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Tarlac State University

Mathematics Department

Normal Distribution

1. The user is to study this module at his own pace within the
time frame set by the instructor. Check the OBTL syllabus for
2. Video links for subtopics are also provided in this module.
3. References, Supplemental and Additional readings are also
given for further understanding and appreciation of the lesson.
4. Self-Check Test are also available for student’s self-
assessment. Respective instructors may ask the students to
submit answers via agreed platforms


I. Normal Distribution
A. Properties of Normal Distribution
B. Standard Normal Distribution
C. Standard Scores
D. Skewness
E. Kurtosis
II. Summary
III. Pre-Test
IV. Assignment
V. End of Topic Test
VI. References

Reading this module should help you to cope with the following
syllabus learning objectives:

mal Distribution
Normal Distribution

The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, is

a probability distribution that is a symmetric about the mean, showing that
data near the mean are more frequent than data far from the mean.
Properties of a Normal Distribution

• The mean, median and mode are all equal and lie at the center of the
normal curve.
• The curve is symmetric at the center.
• Values are equally distributed on the left and right side of the normal
• The total area under the normal curve is 1.

Standard Normal Distribution

The standard normal distribution has two parameters: the mean and
the standard deviation. For a normal distribution, 68% of the observations
are within ± one standard deviations of the mean, 95% are within ± two
standard deviations, and 99.7% are within ± three standard deviations.
Standard Scores
Standard Score is a set of scores that have the same mean and
standard deviation so they can be compared. Standard score or z-score is
the number of standard deviations above (+) or below (-) the mean. To
calculate a z-score, subtract the mean from the raw score and divide that
answer by the standard deviation.
Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability
distribution of a random variable about its mean. If the bulk of the data is at
the left and the right tail is longer, the distribution is skewed right or positively
skewed. If the peak is toward the right and the left tail is longer, the
distribution is skewed left or negatively skewed.
Kurtosis refers to a measure of the degree to which a given
distribution is more or less ‘peaked’, relative to the normal distribution. In
terms of kurtosis, normal distribution is said to be mesokurtic. If the central
peak of a curve is lower and broader, and its tails are shorter and thinner it
is called platykurtic. And if the central peak of a curve is higher and sharper,
and its tails are longer and fatter it is called leptokurtic.

Illustrative Example
X is a normally distributed variable with mean μ = 30 and standard
deviation σ = 4.
Find a. P (x < 40)
b. P (x > 21)
c. P (30 < x < 40)
a. For x = 40, the z score = (40-30) / 4 = 2.5
Hence P(x < 40) = P(z < 2.5) = [area to the left of 2.5] = 0.9938

b. For x = 21, z score = (21 - 30) / 4 = -2.25

Hence P(x > 21) = P(z > -2.25) = [total area] - [area to the left of -
2.25] = 1 - 0.0122 = 0.9878

c. For x = 30 , z = (30 - 30) / 4 = 0 and for x = 35, z = (35 - 30) / 4 =

Hence P(30 < x < 35) = P(0 < z < 1.25) =
[area to the left of z = 1.25] - [area to the left of 0] = 0.8944 - 0.5 =

Name: __________________________ Date: ______________
Course/Section: __________________ Score: _____________

Standard Scores
1. The scores of MMW students in their test have an average of 83 with
a standard deviation of 6.5. What is the z-score for a student who
earned 75 on the test?

2. The average age of the students in a class is 21 years old with the
standard deviation of 1.3 years. What is the z-score for a student
whose age is 19 years old?

3. If the equivalent z-score of a car speed of 70 km/h is 1.25 with the

average speed of 65 km/h, what is the standard deviation of the car

4. The standard deviation of the population of the barangays in a certain

town is 360. The standard score of a barangay with a population of
1120 is 0.75. What is the average population of all the barangays?

5. Zac uses the facebook app everyday. He used the app for 9 hours
last Monday with the equivalent z-score of 1.6 hours. Find the
average number of hours a day Zac uses the facebook app if the
standard deviation of his usage is 2 hours and 30 mins.

Name: __________________________ Date: ______________
Course/Section: _____________________ Score: _____________

Standard Normal Distribution

1. The monthly income of 180,000 Filipino households nationwide were
surveyed. Suppose the Filipino monthly income is normally distributed
with an average of approximately ₱22,500 with a standard deviation of
Illustrate the following in a normal curve and solve each problem.

a. Find the probability that a Filipino family has a monthly income of

less than ₱10,000.
b. Find the probability that a Filipino family has a monthly income of
more than ₱25,000.
c. What percent of the Filipino families have a monthly income of
less than ₱50,000?
d. Approximately, how many Filipino families produce an income
between ₱5,000 and ₱25,000?

2. The scores of 570 student-applicants in a 160-item entrance
examination are normally distributed with an average score of 112
and standard deviation of 13.8.
Illustrate the following in a normal curve and solve each problem.

a. If 75% of the examination is the passing score, what percent of

the student-applicants passed the examination?
b. How many students failed the examination if the passing score is
c. If college admits applicants who scored between 85 and 100 but
under probation, how many student-applicants are admitted but
under probation?
d. How many student-applicants scored higher than 90 but lower
than 130?


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