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Presente perfecto

Pg. 29 y pg 133

1. looked

2. finished

3 finished y dried

4 asked

Pg. 133

Cuando no esta have no enemos presente perfecto cuando esta have si estamos en presente

I´ve finished – i haven’t finished

It hasn´t rained – it’s rained

You haven’t changed - you’ve changed

He’s arrived. He hasn’t arrived

We haven’t argued – we’ve argued

It’s stared – it hasn’t started

They haven’t landed – they’ve landed

She hasn’t passed – she´s passed

I haven’t studied a lot – I’ve studied a lot

It hasn’t stopped raining – I’ts stopped raining.

CAREGIVERS = alguien que toma cuidado de esa persona

They have a bad reputation

1.4 million

Feedeng, whashing,


Nombre que se le da para un evento.

Past ….. present future

Went have gone go will go

Fui voy

HAVE = agregar verbo en pasado participio

I baked a cake.

I have baked a cake.

I bake a cake (yo horneo un pastel)

Saw seen see

I have baked a cake

I haven’t baked a cake

Have I baked a cake?

Lo Podemos usar como una experiencia el PRESENT PERFECT como yo no he viajado en un tren ,
yo fui a londres

Camibos a través del tiempo = como no estaba interesado en educadion de , o lo que pasa a través
del tiempo

También lo usamos en logros,

También lo mencionamos para negación una acción incompleta, como el no ha terminado su tarea



Trolley, basket

CUSTOMER = lift, changing room, ways to pay, cash

CASHIER = bag (bolsa ) (esca

ASKING FOR THINGS IN SHOPS = preguntar cosas en tienda

Do you have any

Im looking for

I wonder if you could help me

Pg 31 studen book

EVER = significa el tiempo hast ahora


It is used with

Have you ever eaten a frog?

Has she ever gone to Australia?


Yes , I have seen a whale or Yes I have.


Haven’t/hasn’t + ever + past participle

Have/has + never + past participle

Have = I’ve. Para She, he , it = has USAR EVER lisa y Tom,, you, they, = Have (plural)

Susan/wear/cowboy hat

Has susan ever worn a cowboy hat?

Yes, she has a cowboy hat.

1. Has you

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