NSG 101 Community Health Nursing

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Republic of the Philippines - Community health nurses are generalists in

Mindanao State University-Marawi City terms of their practice through life’s continuum –
College of Health Sciences its full range of health problems and needs.
In consortium with
Mindanao State University-Sulu
College of Arts and Sciences - Contact with the client and/or the family may
Department of Nursing continue over a long period of time which
includes all ages and all types of health care.

NSG 101 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - The nature of community health nursing
practice requires that current knowledge derived
UNIT ONE from the biological and social sciences, ecology,
clinical nursing and community health
CONCEPT ON HEALTH PROMOTION/DISEASE organizations be utilized.
- The dynamic process of assessing, planning,
A. Definition of Related Terms implementing, and intervening, provide periodic
measurements of progress.
1. Health: (as defined by the World Health Organization)
is a state of Goal
complete physical, mental, and social well-being The ultimate goal of community health services is
and not to raise
merely the absence of disease or infirmity. the level of citizenry.

2. Community Health Nursing The primary goal of CHN is enhancement of self

: Service rendered by a professional nurse with
the The new goal of CHN is optimum level of
community, groups, families, and individuals. functioning (OLOF)

: Special field of nursing that combines the skills Objectives

of nursing, public health and some phases of
social assistance. (WHO Expert Committee on 1. To participate in the development of an over-all health
Nursing). plan for the community and in its implementation and
: A learned practice discipline (Jacobson)
2. To provide quality nursing services to individuals,
Dr. Ruth B. Freeman’s definition: families, and communities
- Community Health Nursing is a service
rendered by a professional nurse with 3. To coordinate nursing services with various members
community, groups, families, and individuals at of the health team, community leaders and significant
home, in health centers, in clinics, in school, in others.
places of work for the promotion of health,
prevention of illness, care of the sick at home 4. To participate in and/or conduct researches relevant to
and rehabilitation. community health and community health nursing services
and disseminate their results for improvement of health
Philosophy care.
According to Dr. Margaret Shetland, the
philosophy of Community Health Nursing is 5. To provide community health nursing personnel with
based on the worth and dignity of man. opportunities for continuing education.

Concepts Principles

- The primary focus of community health nursing The following principles of CHN were adapted
practice is from those formulated by Mary S. Gardner and by Leahy,
on health promotion. (coined by Henry Sigerist) Cobb, and Jones:

- Community health nursing practice is extended 1. Community Health Nursing is based on recognized
to benefit needs of communities, families, groups, and individuals.
not only the individual but the whole family and
2. The community health nurse must understand fully the -CHN must be available to all regardless of race, creed,
objectives and policies of the agency he/she represents. gender
-Health is the primary responsibility of a CHNurse
3. In Community Health Nursing, the family is the unit of
service and the unit of care. Community is the locus Nursing Care Plan:
(place) and focus of service and care. -blue print in defining the patient’s health care

4. Community Health Nursing must be available to all Family Care Plan

regardless of race, creed, and socio-economic status. -blue print in defining the family’s health
5. Health teaching is a primary responsibility of the
community health nurse. National health plan
-blue print in defining the country’s health
6. The community health nurse works as a member of the problem
health team. Ottawa Charter
7. There must be provision for periodic evaluation of “Process of enabling the person to increase control over
Community Health Nursing services. and improve heatlh.”

8. Opportunities for continuing staff education programs Concept: Health for all
for nurses must be provided by the Community Health
Nursing agency. The community health nurse also has a Bangkok Charter
responsibility for his/her own professional growth. “Process of enabling the person to increase control over
and improve health and its determinants.”
9. The community health nurse makes use of available
community health resources. Concept: All for health

10. The community health nurse utilizes the already Community Health Nursing Process
existing active organized groups in the community. Goal of Care: Individual, Family, Community

11. There must be provision for educative supervision in 1. Assessment

Community Health Nursing.
• Initiate contact
12. There should be accurate recording and reporting in • Demonstrate caring attitude
Community Health Nursing. • Mutual Trust and Confidence
• Collect Data from all possible sources
CHN IN-DEPTH • Identify health problems
• Assess coping ability
CHN: is anchored with theories • Analyze and interpret data

emphasis: on the importance of the “greatest good for the 2. Planning Nursing Action
number” • Prioritize needs
• Establish goal
priority: health promotive and disease preventive • Construct action and operation plan
strategies over curative interventions (Maglaya) • Develop evaluation parameters
• Revise plan as needed
Philosophy: worth and dignity of man (Margaret Shetland)
3. Implementation of Planned Care
goal: to raise the level of health of the citizenry (through
health • Put nursing plan to action
promotion) • Coordinate care/services
• Utilizes community resources
main activity: health teaching • Delegate
• Supervise/Monitor health services provided
focus: health promotion • Provide health education and training
• Document responses to nursing action
Principles: “BUCH”
4. Evaluation of care/ services rendered
-Based on recognized NEEDS of the clientele
-Unit of service is the family • Nursing audit
• Care outcomes
• Performance appraisal Hanlon
• Estimate cost benefit ratio : “public health is dedicated to the common
• Assessment problems attainment of the highest level of physical,
• Identify needed alterations mental, and social well-being and longevity.”
- Revise plans as necessary
Historical Background

Several factors in the eco-system which affect the : Pre-Spanish Era – no records
level of functioning: : Spanish Regime (1591-1898)

1. Political - Bro. Juan Climente (1577) started Public Health

2. Behavioral – a person’s level of functioning is affected Services
by certain through a dispensary in Intramuros.
habits that he/she has. - Water sanitation was started.
3. Hereditary- genetically influenced disease - Small pox vaccine was introduced.
4. Health Care Delivery System - Positions such as district, provincial, national health
5. Environmental influences officer were created.
6. Socio-economic influence – Families from the lower
income : American Regime (1898-1942)
groups are the ones mostly served in public
health services and by the community health - 1898- Board of Health for Physicians was created
nurses. - 1906- The Board of Health was abolished and Bureau of
Health was created.
Levels of Clientele in Community Health Nursing
Practice - 1912- PHN was started in Cebu with four graduate
nurses who dealt primarily in MCH services.
1. Community
: A social group (best definition of community by - 1915- PHN began in Manila with two nurses who offered
WHO) follow-up care of OB patients and environmental
sanitation services.
2. Population Group
: Aggregate of people who share common - 1919- The first Filipino nurse supervisor under the
characteristics Bureau
(Clark 1995) of Health, Miss Carmen del Rosario was appointed.

3. Family - 1923- Establishment of two government Schools of

: Two or more individuals joined or related Nursing: Zamboanga General Hospital School of Nursing
together by ties of blood, marriage or adoption. in Mindanao and Baguio General Hospital in Northern
4. Individual
: A person - 1928- First convention of Nurses followed by yearly
conventions until the advent of World War II.
: Japanese Regime (1942-1945)
HEALTH NURSING - PHN services were interrupted.

A. CONCEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH : Era of the Republic of the Philippines (1946 to

1. Definition of Public Health
: Winslow, “science and art of preventing - 1947- DOH was divided into 3 Bureaus: Hospital,
disease, Quarantine, and Health
prolonging life, promoting health and efficiency
through organized community effort.” - 1958 – 1965- Miss Annie Sand was appointed Nursing
Consultant under the Office of the Secretary of Health.
: birthright of health and longevity.
- The Department of Health National League of Nurses,
2. Philosophy of Public Health Inc. was founded by Miss Annie Sand in 1961. She
: Emphasizes the worth and dignity of man. became its first President and Adviser.
- 1975- Formulation of the National Health Plan and the g. Health Monitor
restructured Health Care Delivery System : Detects deviation from health
practices/behaviour of
- 1992- Devolution led to the transfer of authority to the individuals
LGUs by virtue of the local government code.
h. Role Model
: Provides good example
3. Principles of Public Health
i. Change Agent
a. Education concerning prevailing health problems : Motivates changes in health behaviour
b. Promotion of food supply and proper sanitation
c. Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation j. Recorder/reporter/statistician
d. Maternal and child health care; including family : Prepares/submits reports
planning : Prepares statistical data/chart
e. Immunization against major infectious diseases
f. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases k. Researcher
g. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and : Participates in the conduct of survey studies
h. Provision of essential drugs B. CONCEPT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING

4. Roles and Functions of Public Health Nurse 1. Definition and Philosophy –

a. Planner/programmer Community Health Nursing (CHN)

: Identifies needs, priorities
: Formulates Municipal Health Plan : Refers to “the utilization of the nursing process in the
: Interprets and implements nursing care plan, different level of clientele concerned with the promotion of
program health, prevention of disease and disability, and
policies rehabilitation. (Maglaya, 2006)
: Provides technical assistance to rural health
midwives : Aims to achieve the highest possible level of community
b. Provider of Nursing Care : The ultimate goal of CHN is to improve/raise the level of
: Provides direct nursing care health among Filipinos.
: Develops the family’s ability to take care of the
sick. 3. Nursing Theories related to CHN

c. Manager/supervisor : Nightingale’s Theory of Environment

: Formulates individual, community-centered
plan. - Involves the nurse’s initiative to configure environmental
: Interprets and implements programs, policies settings appropriate for the gradual restoration of the
: Organizes work force, resources patient’s health.

d. Community Organizer : Orem’s Self-Care Model

: Motivates and enhances community
participation - States that an individual is self-caring if he/she can
: Initiates and participates in community manage effectively the maintenance of normal growth
development and development.
: Neumann’s Health Care System Model
e. Coordinator of Services
: Coordinates with individuals, families for health- - Provides a comprehensive, flexible, holistic, and
related system-based perspective for nursing.
: Coordinates nursing program with other health : Roger’s Model of the Science and Unitary Man
programs like environmental sanitation
- States that the purpose of the nurses is to promote
f. Trainer/Health Educator health and well-being for all persons and groups
: Identifies and interprets training needs wherever they are.
: Conducts trainings
: Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) 6. Specialized Fields in Community and Public Health
- Persons have the capacity for self-awareness, including
assessment of their own competencies. : School Health Nursing

: Roy’s Adaptation Model - Aims to maximize potential for learning by promoting

health of school-age children and adolescents.
- States that nursing is the science and practice that
expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and Roles of School Health Nurse:
environment transformation.
- Educator
4. Concepts and Principles of Community Health - Consultant/Researcher
Nursing - Student, family, and staff advocate/change agent
- Health screener
: Equitable distribution of health - Healthcare provider
: Active community participation and involvement in the
planning, implementation, and evaluation of health School Health Triad
- Service
: The use of appropriate technology in the delivery of - Education
health care services. - Environment

: Focus on health promotion and disease prevention : Occupational Health Nursing

: A multi-sectoral approach to community health - Refers to the application of nursing principles and
development procedures
- Aims to assist, maintain, and promote positive health of
5. Standards in Community Health Nursing laborers and employees

: Theory – applies theoretical concepts as basis for : Community Mental Health Nursing
decisions in practice.
- Promotion of mental health
: Data collection - gathers comprehensive, accurate
: Diagnosis – analyses collected data to determine the
needs/health problems A. THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

: Planning – develops plans that specify nursing actions - The principal health agency in the Philippines.

: Intervention – guided by the plan, intervenes to Roles and functions of DOH: (EO 102)
maintain or restore health, prevent illness and institute 1. Leadership in health: regulate, formulate, advocate
rehabilitation 2. Enabler and capacity builder: Innovate, monitor &
evaluate, ensure standards
: Evaluation – evaluates responses of clients to 3. Administrator of specific services: Administer, manage
Primary function of DOH: Program planner
: Quality assurance and professional development –
participates in peer review and other means of evaluation Goal of DOH: HSRA (Health Sector Reform Agenda) by
to assure quality of nursing practice. GMA year 2006

: Interdisciplinary collaboration – collaborates with Overriding goal of DOH: AHA (Aquino Health Agenda)
other members of the health team
Framework for Implementation of Goal: FOURmula One
: Research – indulges in research to contribute to theory for health
and practice in community health nursing
Objectives of FOURmula ONE:

a. Better health outcomes Disorders, Protein Energy Malnutrition, Iron Deficiency
b. Equitable health care financing Anemia, and Obesity.
c. More responsive health systems
Elements of FOURmula one: (3H + 1G) 3. Eliminate the following diseases as public health
problems: schistosomiasis, malaria, filariasis, leprosy,
1. Health financing – money, investments, insurance rabies, measles, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis,
vitamin A deficiency and iodine deficiency disorders.
4. Eradicate poliomyelitis.
PhilHealth – National Health Insurance Program (NHIP)
- Key feature of FOURmula one 5. Promote healthy lifestyle through healthy diet and
- RA 7875 (National Health Insurance Act of nutrition, physical activity and fitness, personal hygiene,
1995) mental health and less stressful life and prevent violent
and risk-taking behaviors.
2. Health Regulation – Quality, affordability
- Quality Assurance Program: by means of SSM 6. Promote the health and nutrition of families and special
or Sentrong Sigla Movement populations through child, adolescent and youth, adult
health, women’s health, health of older persons, health of
3. Health Service Delivery – Accessibility, availability indigenous people, health of migrant workers and health
- Distance of BHC to main RHU: within 3-5 kms of different abled persons and health of the rural and
- 1 BHC: 5000 population urban poor.
- Ideal traveling time from home to BHC: within
30 mins 7. Promote environmental health and sustainable
development through the promotion and maintenance of
4. Good Governance – Transparency, enhancement of healthy homes, school, workplaces, establishments, and
performance/health sectors communities towns and cities.

RA 7160 – “Devolution Act” (local gov’t code) Four Millennium Implementation Components
- Promotes decentralization: transfer of
responsibility from Nat’l gov’t to LGU. 1. Health Financing
2. Health Regulation
Goal of RA 7160 – to empower LGU, to empower system 3. Health Service Delivery
of LGU, making LGU a self-reliant. 4. Good Governance in Health

Vision by 2030 Millennium Development Goals

- World’s time-bound and quantified targets for
A Global Leader for attaining better health outcomes, addressing
competitive and responsive health care systems, and extreme poverty.
equitable health financing.
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
Mission Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
To guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to lead the quest for Goal 5: Improve maternal Health
excellence in health. Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS Malaria, and other Diseases
Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability
National Objectives: Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

1. Improve the general health status of the population Levels of Healthcare Facilities
(reduce infant mortality rate, reduce child mortality rate,
reduce maternal mortality rate, reduce total fertility rate, : Tertiary Level
increase life expectancy and the quality of life years).
1. National Health Services
2. Reduce morbidity, mortality, disability, and 2. Medical Regional Health Centers Services
complications from Diarrheas, Pneumonia, TB, Dengue, 3. Medical Regional Centers and Training Hospitals
Intestinal Parasitism, STDs, Hepatitis B, Accident and
Injuries, Dental Caries, Cardiovascular Diseases, Cancer, : Secondary Level
Diabetes, Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Diseases, Nephritis and Chronic Kidney Diseases, Mental 1. Emergency/District Hospitals
2. Provincial/City health Services
3. Provincial/City Hospitals

: Primary Level

1. RHU
2. Community Hospitals and Health Centers
3. Private Practitioners/Puericulture Centers


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