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Multiple Choice.
Directions. Read the following statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.

1. Which statement cannot be considered as a definition of research?

A. It is the process of gathering information in a scientific manner to solve a problem.
B. It is a disciplined inquiry, directed toward the clarification and/or resolution (or/both) of a problem.
C. It is a scientific investigation that includes collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.
D. It is a process of inquiry that involves an indefinite method or process of finding clarifications to a given
2. The following are goals of research, except ________________
A. improvement of the quality of life
B. prevention of the expansion of new knowledge
C. discovery of new facts about known phenomena
D. improvement of existing ways to develop new products
For numbers 3 – 4, identify the characteristics of research being described in each of the situations below. Use the
following list as your options.
A. Analytical D. Realistic
B. Critical E. Logical
C. Cyclical F. Replicable
3. Robbie is interested to conduct research about the factors affecting the growth of fish in saltwater. He chooses this
topic because he lives in an area near the seashore. He always walks near the shore during his free time. Because
of this, it will be easy for him to conduct observations and gather the data he needs regarding his chosen topic.
4. Grace has finished conducting a research in her field of expertise. She wants to submit it to a national journal for
publication. The National Journal Screening Committee wants to examine the validity of the results of Grace’s
paper. The committee decided to include Grace’s paper since the results from the experiment of the committee is
the same as the results reported by Grace on her paper.
For numbers 5 – 6, identify which quality of a good researcher is demonstrated in each of the following situations below.
Choose from the following options:
A. Curious F. Practical
B. Efficient G. Inventive
C. Logical H. Honest
D. Effective I. Cost-effective
E. Active
5. Noah was conducting an investigation about the effect of a certain antimicrobial substance on a certain type of
bacteria. He was expecting that the substance will prevent the growth of the population of the bacteria. After his
experiment, he found out that the bacteria still grew its population. Although he was not expecting this result,
Noah still reported his findings in his paper.
6. Alice was planning to conduct an experiment. Before she could start her experiment, she needed to measure the
area of the field where the experiment will be conducted. She planned to use a tape measure to be used for
measuring. However, when she went to the stock room, she did not find any tape measure available. There were
only three metersticks present there. She just used the available metersticks in measuring the area of the field.
For number 7 – 8, identify which aim of research is demonstrated in each of the following situations below. Choose from
the following options:
A. Verification of Existing Knowledge C. Application of New Knowledge
B. Acquisition of New Knowledge D. Advancement of the Researcher’s Expertise
7. The case of the Orville and Wilbur Wright illustrates this research aim. After engaging themselves into lengthy
research investigations, the Wright brothers discovered that the birds’ wing structure enables them to fly. They
used this idea in creating a vehicle with wings of similar structure as that of the birds.
8. The development of the current model of the solar system illustrates this research aim. In the early seventeenth
century, Galileo Galilei used his own telescope to make astronomical observations. He found significant evidence
that verified the heliocentric theory of the universe proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus.
9. This kind of research seeks to find more information about a topic and a broader perspective or an additional
knowledge to what is currently known.
A. Exploratory investigation C. Explanatory Research
B. Descriptive research D. None of these
10. Statement A: Qualitative research deals with the characteristics observed from the respondents with minimal to no
use of statistical analysis.
Statement B: Quantitative research uses qualitative procedures where the respondents’ traits are translated
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
B. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
11. Statement A: Falsification means making up results and recording or reporting misleading facts associated with a
study, research or experimentation
Statement B: Fabrication means manipulating research materials, equipment or processes or changing or omitting
data or results that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
B. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
12. All of the following are reasons why plagiarism is so rampant, except?
A. Competition C. Thirst for name and fame
B. Quick result D. Plenty of time for intellectual work
13. It is manifested in research if data and information about human respondents are used only for the purposes of the
research. The researcher must keep all data confidential for the protection of the respondents from public scrutiny
or discrimination.
A. Social and legal responsibility C. Respect for intellectual property
B. Carefulness D. Trustworthiness
14. Which of the following is the reason why should ethics be considered in conducting research?
A. Ethics keeps the researcher from committing misconduct while seeking knowledge and truth.
B. Ethics promotes essential values that help researchers to have a common understanding and work on a topic
C. Many research-funding sources or institutions choose to support research studies that have high regard for
moral and social values.
D. All of the above
15. Statement A: Animal welfare assume that animals think, feel, and protect the interest of other animal species.
Statement B: Animal rights refer to the consideration of what the animals feel when a certain procedure is done on
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
C. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
16. Which of the following is not included in Intel ISEF rules and guidelines?
A. protect the rights and welfare of the students, human participants, and vertebrate animal subjects.
B. ensure adherence to federal regulations.
C. ensure use of safe laboratory practices.
D. none of these
17. If harm cannot be avoided, research procedures are evaluated carefully to minimize possible pain and suffering of
the animal subjects. This sentence describes which one of the four Rs of guiding principles for the use of animals
in research?
A. Reduce C. Respect
B. Replace D. Refine
18. Which of the following is included in research plan on the justification why animals must be used?
A. reasons for the choice of species, the source of animals and the number of animals to be used
B. description, explanation, or identification of alternatives to animal use that were considered, and the reasons
these alternatives were unacceptable
C. explanation of the potential impact or contribution this research may have on the broad fields of biology or
D. none of these
19. It is responsible for assessing risk and documenting the determination of risk level on Human Participant.
A. Institutional Human Care and Use Committee C. Institutional Review Board
B. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee D. none of these
20. This law aims to protect individual personal information from the information and communications systems in the
government and the private sector.
A. Data Privacy Act of 2012 C. Data Privacy Act of 2014
B. Data Privacy Act of 2013 D. Data Privacy Act of 2015

21. The purpose of this act is to protect and promote the welfare of all animals in the Philippines by supervising and
regulating the establishment and operations of all facilities.
A. Animal Welfare Act of 1996 C. Animal Welfare Act of 1998
B. Animal Welfare Act of 1997 D. Animal Welfare Act of 1999
For number 22 – 25, match the type of plagiarism (Column A) to its right description (Column B) and icon (Column C)

Column A Column B Column C

22. Remix The act of combining perfectly-cited
sources with copied passages – without
citation – in one paper
23. Hybrid The act of including proper citations but
Containing almost no original work
24. 404 error The act of paraphrasing from other sources
and making the content fit together seamlessly
25. Aggregator The act of including nonexistent citations
or inaccurate information about sources

26. Which of the following category is under Life Science?

I. Probability and Statistics IV. Ceramic and Glasses
II. Genetics V. Biomaterials
III. Land reclamation VI. Atmospheric Science
A. II, IV, V, VI C. II, I, III, V, VI
B. II, V, VI D. II, VI
27. Which of the following category is under Physical Science?
I. Number Theory PS IV. Nanomaterials PS
II. Neurobiology LS V. Geosciences LS
III. Bioremediation PS VI. Ecology LS
A. I, III, IV C. I, III, IV, V
B. I, II, III, VI D. I, III, IV, V, VI
28. Statement A: Spiral notebooks can be used as a project data book.
Statement B: Bound composition notebook or a bound spine (not spiral binding) cannot be used as a project data
book because it is difficult for pages to be easily torn out and lost
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
B. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
29. Statement A: Numbering the pages of the logbook is only required when a new chapter is presented
Statement B: Numbering the pages of your lab notebook from the start of the research keeps your notebook
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
B. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
30. Statement A: If something is wrong on a page or if you discover an accidental blank page, remove the pages from
the logbook immediately
Statement B: Use liquid or pencil erasers when deleting some errors, information or data.
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
B. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
31. Which of the following section is not included in a research paper?
A. project data book C. discussion
B. materials and methods D. acknowledgements
32. Based on DepEd memorandum no. 176, s. 2016, your reference list should be written based on what style?
A. APA C. Harvard
B. Chicago Manual D. Both A and B
33. Statement A: If the project is a continuation from a previous year, the abstract should summarize all your year’s
Statement B: If the abstract text includes special characters, such as mathematical symbols, which won’t be
translated electronically, spell out the symbol.
A. Statement A is true, Statement B is false C. Both statements are correct
B. Statement A is false, Statement B is true D. Both statements are incorrect
34. Which of the following is true about Abstract?
A. Acknowledgement is included in the abstract.
B. Abstract should be 350 words or less.
C. Abstract should include the purpose of the experiment, procedure and data conclusion.
D. All of the above

35. This is the essence of your paper. Compare your results with theoretical values, published data, commonly held
beliefs, and/or expected results. Which section of a research paper is this?
A. introduction C. discussion
B. materials and methods D. conclusion
36. All of the following is included in a research plan, except:
A. question or problem being addressed C. Description in detail of method or procedures
B. goals/expected outcomes/hypotheses D. All of these
37. Which of the following is a research topic to be avoided?
A. Controversial topics C. Too broad subjects
B. High technical topics D. All of these
38. “Is marijuana a legitimate medicine that should be decriminalized to help alleviate certain ailments?” This kind of
research topic should be avoided especially here in the Philippines because this is an example of _______.
A. Controversial topic C. Hard-to-investigate subject
B. Vague subject D. Too narrow subject

For numbers 39 – 44, write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.
39. Livestock or fish raised for food using standard agricultural/aquacultural production practices may not be
euthanized by the researcher or any qualified adult for carcass evaluation.
40. Animal subject must be treated kindly and cared properly, it also must be housed in a clean ventilated,
comfortable environment appropriate for the species and they must be given a continuous, clean water and food
41. Animal subject must be observed weekly to assess their health and well-being.
42. All proposed human research must be reviewed and approved by an IHCUC after experimentation begins.
43. Record only experimental procedures, observations and findings related to ongoing investigations.
44. In bibliography, list at least three (3) major references from your literature review and two reference from animal
care reference if you are planning to use vertebrate animals.
For number 45 – 50, refer to the following pictures below and create one (1) science research topic. Afterwards, explain it
briefly. (2 points each picture)

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