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107-2 Introduction to Museology

Date Week Course Content Remarks

Introduction to Museum and course(short visit to NUCK

Feb/18 1
Museum)/ Mei-Fang Kuo

The definition of “museum” and International professional

Feb/25 2
organization /Jeng Horng Chen, (Mei-Fang Kuo)
History and transformation/development of museum (terminology,
Mar/04 3
types of museum, function and object)/ Mei-Fang Kuo
Museology and theoretical frames/ Ondřej Dostál, (Mei-Fang
Mar/11 4

Mar/18 5 Visit Museum: “Chimei Museum”/ Mei-Fang Kuo

The institutionalization and management of museums/ Ondřej

Mar/25 6
Dostál, (Mei-Fang Kuo)

Apr/01 7 Day off (Holiday for University Celebration )

The scientific, technological, and social aspects of museums/ Heng

Apr/08 8
An Chen (Mei-Fang Kuo)
Museum are so much fun! A perspective on Marketing/ Shin-Chien
Apr/15 9
Tzeng (Mei-Fang Kuo)
Visit Museum: National Museum of Natural Science / Mei-Fang
Apr/22 10
Collection History and Environmental factor/ Juan-Juan Lin,
Apr/29 11
(Mei-Fang Kuo)

May/06 12 Conservation Technology and Material Science/ Guan-Rong Fang

May/13 13 Museum and public engagement/ Chia-Hsin Chen,

Exhibition –Theory, Technology, Creativity and Practical

May/20 14
Suggestions/ Ondřej Dostál, (Mei-Fang Kuo)
Museum Standards and Evaluations/ University Museums as a
May/27 15
specific University Tool./ Ondřej Dostál, (Mei-Fang Kuo)
Oral Presentation-1/ Ondřej Dostál, Jeng Horng Chen, Heng An 15 minutes /per
Jun/02 16 Chen, Guan-Rong Fang, Chia-Hsin Chen, Mei-Fang Kuo / team
Presentation time: 15 minutes /per team
Oral Presentation-2/ Jeng Horng Chen, Heng An Chen, Guan- 15 minutes /per
Jun/10 17 team
Rong Fang, Chia-Hsin Chen, Ondřej Dostál, Mei-Fang Kuo
Submit term report
Jun/17 18 Term Report(word format)/Upload to Moodle platform (in word format)
Semester Grading:
1. Attendance (individual) (20%)
2. Quizzes or Feedback Reports (Oct.29 and Nov. 12) (10%)
3. Visiting report: Chi-Mei museum (Mar/18) and National Museum of Natural Science
( Apr/22) (20%)
4. Mid-term Report (Oral presentation’s theme & content) (10%)
5. Oral Presentation (20%)
6. Term Paper/ final report: Please change the oral presentation into "word" format with
photos, graphic, and description in detail +reference. (total words: no less than 2,500).
Formation of Term paper (Cheng Oral presentation formation: from
PPT to world):
1. "Word" Format ("not" Power Point--ppt Format)
2. Must cite the source of figures/pictures/graphs/photographs
3. Must include a Reference list for books/websites/articles and interviewees
4. No less than 2,500 words
5. word "format":
6. Title: 16 points (Recommended)
7. Subtitle: 14 points (Recommended)
8. Content: 12 points
9. Line spacing: Single

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