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at, in, on – Prepositions in expressions of

time – Exercise

1.- at, in or on? – Choose the correct prepostition from the drop down menu
and form correct time pase
1)____ September
2)_____ 12 o’ clock
4)______ Easter Monday
5)_______ 4thJuly,1776
6)______ Christmas
7)_______ Tuesday
8) ______ the weekend
9)_______ my birthday
10)_______the end of the week

2.- Put in the correct preposition (choose in / on / at)

1) There was a loud noise which woke us up______ midnight.
2) Do you usually eat chocolate eggs_____ Easter?
3) What are you doing_____the weekend?
4)______ last week I worked until 9pm______ every night.
5) My father always reads the paper______breakfast time.
6) She plays tennis________Fridays.
7) The trees here are really beautiful______ the spring.
8) I'll see you_______ Tuesday afternoon then.
9) Shakespeare died______ 1616.
10) She studies______every day.
11) John is going to buy the presents______ today.
12) In my hometown, the shops open early______the morning.
13) She met her husband_____1998
14) The party is______next Saturday
15) We are meeting______Friday morning.
at, in, on – Prepositions in expressions of
time – Exercise

3.-Complete each of the following sentences, using the correct preposition of

time (in, at, or on)
1. Let's meet _______________ Tuesday. 
  1)on   2)in 3)at
2. Let's meet _______________ two hours. 
  1)at 2)in 3)on
3. I saw him _______________ 3:00 PM.
  1)at 2)in 3)on
4. Do you want to go there _______________ the morning? 
  1)at 2)on 3)in
5. Let's do it _______________ the weekend.
  1)in 2)on 3)at
6. I can't work _______________ night. 
  1)in 2)on 3)at
7. I'll be there _______________ 10 minutes.
  1)in 2)at 3)on
8. Let's meet at the park _______________ noon.
  1)at 2)in 3)on
9. I saw her _______________ my birthday.
  1)in 2)on 3)at
10. I like going to the beach _______________ the summer. 
  1)at 2)on 3)in

4.-Choose the correct preposition in each sentences:

1. We get up __ the morning.
  1)on   2)in 3)at
2.We go to bed ___ night.
 1)at 2)on 3)in
3. It's always hot ___ summer
  1)at 2)in 3)on
4. The movie starts at two ___ the afternoon.
1)in 2)on 3)at
5. Autumn begins ___ September.

  1)at 2)in 3)on

6. They were married ___ 1990.

  1)at 2)on 3)in

7. Breakfast is served ___ seven o'clock

  1)at 2)in 3)on

at, in, on – Prepositions in expressions of
time – Exercise

4.-Fill in the blanks below with the correct prepositions of time

5.-Chosee the correct preposition

at, in, on – Prepositions in expressions of
time – Exercise

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