CP 2017

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SCHOOL: Scoala gimnaziala George Valsan Amara

LEVEL: Elementary; 1 hour per week
BOOK: Play English
TEACHER: Oana Craciunescu
Programa şcolară pentru disciplina Comunicare în Limba Modernă 1, clasa pregătitoare, clasa I şi clasa a II-a aprobată prin ordin al ministrului Nr

Nr Unit S.C Contents Hours Week Resources Observations


Who I am 11, 12, 13, 21, Girl, boy, what’s your 2 S1-2 Book
22, 23 name?my name is,
how are you? I’m fine,
thank you Handout

Greetings 11, 12, 13, 21, Hello, goodbye, Good 1 S3 Book

22, 23 morning/afternoon/e CD
vening/night Handout
My family 11, 12, 13, 21, Mother, father, sister, 1 S4 Book
22, 23 brither, I have a CD
sister/brother Handout
My house 11, 12, 13, 21, Roof, door, window, 1 S5 Book
22, 23 wall CD
Rooms in my 11, 12, 13, 21, Kitchen, bathroom, 1 S6 Book
house 22, 23 bedroom, In my house CD
there is Handout
Revision S7
In my 11, 12, 13, 21, window, blackboard, 1 S9 Book
classroom 22, 23 schoolbag, notebook, CD
chair, pencil, desk Handout
In my school 11, 12, 13, 21, Sit down, stand up, 1 S10 Book
22, 23 what’s this? it’s a CD
Revision 11, 12, 13, 21, All above 1 S11 Book
22, 23 CD
My head and 11, 12, 13, 21, eyes, nose, mouth, 2 S12-13 Book
my body 22, 23 head, shoulders, CD
hand , mouth, teeth, Handout
knees, toes, my arm,
your hand, show me
My clothes 11, 12, 13, 21, shirt, blouse, shoes, 2 S14-15 Book
22, 23 T;shirt, dress, pants, CD
trousers, This is my Handout
shirt, These are your
My toys 11, 12, 13, 21, balloon, car, boat, doll, 2 S16-17 Book
22, 23 teddy bear, ball, plane, CD
kite Handout
Revision 11, 12, 13, 21, Merry Christma, 2 s 18-19 Book
22, 23 Christmas Tree, CD
snowman Handout

Nr Unit S.C Contents Ho Week Resources Observations


I’m hungry 11, 12, I’m hungry/thirsty, Are you 2 S1-2 Book
13, 21, hungry? Yes, I am, No, I’m not,
22, 23 candy, biscuits, apple, orange,, CD
bread, cake, pear, Handout
carrot,sandwich, one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten, How many…..?

Fruits and 11, 12, apple, pear, watermelon, 1 S4 Book

vegetables 13, 21, cherries, strawbwrries, CD
22, 23 tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, I Handout

My birthday 11, 12, cake, ice-cream, hat, gift, 1 S5 Book

13, 21, candy, Happy birthday!,candle, CD
22, 23 party Handout

What colour 11, 12, white. black, red, orange, 2 S6-7 Book
is it? 13, 21, yellow, blue, green, brown , CD
22, 23 purple. what colour is it?It is…. Handout

Revision All Book

Insects 11, 12, bee, butterfly, ant, Insects have s10 Book
13, 21, CD
22, 23 sex legs Handout

Animals 11, 12, cat, dog, sheep, cow, pig, 11-12 Book
13, 21, monkey, lion, monkey, CD
22, 23 elephant, tiger,bear, What Handout
animal is it? It is a…..

Days of the 11, 12, days of the week S13 Book

week 13, 21, CD
22, 23 Handout

sports 11, 12, football, basketball, tennis, I S 14-15 Book

13, 21, play… I like….My favourite CD
22, 23 sport is… Handout

My favourite 11, 12, My vavourute toy, S16 Book

13, 21, animal,sport, fruit is CD
22, 23 Handout

Revision S 17-18 Book


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