Vocabulary: Match The Words and Their Definitions.: Material Creado Y Compilado Por Maria Veronica Valdivia/ Imoteacher

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Group 1
Names___________________________________________________________________ Points 100_/

Vocabulary: Match the words and their definitions.

1.schedule a. any of the usually four-hour periods beginning at midnight and again at
noon during which part of a ship's crew are on duty
2.correspondence department b. a course of study at which you study at home, receiving and sending off
work by post, email, etc
3.watch c. a list of planned activities showing the times or dates when they have to
be done
4.perishable cargo d. raising to a higher rank, status, degree, etc
5.promotion e. goods that can easily spoil if transported in wrong temperature
6.advantage f. the positive side of something
7.liner g. a heavy waterproof fabric made of canvas coated with tar, wax, or paint,
used as a protective covering against moisture and sun
8.multi-purpose vessel h. a merchant ship that carries cargoes between two fixed destinations
following a fixed schedule of sailing.
9.bulk cargo i. cargo which is not packed during transportation
10.tarpaulin j. a merchant ship that carries both general and bulk cargo

1 ____; 2____ ; 3____ ; 4____; 5 ____; 6 ____; 7____; 8 _____; 9____; 10____; 5/ ____

Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases.

1. This vessel is _________ special cargo handling equipment.
a) designed for b) fitted with c) used to
2. The hull of a container ship is a ___________divided into cells.
a) hold b) compartment c) warehouse
3. Container ships use __________to load and discharge cargo.
a) pumps b) grabs c) cranes
4. Unfortunately, all seamen have to ______ with their families for a long time.
a) sail b) part c) earn
5. Marlow Navigation provides cadets with opportunities for highly-paid ________ .
a) experience b) vacation c) apprenticeship
6. The cadets have __________twice a day, before and after the lessons.
a) lining-up b) watch c) inauguration
7. This crewing agency offers competitive ______.
a) promotion b) salary c) employment
8. The expiry date of this certificate was last month. It isn’t ________anymore.
a) issued b) helpful c) valid



Put the words in the correct column.

dredger /curriculum vitae/ curriculum/ expel/ endorsement/ icebreaker/ term/ cable layer/ grade
lining-up/ lightship/ valid/ salvage vessel/ pilot launch/ update/ tug/ date of issue/ marching drills/ expiry date
buoyage vessel/ duty/ medical fitness certificate/ firefloat/ Seaman’s Book



12/ ____
GRAMMAR: Correct one mistake in every sentence.
1. I don’t like keeping watch in night.
2. Nowadays there is very large crude carriers (VLCC), ultra large crude carriers (ULCC) and chemical tankers.
3. Bulkers requires complicated loading and unloading equipment.
4. Tankers are especially designed for carry oil products in bulk.
5. What maritime documents you have?
10/ ____

Choose the correct item.

1. My friend _________ at 6:30 in the morning.
a) get up b) gets up c) does get up
2. Students usually have holidays _________January.
a) in b) at c) in
3. __________ a small fishing vessel in front of that big passenger liner.
a) It is b) This is c) There is
4. A tanker _____________carrying oil.
a) is designed for b) designs for c) is designed to
5. The conventional general cargo ship __________several tweendecks.
a) have b) has c) does have
5/ _____

Order the words to make up sentences.

1. chew / shouldn’t / a / gum / you / the / during / interview.
2. people / are / many / how / in / there / crew / your?
3. passengers / car ferries / cars / carry / and / harbours / across.
4. wake / time / you / at / what / do / weekends / up?
5. are / to / reefers / used / perishable / carry / cargoes.



10/ ____

READING: Read the text and mark the statements as True/ False/ Doesn‟t say.

SOLAS defines a bulk carrier as a ship which has a “single deck, top side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo
spaces and intended to primarily carry dry cargo in bulk; an ore carrier; or a combination carrier”. Most of the
classification societies do not follow this definition strictly but have their own broader version of the same. But
if you are confused about this definition, do not worry; you can simply assume that any ship carrying “solid”
cargo is a bulk carrier. Of course, as you know there are always exceptions to rules and there іs a special
category of ships known as OBOs or Oil Bulk Ore carriers which can carry both solid and liquid cargo
depending on the requirements.
Bulk carriers are a class of ships but even they can be further subdivided into various types. Geared Carrier. A
geared carrier has got its own gear (or equipment) to load or unload cargo. This gear is in the form of cranes or
Gearless Carriers. Some ships do away with the cranes and derricks but depend on the equipment available at
shore to load/discharge cargo and these are known as gearless carriers. Obviously the utility of such a ship is
greatly dependent on the equipment available at shore, so they may not be able to go at all the ports which
do not have such facilities and depend on the ships equipment for loading/unloading of cargo. Bulk carriers
can also be divided on the basis of their cargo carrying capacity.
Mini bulk carriers or MBCs are relatively small bulk carriers; they usually have capacity between 500 – 2500
tons and are typically used for coastal trading. The other types of bulk carriers are: handysize carriers,
handymax carriers, panamax carriers, capesize carriers, very large bulk carriers.

1. ____There’s a single definition of a bulk carrier.

2. ____Bulkers are often steam turbine ships.
3. ____Bulkers carry dry cargo only.
4. ____Some bulk carriers are designed to function also as tankers.
5. ____There is cargo equipment onboard the geared carriers.
6. ____Geared carriers depend upon port cargo facilities.
7. ____Gearless carriers sail with cranes and derricks.
8. ____Gearless carriers can discharge cargo at any port.
9. ____The bulk carriers can be divided according to their size.
10. ___The higher speed is bulkers‟ main advantage over other cargo ships.
10/ ____
Put the sentences in correct order to make the plan of the text above.
A. Different definitions of bulk carriers.
B. Different types of bulkers.
C. A vessel that can function both as a tanker and a bulk carrier.
D. They can also be divided according to the size.
E. The principle distinction between geared and gearless carriers.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



WRITING: Write an e-mail to your friend about your practicum period. Describe your vessel, give information
about cargo she carries carry and your everyday duties. If it is not possible, invent. (80-100 words). 25/ ___


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