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Please read the CCD Handbook before filling out this form, and complete a form for each singer in your family.
Early registration deadline 2/16; final registration deadline 2/25; please see Handbook for details.
Please send this completed form by reply email.

-Your name (and age, if under 18):
-To consolidate any mailings, please list names of others participating from your household:

-Phone with area code: ( ) Email address:

-Postal mailing address (street, city, state, zip):

___(#) of sets of music ordered x $40 each = $ ______ paid (non-refundable)
Music will only be ordered upon receipt of payment, and payment must be received by the deadline dates to
be included for those deadlines.
TWO WAYS TO PAY (please indicate method of payment):
1) Send payment via Paypal to this email address: OR
2) Send a check made to “Community Chorus of Detroit.” For postal mailing address info, please
contact Diane Linn, coordinator (same email).


-Voice part, if known: -Your height (for placement):

-Please describe your background in singing (choral/solo experience):

___high school experience, ___college experience, ___adult experience (please list)

-Please characterize the extent of your choral-music experience on a 1-10 scale: ____ .
(1 = a little choral experience with basic music-reading; 10 = extensive experience singing major works,
possible solo work, proficient sight-reading)

-Please describe any other musical background, including instrumental experience:

-If asked, would you be interested in serving as a section leader? Yes / No

Thank you for registering for the Community Chorus of Detroit. We look forward to
seeing you in at our first rehearsal!

Liability waiver and disclaimer: Neither the Detroit Waldorf School, nor any school personnel or representative, the Linn
family, the Community Chorus of Detroit (CCD), CCD conductor, CCD accompanist, chorus/concert participant or
leadership/support/guest-artist, or sponsoring person or organization is responsible for personal injury or loss of or damage
to personal property. Participants under age 16 must have a parent or adult guardian on site for all rehearsals and
performances. Parents and/or guardians are solely responsible for their minor children; the Detroit Waldorf School and all
aforementioned parties are not responsible for minors. The CCD reserves the right to include singers’ contact/address
information in its roster, which will be provided by email to CCD members, but which will not be posted on the CCD
website or sold. Audio recordings and/or photographic and/or video/DVD images and/or recordings of members may be
used on the CCD website, for publicity, and/or for sale. By registering, participants acknowledge their understanding of and
agreement to these conditions and this waiver of liability, and that they have read the Handbook before registering for the

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