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Year 10 Ad Astra

Aspire Project Plan

Name Charlotte Pittar Class

PROJECT PHASE Project Goals Checkpoint

DEFINE YOUR - Raise awareness of the issue of bushfires and the Tuesday, Week
PROBLEM environmental impact it has on our nation as well as 9 T2
affected areas 23 June 2020
What exactly needs to - Discuss and raise awareness on how global warming is a
be solved and in what major factor of the fires
context? - Discuss backburning and the Aborgigional culture and
how they had successfully abolished bushfires through
listening and maintaining the land

DISCOVER - Over 18.6 million hectares were destroyed over the 11 Friday, Week 1
month period ranging from June of 2019 - May of 2020 T3
Research, gather and - 34 lives were lost 24 July 2020
analyse knowledge - 3 billion animals perished during the fires
about the problem - Long term droughts as well as serging heat waves were
the main causes for the fires
- South-eastern Australia which was said to be the worst
affected area was in the grip of the worst drought on
record causing the land to burn and spread easier
- ⅙ businesses 0\or 26% of Australian businesses were directly
affected by the bushfires

DREAM - Spread awareness to the school community not only to Thursday,

the students but staff as well so they can spread the Week 2 T3
Imagine and envision message 30 July 2020
possible solutions - Get girls more aware on the impact of global warming
and how it will evidently affect our lives as adults and
our futures, and helping them understand what they can
do in order to play a part in reducing bushfires in

DESIGN - Create a website for people to look at and inform

themselves, i would publish the website and have the
Make the solution link available to the girls and teachers
tangible for others to - Have infographics/posters to highlight the impact on
view and critique animals, businesses, agriculture and how we can help
prevent bushfires/how to stay safe
DELIVER I would like to have visual aspects like photos and videos to give
people a better understanding of the issue. I would deliver this
Produce and publish through by putting posters around the school as well as
your proposed solution requesting access to post it on the school website.

When we have the exhibition i will have a slideshow as well as

the posters in order to inform people on how they can help,
how environmental law plays a part and general information.

How your
you to be

adventurous in your learning

The task at hand that we were given allowed us to utilize our interests and the platform Canberra Girls
Grammar gives us in order to make a difference, big or small. For me, this project allowed me to be
adventurous in my learning as there were no limits to which we could take this. We were given the
opportunity to have full creative freedom throughout the whole project. This allowed me to create my
own guidelines and my own rules and admittedly make mistakes along the way. I was adventurous as I
created a website and posters in which I put around the school and also on poster boards around
manuka and griffith. For me this is something that I am proud of as I put myself out there and spread
further awareness.

How your project helped you understand the world around you and your place in it

My project focused on the environment as growing up in Hong Kong then moving to my farm
embedded a deep appreciation of nature in me at a young age. My farm however in 2003 was deeply
affected by the 2003 bushfires that clammed many acres and lives. Still to this day seventeen years
later my family is continuing to rebuild the land. Ever since then, growing up hearing the stories of the
fires I have learnt that nature is a necessity for humans to thrive but nature can also be a danger to us
all. My project really helped me understand the world around me and my place in it as I realized my
ability to spread awareness about the situation to my peers and teachers alike and also taught me
more about balance between people and nature.

How your project allowed you to take initiative and be creative in your thinking

I took initiative through understanding talking about fires and the outcome was not enough,
incorporating Aborigional and Torres Strait Islander history in the presentation through how they
delicately but effectively cared for the land I believe was a good sense of initiative, as well as changing
my ideas many times. From the start I wanted to focus on nature and the balance between flora and
fauna, at first I focused on the ocean and how it impacts us daily and the way in which it would change
our lives after we change it. I understood that although the issue was a relevant and important one,
the fires I believe was an issue Canberra as a community will/has suffered from to a much greater
extent. I had to be creative in my thinking as I had to put myself in others shoes and think which issue
would be more important to understand on a deeper level and I had to think of how I would present
my issue in a way that it would resonate with the audience.

How your project helped you explore different and new points of view

The project plan helped me understand different points of view as curating the information meant
understanding, analyzing, comparing and contrasting different articles, news segments, photos and
videos to one another time and time again. My level of understanding on the issue is much deeper
than how my family and I felt and how my family and I reacted to the fires, now I know how as a
nation we reacted, what we can do as a nation to prevent such catastrophic fires this coming summer
and how we can all take a page out of the Aborigional and Torres Strait Islander Peoples book on how
they for decades on decades protected themselves and the land from fires and still maintaining a
beautiful lush tundra. In the process of gathering my knowledge of the issue, I interviewed my
grandfather and grandmother who are the proud owners of Uriarra Station and have been for many
decades. We discussed the 2003 bushfires and how they are still recovering and the horrors of the
2019-2020 fires. We then went on to talk about Aborigional culture and the ties the farm has with
Aborigional peoples and their take on how we should take on their teachings in farm life.

How your project allowed you to be active in shaping the future you want to see

This project really helped me become an active member in the future. I want to see not just for me,
not just for my family but as a country how we can see the future we deserve. Although my part in
fixing the issue was little, still speaking up and spreading awareness will help us all take a little step
forward in shaping the future together, as tackling an issue so big is something that we can not do
alone but something all of Australia must do together. As an individual though it allowed me to raise
awareness to others but also to familiarize and teach myself new and valuable knowledge to give to
others in and out of the school community.

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