG Present Present Participle Past Past Participle hang (is) hanging hung (has) hung hang (is) hanging hanged (has) hanged a.Hang is a transitive verb that means "attach to something above.” Example: ‘+ Alicia hung the painting on the wall right above the piano. b.Hang is another transitive verb that means “be put to death.” Example: © The criminal was hanged last Friday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 6.3 LEARN AND TEACH Present Present Participle Past Past Participle learn (is) learning learned (has) learned teach (is) teaching taught (has) taught a.The transitive verb learn means "to gain knowledge or skill.” Example: We learn good values in school. b.The transitive verb teach means “to help someone learn.” Example: ‘+ Mother taught us to pray before going to bed. 6.4 LET AND LEAVE Present Present Participle Past Past Participle let (is) letting let (has) let leave (is) leaving left (has) left aletisa transitive verb meaning “to allow or to permit.” Example: - ‘+ The land lady will let me stay until the end of the month. b.Leave is a transitive verb meaning “to go away from” or “to allow something to remait Examples: * Don’t leave me behind. * Don’t Feave the dried clothes out in the rain. 6.5 LIE, LAY, AND LIE Present Present Participle Past Past Participle lie Gis) lying lay (has) lain lay (is) laying laid (has) laid lie (is) lying lied (has) lied a.The intransitive verb lie means “to rest in a flat position.” Example: Off the northeast coast of Queensland, Australia lies the Great Barrier Reef. ‘The sunken ship Titanic had lain on the floor of the Atlantic untouched until 1986. b.The transitive verb Jay means “to place." It usually has a direct object except when it is in the passive voice. Active The Senator lays a wreath on the monument of Andres Bonifacio. Passive Awreath is laid on the monument of Andres Bonifacio. Note: Sometimes, lay is intransitive. Example: The quails are laying well this year. ¢. The intransitive verb lie means “to tell an untruth.” Example: My little brother lied to me about the missing chocolates. 6.6 RISE AND RAISE Present Present Participle Past Past Participle rise | (is) rising rose (has) risen raise (is) raising raised (has) raised a Rise is an intransitive verb meaning “to go upward.” Examples: If millchas not been homogenized, cream rises to the top of its container. After the glaciers of the ice Age melted, the water level of the oceans had risen, b.Raise isa transitive verb meaning "to lift” or “to make something go up.” Example: The national fig infront ofthe Malacfiang Palace is raised ceremoniously each day. 6.7 SIT AND SET . Present Present Participle Past Past Participle sit (is) sitting sat (has) sat set (is) setting set (has) set a. Sit is an intransitive verb meaning “to occupy a seat” Example: During her coronation, Queen Elizabeth II sat on the Stone of Scone, b.Set is a transitive verb meaning “to place.” Example: Many science fiction writers have set the action of their stories in outer space,

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