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Mindfulness-based Module 5

Now it is time to put what you have learned in this Module to the test. Work your
way through this worksheet and do your best to fully participate in every activity set.

We recommend that you allocate 30 minutes to this worksheet.

At the end of the worksheet is a convenient answers/feedback and advice section to allow you
to see how well you have done.
You are not required to return this worksheet.

10 minutes
Activity #1

Describe what the initials GAD stand for and exactly what is involved with this












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Activity #2 10 minutes

In terms of MBSR training programs, describe the benefits of yoga:











Activity #3 10 minutes

In terms of MBSR training programs, describe and list the benefits of ‘mindful tasks ‘as
listed in the module:











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Answers/feedback and advice section
Use this section to check your answers and see how well you have done
You are not required to return this worksheet

Activity #1
Advice and Feedback

The initials GAD stand for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

GAD is typically characterized by excessive worry and tension regarding trivial activities and everyday life events.
Although there may be no cause for concern, people who suffer from GAD usually perceive reality from a negative
standpoint and expect the worst. They may worry themselves about their health, finances, children, spouse, education
and job amongst other things.

Individuals who experience GAD may be aware that they are unable to control their anxiety levels; many find it
difficult to get through a normal day. Common symptoms of GAD include sleeplessness, or poor quality of sleep,
muscular tension, general fatigue, irritability and an inability to concentrate on simple tasks.

Activity #2

Advice and Feedback

Yoga is posture-based stretching and exercise that combines physical and mental exercise for maximum benefit.
Yoga is also referred to as ‘mindful movement’ and involves observing and accepting sensations as you stretch and
move according to the instructions. The yoga postures are usually practiced for thirty-five minutes. Participants
should carry out exercises that feel comfortable and avoid those that feel uncomfortable.

Activity #3

Advice and Feedback

This exercise involves bringing conscious attention to the current task, for example, eating or walking. The
participant should observe the sensations in the body.

The underlying objectives of the exercise of mindful tasks include:

Avoiding judgement as to whether something is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ - you simply notice what is.

Avoid trying to change a ‘bad’ sensation into a ‘good’ sensation by, for example, moving your leg.

Avoid trying to analyze a sensation, for instance, you should avoid trying to trace the origins of a particular

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If some sections of this module have been difficult to grasp, take this opportunity to run
through it again to understand Mindfulness-based Interventions.

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