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Ukrainian Sukhois

now train with their

erstwhile enemies.
In 2011, the
Alabama Air
National Guard
sent F-16s to the
Safe Skies exercise
in Myrhorod,
Ukraine. Even
pilots of the nimble
F-16 were
impressed by the
big Sukhoi’s
maneuverability in
a knife fight.

Su-27. It accelerates faster than the twin-seater 5Gs in a Flanker, but requires 7Gs in a Fulcrum.
and is more powerful. The most difficult part of However, altitude was an important additional
that flight was the landing—nobody was there to factor. The Su-27 is more nimble at sea level and
assist and monitor me from the rear cockpit, and medium altitude than it is above 8,000 meters (26,200
that was unnerving. feet), while the MiG-29 is better at higher altitude.
We often flew against the MiG-29 during The maneuvering capabilities of the Flanker are
exercises. It was really interesting to observe how excellent, of course. For example, during air combat
fighters of two very different categories compare: maneuvering training at the Clear Sky 2018 exer-
The Fulcrum is light and small, and our Flanker is cises—with the F-15C Eagles of the 144th Fighter
A Ukrainian Su-27 considerably bigger. The Fulcrum is good in the Wing of the California Air National Guard—we
cockpit in 2010.
For all their
vertical plane, it can jump up to a higher altitude won in three out of four engagements. Naturally,
maneuverability, quickly. The Flanker has more powerful engines, you need to survive long enough to close to visual
Ukraine’s Sukhois but it is also heavier. The Flanker’s advantage is that range, because the Eagle’s electronic equipment and
lack the modern it can drag the Fulcrum into horizontal and oblique armament are much better. Ukraine has factories
electronics and maneuvers, and conduct these at high angles of that manufacture air-to-air missiles, but we are
missiles that have
become standard
attack and speeds, with which the Fulcrum pilots not quite at the level of modern technology. We
among frontline simply won’t be able to cope for long. For example, need fire-and-forget missiles, because illuminat-
fighters. the same maneuver might require a pilot to pull ing a target with your radar after launch (with
semi-active radar homing) is now a relic of the
past. The Russians have the R-77 missile with
active homing, while our R-27 is still semi-active. TOP: USAF/TECH SGT CHARLES VAUGHN; BOTTOM: TAMÁS MARTÉNYI

A significant advantage of the Flanker is its long

range. It is as if we are carrying extra fuel tanks,
but internally, rather than under the wings. This
allows us to carry more weapons on the under-
wing hardpoints.

Colonel Oleksandr Oksanchenko (retired), former

deputy commander for pilot training of the 831st
Galatska Tactical Aviation Brigade.
I finished the Kharkiv military pilot school in
1989, and remained there as an instructor on the
L-39 aircraft until 1995. Once, an Su-27UB twin-


seater overflew our airfield on a weather recon- an AC generator failed on my aircraft. I switched
naissance flight. The crew performed a pull-up at to the second generator, but it cut out due to the
low altitude and it captivated us. I did not think high load—all the aircraft’s systems, including the
then that I would fly a Flanker. Then, in October fly-by-wire controls, weapons management, and
1996, I was transferred to the 831st Regiment, gunsight were switched on. Once such a failure
and from 1997, flew the Su-27. happens, the remaining flight time is just 10
My first solo on an Su-27 took place on 15 May minutes, as the voltage in the onboard electri-
1998. It was a difficult time for the air force, and cal circuits is maintained only by the batteries. I
we flew very little. That didn’t prevent me from rapidly returned to home base from a distance of
gaining a distinct first impression of the Flanker. 40 kilometres (25 miles) and landed successfully.
It’s powerful and accelerates well, especially on The engineer then told me, “You were lucky, the
take-off. The Flanker is very sensitive in the rolling batteries were new!” That was the most dangerous
plane—you pull the stick to the side just a little, and failure I ever experienced.
it already wants to perform a barrel roll. When you
pull up vertically, the Su-27 zooms across the sky,
because of the great amount of available thrust.
Once the air force training budget increased, Colonel Dmitry Fisher (retired), former squad-
we strafed real ground targets and launched live ron commander in the 831st Galatska Tactical Ukraine manages
missiles. I got a surprise when firing the cannon the Aviation Brigade. to keep the Sukhois
first time. The recoil is really strong. The equivalent Back when I was in Chernihiv flight school, I airborne despite a
complete cut-off of
of seven tons, as it says in the technical manual. wanted to become a Flanker pilot. It so happened spare parts from
The rear-view windows in the cockpit twisted out that in 1990, the flight school restarted training on the original Russian
of position, while the plastic holders for various fourth-generation combat aircraft, and we began manufacturers.
information sheets started flying around the cockpit. studying the MiG-29. My goal was the Flanker Ukraine’s air
That’s not pleasant at all. Sometimes, firing the gun though, and I deliberately went to the Su-27 industry punches

above its weight,

even caused some radio systems to fail. base at Myrhorod before our assignments were and can conduct
Not all the flights were uneventful. Once, announced, to get a personnel request letter from even heavy
during a training combat against another Su-27, the unit. Eventually I was assigned to the unit, as maintenance.

October/November 2020 AIR & SPACE 25

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