Variables Total Subject N (%) No Infection N (%) Infection N (%) P Value

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Table 1: Subject characteristic

Variables Total No infection Infection p value

subject n (%) n (%)
n (%)
- female 76 (50.67) 76 (51.35) 0 (0.00) 0.149
- male 74 (49.33) 72 (48.65) 2 (100.00)
- late elderly ( ≥ 75 y.o) 51 (34.00) 50 (33.78) 1 (50.00)
- early elderly (61-74) 49 (32.67) 49 (33.11) 0 (0.00) 0.611
- adult (19-60) 50 (33.33) 49 (33.11) 1 (50.00)
Kind of antibiotics
- not standard 27 (18.00) 26 (17.57) 1 (50.00) 0.236
- standard 123 (81.00) 122 (82.43) 1 (50.00)
Intravenous antibiotics
- others 12 (8.00) 12 (8.11) 0 (0.00) 0.675
- ampicillin-sulbactam 138 (92.00) 136 (91.89) 2 (100.00)
Oral antibiotics
- not given 43 (28.67) 42 (28.38) 1 (50.00)
- others 19 (12.67) 18 (12.16) 1 (50.00) 0.154
- clindamycin 88 (12.67) 88 (59.46) 0 (0.00)
- snd-avnd 24 (16.00) 24 (16.22) 0 (0.00)
- snd 45 (30.00) 45 (30.41) 0 (0.00) 0.422
- avnd 81 (54.00) 79 (53.38) 2 (0.00)
- normal 71 (47.33) 70 (47.30) 1 (50.00) 0.939
- anemia 79 (52.67) 78 (52.70) 1 (50.00)
Glucose level
- hypoglycemia 6 (4.00) 6 (4.05) 0 (0.00)
- normal 100 (66.67) 98 (66.22) 2 (100.00) 0.602
- hyperglycemia 44 (29.33) 44 (29.73) 0 (100.00)
Table 2: Baseline parameters
Variabels n (%) Mean value Min Max 95% CI
Age 150 (100) 67.98 26 92 65.88 - 70.07
Length of stay 150 (100) 4.77 1 27 4.16 - 5.38
Hemoglobin level 150 (100) 12.78 6.3 16.9 12.46 - 13.10
Blood glucose level 150 (100) 133.05 48 414 124.26 - 141.85

Table 3: Correlation between variables to METS equal within chemotherapy

Variables OR 95% CI p value
Age 0.51 0.03 - 8.33 0.64
Kind of antibiotics 0.21 0.01 – 3.51 0.30
Intravenous antibiotics 0.65 0.32 – 1.72 0.5410
Oral antibiotics 0.39 0.02 – 6.48 0.52
Diagnosis 0.59 0.30 – 1.14 0.126
Hemoglobin 0.89 0.05 – 14.62 0.94
Glucose level 0.84 0.45 – 2.44 0.9432

All data were analyzed using STATA version 15.0. Analysis of association between variables can be seen from mathematic model
between one variable and others using multivariate analysis logistic regression.

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