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Erik Lopez

Professor Fimbres

Health Education

27 September 2020

Knowing Your Health Exist

The human body varies from person to person. For instance, football players distinguish

their bodies as machines, dancers see their bodies as an art form, models as displays, and the list

goes on. Everyone has their own backgrounds, every individual knows their body and knows

what their body needs. Being healthy goes beyond just daily activities. For a person to be

healthy, an individual has to look at their physical, mental, and social well being of the body.

Humans can open their eyes and listen to what society is telling them to look like, but in reality

every human being should look at their body as a whole and have an image of what they want to

feel inside and out. All in all, people should avoid being unhealthy that can lead to illnesses and

diseases, therefore, everyone's health matters to maintain an overall, positive outcome in the


Let’s face it, appearance is what most people care about, but is it healthy? I am a dancer

and a person who cares alot about appearance which affected me in the long run. Ever since I

was three years old I started a passion and a journey for dance. Through that journey, I was

hardly ever eating, and I was under so much stress juggling school, family, my personal life, and

dance. My body was simply unhealthy. Although I was getting my exercise in everyday for 8

hours after school, my mental and social well being wasn't where it needed to be. After 15 years

I stopped dancing, and now being an adult and looking back I realize what I should have done
differently. Now, I am having a hard time exercising, eating, and have really bad anxiety all

because I didn't know at a young age how being healthy is so important. I am training and

working hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I at least exercise 30 minutes a day, make time for

school, make time for family and friends, and most importantly make time for myself. Recently,

after taking a health self assessment test and really analyzing myself. I came with the conclusion

that I am actually fairly healthy but not extremely healthy. It's interesting to see my results,

because I personally believe I am healthy all around. But looking at myself and what I've been

doing in my daily routines I know I can make room for improvements. All in all, I do want to

make changes and have a healthy lifestyle. I believe to have a healthy lifestyle, people need to

take care of what they eat and exercise all while having a good state of mind.

Many people today do not know the importance of being healthy at a young age and

staying healthy as humans get older. Throughout life, people get familiar in exercise and healthy

eating to live a stable lifestyle. However, it gets to a point where staying healthy gets hard based

on our surroundings. There are about 41 million children under the age of 5 that are obese in this

world alone.The Center For Disease Control and Prevention states, “​over the past three decades

the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for preschool children (ages 2-5) and

adolescents (ages 12-19), and it has more than tripled for children ages 6-11”.​ This shows great

significance because many children at a young age are already suffering and becoming

unhealthy, making it harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle getting older. The way children are

being kept away from obesity is simply in having physical education classes in their schools, and

motivating them to continue after school through sport teams and other exercises. It is important
to continue a healthy lifestyle, so as humans get older getting healthy wouldn't get harder but


As I continue to grow older, staying healthy gets more difficult. I still have issues

managing my stress levels, eating properly, knowing how to handle school and managing how I

exercise. I do not know how to balance those areas, and it's definitely an area to improve my

health. ​In the article, “Why Students Athletes Continue to Fail” the writers from Zocalo Public

Square, tell the reader how student athletes have a difficult time juggling both school and the

sport at the same time. The writers state, “. . .And what about the student athletes themselves?

Student-athletes tend to take easier classes and get lower grades than non-athletes. This is not

only true for schools from power conferences in big-money sports, it has been observed in

Division III liberal arts colleges and Ivy League schools, neither of which even offer athletic

scholarships”. This shows how being a student and an athlete is a difficult role and a huge

responsibility. Relating it to my areas of struggle, managing many areas in life gets difficult

because I tend to take on more responsibilities which causes stress. In all, I must set goals for

myself to help improve my health lifestyle.

My three goals I want to set for myself for a better healthy lifestyle is eating healthy,

getting more rest, and limiting myself on exercise. Lately I have noticed myself eating more

outside unhealthy food, therefore, I want to set a diet. ​For my diet I want to start cutting out dairy

because I noticed that although I don't have as much of it, my body started to go through some

changes. For example, I noticed I have more acne and I believe it has to do with dairy. Another

thing I want to change in my diet is looking at the nutritional facts and seeing if what i'm eating

is healthy or not, along with that I want to eat more fruit and veggies. I believe by doing this I
will maintain my stress and reduce my acne. What I have learned about my diet as well, is that I

noticed my energy on how drastically it’s changed over these past days. Along with a diet, I want

to limit my exercise. How I will limit my exercise is by simply not going to the gym anymore, I

should do exercise outside instead and still take my regular small dance classes I have once a

week. By following these main goals, I know I will reduce my stress while still taking care of my

physical health.

In conclusion, everyone in the world needs to have a balance when it comes down to

health and knowing when to stop or when to keep pushing. In the end, people just have to run to

a better future for themselves and know what is best for them at the end of the day. Again, the

human body varies from person to person. And being healthy needs to be looked at as a whole.

For a person to be healthy, an individual has to look at their physical, mental, and social well

being of the body. Now that my goals are set, I need to take action and do as I say and at least

attempt these goals. All in all, people should avoid the unhealthy and accept the healthy lifestyle.
APA Citation:

Renzi, J. (2018). HEALTH wellness: rise and shine. ​Interior Design,​ ​89(​ 3), 97.

In the article, Health wellness: rise and shine, explains an experiment that took place and

how a random survey was in the equation. Wanted to know the importance of health wellness,

making people aware.

Richardson, K. M. (2017). Managing employee stress and wellness in the new millennium.

Journal Of Occupational Health Psychology​, ​22​(3), 423-428. doi:10.1037/ocp0000066

The article, ​Journal Of Occupational Health Psychology, s​ tates how stress can have a

great impact in my daily life. It can lead to many health issues like acne, infertility, and others.

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