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Week 3 Welcome Announcement

Welcome to Week 3! This week, you will study the cardiovascular and hematologic systems.
You may find that you are more comfortable with one topic area than the other. If that's the
case, review the area you are most comfortable with, and then focus more of your time on the
areas in which you are less familiar. Using the optional workbook chapters to test your
knowledge is a great way to determine if you have grasped the content at the level required to
be successful in this course. The course outcomes for this week are:

 Analyze pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with alterations in the cardiovascular

and hematologic system
 Describe outcomes of disruptive or alterations in the cardiovascular and hematologic
 Explore age-specific and developmental alterations in the cardiovascular and
hematologic system.
 Relate pathophysiological alterations in cardiovascular and hematological processes to
the development, diagnosis and treatment of select health problems
 Examine current evidence to support the management of patients who present with
alterations in the cardiovascular and hematologic system.

This week, you will answer a question about a patient who presents with heart failure. It is
important to recognize the basic concepts of fluid and electrolytes and acid/base balance and
how there may be disturbances in these for patients with heart failure. To build your
understanding of this disease and the signs and symptoms, specifically key in on these
concepts and apply them in your response to this week’s discussion question.

Continue to work on your Disease Process Assignment Part 2 that is due by Sunday 11:59 p.m.
MT of Week 5.

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Week 3 Summary

In Week 3, the following objectives were covered:

 Analyze pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with alterations in the cardiovascular

and hematologic system
 Describe outcomes of disruptive or alterations in the cardiovascular and hematologic
 Explore age-specific and developmental alterations in the cardiovascular and
hematologic system.
 Relate pathophysiological alterations in cardiovascular and hematological processes to
the development, diagnosis and treatment of select health problems
 Examine current evidence to support the management of patients who present with
alterations in the cardiovascular and hematologic system.
Linking the concepts of fluid and electrolytes and acid/base balance to this week’s case study
underscores the importance of the need to keep these concepts in mind when managing a
patient with heart failure. Also, when confronted with other diseases that may produce fluid and
electrolyte and acid/base disturbances, the same underlying alterations in these concepts will
result in similar body responses. Keep up the great work! I look forward to Week 4!

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