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“The Moose and the Sparrow”​ ​by Hugh Garner

Part A: Elements of a Short Story: P.A.C.T.S

1. A) ​TOPIC/THEME:​ After reading the short story “​The Moose and the Sparrow,​ what are TOPICS
discussed in this piece?

B). Choose ONE topic and create a thematic statement (consisting of 1-2 sentences).

2. ​Character​: Who is the Protagonist? _________________________________________

Who is the Antagonist? __________________________________________

Part B: Literary Devices

1. The​ Narrator ​in this story is _____________________________, which is in _______ person.
The point of view is written in OMNISCIENT ______________. I know this because

2. A)​ Conflict:​ ​The ​type​ of conflict in​ “The Moose and the Sparrow” ​is_________________________,

B) The​ kind​ of conflict in ​“The Moose and the Sparrow”​ is ________________________________

What is evidence supports your answer?

​ ymbolism:​ List TWO symbols the appear in the short story “​The Moose and the Sparrow​”, and explain
3. S
what each symbol represents.
#1 ________________________:
#2 ________________________:

4. ​ Irony​: ​Identify an example of ​SITUATIONAL IRONY​ in “​The Moose and the Sparrow​”?

5. ​Extended Metaphor: ​Choose the character Cecil ​OR​ Madden, and write an extended metaphor by
comparing the character to their nickname (Sparrow / Moose). Consider the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL
qualities of the character to compare. Research a the animal first. For example: ​Although generally 
slow-moving and sedentary, moose can become aggressive and move quickly if angered or startled. 

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