MS Choric Speaking 2019

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MS Choric Speaking 2019-2020


LION = Male Students LITTLE RED = Female Student Speakers 1-8 = either
Speaker 1: This is Little Red. (Red step forward and wave)
Speaker 2: And this is Lion! (Step forward like you’re searching for your prey)
Top Row: Today
Add Next Row: Little Red
Add Next Row: is going to be gobbled up
Add Front Row (except Lion & Little Red): by Lion. (very matter of fact tone; bow out slowly
once 3 starts)
Speaker 3: (leaning forward with your hand by your cheek like it’s a secret with a mischievous
look on your face; everyone else looks mischievous too.) Well, that’s what he thinks is going to
happen anyway (bow out).
Speaker 4: The Berean Baptist Academy MS Choric Speakers present
(bow in) ALL: Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion (All but 5 bow out)
Speaker 5: by Alex T. Smith. (bow out & spin to the R slowly)
Everyone bow in & act disgusted with how hot it is.
Speaker 6: One hot morning
Add Speaker 7-8: Auntie Rosie woke up
Add Speaker 9-10: covered in spots.
(All freak out, pretend to look in a mirror, scratch, look for help etc.)
Speaker 11: (stand up fierce like a superhero & look off in the distance) There was only one
thing for them:
Everyone else join: stand up fierce like a superhero & look off in the distance
ALL: Spot Medicine! (freeze)
Speaker 12: (break the freeze) So, Auntie Rosie called her sister, (2 girls pantomiming this;
Auntie is crying and freaking out etc. while Red’s mom is concerned but trying to help)
Add Speaker 13: Little Red’s mother,
Add Speaker 14: and asked for some help.
(bow in & step forward) Little Red: I’ll take the spot medicine to her!
ALL: So Little Red put the spot medicine in her basket and waved good-bye to her mother
(pantomime; wave to the side).
(All bow out - pause)
(Little Red steps out and starts walking/skipping. Whistle quietly in the background.)
(Transition to new group position on the following lines.)
Speaker 15: It was a long way to Auntie Rosie’s house.
R side: Little Red walked [by] the giraffes (slowly look up and wave)
L side: and past the chattering monkeys (monkey noises)
Top Row: She crept around the termite mounds (tiptoeing)
Add next row: and under the leaping gazelles.
Add next row: She wiggled her way around the hippos and warthogs (suck in gut and
Add front row: and waved hello to the meerkats (looking down like they’re super cute)
(Move into sitting position & sit together on next lines.)
Speaker 1: Then,
Add 2: She sat down
Add 3: in the shade
Add 4: of a large tree.
(Little Red sits & closes eyes)
Speaker 5: (slowly stand cheating into the center) And that’s when Lion arrived—
ALL: (slowly stand cheating into the center) the very hungry lion.
LION: (bow in & look down like you’re leaning on the tree) Oh hello, where are you going? (say
it like a schmoozer)
RED: (grab basket and stand up) To visit my Auntie who is covered in spots! (bow out & return
to row)
Speaker 6: In the time it took for his tummy to rumble (LION feels tummy & stands straight)
Speaker 7: the very hungry lion (light bulb moment & start pacing) had cooked up a
Add 1/3: very
Add other 1/3: naughty
Add rest: plan.
(ALL lean in with hands on your knees with big eyes and furrowed brows like you’re listening to
instructions from a coach in a sports huddle.)
LION: Ok. Here’s my very clever plan.
(Everyone nod)
LION: Step 1: Sneak out to Aunt Rosie’s house.
(Everyone nod)
LION: Step 2: Hide her in a cabinet.
(Everyone nod)
LION: Step 3: Dress up as Aunt Rosie.
(Everyone nod)
LION: Step 4: Wait for a bit. Step
(Everyone nod)
LION: 5: Jump up and eat Little Red.
(Everyone nod)
LION: Step 6: East Auntie Rosie for dessert! (pause) Well done Mr. Lion, my you certainly are a
clever lion!
ALL: So he rushed (turn sideways & gesture running) off to put his plan into action. (bow out)
Speaker 8: When he arrived at Aunt Rosie’s
Speaker 9: He quickly picked her up (motion)
Speaker 10: stuffed her in a cabinet (motion)
Speaker 11: and locked the door
(ALL motion locking the door and swallowing the key—gulp!)
Speaker 7: Then, he squeezed himself into one of her nightgowns and covered himself all
over (head to toe gesture)
ALL: in spots. (bow out)
Speaker 12: Now, when Little Red arrived, she realized right away
Speaker 13: of course,
ALL: that it wasn’t Aunt Rosie sitting in the bed.
Speaker 14: She quickly looked around (look R to L once)
Add Speaker 15: and spotted her auntie (kinda shrug like oh – like it was a pathetic attempt)
Add Speaker 1: The cabinet was wobbling, rather obviously (eye roll)
Speaker 1: Amateur (slight chuckle and wave your hand)
ALL: Just then (finger up like light bulb moment), Little Red decided (smart look to the L), that
she was going to teach the naughty lion (slowly lean in), a lesson (point finger forward & cross
arms & nod approvingly)! BOW OUT
Little Red: Oh Auntie! What tangled hair you have! It’s like it’s a big messy mane. (little girl
giggle at the audience)
Odds: And before the very hungry lion could even lick his lips,
Evens: Little Red had brushed (Red brushes & Lion reaches up to indicate how poofy it is now)
Odds: and combed (Red combs & Lion motions being yanked & pulled)
Evens: and twisted and braided (Red twists & braids with a smile while Lion winces in pain and
looks up a few times)
Little Red: Until “Auntie Rosie” (doing air quotes) had a lovely new look! (cynically proud of
your work!)
LION: This was NOT a part of my clever plan . . .
ALL: Lion was soooooo frustrated
Speaker 2: And hungry! (interruptingly pointing up)
ALL: That he opened his mouth wide!
(Lion freeze with mouth open wide)
Little Red: gasp DISGUSTING! (point & freeze)
ALL ELSE: Gasp & almost barf etc. then bow out
Little Red: What gigantic grimy teeth you have Auntie!
Speaker 3: So Little Red brushed (Red motions grabbing his lip and pulling it up and brushing
violently; Lion motions being jerked violently haha)
Add Speaker 4: and brushed
Add Speaker 5-6: the very hungry lion’s teeth
Add Speaker 7-8: until they sparkled
BOW OUT except Red & LION
Little Red: Oh Auntie, what an old nightgown you are wearing!
ALL: And before Lion knew it, Little Red had found a much prettier dress for him to wear.
(Lion looked down in disbelief.)
ALL: Awwww!
Speaker _____: Well don’t you look pur-ty! (wink)
(Little Red has hands on her hips nodding in approval gesturing for the audience to agree while
LION looks humiliated and slowly starts fuming, getting more and more angry.)
ALL: Lion tried to keep calm.
LION: This. Was NOT. Part. Of my clever PLAAAAN!!! (growling through your teeth)
ALL: But he couldn’t hold out any longer because he was sooooooo hungry!
LION: STOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!! (Everyone lean back and shudder in terror.) I am a very hungry lion
and my tummy is grumbling!
LITTLE RED: Well, mister, trying to eat children and aunties is very naughty. If you were so
hungry, all you had to do was ask for some food! (scolding looking up & shaking finger)
ALL: The very hungry lion let Auntie Rosie out of the cabinet and said sorry ever so politely.
LION: My humblest apologies, Auntie Rosie. (low bow) Will you please forgive me?
Speaker 9: Little Red gave Auntie Rosie the spot medicine.
Add Speaker 10: which worked immediately.
Add Speaker 11: Like maaaaagic (make a rainbow in the air)
Speaker 12: Well, it’s a children’s story, what did you expect? (eye roll & smile)
ALL: Bow Out
Top Row: The three of them
Next Row: sat down
Next Row: and gobbled up
Front Row: a whooooole (gesture) basket of doughnuts together.
Speaker 13: Lion actually had 5!
R side: Soon, it was beginning to get dark
L side: so Lion walked all the way back home with Little Red
Speaker 14: on his very best behavior!
Speaker 15: He promised to never
Speaker 1-2: try to eat another auntie
ALL: or any children…ever again!

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