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Verlinda Irbah Fortuna 201910330311001

Dewi tsania Larasati 201920330311013

1. How can we get the right information about covid-19?

Stay informed to ensure you and your family are taking appropriate step to stay healthy by updating to
accurate sources information such as parlement health website.

2. What is the benefit by talking to the loved ones during this covid-19 pandemic?
Talking to your loved ones about concern and worry that we might have during this covid-19 pandemic
will reduce our anxiety.

3. Why we should limit the media exposure during this covid-19 pandemic? And what should we do
instead of that?
Because it is not necessarily helpful on this circumstances, but good social support from family and
friends is important , remember to do social distancing, look after yourself by doing bacis hygiene and
preventive measures like washing your hand, healthy diet, getting good exercise, getting enough sleep,
establish daily routine, talk to loved ones, engage in hobbies and enjoyable activities, avoid or reduce
alcohol and tobacco use is the things we should do during this covid-19 pandemic.

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