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Social Studies

Chapter – 7

Forest and Wildlife

Note down all the Word meaning in your notebook.

Section A, B and C (Do it yourself in notebook after reading the complete chapter. )

Section D (Book Questions and Answers) Do it in your Notebook.


Ans 1. There are 531 wildlife sanctuaries, 103 national parks and 18 biosphere reserves in India.


Ans2. The main tress found in Mountain forests are deodar, pine, fir and spruce.


Ans 3. People are cutting down trees in large numbers to make way for roads, canals and cities. This
is called deforestation. Deforestation has led to many problems:

i) The soil has become barren and dry.

ii) It has led to the displacement or extinction of a large variety of birds and animals.

iii) It leads to less rainfall and also less oxygen in the air.

So to maintain a healthy and clean environment, we should grow more and more trees.


And 4: The Govt. of India has setup many wild life sanctuaries to protect the wildlife and its natural


Ans: The most important function is in storing water and preventing erosion. Mountain
forests also play an important role in the regional climate. They can absorb rainwater like a

B. Map Skills

Do it yourself and paste it in your notebook.

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