Evidence Life From A Wheelchair

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Evidence: Life from a wheelchair

After you watch the video answer the following questions. Use any voice recording
software to record your answers and send the file as evidence.

Use mixed conditional sentences (at least 4 examples), the idioms, vocabulary and ideas
about flexibility and adaptability studied in this learning activity (at least 8 words from the
vocabulary). Remember to use connectors and punctuation.


 What does Ashley do for a living?

Ashley is a senior at the University of Northerm Lowa where she studies General

 How does her condition affect her daily activities and how does she deal with
She has many challenger every day, she had initiative it was her first step, so she
learned to do many things from her disability.
She is able to deal with because she has clears her objectives, she has the energy
that pushes she goes after her goals, she is proactive. I think that if she hadn’t made
a effort from child ; she wouldn’t have gone to the university never.
If her parents hadn’t taught to go to the bathroom by herself, or other things , she
wouldn’t have been self dependent

 What is her attitude towards life? Does she feel disabled from certain

Her attitude toward life is positive, she is clever and she will accomplish her goal,
Yes, she feels disabled from some activities that she would like to do, but she exceed this
situation , so she is concentrated in her studies , she doesn’t give up. Althought it difficult
when she has had problems about her dates etc. But she catches one’s breath and she
continues , she support with her friends, its greatest strength is her smile, She smiles
 How would your life be different if you were handicapped and had to use a
wheelchair? What would be different for you?
Every things will be different, it is something very difficult for me, from you wake
up to go to bed, Each thing that you could make it will a challenge.
If I had had some disability; I would have learned to realized that walk, see, run are
a big bless for me.
If I was handicapped I would have supported with my parents and my friends.
In this moment I must remember that the flexibility and adaptability are ways that I
should take into account because the life could changes in any moment

 How do you react when you have to interact with a handicapped person?
I thing that each thing that this person make is a challenge, go to the work , go to
the school , gets on the metro, gets off , I think that they a special person the have a
blessing in disguise .
They are able to make things that we have our senses we don’t take advantage.
So I look at the heaven and I say Thank you God. I am fine . I don’t complain
 How can you contribute to improve the life of handicapped people?
I can contribute to improve the life of the handicapped people , when I respect the
Handicapped spaces, don’t use the bathroom for the disabled.
I contribute when I give up me seat, when I help crossing the road to a blind
person, when I don’t throw the waste to the streets because the handicapped people
could fall.

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