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SY 2020-2021 | 3RD QUARTER
Prepared by: T. Roselle Maasin

I. Read the following sentences carefully. Write the conjunction that connects the two phrases.

1. Paul has to wake up early so he can climb the mountain.

2. Roselle ate a lot yet she is still hungry.

3. Leslie went to the mall because she needs to shop.

4. Karl loves to play baseball for he is good at it.

5. Nicole loves to cook but she needs new stove.

II. Rewrite each sentence below and add a conjunction to complete the sentence correctly. Choose among and, or, but.

1. My mom and dad took me with them to the movies.

2. My favorite sports are volleyball and badminton.

3. Roselle must study or she will not pass the test.

4. Andrew ran fast but he still did not win the race.

5. We will hike, swim and play at summer camp.

III. Read each sentence below. Fill in the blanks with the correct correlative conjunctions.

1. We should stay home to be safe so we are going _______ to the movies _______ the restaurant.
a. either/or b. neither/nor

2. _______ John _______ Andrei showed up on time for the game.

a. either/or b. neither/nor

3. I can have _______ cola _______ tea.

a. either/or b. neither/nor

4. He must do it, _______ he likes it _______ not.

a. either/or b. neither/nor

5. Ethan can _______ read _______ write.

a. either/or b. neither/nor

IV. Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

1. My smoothie was cold, smooth, so I asked for a new one.

a. Both/and
b. Not only/but also

2. We have to take the stairs use the elevator because the escalator is broken.

a. Both/and
b. Not only/but also

3. did Mom join the PTA, she volunteered to run the bake sale.
a. Both/and
b. Not only/but also

4. Angela will fly in on Monday drive and arrive on Tuesday.

a. Both/and
b. Not only/but also

5. friends relatives are people you want to forget during the holidays.

a. Both/and
b. Not only/but also

V. Complete the sentences with contractions from the box. Use a conjunction only once.

and or before so

because but after

1. Let’s go to the bakery and get a treat.

2. We can go to the park after we finish eating.

3. You will need to put your coat on before we go.

4. I’m going to get green because it’s my favorite color.

5. They both look good, but you can only choose one.

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