2017 The Calculation of The Reactivity by The Telegraph Equation

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Annals of Nuclear Energy 110 (2017) 31–35

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The calculation of the reactivity by the telegraph equation

Daniel A.P. Palma a,⇑, Aquilino Senra Martinez b, Fernando Carvalho da Silva b
Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Programa de Engenharia Nuclear. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Reactivity is one of the most important quantities of a nuclear reactor because it is directly related to
Received 13 January 2017 reactor core control. In a recent paper, Altahhan et al. (2016) derived a telegraph model of the point reac-
Received in revised form 6 June 2017 tor kinetics equations considering variable separation and mono-energetic neutron approximation. In
Accepted 9 June 2017
this paper the inverse point kinetics equation based on the telegraph model was obtained. The power his-
tory was calculated by the partial derivatives method as proposed by Diaz et al. In order to assess reac-
tivity accuracy considering the approximations involved in this model, simulations were performed for
different exponential power and relaxation time. The results for reactivity as obtained from the proposed
inverse point reactor equation show that it has significant differences in a comparison with conventional
formalism, being more pronounced as the relaxation time increases.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sient situations that may occur in a nuclear reactor, and their
obtaining takes place from a sequence of approximations, done
During the operation of a nuclear power plant it is necessary to from the neutron transport equation. Their obtaining can be
monitor neutron behaviour in the reactor core (Aboanber and accomplished directly from the neutron transport equation, for
Mhlawy, 2009). The time-dependent behaviour of the neutrons in the neutron diffusion equation, or through a heuristic procedure,
response to any change in the material composition is important according to Stacey (2007) and Henry (1975).
for the safe operation of the reactor. Transient changes can take The reactivity can be predicted through the inverse point reac-
place during reactor start-up (Zhang et al., 2008) or shutdown or tor kinetics model. This model results from the separation of the
as a result of accidental disturbances in the operation of the reac- spatial dependence by assuming a time-independent spatial flux
tor. They may result in the departure of the reactor from the critical shape separated from a time-dependent amplitude function.
condition. Therefore, it is very important to predict the time- In practice, the use of point kinetics equations takes place in the
dependent behaviour of the neutron population as induced by so-called inverse kinetics where the reactivity is obtained from the
changes in the neutron multiplication (Chen et al., 2015), (Nahla nuclear power history (Duderstadt and Hamilton, 1976). There are
and Zayed, 2010) and (Li et al., 2009). only a few problems for which it is possible to obtain an exact ana-
Reactivity is one of the most important quantities of a nuclear lytical solution for neutron density, given a specific reactivity.
reactor that represents the deviation from the condition of critical- Indeed, it is frequently more appropriate to invert the problem
ity, and in the design of a nuclear power plant this information by calculating the reactivity that will determine the past behaviour
may be used for a deeper investigation of the plant design bases for the neutron density expressed from a direct relation with the
that are related to reactor operation. Control systems and opera- nuclear power. This procedure, according to Henry (1975), is more
tional procedures are used to limit the rate of reactivity variation. aligned with the nuclear reactor control methodology.
Transient events as seen in a nuclear reactor can be predicted Many papers have been published with methods to determine
only through the modification of the neutron flux and, as a result, the reactivity using the inverse point kinetics equation. Recently,
it is possible to make a sufficiently precise forecast on the conse- Palma et al. (2016) derived such an equation from the neutron
quences of the transients. It is enough to relate the magnitude of transport equation considering the time variation of the neutron
the neutron flux, which varies in time, to the neutron population density current in the P1-approximation. The kinetics parameters
in the core of a nuclear reactor (Henry, 1975). Point kinetics equa- were consistently defined for a multi-group energy structure. In
tions relate these parameters and thus allow a study of the tran- another paper Altahhan et al. (2016) derived a telegraph model
of the point reactor kinetics considering a variable separation
⇑ Corresponding author.
and mono-energetic neutrons approximation. The last is a very
E-mail address: dpalmaster@gmail.com (D.A.P. Palma).

0306-4549/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
32 D.A.P. Palma et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 110 (2017) 31–35

crude approximation that leads to very simple kinetics parameters It is easy to see that when s0 ! 0 and with no external neutrons
definitions, with poor accuracy. source inside the reactor, Eq. (1) reproduces the conventional point
The goal of this paper consists of obtaining the inverse point kinetics equations well established in the literature (Duderstadt
kinetics equation based on the telegraph model as proposed by and Hamilton, 1976):
Altahhan et al. (2016) in order to evaluate the reactivity accuracy
considering the approximations involved in this method. dnðtÞ qb m
¼ nðtÞ þ ki C i ðtÞ: ð6Þ
dt K i¼1
2. Telegraph point reactor kinetics equations
In the next section an expression for reactivity from the inverse
The set of equations based on the telegraph model of point reac- TPRK will be obtained.
tor kinetics (TPRK) as proposed by Altahhan et al. (2016) for a finite
reactor can be written thus:
3. Calculation of reactivity from inverse kinetics
sð1  qÞ  s0 ð1  bÞ
s0 n ðtÞ þ
þ 1 nð1Þ ðtÞ In this section an expression for reactivity, based on the tele-
  X X graph inverse point kinetic equations, Eqs. (1) and (2), will be pre-
qb m m
ki C i ðtÞ þ s0 ki C i ðtÞ þ qðtÞ
¼ nðtÞ þ sented. Before, we will obtain the inverse kinetic equation derived
K i¼1 i¼1 from the conventional point kinetics equations, Eqs. (2) and (6). In
þ s0 qð1Þ ðtÞ; ð1Þ all cases, a single effective delayed group was considered, that is:

ð1Þ b b¼ bi ; ð7Þ
C i ðtÞ ¼ i nðtÞ  ki C i ðtÞ; ð2Þ i¼1
" #1
respecting the following initial conditions:
1X m
k¼ ; ð8Þ
nð0Þ ¼ n0 ; b i¼1 ki

nð1Þ ðtÞ ¼ 0;
t¼0 ð3Þ with m being the number of the delayed neutrons precursor group.
C i ð0Þ ¼ C i0 ¼ Kbki i n0 ;
3.1. Conventional inverse kinetics
and where

s0 ¼ 3D
From the set of conventional point kinetics equations, it is pos-
ð4Þ sible to write the following expression for the time variation of the
s ¼ 1þLs02 B2 ;
reactivity in relation to the amplitude function (Díaz et al., 2007):
are respectively the relaxation time for an infinite medium and a K ð1Þ kb
1 qcon ðtÞ ¼ b þ n ðtÞ  HðtÞ; ð9Þ
finite medium, and ð1 þ L2 B2 Þ is the non-leakage probability for nðtÞ nðtÞ
neutrons, with all other parameters defined as follow: v is the neu-
where HðtÞ is the power history of the rector as follows:
tron velocity, D is the neutron diffusion coefficient, B2 is the reactor
geometrical buckling, K is the neutron mean generation time, L2 is Z Z 1
0 0 hn0 i kt 0 0
the diffusion area, b is the total delayed neutron fraction of the fis- HðtÞ ¼ nðt 0 Þekðt tÞ dt ¼ e þ nðt0 Þekðt tÞ dt : ð10Þ
1 k 0
sion neutrons, ki is the delayed neutron decay constant for the ith
delayed neutrons precursor group, C i ðtÞ is the neutrons precursor The power history – Eq. (10) – will be calculated in this paper
concentration in the ith group, q is the reactivity and qðtÞ is the according to the method proposed by Díaz et al. (2007). It was
external source strength inside the reactor. demonstrated that, having integrated by parts, and in successive
In their paper, Altahhan et al. (2016) obtained Eqs. (1) and (2) in times, the integral in Eq. (10) it is possible to re-write it based on
a different way to Niederauer PhD thesis (1967), which includes
the ‘n’ order derivatives for amplitude function nðnÞ ðtÞ, as follows:
different variables definitions. The relaxation time was introduced
Z 1
to correct the drawback of the current, adjusted instantaneously to 0 0 knðtÞ  nð1Þ ðtÞ
nðt0 Þekðt tÞ dt ¼ nðtÞ
the gradient of the flux in Flick’s Law. Relaxation time is the param- 0 k2 nðtÞ  nð2Þ ðtÞ
eter specifying the rate of nuclear reactor returns to the state of
knð0Þ  nð1Þ ð0Þ
equilibrium. Greater values for relaxation time mean that the  nð0Þekt : ð11Þ
nuclear reactor returns to the state of equilibrium very slowly. k2 nð0Þ  nð2Þ ð0Þ
In the paper by Altahhan et al. (2016) other variables are used, In replacing Eqs. (10) and (11) one obtains the power history
as related to mono-energetic neutrons and homogeneous medium that appears in Eq. (9):
approximations. They are: " #
kb hn0 i kt knðtÞ  nð1Þ ðtÞ knð0Þ  nð1Þ ð0Þ
L2 ¼ RDa HðtÞ ¼  e þ 2 nðtÞ  2 nð0Þekt :
nðtÞ k k nðtÞ  nð2Þ ðtÞ k nð0Þ  nð2Þ ð0Þ
v Ra ¼ lð1þL1 B Þ 2 2 ð12Þ
keff 1
q¼ keff ð5Þ
3.2. Telegraph inverse kinetics equation
keff ¼ k1
ð1þL2 B2 Þ

K ¼ v R1a k1 ¼ keffl ¼ ð1  qÞl; The inverse telegraph point reactor kinetics equation will be
obtained considering a single effective delayed group and no exter-
where l is the neutron lifetime, k1 is the infinite reactor multiplica- nal source of neutrons. In this case, Eq. (1) can be simplified and
tion factor and Ra is the macroscopic absorption cross section. written by:
D.A.P. Palma et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 110 (2017) 31–35 33

Table 1 Table 3
Nuclear parameters used in simulations. Reactivity as a result of time, calculated for nðtÞ ¼ expð1:5tÞ and parameters for case 1.

Group Case 1: Altahhan et al. Case 2: Palma et al. t (s) qcon ðtÞ (pcm) – Eq. (9) qtel ðtÞ (pcm) – Eq. (16) qtel ðtÞ  qcon ðtÞ
(2016) (2016) (pcm)
ki (s1) bi (%) ki (s1) bi (%) 0 93.71 93.93 0.23
2 758.20 758.22 0.02
1 0.0127 0.0285 0.0128 0.0161
4 786.48 786.50 0.01
2 0.0317 0.15975 0.0315 0.1117
6 787.69 787.70 0.01
3 0.115 0.141 0.1242 0.1000
8 787.74 787.75 0.01
4 0.311 0.30525 0.3281 0.2099
10 787.74 787.75 0.01
5 1.4 0.096 1.4085 0.0818
12 787.74 787.75 0.01
6 3.87 0.0195 3.8314 0.0207
14 787.74 787.75 0.01
K(s) 5  (10)4 1.35  (10)5
16 787.74 787.75 0.01
beff (%) – Eq. (7) 0.750 0.540
18 787.74 787.75 0.01
ki (s1) – Eq. (8) 0.078 0.086
20 787.74 787.75 0.01
D(cm) 0.143 10.0
B2 (cm2) 1.7  (10)7 1.7  (10)7
v(cm/s) 5  (10)5 5  (10)5
Ra ðcm1 Þ 0.170 0.0139
s0 ðsÞ  sðsÞ – Eq. (4) 1.95  (10)6 1.36  (10)4

Table 2
Reactivity as a result of time, calculated for nðtÞ ¼ expð0:12353tÞ and parameters for
case 1.

t (s) qcon ðtÞ (pcm) – Eq. (9) qtel ðtÞ (pcm) – Eq. (16) qtel ðtÞ  qcon ðtÞ
0 262.44 262.13 0.31
2 20.74 20.50 0.24
4 140.65 140.84 0.19
6 248.41 248.56 0.16
8 320.36 320.50 0.13
10 368.41 368.53 0.12 Fig. 1. Reactivity as a result of time, calculated for nðtÞ ¼ expð0:12353tÞ and
12 400.49 400.60 0.11 parameters for case 2.
14 421.91 422.01 0.10
16 436.21 436.31 0.10
18 445.76 445.86 0.09
20 452.14 452.23 0.09
22 456.40 456.49 0.09
24 459.24 459.33 0.09
26 461.14 461.23 0.09
28 462.41 462.50 0.09
30 463.26 463.35 0.09

sð1  qtel Þ  s0 ð1  bÞ
s0 nð2Þ ðtÞ þ þ 1 nð1Þ ðtÞ
qtel  b
¼ nðtÞ þ kCðtÞ þ s0 kC ð1Þ ðtÞ: ð13Þ
Substituting Eq. (2), and considering a single effective delayed Fig. 2. Reactivity as a result of time, calculated for nðtÞ ¼ expð1:5tÞ and parameters
for case 2.
group in Eq. (13), and rearranging the terms in order to isolate
the telegraph reactivity denoted by qtel , leads to:
qtel   K þ s  s0 ð1  bÞ ð1Þ where the constants are denoted by:
 snð1Þ ðtÞ þ n ¼ s0 nð2Þ ðtÞ  n ðtÞ
    A1 ¼ s 0 K
s0 k  1 s0 k A2 ¼ K þ s  s0 ð1  bÞ
þb nðtÞ þ k 1  CðtÞ: ð14Þ
K K ð17Þ
A3 ¼ bð1  s0 kÞ
From Eq. (2), and considering a single effective delayed group, it kbðs0 kKÞ
A4 ¼ K
is possible to write the precursor concentration CðtÞ as follow:
Z The results calculated for reactivity as based on the inverse tele-
b t
0 0 b
CðtÞ ¼ nðt 0 Þekðt tÞ dt ¼ HðtÞ: ð15Þ graph point reactor kinetics equation, Eq. (16) will be reported in
K 1 K the next section.
being the power history HðtÞ as given by Eq. (12).
Replacing Eq. (15) in Eq. (14) and isolating reactivity qtel it is 4. Results
possible to write the following expression:

 1 In this section we will evaluate the reactivity behaviour in a
qtel ðtÞ ¼ A1 nð2Þ ðtÞ þ A2 nð1Þ ðtÞ þ A3 nðtÞ þ A4 HðtÞ snð1Þ ðtÞ þ n ;
nuclear reactor using the conventional and telegraph inverse point
ð16Þ kinetics. The nuclear parameters considered are those found in
34 D.A.P. Palma et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 110 (2017) 31–35

Table 4
Analysis of the terms of qtel ðtÞ for the case in which nðtÞ ¼ expð0:12353tÞ.

tðsÞ Case 1 (pcm) – Altahhan et al. (2016) Case 2 (pcm) – Palma et al. (2016)
105 ðT 1 þT 2 Þ 105 T 3 105 T 4 105 ðT 1 þT 2 Þ 105 T 3 105 T 4
snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn

0 0.8 750.0 1018.3 0.0 540.2 101.1

5 0.8 750.0 556.1 0.0 540.2 54.9
15 0.8 750.0 387.6 0.0 540.2 38.7
20 0.8 750.0 326.3 0.0 540.2 33.0
35 0.8 750.0 303.9 0.0 540.2 31.0
30 0.8 750.0 295.8 0.0 540.2 30.3

Table 5
Analysis of the terms of qtel ðtÞ for the case in which nðtÞ ¼ expð1:5tÞ .

tðsÞ Case 1 (pcm) – Altahhan et al. (2016) Case 2 (pcm) – Palma et al. (2016)
5 5 5
10 ðT 1 þT 2 Þ 10 T 3 10 T 4 105 ðT 1 þT 2 Þ 105 T 3 105 T 4
snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn snð1Þ ðtÞþn

0 112.5 750.0 731.1 3.2 540.1 71.2

5 112.5 750.0 37.5 3.2 540.1 4.0
15 112.5 750.0 37.2 3.2 540.1 3.9
20 112.5 750.0 37.2 3.2 540.1 3.9
35 112.5 750.0 37.2 3.2 540.1 3.9
30 112.5 750.0 37.2 3.2 540.1 3.9

Altahhan et al. (2016) and Palma et al. (2016) and can be seen in From the results shown in Tables 4 and 5, it is possible to see
Table 1. that despite the fact that term T 3 rules reactivity behaviour, it is
Tables 2 and 3 shows the reactivity behaviour for an amplitude not possible to disregard any terms in the Eq. (16) in order to sim-
function given by nðtÞ ¼ expð0:12353tÞ (Suescun et al., 2013) and plify the expression. In the cases presented in this paper, in which
nðtÞ ¼ expð1:5tÞ (Palma et al., 2016) respectively considering case nðtÞ ¼ ext , the reactivity calculated from the telegraph inverse
1 with the kinetic parameters shown in Table 1. kinetics can be obtained by replacing nðtÞ in Eq. (16) and writing
Based on Tables 2 and 3 it is possible to see that the reactivity it as:
calculated from the telegraph inverse kinetics and from the con-
A1 x2 þ A2 x þ A3 A4
ventional formulation overlap one another with the deviation from qtel ðtÞ ¼ þ HðtÞext : ð19Þ
the conventional formulation after it stabilises being of 0.09 pcm in sx þ 1 sx þ 1
Fig. 1and 0.01 pcm in Fig. 2. As the transient is less pronounced, the Finally, the reactivity calculated from the telegraph inverse
variation in reactivity due to the variation in the amplitude func- kinetics reaches an asymptotic value as follows:
tion quickly stabilises as well with the telegraph formulation sys-
A1 x 2 þ A2 x þ A3
tematically overestimating the results calculated by the limqtel ðtÞ ¼ ; ð20Þ
conventional formulation. In this case, the relaxation time is small
t!1 sx þ 1
106. which confirms the behaviour shown in Figs. 1 and 2 explicitly.
Figs. 1 and 2 shows reactivity behaviour for an amplitude func-
tion as given by nðtÞ ¼ expð0:12353tÞ (Suescun et al., 2013) and 5. Conclusions
nðtÞ ¼ expð1:5tÞ (Palma et al., 2016) respectively, considering case
2 with the kinetic parameters shown in Table 1. In this case, the In this paper a telegraph inverse point kinetics equation was
relaxation time is longer (104) than in case 1, due to the fact that obtained for an uniform reactor of arbitrary shape and using a
the value for neutron diffusion coefficient is proportional. mono-energetic neutron approximation. Using an uniform reactor
Based on Figs. 1 and 2 it is possible to see that the reactivity cal- allows separating the neutron flux, using a separation of variables
culated from the telegraph inverse kinetics overestimates the con- technique.
ventional one systematically. In Fig. 1 the difference The mono-energetic neutron approximation is a questionable
jqtel ðtÞ  qcon ðtÞj  198:1pcm while jqmod ðtÞ  qcon ðtÞj  25:2pcm assumption that could lead to very poor accuracy in the kinetics
(Palma et al., 2016) after the stabilization that occurs rapidly as parameters defined in Eq. (5) for some practical applications.
time goes by indicates that something in the telegraph formalism The results for reactivity as obtained from the inverse point
could be improved. reactor equation, shown in Section 4 indicate that it has significant
An analysis is made of Eq. (16) to identify which terms govern differences from conventional formalism. This difference is more
the behaviour of the telegraph inverse kinetics equation presented pronounced when the relaxation time is increased.
in this paper. For that, the following terms were defined: It is not possible to disregard any term in Eq. (16). Even with
more terms, Fig. 1 shows that the difference of 198 pcm in relation
to the conventional term in the asymptotic state indicates that
T 1 ¼ A1 nð2Þ ðtÞ; something can be improved, as taking into account kinetic param-
T 2 ¼ A2 nð1Þ ðtÞ; eters consistently defined for a multi-group energy structure, as
ð18Þ proposed by Nunes et al. (2015).
T 3 ¼ A3 nðtÞ;
The differences could be because the energy-dependent effects
T 4 ¼ A4 HðtÞ:
were not taken into account. It should be noted that delayed neu-
Tables 4 and 5 show an analysis of the time evolution for the trons appear with a somewhat lower energy than prompt
terms that form qtel for the two cases presented in this paper. neutrons.
D.A.P. Palma et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 110 (2017) 31–35 35

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