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5 Pushes and Pulls

Worksheet 1
In What Ways Are They Moving?
Aim: To observe some of the ways people move
Skills: Observing, identifying, communicating

Look at the children in this picture.

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Is each child moving? In what way is he or she moving?
Write down your answers. Use the helping words.

climbing swinging jumping turning

In what way
Is he or she moving?
Who? is he or she
(yes / no)

yes swinging


yes climbing


yes jumping


yes turning


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Worksheet 2
Push or Pull?
Aim: To identify pushes and pulls around you
Skills: Observing, identifying, communicating

Is each action a push or a pull? Fill in the blanks.

1 Moving a pram forward 2 Flying a kite

Push Pull

3 Opening a drawer 4 Moving a lawn mower

Pull Push

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5 Lifting a rock 6 Pedalling a bicycle

Pull Push

7 Stretching a catapult 8 Opening a cabinet door

Pull Pull

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Worksheet 3
Forces in a Baseball Game
Aim: To identify what pushes and pulls can do in a baseball
Skills: Observing, identifying, communicating

The children are playing a baseball game. What can

pushes and pulls do in the game? Fill in the blanks.

Tom Aishah

Lily throws the ball.

(a) The ball starts (starts / stops) moving.

(b) S he is using a push (pull / push) when

she throws the ball.

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Tom uses a bat to hit the ball that Lily throws.

(a) The ball moves in another
(another / the same) direction.

(b) T he ball will move faster

(faster / slower) if he hits it harder.

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Raj catches the moving ball that Tom hits.

The ball stops (starts / stops) moving.

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Worksheet 4
What Can Pushes and Pulls Do?
Aim: To identify what pushes and pulls can do to a toy car
Skills: Observing, identifying, communicating

Fill in the blanks. Use the helping words.

starts stops pushes

direction pulls faster

Tom has a toy car.

When he pushes the toy car, it

starts moving.

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After a while, the toy car moves slower.

Tom pushes the toy car in the same direction that it is

moving. The toy car moves faster .

Tom catches the moving toy car and pulls

it slowly towards himself. It changes direction
and moves backwards.

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hen Tom stops pulling the toy car, it

W stops

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Let’s Review

Fill in the blanks. Use the helping words.

forces move start swing

direction faster stop slower

Pushes and pulls

can are

make things forces

in different
ways that can

such as

• turn make things make things change the

start move direction
• swing
or faster of things
stop or that are

slower moving

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Tick (✔) to show how well you have learnt. Revise the
Pupil’s Book section(s) that you do not know well.

I have learnt to Yes Not No Book
sure section(s)

investigate the movement of

living and non-living things

recognise that pushes and

pulls are forces

recognise that forces can make

things start or stop moving,
move faster or slower, and
change direction

Suggestion(s) to Guide Pupils

Worksheet 2:
Let pupils carry out or act out each action to observe
whether the action is a push or a pull.

Worksheet 4:
Let pupils play with a toy car to observe the effects of
pushes and pulls.

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