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1/23/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit


oody and perplexing, isolated and The larvae stay in coccoons for just over half of a year, at
elegant, tough and passionate, the ways which point they finally emerge as moths. From there, they
in which one might describe the quickly grow over the next three or four years, usually to just
mothfolk are many - although those over six feet in height, and learn to fend for themselves. They
capable of pronouncing the true name are considered "adults" once their wings have fully developed,
of the species are few and far between. at around ten years after emergence, and elders after about
They're a quiet breed with a tendency thirty-five.
toward nature - solitary, yet intimate creatures with a
penchant for thought and ritual. Often on their feet or in the Mothfolk Names
skies, even the most fierce and untamed of mothfolk carry an In most moth cultures, the mother is assigned the task of
attitude of worldly place that comes from their nomadic naming each of her children as they grow. These names will
lifestyle. They owe their lives to the land they come from, and often change at the whim of the mother, and usually do not
often find themselves responsible for its protection. Pensive, become official until metamorphosis. Their names are often
loving, determined, and gentle, the mothfolk are hidden away, difficult to pronounce with human tongues, but this does not
but not to be overlooked. bother mothfolk, as they lack human tongues. Mothfolk do
Enigmatic and Uncanny not have gendered names.
Mothfolk Names: Adz'kit, Andile, Axa, Bixi, Chch, Chitha,
Mothfolk are a mysterious, reclusive race found in the lost Dalph, Fen, Filka, Fira, G'Zigg, Glik, Hadae, Iitus, J'llkx, Kl'il,
reaches of the world, seldom seen in more "civilized" places. Lenna, Lepha, Molf, N'Kakt, Riz, Scelkt, Sedna, Thom,
Tall and often silent, mothfolk have a reputation for being Timpth
cryptic and thoughtful - although in reality many of them stay
silent because they know the thrumming, clicking sound of
their communication makes the more "normally-speaking"
races uncomfortable.
The appearance of a mothkin is also not something that
most are accustomed to. Their large, heavy wings hang
around their tall humanoid bodies like cloaks, and their
inhuman faces with antennae and compound eyes may prove
off-putting to those with strong aversions to all things
insectoid. Sometimes covered in fur, these four-armed, three-
fingered creatures are the subjects of many countryside
myths and legends about giant bugs that stalk the night,
preying on children - although these myths vary wildly in
Short Lives, Long Tempers
Mothfolk are not the longest-lived of creatures, the very
oldest living only until their late fifties. With such a short life,
mothfolk have learned to live life to the fullest. Many pursue
intellectual or mindful pursuits, becoming librarians or
philosophers, pontificating on the nature of life and
knowledge itself.
Still others decide to live their relatively brief lives
adventuring, seeing the world, becoming as well-traveled and
renowned as they can before passing their fortunes on to
their children. A common thread throughout most mothfolk,
though, is that they are slow to anger. It is instilled in most
mothfolk as early as the larval stage, regardless of culture,
that life is too short to be spent angry.
Metamorphic Creatures
Unlike most other common races, mothfolk do not develop as An Inconvenient Truth
the same creature from when they are born. Mothfolk begin The true name of the mothfolk race is complex and
their lives as larvae, often a part of a brood of ten or more. rich with meaning - the moniker 'mothfolk' was
After almost a year of nurturing and feeding from the mother, coined by a human. The mothfolk are fine with this,
during which the larvae are largely unaware of their as "Llkllrxzshlkl" is exceedingly difficult to
pronounce for those not versed in the language.
surroundings, the mother helps them prepare coccoons for
metamorphosis. 1/3
1/23/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Mothfolk Traits
Your mothkin character has an array of special abilities,         Natural Camouflage. You have proficiency in the
honed through natural instinct and evolution. Stealth skill.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by     Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
2. and Ivathi. Ivathi is a language native to mothfolk. It is
Age. Mothfolk are born as larvae, and are only considered learned and internalized as a larvae and spoken upon
fully grown after metamorphosis. They are considered adults emergence. The language is complex and almost impossible
once their wings are fully grown, and live into their mid- to speak with a human mouth, as mothfolk speak with a
forties on average. The oldest mothfolk live until their late specialized organ in their throat that other beings lack. Ivathi
fifties. sounds like a series of squishes, clicks, and chitters, cut with
Alignment. Mothfolk are slow to anger, yet quick to the occasional thrumming or soft vowel. It uses its own
become impassioned about the things they find important, alphabet, and translating it to other scripts only results in an
and they are good at making the most out of life. They lean approximation of the language's true sound.
toward chaotic alignments, and away from evil ones. If you know Ivathi, you can also communicate very simple
Size. Mothfolk range from a bit under six feet to almost ideas to moths, and understand similar ideas from moths
seven feet tall, not counting their lengthy antennae. Their that choose to share them with you.
builds tend towards the light and lithe, and they usually Subrace. All mothfolk share a common ancestor, but there
weigh between 130 and 160 pounds. Your size is Medium. are three distinct groups of mothfolk that roam the world,
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. each with their own customs and abilities. Most live in
Compound Vision. Your compound eyes are excellent at secluded communities, but some have chosen to engage in
finding what little light there is in darkness. You can see in the world society. Choose one of these subraces.
dim light as if it were bright light out to 120 feet, and in Luna
darkness as if it were dim light. You can discern colors in dim Luna mothfolk are by far the most reclusive and mysterious,
light and darkness, but only on the ultraviolet spectrum. to the point where in some places they are merely considered
Wings. As a mothkin, you have large, cloak-like wings. You the stuff of myth and legend. The greatest philosophers and
have a flying speed equal to your walking speed, which can't seers of the mothfolk are found among them, and they carry a
be used to ascend. When you end one of your turns flying in deep reverence for nature. Graceful and beautiful creatures,
the air, you descend by 5 feet. these mothfolk have semi-transluscent wings hued in green,
Ride the Wind. As an action, you can beat your wings and blue, pink, or yellow, and their exoskeletons are covered by a
ascend up to 30 feet. You can't use this action again until you thick coat of soft white fur.
touch the ground. You can't use your wings if you are unable Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases
to move, and you can't Ride the Wind if you are wearing by 1.
heavy armor. Close to Nature. Pick one cantrip of your choice from the
Armed and Dangerous. Mothfolk have four arms, and druid spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
each of them can hold an object as normal. You don't benefit Soothing Appearance. You have advantage on Animal
from a shield if you're holding a weapon with the two-handed Handling checks to calm hostile or agitated animals.
property or more than one weapon. You can interact with a Epitome of Grace. Your broad wingspan means that you
second object or feature of the environment for free during are always under the effects of a feather fall spell.
your turn. 2/3
1/23/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Diamondback mothfolk are the hardiest, most warrior-like
breed of moth. With their thick earthen carapaces and
slender brown, grey, black, or tan wings, they blend into the
rocky deserts and mountains of their origin. Diamondbacks
are excellent hunters, trackers, and fighters, with a powerful,
armor-like exoskeleton.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
Hardened Carapace. When you aren't wearing armor, you
have a natural AC of 14 + your Dexterity modifier (to a
maximum of 2). You can use your natural armor to determine
your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower
A Warrior's Upbringing. You have proficiency with the
spear, trident and war pick, as well as one simple or martial
weapon of your choice.
Diplomatic, professional, and never at a loss for words, the
Royal moths are by far the most accepted by general society.
As their name suggests, many Royals are nobles, diplomats,
or negotiators. As a people, they have managed to throw off
most of the common misconceptions and elements of the
uncanny surrounding mothfolk culture - a large part of this
simply due to the fact that most of them simply don't speak
Ivathi nor engage in more "mothly" behaviors when around
the more "common" folk. The fact that their multicolored
wings tend to be emblazoned with beautiful, intricate
patterns helps in this as well.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
Extra Languages. You can speak, read, and write two
extra languages of your choice.
High Class. You can double your proficiency bonus for
Charisma checks when speaking with noble or high-class
Well-Mannered. Whenever you make an ability check with
a Charisma-based skill you are proficient in, you can treat a
d20 roll of 4 or lower as a 5.

Moth Physiology and Equipment Mothfolk

Due to the unique body of mothfolk, your GM may see fit to Written by aofhaocv (@aofhaocv on Twitter), with
special thanks to SwordMeow, Caim,
limit the type of armor or other wearable gear/clothing your
ACOG_Muffin, Wufflykins, Carbsta, and Steven.
mothfolk character can wear. Acquiring new armor or clothes
may entail expensive modifications while in primarily human
societies, or in the case of certain items like plate mail doing
so may require a craftsman to make a set from scratch,
specifically tailored to your character's body. Art Credits:
Moth by drachenmagier
Moth People by reimena
commission-moth by drachenmagier 3/3

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