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Journal Club RMM 2020

Critically reading Peer Reviewed Academic


Journal Club Purpose:

The purpose of the journal club is to enable you to:
1. Critically read a journal article
2. Become familiar with a variety of academic literature and research designs
3. Understand how academic articles are written
4. Become familiar with a variety of checklists for reviewing different types of articles.
5. Develop capacity and skills in critiquing academic articles
6. Identify learning from the articles which can be applied to the practice setting
7. Explore how a Journal Club may be set up and conducted to optimal effect.

To facilitate co-design in content delivery, journal club groups will be asked to:
1. identify specific learning goals for their journal club meeting,
2. agree their journal club format
3. formulate a critique of their designated article, and
4. identify learning which could be applied to practice.

1. The presentation will cover:
• the purpose of your JC, agreed goal(s), JC Format
• article summary including key learnings from the article
• article critique using an appropriate checklist
• learnings for practice (evaluation of article impact and applicability to practice)
• reflections (on the journal club, your personal development)

2. Each group member must upload their presentation individually on Moodle to receive grade and
3. Each group will present the output and learning from their journal club meeting. Groups to decide
which members (ranging from 1 to all) of the group will present.
4. Time allocated is: 10 mins (max) with 5 mins discussion.

Selected Articles:
1. Rangachari. P. Innovation Implementation in the Context of Hospital QI: Lessons
Learned and Strategies for Success. Innov Entrep Health. 2018; 5:1–14.
2. Hollesen RvB, Johansen RLR, Rørbye C, Munk L, Barker P, Kjaerbye-Thygesen A:
Successfully reducing newborn asphyxia in the labour unit in a large academic medical
centre: a quality improvement project using statistical process control. BMJ Quality &
Safety 2018, 27(8):633-642.
3. Dunne, P.J., Lynch, J., Prihodova, L., O'Leary, C., Ghoreyshi, A., Basdeo, S.A., Cox, D.J.,
Breen, R., Sheikhi, A., Carroll, A., Walsh, C., McMahon, G., White, B. Burnout in the
emergency department: Randomized controlled trial of an attention-based training

program. Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019, 17:173–180
4. Ferris France, N., MacDonald, S. H., Conroy, R., Chiroro, P., Ni Cheallaigh, D.,
Nyamucheta, M., Mapanda, B., and Byrne, E. ‘We are the change’ - an Innovative
Community-Based Response to Address Self-Stigma: A pilot study of people living
with HIV in Zimbabwe. PLOS ONE 2019, 14(2): e0213465.
5. Kalaitzi, S., Czabanowska, K., Azzopardi-Muscat, N., Cuschieri, L., Petelos, E., Papadakaki, M.,
S. Women, healthcare leadership and societal culture: a qualitative study. Journal of
Healthcare Leadership 2019, 11:43–59
6. Eva, N., Robin, M., Sendjaya, S., van Dierendonckd, D., Liden, R.C. Servant Leadership: A
systematic review and call for future research. The Leadership Quarterly 2019, 30:111–

Table 1: Checklists for reviewing different types of

Type of study (design) Checklists
Quality Improvement • Quality Improvement Minimum Quality Criteria Set (QI-MQCS)
Qualitative Research • COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research (COREQ)
• Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Checklist: 10 questions
to help you make sense of Qualitative research
Randomised Control Trial • Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Checklist: 11 questions
(RCT) to help you make sense of a Randomised Control Trial
Systematic Review • Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Checklist: 10 questions
to help you make sense of a Systematic Review
Mixed Methods • Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) version 2018

Groups and associated Article for Critique

Please see on the VLE documents: ‘Journal Club Groups Ireland’ and ‘Journal Club Dubai’ respectively.

Journal Club Suggested Activity Sequence

Day 1 Activity:
• Meet with your team, discuss the journal club and what each member wants to get out of it.
• Take time to individually skim through the article designated to your group (see Table 2)
• Reconvene and agree on a way to work on evaluating your paper and completing your JC
• Agree on your JC Format (meeting times, attendance, adherence to timing, chair/leader
rotation etc.)
Individual preparation for next time: start thinking about the purpose of your JC

Day 2 Activity:
• Prepare a statement of what is the purpose and the name of your JC group
• Read and become familiar with the different types of checklists (see Table 1)
• Start thinking about the checklist you would use to critique the article
• Agree on roles and use of checklists
Individual preparation for next time: Read the paper thoroughly with evaluation in mind.
Draw on one or more checklists where applicable.

Day 3 Activity:
• Discuss and critique your article
• Identify a checklist you think is more suitable to evaluate the article and provide a rationale for
choosing that checklist (this will also be part of your presentation).
• Structure your arguments and presentation
Individual preparation for next time: take time to individually prepare your part of the

Day 4 Activity:
• Consolidate the presentation and make any changes/amendments.
• Rehearse presenting with timings and practice answering questions.
• Fine tune your presentation.
• Rehearse again!
Individual preparation for next time: upload your presentation on the VLE.

Presentation Day:
• Present your work to the rest of the class and respond to questions.
• Listen your colleagues’ presentations and ask questions.
• Think how you can transfer the skills you gained to your work.

Journal Club Presentation Assessment Criteria
Journal Club Set Up

• Journal Club purpose and agreed goal(s)

• Journal club format

Analysis and Synthesis

• Succinct article summary

• Use of checklist
• Thorough article critique

Application to Practice and Evaluation

• Evaluation of article impact

• Evaluation of applicability to practice

Reflection – Learning

• What you have learnt about evaluating academic articles?

• What has the process contributed to your own development?

Preparedness and Response to Questions

• Well-rehearsed presentation
• Ability to engage in discourse
• Effective response to questions

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