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Name : Inaya Shah

Course : BTEC Business Level 3

Date : 9/10/20

Skills Analysis
The following form will help you to understand the skills you possess and any skill gaps you may

Working effectively with others

(For example, on a group project or with children).
Key words: approachability, team work, co-operation, rapport, adaptability
I am able to work effectively with other people, working in a team is one of my best skill because I
share my ideas with the rest of the team and we all give our input in. As I want to be a marketing
specialist I need to be able to work effectively with other people as it requires a lot of team work. In
the team, I always make sure everyone has a say and everyone shares their ideas with the rest of
(For example, expressing your ideas, explaining something complicated)
Key words: listening, enthusiasm, clarity, pertinence, confidence
I have good communication skills because there are many of us in our class and I communicate
with everyone by sharing my ideas to others. Being a marketing specialist will require me to have
excellent communication skills and I think I have this because I also have a part time job and at my
time their I talk to customers making sure they are satisfied with everything that we sell and also
communicate with my colleagues. I always make sure I speak with clarity and confidence in other
for everyone to understand me. When talking to other people I make sure I listen to what they are
Judgement and decision making
(For example, choosing which assignment to do, which information to include in a project)
Key words: decisiveness, research, planning, reaching a conclusion, evaluation
Working in a team or by myself I need to have excellent judgement and decision making because if
I make the wrong decision it could result in things failing. My decisions will have a huge impact on
businesses. For example when I am a marketing specialist I need to have good judgment as it
requires a lot of technology.

Persuading and influencing

(For example, persuading someone to come to a party or accepting your argument)
Key words: communication, leadership, negotiation, charisma, motivation, determination,
forcefulness, vision, empathy
I am a very good persuader as when I work in a team of someone doesn’t want to share their ideas
I persuade them to come forward and share their thoughts.As my time in college and working at my
job I have very good motivation and I make sure that everyone is motivated.

Ability to solve problems

(For example, maths assignments, coping when team members don't pull their weight)
Key words: critical thinking, analysis, lateral thinking, creativity)
Problem solving is very important in businesses, especially working in class because some people
may not have any motivation and coping when they don’t pull their weight is very critical. In my time
at working in my part time job I need to be able to problem solve in order to get things done, for
example, if a customer is not satisfied with something I need to think of an alternative solution for
them, and also if something is damaged I need to reduce the price which requires solving and I
need to be able to do this otherwise things will not get done.
Time Management
(For example, ensuring your assignments are done on time)
I think my time management skills are good because I am now to meet deadlines, get to college
and work on time and this is key in the business environment because if for example I am late to
anything they will think that I am not efficient and unable to do anything.

Use of IT
(For example, word processing a report, using a specialist package to solve a maths problem)
As being a marketing speciality, this requires a lot of technology such as photoshop. I have a good
skill in IT like being able to use photoshop, docs, spreadsheets, powerpoints and weebly. Having
this tyoe of knowledge will help me in my future career.
Achieving your goals
(For example, getting enough votes to be elected to a role in society)
Key words: determination, commitment, will-power, resolution, stamina, ambition, energy,
I have always been determined to achieve my goals, but in order to do so, I need to make sure I
have a clear career plan. By having motivation and stamina will help me achieve my goals because
this will make me realise what I need to do. I am very committed in my college course and at my
work as I put 100% effort in and do everything I have been told to do.

Specialist subject knowledge

I have been studying Business for 2 years and I think I have some knowledge and understanding
about the subject as some of our units include marketing, finance and business communication and
I have excellent understanding because I have so far achieved merits and distinctions.

In which skills can you offer plenty of examples where you are using the skill?
The skill that I can offer many examples in is communication skills. This is because of my college
class and my job at B&M. In my class I communicate with everyone on a daily basis whether this is
face to face and over the phone. Whenever I know an answer to a question that my tutors have
asked me I raise my hand to speak. At my job, i communicate with customers by answering any
inquiries they may have and I also speak to my colleagues and managers whether this is a normal
chat or when I have been given a task to do. I have also done work experience in a charity
organisation and in retail and this helped me boost my confidence to prepare me for the work
environment. However, I have only done this experience for 6 months, it helped me with my
communication skills and teamwork as I had to talk to customers.

In which skills do you have no evidence?

I think I have shown evidence in all my skills as I have examples in communication skills, time
management, IT, problem solving and decision making.

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