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CBTA No. 184




2° “A” T.O

A 10 DE JUNIO, 2020
17.1 Complete these senteces.

1 Rachel is in Brazil. She has been there since Monday.

2 I know Lisa. I have know her for a long time.

3 Amy and Jason are married. They are married since 2005.

4 Matt is sick. He has sick for the last few days.

5 We live on Main Street. We has lived there for a long time.

6 Catherine Works in a bank. She has worked in a bank for five years.

7 Nick has a headache. He’s had a headache since he got up this morning.

8 I´m studying English. I have studying English for six months.

17.2 Make questions with How long…?

1 How long has she been on vacation .

2 Emily is on vacation. How long have you been in Brazil.

3 Dan and Megan are in Brazil. How long do you know Emma.

4 I know Emma. How long has you been studying Italian.

5 Rachel is studying Italian. How long have lived in Seattle.

6 My brother lives in Seattle. How long are you a teacher.

7 I´m a teacher. How long has it been raining.

It is raining.

17.3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with:

We´re married. I live in South Korea. We´re on vacation. The sun is shining. I´m waiting. I have a

For 10 minutes all day all her life

For 10 years since he was 20 since Sunday

1 They have been married for 10 years.

2 She has lived in South Korea since he was 20

3 They been on vacation since sunday

4 The sun has been shining all her life

5 She has waiting for 10 minutes

6 He has had a beard all day

17.4 Wich is right?

1 Ryan lives / has lived in Canada since April. (has lived is right)

2 Olivia and I are friends. I know / I´ve known her very well.

3 Olivia and I are friends. I know / I´ve known her for a long time.

4 A: Sorry I´m late. How long are you waiting / have you been waiting?

B: Not long. Only five minutes.

5 John Works / has worked in a hotel now. He likes his job a lot.

6 Amanda is reading a newspaper. She is Reading / She has been Reading it for two hours.

7 “ How long do you live / have you lived in this house?” “About 10 years.”

8 “Is that a new coat?” “No, I have / I´ve had this coat for a long time.”

9 Tom is / has been in Seattle right now. He is / He has been there for the last three days.
Regular Irregular

Harry ---Casar Ven--- Sido-Ser

Live ---Vivir Know---Saber

Works ---Trabajo Got-Get ---Obtener

Rain ---Llover Make--- Hacer

Wait--- Esperar Shine ---Brillar

Have ---Tener (Estar)

Read ---Leer

Normas de seguridad e higiene externas…

1.- seleccionar un buen espacio en el que se instalara la computadora, de preferencia no cerca de

una ventana para evitar que el equipo de cómputo se llene de polvo y se ensucie.

2.- utilizar una mesa adecuada para instalar el equipo de cómputo, ya que algunas mesas tienen
espacio especial para colocar el teclado, impresora, mouse, etc.

3.- si se quiere trabajar cómodamente, se refiere a una silla que se ajuste a tu comodidad (hay
diferentes tipos).

4.- utilizar un regulador de voltaje, esto para que regule todo el voltaje que necesita nuestro
equipo de cómputo y evitar que haya fallas eléctricas causadas por las variaciones de voltaje.
5.- Intensidad sonora de ciertas situaciones o condiciones.

- Habitación silenciosa------------------------------------------------------ 0 a 30 dB

-Ambiente tranquilo, ruidos moderados------------------------------- 30 a 50 dB

-Oficinas públicas con conversaciones-------------------------------- 50 a 75 dB

-Ruidos de calles, oficinas muy ruidosas------------------------------ 75 a 100 dB

-Ruidos dolorosos-----------------------------------------------------------100 a 130 dB

-Ruidos peligrosos---------------------------------------------------------- + 130 dB

6.- limpieza periódica de todos los muros, pisos y paredes.

7.- Prohibición de introducir en la sala comidas, bebidas, así como el fumar.

8.- no golpear el equipo.

9.- no exponer el equipo de cómputo al sol.

Normas de seguridad e higiene internas…

1.- Es importante que los filtros se limpien o cambien en los periodos apropiados o llegarán a
bloquearse y el alza de presión resultante forzará a las partículas de polvo.

2.- Manipulando el papel en una habitación separada de la sala de la computadora.

3.- Aspirando el polvo regularmente de la sala de computadoras, incluyendo los huecos del falso

4.- instalar un antivirus para la computadora

5.- nunca sobrecargar la computadora con muchos programas.

6.- nunca exponer la computadora a software desconocido.

7.- evitar infecciones por medio de un USB.

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