Literature As Data Chart l3

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Wondering/Inquiry Focus: In what ways can I develop a learning environment that provides social

emotional support for students who are lacking self-motivation?

Article citation (in correct APA Key quotes and ideas related to Ideas for taking
format) your wondering action in your
this explicitly
impacts your
inquiry work
About the Author Amy L. Eva “The promotion of social, This is not an idea
Amy L. Eva, & Eva, A. that will come and
emotional, and academic
(n.d.). How to Take SEL to go and as a teacher I
the Next Level at Your learning is not a shifting need to recognize
School. Retrieved October educational fad; it is the that every day in the
16, 2020, from substance of education classroom I have the
https://greatergood.berkeley.e chance to enrich
itself,” the report says. both the students
sel_to_the_next_level_at_you capabilities as a
r_school learner and as a
human so that they
have the foundation
to become a well
rounded person.

“Students today are We can no longer

dismiss the feelings
Tate, E. (2019, May 07). Why
distracted, they’re under a lot of students simply
Social-Emotional Learning Is of pressure and because they are
Suddenly in the Spotlight - they’re suffering from mental children or that they
EdSurge News. Retrieved health issues more than ever will grow out of it.
October 16, 2020, from We need to tend to before.” the mental health of
ws/2019-05-07-why-social- our students
emotional-learning-is- because iur
suddenly-in-the-spotlight responsibility as the
teacher is to care for
all aspects of the
childs life and not
just the academics. If
Wondering/Inquiry Focus: In what ways can I develop a learning environment that provides social
emotional support for students who are lacking self-motivation?

we do not begin to
address their needs,
the student may
never get the proper
attention to benefit
them all around.

“Social and emotional Generally speaking,

in my opinion, the
Weissberg, R. (2016, February 15). learning (SEL) safest and most
Why Social and Emotional provides a foundation positive place a
Learning Is Essential for for safe and positive student can thrive is
Students. Retrieved October a classroom that can
16, 2020, from learning, and create and maintain enhances students' that atmosphere. I
g/why-sel-essential-for- recall as a student
ability to succeed in that the atmosphere
domitrovich-gullotta school, careers, and of elementary school
life.” was focused on drill
and practice. Very
rarely were there
real opportunities to
address how you
were really feeling.
Teachers were more
of the disciplinarian
and less of a coach.
We are in need of
teachers that can
coach students
through situations
and teach them skills
that will allow them
to grow.

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