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EditOT Assistant Editors

University of Michigan DAVID L. JoNES
Univenity of Michigan
Associate Editors
Eastern Air Lines U. S. Weather Bureau
A. H. Glenn and Associates Johns Hopkins University
U. S. Weather Bureau Pennsylvania State University
Air Weather Service Meteorological Service of Canada
University of California, Los Angeles University of Chicago

METEOROLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, a serial publication of the American Meteorological Society, serves as a me-
dium for original papers, survey articles, and other material in meteorology and closely related fields; it is intended for
material which is better suited in length or nature for publication in monograph form than for publication in the Journal
of Meteorology, in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society or in Weatherwise. A METEOROLOGICAL
MONOGRAPH may consist of a single paper or of a group of papers concerned with a single general topic.


Manu$cripts for the METEOROLOGICAL MONO- 3. Table of contents. Chapter, section, and subsec-
GRAPHS should be sent directly to the Editor: E. Wen- tion headings should all be listed in the table of con-
dell Hewson, Department of Civil Engineering, U niver- tents.
sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Manuscripts 4. Title, author's name and affiliation. The affiliation
may be submitted by persons of any nationality who are should be stated as concisely as possible and should not
members or nonmembers of the Society, but only manu- constitute a complete address. The date of receipt of
scripts in the English language can be accepted. Every the manuscript is supplied by the editor.
manuscript submitted u reviewed and in no case does
the editor advise the author as to acceptability until at 5. Abstract. This should summarize the principal hy-
least one review has been obtained. Authors will receive potheses, methods, and conclusions of the investigation.
galley proof but not page proof. It should not include mathematical symbols or refer-
ences to equation numbers, since the abstract is some-
Manuscripts. The manuscript must be complete and times quoted verbatim in abstracting or reviewing jour-
in final form when submitted. It must be original type- nals.
written copy on one side only of white paper sheets
8V2 X 11 inches, consecutively numbered; double spac- 6. Text. For one of a group of papers which together
ing and wide margins are essential. Carbon copy and constitute a MONOGRAPH, it is sufficient to divide the
single spacing are not acceptable. text into sections, each with a separate heading, num-
bered consecutively. The section heading should be
Each manuscript may include the following compo- placed on a separate line, flush with the margin, and
nents, which should be presented in the order listed. should not be underlined. Subsection headings, if
Of these, the table of contents; title, author's name and needed, should be located at the beginning of certain
affiliation; abstract; text; references; and legends are paragraphs and underlined.
obligatory. 7. References. References should be arranged alpha-
1. Title page. This will be prepared by the editor betically and designated by numbers. The numbers are
if the manuscript is accepted for publication. enclosed by brackets in the text but not in the alpha-
betical listing. When two or more references are in-
2. Preface or foreword. A preface may be contrib-
volved, separate the numbers by semicolons: thus, "pre-
uted by the sponsors of the investigation, or by some
vious investigations [3; 12; 27] have shown ..."
other interested group or individual. The preface
should indicate the origin of the study and should pre- Each reference listed should be complete and in the
sent other facts of general interest which emphasize following form. For an article: author(s), year, title of
its importance and significance. article, title of serial publication (underlined), volume
Continued on Cover 1

Volume 2 July 1957 Number 11


a group of field experiments


S. Petterssen;
J. Spar;
F. Hall;
R. R. Braham, Jr., L. J. Battan,
and H. R. Byers;
H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly,
and H. K. Weickmann.


ISBN 978-1-940033-17-4 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-940033-17-4


No. 6. Thirty-Day Forecasting: a review of a ten-year experiment

by Jerome Namias. 80 pp., July, 1953.

No. 7. The jet Stream

by H. Riehl, M.A. Alaka, C. L. Jordan, and R. J. Renard. 100 pp.,
August, 1954.

No. 8. Recent Studies in Bioclimatology: a group

by C. W. Thornthwaite and J. R. Mather; W. G. Wellington; J. D.
Findlay; L. P. Herrington; H. F. Blum; C. Monge M.; G. and B.
Duell; F. Sargent, II; H. Landsberg; K. Buettner; J. M. May; J. H.
Foulger. Edited by F. Sargent, II and R. G. Stone. 121 pp., Octo-
ber, 1954.

No. 9. Industrial Operations under Extremes of Weather

by J. A. Russell; W. W. Hay; J. W. Waters; H. E. Hudson, Jr.; J.
Abu-Lughod, W. J. Roberts, and J. B. Stall; A. W. Booth; and E.
F. Taylor. Edited by J. A. Russell. 121 pp., May, 1957.

No. 10. Interaction of Sea and Atmosphere: a group of contributions

by A. C. Redfield and A. R. Miller; G. W. Groves; D. L. Harris; R. 0.
Reid; W. Marks and J. Chase. 75 pp., June, 1957.

No. 11. Cloud and Weather Modification: a group of field experi-

by S. Petterssen; J. Spar; F. Hall; R. R. Braham, Jr., L. J. Battan,
and H. R. Byers; H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weick-
mann. Ill pp.,July, 1957.

Published and sold by



TABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I. Reports on experiments with artificial

cloud nucleation . ................................... S. PETTERSSEN 1-4

II. Project Scud ............................................... ]. SPAR 5-23

III. The Weather Bureau ACN Project ........................... . F. HALL 24-46

IV. Artificial nucleation of cumulus clouds ... R. R. BRAHAM, ]R., L. J. BATTAN,

AND H. R. BYERS 47-85

V. Seeding experiments in subcooled stratus

clouds ........................... . H. J. AUFM KAMPE, J. ]. KELLY,




Editor Assistant Editors


University of Michigan DAVID L. joNES

University of Michigan

Assocz'ate Editors


Eastern Air Lines U.S. Weather Bureau


A. H. Glenn and Associates Johns Hopkins University


U. S. Weather Bureau Pennsylvania State University

Air Weather Service Meteorological Service of Canada


University of California, Los Angeles University of Chicago

METEOROLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, a serial publication of the American Meteorological Society,
serves as a medium for original papers,· survey articles, and other material in meteorology and closely
related fields; it is intended for material which is better suited in length or nature for publication in mono-
graph form than for publication in the Journal of Meteorology, in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society or in Weatherwise. A METEOROLOGICAL MONOGRAPH may consist of a single paper or
of a group of papers concerned with a single general topic.
a group of field experiments
S. Petterssen; J. Spar; F. Hall;
R. R. Braham, Jr., L. J. Battan, and H. R. Byers;
H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann.


University of Chicago
(Manuscript received 28 March 1956)

1. Background of the cloud by natural turbulence and convective

Possibilities for modification and control of certain
Public interest in the discovery of artificial nu-
small scale weather phenomena were clearly demon-
cleating substances was immediate, and in 1947
strated in 1938 by Houghton and Radford [1] who
Project Cirrus was established, under joint U. S.
dissolved local fogs by sprinkling them with hygro-
Army, Navy and Air Force sponsorship, at the
scopic substances. Wider possibilities for modification
General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady,
and control of larger scale phenomena became dis-
New York. About 150 field experiments were made
cernible in 1946 as a result of Schaefer's experiment
involving cold stratus, warm and cold cumulus, and
[2] in which it was shown that the injection of
a tropical storm. Although much photographic and
particles of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) into a
other data were collected, no definite measure of the
laboratory cloud chamber was capable of converting
efficacy of artificial nucleating agents was obtained.
a subcooled water cloud into an ice crystal cloud.
In 1948 and 1949 the Cloud Physics Project con-
On the basis of the available knowledge of the natural
ducted by the U.S. Weather Bureau, in collaboration
rain-producing processes at that time (i.e., the
with the U. S. Air Force and the National Advisory
Bergeron effect), it was reasonable to conclude that
Committee for Aeronautics, conducted 176 seeding
in principle, suitably constituted clouds could b~
experiments on stratiform clouds in Ohio, orographic
induced to release precipitation by artificial nuclea-
clouds in California, and cumulus clouds along the
tion. It remained, however, to determine whether the
south coast of the United States. The results of these
effect on natural clouds would be sufficiently large
tests were rather inconclusive, particularly since it
to be of practical value.
was found that in all cases when precipitation fell in
During the five years following Schaefer's discovery,
the seeded area, natural precipitation occurred also
numerous field experiments on natural clouds were
within 30 mi of that area.
made covering a wide range of meteorological con-
During the aforementioned years, commercial
ditions. Nucleating substances other than dry ice
interests in cloud seeding came to the fore and several
were also tried. In water clouds with temperatures
commercial organizations became engaged in weather
below freezing (cold clouds), silver iodide had been
modification experiments involving large areas, par-
found, in certain conditions, to have an effect similar
ticularly in the arid and semiarid regions of the
to that of dry ice. In clouds with temperatures above
United States.
freezing (warm clouds), seeding with relatively large
An event which exercised considerable influence on
water droplets, or salt particles, appeared to hold
the planning of later researches must be mentioned.
out some promise as a rain releasing agent. While
dry ice, liquid water and salt had to be carried to the During the period December 1949 to June 1951,
cloud by airborne vehicles, the use of silver iodide Project Cirrus conducted an experiment with periodic
was considered to have great practical advantages seedings by a ground based generator stationed in
since it was thought that the minute silver iodide New Mexico. The seedings were arranged with a
particles could be carried to the appropriate region weekly rhythm, and through a preliminary analysis

of a selection of the U. S. Weather Bureau records, It may be noted that the members were chosen not
Langmuir1 arrived at the conclusion that the seedings as experts on weather modification techniques but
had resulted in a corresponding periodicity, of major rather as representatives of the more important
proportions, in the rainfall, temperature and wind branches of the sciences involved.
over most of the United States. With the able assistance of Dr. Thomas F. Malone,
Many meteorologists and statisticians were re- the Advisory Group surveyed the literature on cloud
luctant to accept Langmuir's contention that seedings physics and weather modification and control. In
by a single ground based generator could have in- July, August, and September, 1951 the Advisory
fluenced the general behavior of the atmosphere over Group visited various research centers and consulted
vast regions. Similarly, the abovementioned results the following scientists who had contributed sub-
obtained by the Cloud Physics Project did not appear stantially to progress either in cloud physics research
to be acceptable as a definite proof that seeding had or in related statistical designs:
no effect, since the occurrence of natural rainfall near
J. H. Bryan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
the seeded area would not necessarily indicate that
G. W. Brier, U. S. Weather Bureau
rain had not been released nor that rainfall had not
Michael Ference, Evans Signal Laboratory
been increased within the seeded area. Furthermore,
Ross Gunn, U. S. Weather Bureau
the data collected by commercial weather modification
H. G. Houghton, Massachusetts Institute of
organizations could throw but little light on the
problem, since, owing to the conditions under which
Irving Langmuir, General Electric Research
the operations were conducted, statistical control
could not readily be exercised.
Paul B. MacCready, Jr., California Institute of
During the years J 946-1951 a vast and fascinating
field had been opened for research on the chemistry,
H. C. S. Thorn, U. S. Weather Bureau
physics and dynamics of the precipitation processes.
Bernard Vonnegut, General Electric Research
Simultaneously, considerable divergence of opinion
had developed as to possibilities of practical
C. P. Wadsworth, Massachusetts Institute of
2. Survey of techniques and results On 9 October 1951, the Advisory Group attended
a symposium on cloud seeding arranged by the
In view of the great potential value of any weather American Meteorological Society at Minneapolis,
modification technique and the controversial results Minnesota, and arranged a meeting with the following
obtained, the U. S. Weather Bureau and the research representatives of commercial firms engaged in
organizations of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force weather modification work.
agreed in 1951 to appoint a special Advisory Group
to make a survey of the field of weather modification. R. D. Elliott, North American Weather Consultants
In addition, the Advisory Group was asked to recom- J. R. Gillenwaters, Water Resources Development
mend a program for experiments and tests that could Corporation
be expected to clarify the major uncertainties that Wallace E. Howell, W. E. Howell Associates
existed at that time for the operational uses of Raymond E. Kerr, Jr., North American Weather
weather modification techniques. The composition of Consultants
the Advisory Group was as follows: Irving P. Krick, American Institute of Aerological
Research and Water Resources Development
E. R. Biel, climatologist, Rutgers University Corporation
C. L. Critchfield, physicist, Convair Kenneth C. Reutz, Water Resources Development
S. Petterssen, chairman, meteorologist, University Corporation
of Chicago
A. Spilhaus, meteorologist, University of Minnesota The Advisory Group took note of the Statement
H. J. Stewart, aerodynamicist, California Institute on Weather Modification and Control issued in 1951
of Technology by the American Meteorological Society, the con-
A. T. Waterman, physicist, National Science cluding section of which reads as follows:
Foundation "Definite answers to the question left unsolved
M. A. Woodbury, statistician, New York Univer- . . . can be expected to come only from research in
sity cloud physics and from well-designed experiments
conducted by personnel with detailed knowledge in
1 For the results of his final analyses, see Langmuir [3]. cloud physics, synoptic meteorology and statistics.

In view of the potential value of any techniques the experts in regard to the optimum rate of seeding
for the control or modification of weather it is of with dry ice, the estimates varying from about 0.5
utmost importance that such experiments be lb per mi to about 20 times that value.
The Advisory Group was pleased to note that all
In summarizing its findings the Advisory Group experts consulted agreed that there was a need for a
placed much emphasis on the need for experiments to coordinated program for experiments and tests, with
clarify the possibilities of modification of the larger a view to determining whether or not weather systems
atmospheric systems, such as those discussed by can be modified with useful results. Since it is rarely
Langmuir. It is often observed that the atmosphere possible in individual cases to separate artificial in-
has a natural tendency to revert to a quasi-rhythmic fluences from natural atmospheric processes, emphasis
behavior with a period of about four to ten days, was placed on randomization with adequate statistical
and it was argued that the periodic seedings had control and services. Although little information was
excited and stabilized an existing periodicity. The available, the Advisory Group estimated that if any
Advisory Group found that unless one is prepared to appreciable modification were feasible, it should be
characterize the periodicity described by Langmuir possible to provide within a period of one or two
" ... as a rare accident, one must conclude that years a tentative answer to the question of success
the seedings, through some hitherto unknown mech- or failure in cloud and weather modification. The
anism, had resulted in an amplification and results of the experiments could then serve as a basis
stabilization of a pre-existing natural oscillation of for the reorientation of the research effort in cloud
about seven days. Logically, this could occur only physics and related fields.
if the seeding, in some way or other, had affected
some or all of the natural migratory rain-producing
systems (such as extratropical fronts and cyclones). 3. Field projects
Although this working hypothesis may be weak, it On the recommendation of the Advisory Group the
appears to be the only one that can be entertained following projects were established.
on a logical basis."
Project 1. Extratropical cyclones. The purpose of
The Advisory Group found additional support for this project was to ascertain whether or not it would
the above conclusion in a report by Langmuir on a be possible to modify the development and behavior
tropical storm which appeared to have intensified of extratropical cyclones by artificial nucleation, with
and altered its course immediately after seeding had the further aim of elucidating Langmuir's contention
been performed, and also in statements by the afore- that the larger-scale motion systems can be modified
mentioned representatives of commercial organizations by seeding. The investigation (Project Scud) was
who had gained the impression that nascent extra- sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Flight
tropical cyclones tended to intensify and the associated operations were performed by the U. S. Navy Hurri-
rainfall tended to increase as a result of seeding. cane Reconnaissance Squadron, and the meteorolog-
In reviewing the information on modification of ical analyses were made under the direction of Dr.
stratus and fog, the Advisory Group concluded that Jerome Spar of New York University. The results of
there was good evidence to indicate that cold stratus this project are described in paper II of this mono-
(and presumably also cold fog) could be dispelled by graph.
artificial nucleation. It drew attention to the fact Project 2. Migratory cloud systems. The purpose of
that little or no work had been done to explore the this project was to ascertain to what extent rainfall
possibilities of modification of warm stratus and ice could be increased by artificial nucleation from such
crystal fogs. large-scale migratory cloud systems as are commonly
In regard to convective clouds the Advisory Group associated with fronts and cyclones. The project was
found some evidence to indicate that modification operated by the U. S. Weather Bureau under the
had been achieved as a result of artificial nucleation. direction of Mr. Ferguson Hall. The results are de-
However, it was not clear whether such clouds could scribed in paper III.
be modified in a predictable manner, some clouds Project 3. Convective clouds. The purpose of this
having been seen to dissipate while others had been investigation was to determine to what extent cold
seen to develop within a few minutes after the seeding. and warm cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds could
In no case had it been possible, with any degree of be modified by artificial nucleation. The project was
certainty, to determine or predict what would have sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, Cambridge Research
occurred if seeding had not been performed, and this Center, on contract with the University of Chicago-
emphasized the need for more rigorous control of the Air Force Research and Development Command
future tests. Considerable uncertainty existed amongst supplying flight services. The field tests and associated

laboratory research were carried out under the direc- b) An analysis by the U. S. Weather Bureau of
tion of Dr. Horace R. Byers. The results are described the periodic seeding results obtained by Project Cirrus
in paper IV. showed that the pronounced correspondence between
Project 4. Cold stratus and fog. The primary purpose the changes in the seeding schedule and the rainfall
of this research was to investigate the possibilities of patterns described by Langmuir was not substantiated
dissolving cold stratus and fog. The project was when all data were included [4].
sponsored by the Signal Corps Engineering Labora- c) In view of the abovementioned results, it was
tories; analyses were performed by Drs. H. J. aufm found that progress in the field of modification and
Kampe, J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann. The control of the larger-scale systems was more likely to
results are described in paper V. come from basic research on the physics of clouds
Project 5. Ice fogs. The purpose of this project was and the dynamics of weather systems than from
to investigate the physics of ice fogs, their relation to continuation of operational tests of present techniques.
synoptic situations, local sources of water, pollution, Accordingly, the Advisory Group recommended that
etc. The U.S. Air Force established this project under the coordinated program for field experiments and
a contract with Stanford Research Institute. Investi- tests be brought to a close at an early date.
gation of ice fogs at air bases in Alaska showed that d) It was noted that, although many promising
most of these fogs developed from local sources of results had been achieved by Projects 3-6, there
water and pollution, such as chimneys, smoke stacks, remained a vast field for research in cloud physics
power plants, motor vehicles, and aircraft during and related meteorological subjects. Therefore, the
warm-up operations. A report on this project is not Advisory Group recommended that the sponsoring
included in this monograph. agencies continue and encourage such research, and
Project 6. Warm stratus. A project for the purpose that the valuable data and by-products which had been
of exploring techniques for modifying warm stratus developed by all field projects be fully exploited as part
and fog was established by the U.S. Army on contract of the continuing program of the agencies concerned.
with A. D. Little, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. e) It was considered that the field projects had
Attempts have been made to construct generators contributed substantially to the clarification of the
capable of producting space charges (associated with possibilities of modifying weather systems on various
aerosols) sufficient to effect precipitation of the water scales, and that the knowledge gained would be of
droplets in warm stratus and fog. A report on this proj- great value to future researches. Accordingly, the
ect is not included in this monograph. Advisory Group recommended that full reports on
Projects 1-4 be published.
4. Coordination and advice In response to this recommendation, arrangements
Having submitted recommendations for the estab- were made with the American Meteorological Society
lishment of the projects referred to above, the for the publishing of this monograph, and the Chair-
Advisory Group was requested to remain and furnish man of the Advisory Group was asked to write a pref-
advice to the various projects and the sponsoring atory note explaining the general aspects of the pro-
agencies, provide for exchange of information, and gram under which the field projects were conducted.
review results. The Advisory Group visited the Acknowledgments-The writer wishes to record his
various projects, arranged for joint meetings and gratitude to the officials of the U. S. Weather Bureau,
discussions, and received regular and occasional re- Army, Navy and Air Force, the project leaders and
ports on progress. personnel, and the members of the Advisory Group on
On 13-15 July 1954 the Advisory Group arranged Artificial Cloud Nucleation for their ever-willing co-
a meeting with representatives of all projects and the operation and unvarying courtesy.
sponsoring agencies, at which the results available
then were reviewed in considerable detail. The
1. Houghton, H. G., and W. H. Radford, 1938: On the local
results of the discussions at this meeting may be
dissipation of natural fog. Pap. phys. Oceanrg. Meteor., 6,
summarized as follows: no. 3, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods
a) Analyses of the data collected by Projects 1 Hole Oceanographic Institution, 63 pp.
and 2 seemed to indicate that with present techniques 2. Schaefer, V. J., 1949: The formation of ice crystals in the
seeding operations on extratropical cyclones and on laboratory and the atmosphere. Chem. Rev., 44, 291-320.
3. Langmuir, I., 1953: Final Report, Project Cirrus. General
migratory cloud systems were likely to reveal only
Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, N.Y.
uncertain effects. It appeared that several more years 4. Brier, G. W., 1955: Seven-day periodicities in certain meteoro-
were necessary to determine the effects with any logical parameters during the period 1899-1951. Bull.
degree of certainty. Amer. meteor. Soc., 36, 6, 265-277.
a group of field experiments
S. Petterssen; J, Spar; F. Hall;
R. R. Braham, Jr., L. J, Battan, and H. R. Byers;
H. J, aufm Kampe, J, J, Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann.


Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, New York University
(Manuscript received 3 April 1956)

Cloud seeding with dry ice and silver iodide was conducted over the east coastal region of the United
States during the periods January-April 1953 and December 1953-April 1954, to determine the effects of
seeding on cyclone development. The experimental units employed were cases of potential cyclogenesis. After
selection of the cases, seeded and control instructions were separated by a randomization procedure in con-
secutive pairs. Test variates were 24-hr area integrated precipitation and sea level pressure change. The
data were reduced by the method of analysis of covariance. It was concluded from the statistical analysis
that if the seeding had any effect on the large scale precipitation or on the pressure field, the effect was too
small to be detected against the background of natural meteorological variance.

1. Introduction A physical mechanism to account for large scale

effects of seeding has been proposed by Langmuir [4]
Project Scud was established at New York Univer-
as follows:
sity in May 1952 to determine the effects of artificial
cloud nucleation on cyclone development in the east " ... if it is possible, by seeding clouds, to produce
rain over large areas where it would not occur of its
coastal region of the United States. own accord, the heat generated should have a
Extensive cloud seeding with dry ice and silver marked effect on the circulation of the atmosphere
iodide was carried out by the project during the over areas even greater than that over which the
periods January-April1953 and December 1953-April rain fell."
1954. The results of the seeding experiment have been It follows from this hypothesis that one consequence
described by the author in detail in two hitherto of cloud seeding may be a modification of large scale
confidential technical reports [6; 7]. In March 1955 wind and pressure systems such as cyclones. Langmuir
the project was declassified, thus permitting publica- has stated with regard to hurricanes [5] that
tion of the present paper.
The hypothesis that cloud seeding may affect the " ... the larger the storm, and the more energy
that is stored in it, the easier it should be at the
behavior of cyclones has frequently been advanced proper stage in its development to get widespread
since 1946. On 13 October 1947 a hurricane was effects.''
seeded with dry ice by Project Cirrus off the southeast
This suggestion cannot be rejected a priori. How-
coast of the United States [5]. The seeding was
ever, in the eastern United States, and probably in
followed by an apparently erratic alteration of the
most parts of the world, the precipitation and the
path of the storm. From a consideration of the
supply of ice crystals in well developed extratropical
probability of such a change of direction occurring
cyclones are generally copious [1]. It therefore seems
by chance, Langmuir concluded that
reasonable to expect seeding to be more effective in
" ... there is considerable evidence that seeding the early stages of cyclone development rather than
hurricanes does tend to change their behavior." in the later stages. If, as is widely believed, cyclo-
1 The research reported in this paper was sponsored by the
genesis is an instability phenomenon, the release of
Office of Naval Research under Contract No. Nonr-285 (09). latent heat through seeding might act as a trigger

mechanism with important consequences for the life 1. Experimental units to be used in the test and
history of the storm. Whatever may be the mechanism, the method of selection.
it must be accepted that the modification of cyclones 2. Control units and the method of selection.
by cloud seeding is at least a physical possibility. 3. Treatments to be applied to the experimental
The problem for this investigation was to determine units.
whether such modifications, if they occur, can be 4. Test variates to be used as measures of the effects
detected, measured and described. of the treatments.
The experiment conducted by Project Scud was 5. Method of analysis to be used in the evaluation
designed to test the null hypothesis that cloud seeding of the experiment, including the covariates.
in areas of cyclogenesis in the east coastal region of
The importance of specifying the conditions of an
the United States has no measurable effect on the
experiment in advance, including the manner in
development of storms. A quasi-objective criterion
which it is to be analyzed, has been stressed repeatedly
for cyclogenesis was established for the purpose of
by statistical workers. Thus R. A. Fisher has stated
selecting the weather situations to be seeded and the
location of the seeding, which might be anywhere
between Florida and Massachusetts and east of the· "In considering the appropriateness of any proposed
Appalachian Mountains. Control was accomplished experimental design, it is always needful to forecast
all possible results of the experiment, and to have
by seeding only one member of each pair of situations decided without ambiguity what interpretation
selected. The effects of the seeding, in terms of the shall be placed upon each of them. Further, we
large scale test parameters which had been selected must know by what argument this interpretation
prior to the experiment, were then investigated by is to be sustained."
comparing the seeded and unseeded storm samples The experimental units were defined in terms of
by the statistical method of analysis of covariance as the time of beginning of seeding and the area over
well as by the more subjective synoptic methods. which the seeding was to take place. It was desired
The experiment was carefully designed in advance to seed situations in which cyclogenesis appeared
to minimize bias in selection and interpretation, and imminent. There was no requirement that a cyclone
the experimental design was followed scrupulously. exist at the time of the seeding, and indeed cyclones
This rigid objectivity does not preclude the discovery often failed to materialize. But the time and place of
of effects which have not been included in the original seeding was intended to correspond to the time and
hypothesis. The data are available and can be analyzed place at which cyclogenesis would occur if it were
again to test any hypothesis. However, the results of going to happen at all.
such posthumous analyses must be considered tenta- It is well known that cyclogenesis on the east
tive and subject to further testing. coast of the United States occurs only to the east of
In the two seasons during which seeding was an upper level trough, that is, where the flow at
carried out, 37 cyclonic situations were selected for upper levels has a· southerly component. Such flow
the experiment and 19 of these were seeded, 18 being patterns are almost invariably accompanied also by
set aside as the control group. Seeding was conducted widespread cloudiness, and in winter these clouds are
simultaneously with silver iodide, released from at least partly, if not entirely, subcooled. Thus, a
ground generators, and dry ice released from aircraft. criterion for the selection of experimental cases would
More than 250 lb of silver iodide and more than 30 be one which measures the southerly wind component
tons of dry ice were dispensed into clouds during aloft. A geostrophic meridional circulation index was
the entire experiment. The dry ice seeding operation devised for this purpose. This index, designated M,
is believed to be the largest of its kind ever attempted. was defined as
The results of the experiment were negative in the
sense that the null hypothesis could not be rejected M = (h1+h2+ha)- (h4+h5+ho),
at an acceptable probability level. While the statistical where h denotes the geopotential height of the 700 mb
results lend no support to the theory that seeding surface. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 refer to the radio-
produces large scale effects, they do not exclude the sonde stations Nantucket, Mass., Hatteras, N. C.,
possibility of small effects to which the experiment and Tampa, Fla., while the numbers 4, 5 and 6 refer
may be insensitive. to stations Pittsburgh, Pa., Nashville, Tenn., and
Burwood, La. A positive value of M indicates that
2. Design of the experiment the is~baric surface slopes upward to the east with a
The following elements were specified prior to the southerly component of the geostropic wind, whereas
beginning of the experiment in January 1953: negative values of M indicate the existence of a

northerly wind component. The speed of the meridi- distribution of seeded and unseeded cases throughout
onal geostrophic wind component increases with M. the season and thus avoids the introduction of a
Only cases in which the index was predicted to be sampling bias resulting from the effects of a seasonal
positive were selected for the experiment. trend.
The time and place of the seeding was selected in Randomization in the experiment was accomplished
each case by the forecasting staff of the project at by first separating the functions of selection and
New York University on the basis of the M index treatment. The selection of each case was made by
and subjective forecasts of the weather. Because of the project staff in New York. After the zero hour
logistical considerations, it was necessary to select and target region were selected, the decision was
the zero hour and "target" area at least 10 hr prior transmitted by telephone to the Navy Project Officer
to zero hour. The forecasts were not invariably at the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va., who in turn
successful and more than one seeding mission was was in control of the seeding operations. When
conducted under unsuitable weather conditions. notified of the selection of an odd numbered case
Separation criteria were established to prevent (the first of a pair), the Navy Project Officer assigned
overlapping of the experimental units and the it at random either to the seeded or the unseeded
"contamination" of a case by the seeding of the group, the randomization being insured by the tossing
preceding case. The separation rule required that a of coins. Twelve coins were placed in a box, shaken
period of negative M index intervene between any and tossed. The procedure was repeated three times
two successive cases. In general, this implies that by three different individuals and the total number of
only one case could be selected for the experiment heads was counted. If this number was even, the
for each 700 mb trough, and a ridge would have to first case of the pair was to be seeded and the necessary
pass through the region before the next case could be orders for seeding were issued by the Project Officer.
chosen. Each case was thus clearly distinguished from If the number was odd, no orders to seed were issued
those which preceded and followed it. The one excep-
tion to this rule, which was also stipulated in advance,
permitted the next case to be chosen if at least 60 hr
had elapsed since the preceding zero hour, although
the M index may have remained positive during this
interval. The 60-hr rule, which was actually invoked
only once in the experiment, was designed to insure
that, in cases of stagnant and retrograde troughs on
the east coast, the experiment would not lose valuable
time and data.
Only one member of each pair of cases selected for
the experiment was seeded. Thus a control sample of
unseeded cases, selected by the same criteria as the
seeded cases, was available for comparison. Two pre-
cautions were necessary to minimize sampling bias.
First, the decision as to which of the pair of cases was
or was not to be seeded was left to chance. Second,
the forecasters who selected the experimental cases
had no knowledge of the prior order of seeded and
unseeded cases. Thus it was impossible for the fore-
casters to bias the experiment by selection.
The decision to obtain a control sample by ran-
domizing in pairs, rather than by using historical
data or by randomizing in larger blocks, was based on
two considerations. First, there is the possibility that
the weather in the year of the experiment might be
unusual. (As a matter of fact, the winter of 1952-1953
was one of the wettest on record in the east coastal
FIG. 1. Silver iodide smoke generator and propane gas tank.
region.) A comparison with historical data might then Tank containing silver iodide-acetone solution can be seen inside
give misleading results. Second, randomizing in pairs open metal case. Flow of solution is measured by flowmeter
shown at right inside case. Silver iodide solution and propane
rather than in larger blocks tends to provide a uniform mixture burns in flame shield at top of case.

FIG. 2. Navy P4Y-2 Privateer used for dry ice seeding, winter of 1952-1953.

and the case was included in the control group. The Tampa Bay, Fla. Ft. Macon, S.C.
second member of the pair automatically fell into the Sanford, Fla. Weeksville, N. C.
J acksonville, Fla. Norfolk, Va.
opposite category. The forecasters who selected the Glynco, Ga. Chincoteague, Va.
cases had no direct control over the seeding operation; Pensacola, Fla. P atuxent, Md.
they were not informed of the order of seeded and Atlanta, Ga. Annapolis, Md.
unseeded cases until the end of each season. Folly Island, S. C. Atlantic City, N.J.
Since it could not be determined a priori which Oak Island, N.C. Lakehurst, N . ].
Floyd Bennett Field, N . Y .
seeding technique would produce a given effect, it
was decided at the beginning of the experiment that Locations of these stations are shown in fig. 4.
the treatment would consist of dispensing into the A denser network of generators than the above
air both silver iodide smoke and dry ice pellets. The would have been desirable. However, security require-
silver iodide was released from smoke generators ments and the need for operating personnel available
installed at the following Navy and Coast Guard 24 hr per day limited the number of stations.
stations: Fortunately , the cloud systems with which the project

FIG. 3. Navy P2V- 3W Neptune used for dry ice seeding, winters of 1952-1953 and 1953-1954.

was concerned were extensive enough so that in most nozzle and vaporized in a propane gas flame. The
of the cases few of the generators were too far from a quenching action of the cool air condensed the silver
cloud area. Also, it was expected that the convergent iodide vapor producing many small crystallization
southerly and easterly winds in the lower levels, nuclei. One quart of solution, containing 36 gm Agl,
which are usually associated with incipient cyclo- was consumed per hour by each generator. It has
genesis in this region, would carry the silver iodide been estimated by Vonnegut that 1 gm Agl will yield
particles into the storm area even from the remote about 10 16 ice crystal nuclei.
stations. Seeding with dry ice was carried out by the Navy
In each seeded case all seventeen generators were Airborne Early Warning Squadron Four (formerly
ignited simultaneously at zero hour and burned con- Weather Squadron Two) based at the Naval Air
tinuously for a period of 12 hr. The generators, one Station, Jacksonville, Florida. The squadron was
of which is shown in fig. 1, were of a type used by available to Project Scud for the period December
many commercial cloud seeders in the United States through April; the remainder of the time it was
and were patterned after a spray nozzle burner committed to hurricane reconnaissance/ At the begin-
developed by Vonnegut [8]. A four per cent solution ning of the experiment the type of aircraft flown by
of silver iodide in acetone was sprayed through a fine the squadron was the low altitude P4Y-2 Privateer

- - - - Red Troclu
0 0 0 1 0 Blue Troek:s
0 •0-0fo Green Troelts
·o-o-o- Green Trocks
Si lver 10d1de $mo•e • Silver iod•de smoke
9t nt r a tor 9e n e ro lor s

FrG. 4. Target areas and locations of silver iodide smoke generators.


(fig. 2) which proved to be rather unsatisfactory for

the seeding task. In the middle of the first season,
however, the Privateers were supplemented by P2V-3W
Neptunes (fig. 3), and in the second winter the
squadron flew only the P2V-3W aircraft. The latter
were far more satisfactory than the Privateers because
of their greater altitude and better all around per-
formance. Both types of aircraft were equipped with
standard meteorological instruments for weather re-
connaissance. Unfortunately, the scanning arrange-
ment of the radar did not permit their use for weather
During the first winter the forecasting staff in New
York prescribed a seeding track for each case selected.
The tracks were approximately 1000 mi long and
varied in location and shape depending on the pre-
dicted weather. The seeding tracks were selected to
traverse areas where cyclogenesis appeared likely and
where clouds were expected to be abundant and
thick. Three aircraft were dispatched on each seeding
mission, the lead plane flying the prescribed track
and the other two planes flying approximately
parallel tracks about 100 mi on either side of the lead
plane. In the control cases only one plane was dis-
patched to fly a simulated seeding mission on the
prescribed track. The purpose of this flight was to
collect data so that the seeded and unseeded cases
could be compared with respect to seeding conditions.
The dry ice seeding program was altered somewhat
before the second winter in an effort to improve the
effectiveness of the seeding. Instead of a track, a
target area was selected in each case, the east coastal
region being divided into six overlapping target areas
as shown in fig. 4. Three standard seeding tracks,
designated red, blue and green, were laid out in each
area for the three aircraft. Only the blue track was
flown in the control cases.
In the first winter each plane carried 1000 lb of dry
ice and dispensed at the rate of 1 lb per mi. The load
was increased to 2500 lb of dry ice per plane in the
second winter and the seeding rate was increased to FrG. 5. Dry ice hopper and dispensing unit. Operator filling
hopper with crushed dry ice from insulated cardboard container.
5 lb per mi. In both seasons the dry ice was crushed Entire unit mounted on removable panel.
into pellets approximately 0.5 in. in diameter, stored
on the airplane in insulated cardboard containers, The selection of test variates, by which the effects
and dispensed through a hole in the airplane by means of the seeding were to be measured, was of necessity
of a motor driven feeder worm at the bottom of a somewhat arbitrary, although the problem was given
hopper. The hopper and dispensing unit are shown in long consideration. First, two regions were selected,
fig. 5. one containing the seeded area for the determination
Zero hour for the dry ice was intended to cor- of local effects, the other lying some distance north-
respond to the selected zero hour at which time the east of the seeded area for the determina tion of down-
silver iodide generators were ignited. The aircraft wind effects. The overlapping test regions, designated
remained over the target region until the dry ice I and II, are outlined in fig. 6 and 7. Within each of
supply was exhausted, or until the seedable clouds these regions a sub-region was defined consisting only
dissipated. of the land area where precipitation could be measured.

FIG. 6. Test regions I (outlined), Ia (stippled). Entire area, I, used for

analysis of pressure changes (PI, Pmi). Sub-region I a used for analysis of
large scale precipitation (RI).

These sub-regions, Ia and IIa, are shown as stippled

areas in fig. 6 and 7.
Next, the periods over which the variates were to
be measured were defined. In region I the variates
were measured over the 24-hr period beginning at
zero hour so that instantaneous as well as slightly
delayed effects could be measured. In region II the
24-hr period began 12 hr after zero hour in order to
give the seeding materials an opportunity to affect
the region. The selection of these periods and the
choice of region II were influenced also by a con-
sideration of the normal movement of east coastal
cyclones. The cyclones usually moved into region II
in the second 24-hr period.
The meteorological variates selected were jhe
average 24-hr precipitation amounts over the areas
Ia and IIa and the average 24-hr sea level pressure
changes over the areas I and I I. The averages were
computed by areal integration. Those quantities will
be designated RI, RII, PI and P II, respectively.
After the first season three variates were added to
those already chosen. The new variates were the
maximum negative 24-hr sea level pressure changes
in regions I and II, denoted Pmi and Pmii, and the
"----+-----+-----+-~-------, 24-hr precipitation averaged over the target area,
denoted Rt.
The quantities RI and Rt were computed from a
FIG. 7. Test region II (outlined), Ila (stippled). Entire area, uniform network of Weather Bureau raingages with a
II, used for analysis of pressure changes (PII, Pmii). Sub-
region, Ila, used for a nalysis of la rge scale precipitation (RII). density of about one gage in 850 sq mi. The other

variates were computed from isopleth analyses of both the silver iodide and the dry ice seeding. The
6-hr synoptic reports. target area precipitation, Rt, was introduced m an
These measurements are undoubtedly too coarse effort to detect the smaller scale, more localized
to permit detection of small local effects. For that effects of seeding, especially those resulting from
purpose a much denser network of raingages would seeding with dry ice.
be needed. The geographical extent of the seeding The pressure change variates were selected as
operations, however, made it impossible to set up a measures of cyclone development. While local pres-
special dense network of raingages. It was felt that sure change does have certain disadvantages for this
the coarse net was adequate to detect large scale purpose, it was felt that any effect of seeding on
effects. cyclone behavior should be reflected in the pressure
Although the experiment was intended primarily to change field. These effects might conceivably be an
determine the effect of seeding on cyclone behavior, acceleration or retardation of the deepening, an altera-
precipitation was selected as one of the test variates, tion of the path of the cyclone, or a change in the
because it was felt that any such effects must operate structure of the storm. Just as the correct seeding
through the precipitation mechanism. If no effect technique cannot be determined a priori, so also the
could be detected in the precipitation, one would be effects cannot be predicted. Hence, it seemed wise to
less likely to expect any other effects. employ a variate that would be responsive to all
The quantities RI and RII were employed as kinds of effects.
measures of the effect on large scale precipitation of The statistical analysis of the data was carried out

TABLE 1. Test variates and covariates for east coastal seeding experiment.

Dry ice
Treat- dispensed Target
No. Zero hour/Date ment (!b) area RI RII Rt PI PII Pmi Pmii M T Tt L No.

Experiment ONE

1 1230/ 9 Jan. 1953 s 1000 .498 .011 -2.8 -6.7 -9.0 -19.9 87 961 31 1
2 0630/18 Jan. 53 c .339 .016 -9.9 -12.6 -22.8 -23.8 63 269 81 2
3 1230/21 Jan. 53 c .188 .063 -2.1 -11.0 -31.0 -31.7 25 -699 65 3
4 0030/24 Jan. 53 s 2500 .603 .721 -16.6 -17.7 -31.0 -33.0 115 1203 56 4
5 0630/ 1 Feb. 53 s 650 .021 .108 +3.5 +4.2 -20.8 -26.8 37 -259 135 5
6 0630/ 3 Feb. 53 c .081 .086 -9.6 -7.1 -28.5 -27.9 10 -279 53 6
7 1830/ 6 Feb. 53 c .519 .102 -5.8 -5.1 -12.2 -16.5 75 654 65 7
8 0630/12 Feb. 53 s 1370 .175 .006 -7.9 -2.9 -25.5 -17.5 28 402 105 8
9 0630/15 Feb. 53 c .738 .499 -8.7 -15.5 -41.3 -45.4 90 329 38 9
10 1830/20 Feb. 53 s 2480 .417 .200 -9.8 -26.1 -33.0 -50.2 71 1572 77 10
11 1230/25 Feb. 53 c .138 .020 -3.1 +0.9 -13.7 -16.8 -7 -97 23 11
12 1830/ 3 Mar. 53 s 405 .441 .439 -16.3 -26.1 -38.7 -43.1 52 1156 33 12
13 1230/13 Mar. 53 s 460 .180 .574 -4.2 -8.9 -19.3 -30.5 24 -122 107 13
14 1230/15 Mar. 53 c .435 .137 -2.7 -4.0 -14.5 -15.1 51 312 76 14
15 1830/18 Mar. 53 s 1680 .178 .013 -3.1 +1.7 -14.5 -10.0 30 798 77 15
16 1830/23 Mar. 53 c .423 .062 -6.0 +3.3 -13.8 -12.4 53 670 48 16
17 1830/ 1 Apr. 53 c .072 .167 -0.9 +0.3 -10.5 -7.8 17 -40 88 17
18 1830/ 6 Apr. 53 s 1125 .715 .160 -5.3 -2.4 -17.0 -24.0 47 1173 36 18
19 1830/10 Apr. 53 c .075 .113 +1.4 -4.7 -9.3 -23.5 44 -620 89 19
20 0630/16 Apr. 53 s 1935 .205 .066 -2.6 -1.4 -18.1 -22.0 57 -383 97 20
21 1230/18 Apr. 53 s 2975 .260 .031 -4.6 -2.6 -12.4 -14.5 43 709 30 21

Arithmetic {Seeded .336 .212 -6.35 -8.08 -21.75 -26.50 53.7 655 71
means Control .301 .127 -4.74 -5.57 -19.76 -22.09 42.1 50 63

Experiment TWO

22 1830/ 4 Dec. 53 s 7425 4 .362 .426 .201 -2.22 -9.60 -19.9 -.33.5 99 140 100 65 22
23 1830/ 9 Dec. 53 c 4 .,H4 .757 .358 -11.05 -16.70 -28.3 -43.5 83 320 120 28 23
24 1230/12 Dec. 53 s 7150 2 .454 .133 .416 +8.34 -3.53 -22.0 -17.0 58 411 312 28 24
25 1830/10 Jan. 54 c 5 .364 .101 .539 -5.52 -3.95 -14.5 -23.3 51 880 195 30 25
26 1230/15 Jan. 54 c 5 .598 .059 ,461 -13.39 -13.84 -20.2 -23.6 19 938 340 136 26
27 1230/21 Jan. 54 s 1350 4 .316 .033 .689 +4.47 +9.56 -9.8 -6.3 32 -450 -400 136 27
28 1830/27 Jan. 54 c 6 .089 .271 .216 -3.95 -6.48 -25.3 -22.5 27 -1187 -792 105 28
29 1830/11 Feb. 54 s 6750 4 .020 .198 .005 +9.46 +2.87 -17.8 -18.5 -2 -845 -495 87 29
30 1830/20 Feb. 54 s 3350 4 .497 .040 1.022 -6.40 -5.55 -16.0 -16.0 91 1189 600 36 30
31 1830/24 Feb. 54 c 2 .192 .191 .110 -5.79 -8.23 -20.1 -20.0 44 -42 -28 34 31
32 1230/26 Feb. 54 s 5825 6 .057 .197 .146 +5.17 +2.72 -8.8 -14.7 48 -91 193 98 32
33 1230/ 1 Mar. 54 c 6 .232 .096 .689 +5.87 -4.30 -12.7 -13.7 113 -839 39 90 33
34 1830/13 Mar. 54 s 6110 5 .619 .130 .664 -13.14 -11.85 -30.7 -34.5 55 365 125 69 34
35 1830/19 Mar. 54 c 3 .563 .362 .497 -11.15 -7.39 -26.3 -26.0 52 997 327 49 35
36 1230/30 Mar. 54 c 6 .063 .028 ,050 +4.77 +3.70 -2.7 -11.1 15 -480 -380 104 36
37 0630/28 Apr. 54 s 6200 6 .117 .007 .172 +2.75 +5.90 -2.5 -4.7 1 338 301 106 37

Arithmetic {Seeded .305 .146 .414 -1.03 -1.19 -15.94 -18.15 47.7 132 92 78
means Control .309 .233 .365 -5.03 -7.15 -18.76 -22.96 50.5 73 -18 72

Arithmetic { ONE and TWO Seeded .322 .184 -4.11 -5.18 -19.30 -22.98 51.3 435 74
means ONE and TWO Control .305 .174 -4.87 -6.27 -19.31 -22.48 45.8 60 67




FIG. 8. Composite map, average 24-hr precipitation in region Ia for 19 seeded cases. Isohyets in inches.
Period begins at zero hour.

by the method of analysis of covariance [2]. The the scatter of the test variates that are due to non-
covariates for which adjustments were to be made treatment causes. Thus, in a sense the covariates are
were selected prior to the experiment, although predictors. If the covariates are effective, they in-
additional covariates were selected after the first crease the sensitivity and precision of the experiment
season. It is the function of the covariates to eliminate by reducing the error variance. They also help to

minimize bias in the comparison of the seeded and un- initially as the covariate for all test parameters since
seeded samples resulting from inherent, non-treatment it was expected that strong southerly wind components
differences which have not been completely eliminated at 700 mb (i.e., large M) would be associated with
by randomization. heavier precipitation and more intense cyclogenesis
The circulation index, M, at zero hour was specified than would light southerly wind components.

FIG. 9. Composite map, average 24-hr precipitation in region Ia for 18 control cases.

FIG. 10. Composite map, average 24-hr sea level pressure change in region I
for 19 seeded cases. lsallobars in mb. Period begins at zero hour.

Before the beginning of the second season of seeding, The covariate L was measured by drawing a per-
several covariates were added after extensive testing pendicular from the cyclone center (or 3-hr katallo-
of numerous predictors. The new covariates were PI baric center if no cyclone had formed) on the zero
and Pmi, which were used only in the analysis of hour map to a line drawn between Burwood, La. and
PII and Pmii, a quantity designated L, which is a Nantucket, Mass. The distance from Burwood to the
measure of the latitude of the cyclone, and a quantity point of intersection was defined as L. It was expected
called T, which represents the divergence of the that more precipitation would occur with low values
water vapor flux in the east coastal region. The use of L than with high values since the rainfall intensities
of PI as a covariate for PII simply makes use of the are generally greater in low latitude cyclones. Also,
continuity of pressure systems. the duration of the ram m the east coastal region

FIG. 11. Composite map, average 24-hr sea level pressure change in region I
for 18 control cases.

in Greenwich Mean Time. Seeded cases are designated

S and control cases C. The total amount of dry ice
dispensed on each seeding mission is given in pounds.
The precipitation amounts, RI, RII and Rt, are
expressed in inches. The pressure changes PI, PI I,
Pmi and Pmii are in millibars. The terms M, T and
Tt are expressed merely as relative numbers with no
dimensional significance. The length L is in tens of
miles. Data for the first season is designated Experi-
ment ONE, the second season Experiment TWO.
The statistical significance of the differences be-
tween the means of the seeded and control samples in
table 1 is discussed in the next section. For the present
it may be noted that the differences are remarkably
The mean value is a coarse quantity which does
not reveal differences of distribution, and it must be
recognized that seeding may affect the distributions
of the test variates without affecting their mean
values. There are apparently no statistical techniques
for testing the significance of the difference between
two spatial distributions. Nevertheless, it is of interest
to compare the composite distributions of the pre-
cipitation and of the pressure changes in the seeded

FIG. 12. Composite map, average 24-hr sea level pressure change
in region II for 19 seeded cases. Period begins at 0+12 hr.

would be greater in low than in high latitudes.

The parameter L was used as a covariate for the
analysis of RI and RII.
The net geostrophic influx of water vapor across
the boundaries of a hexagon, whose vertices are the
radiosonde stations used to measure M, was computed
at the 1000, 850, 700, 500 and 400 mb levels from the
radiosonde data and interpolated to zero hour. The
covariate, T, defined as the sum of the net water
vapor influx values at these five standard levels, was
also employed as a covariate for RI and RII.
The target area precipitation, Rt, should depend
on the net influx of water vapor over the target area
rather than over the entire east coastal region. There-
fore, a modified form of T, designated Tt, was com-
puted for that half of the hexagon containing the
target area (region 4 in fig. 4) and was used as a co-
variate for the analysis of Rt.

3. Experimental data
A complete tabulation of the cases selected for the
experiment together with the test variates and co- FIG. 13. Composite map, average 24-hr sea level pressure change
variates is given in table 1. The zero hours are given in region II for 18 control cases.

FIG. 14. Zero hour and 0+24 hr surface weather maps for case no. 8, 0630 GMT, 12 F ebruary 1953. Stippled areas:
Precipitation. Broken arrows: F light tracks. Hatching: Dry ice seeding.

and control cases, although such comparisons must be and the flight altitudes and temperatures were similar
qualitative and subjective. to those of the P2V aircraft in the first season. Rain
Figures 8 and 9 show the distribution of average or snow was encountered 29 per cent of the time by
precipitation for 24 hr following zero hour along the P4Y airplanes, while the P2V flights experienced
the east coast (region Ia) for the 19 seeded and 18 con- rain or snow only 8 per cent of the time during the
trol cases, respectively. Similarities between the two first season and hardly at all the second season. The
composite maps are more striking than the differences. P2V aircraft were able to maintain altitude on top
The maxima occur in about the same locations and of the clouds most of the time. Icing was reported on
have about the same magnitudes, although in the 13 per cent of the P4Y aerological reports the first
seeded cases the maximum average precipitation was season, while only 5 per cent of the P2V reports
greater than in the control cases. mentioned icing. Only light rime icing conditions
The composite 24-hr sea level pressure change were encountered the second season.
fields for the period beginning at zero hour in the Visible cloud modification due to seeding was ob-
east coastal region (region I) are shown in fig. 10 and served by the flight aerologists on only two occasions,
11 for the seeded and control cases, respectively. 11 and 26 February 1954. Opportunities for observing
The katallobaric centers are found in about the same cloud modification were often poor the first season
locations on both maps. However, the composite when flights were frequently conducted in the clouds.
maximum pressure change was larger in the control In both cases the precipitation was extremely light
cases (-12.5mb) than in the seeded cases ( -8.8 mb). throughout the target region and virtually no rain
On the other hand, it can be seen from table 1 that fell along the seeded track.
the averages of the maximum pressure changes (Pmi) A typical first season seeding operation is illustrated
were almost identical in both the seeded and control by case no. 8, zero hour 0630 GMT, 12 February 1953.
groups (-19.30 and -19.31 mb, respectively). Thus The seeding track selected was Raleigh, N. C. to
the disparity of the composite maxima is apparently Lakehurst, N.J. to Quonset Point, R. I. to Lakehurst
an accident of distribution. to Norfolk, Va. The surface weather maps and flight
The composite pressure change fields in region II tracks for this case are shown in fig. 14. All ground
for 24 hr beginning at 0 + 12 hr are shown in fig. 12 generators operated on schedule between 0630 and
and 13 for the seeded and control samples. As might 1830 GMT. The lead phine of the flight was unable
be expected, these charts are quite similar to fig. 10 to participate due to a fuel leak. Extracts from the
and 11. Larger maximum pressure changes are found post-flight reports from the aerologists in the two
in the control group ( -11.4 mb) than in the seeded
P4Y airplanes which completed the mission are
group ( -8.6 mb). However, the averages of the
given below.
maximum pressure changes (Pmii in table 1) are
again almost identical for the seeded and control (1) "Departed Jacksonville 0413 GMT as eastern plane of
groups (-22.98 and -22.48 mb, respectively), so flight. Commenced seeding 0659 GMT at 15,000 ft, tem-
that it is difficult to attach any significance to the perature -2C in snow and rain. At 0700 GMT severe
icing and turbulence-unable to maintain altitude. De-
differences of the composite maxima.
scended to 9000 ft (temperature +1C) to melt ice; dis-
Detailed descriptions of the in-flight weather con- continued seeding. Resumed seeding 0755 GMT over
ditions, seeding procedures and synoptic situations Chincoteague after climb to 11,000 ft, temperature -1.3C.
for each of the 37 cases are available [6; 7]. Only a Between Chincoteague and (40°58'N, 70°40'W) and return
brief summary of some of these data will be given here. to Patuxent River, ideal conditions existed along route
and continuous dispensing operations were conducted.
In the first year the maximum flight altitude for
Temperatures varied from -2 to -SC with frequent
the P4Y aircraft was 16,000 ft, but more than 50 per instrument weather in clouds, rain and snow. Moderate
cent of the flight time over the targets was at altitudes icing and turbulence along most of route. Discontinued
below 13,000 ft. Maximum flight altitude for the seeding at 1220 GMT to land at Patuxent River for fuel.
P2V airplanes was 25,000 ft and more than 50 per Total seeding time, 4 hr 52 min. Total quantity of dry ice
dispensed, 900 lb."
cent of the P2V flight time was at altitudes greater
(2) "Departed Jacksonville 0440 GMT as western plane of
than 18,000 ft. The P2V aircraft began participating flight. Began seeding 0741 GMT at 15,000 ft, temperature
with flight no. 15 and the last three flights of the -9C. Instrument flight in clouds and snow. Light icing
season were flown with P2V airplanes only. More necessitated descent to 13,000 ft at 0800 GMT. Tempo-
than half the P4Y flight time was at temperatures rary shutdown of dispensing equipment at 1025 GMT due
to fuel transfer. Resumed seeding at 1105 GMT, snow
greater than -4C, whereas more than half the P2V
showers and moderate icing. Discontinued seeding at 1155
flight time was at temperatures below -12C. GMT .. Total dispensing time, 3 hr 24 min. Dispensed 470
Only P2V airplanes were used in the second season, lb of dry ice."

FIG. 15. Zero hour and 0+24 hr surface weather maps for case no. 29, 1830 GMT, 11 February 1954.
Target area 4 outlined on zero hour map.


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Rftonoke Lynchbura Gordonaville Quant i co Int. Norf ol k
- 8 ·23 -2 3 •24 · 24 •23 • 24 · 24 •24 · 24 • 12 . 5
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Remarks Climb in g Tra i l of T ra i l .from Tra il s of Tro il s of Troll of
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Bu i ldups Red Track B ui ldu ps Bu 1l dup s Buil dupa

T ime (Z l 1900 1927 1948 2003 20 33 2045 2054 2107 2116 2129 2 143


F IG. 16. Flight weather cross-sections showing seeding conditions along (a) red, (b) blue and (c) green tracks. Case 29, 1830 GMT,
11 February 1954. Target a rea 4. Altitude in t housands of feet. Horizontal d istances in miles.

FIG. 17. Cloud line development following seeding with dry ice at 19,000 ft near Pulaski, Va. 2037 GMT, 11 February 1954.

The seeding procedure in the second season is additive. The confidence limits on the differences of
illustrated by case no. 29, zero hour 1830 GMT, the means of logarithms have been converted into
11 February 1954. All ground generators except confidence limits on the ratios of the "true" geometric
Sanford, Fla., operated on schedule between 1830 means of the seeded and control groups. The observed
GMT 11 February and 0630 GMT 12 February. arithmetic means have already been given in table 1.
Target area 4 was selected for the dry ice seeding. The observed and adjusted geometric means and the
The three P2V aircraft dispensed a total of 6750 lb 95 per cent confidence limits are given in table 2 for
of dry ice in the target area. The weather maps and RI, RII and Rt. Thirty-six cases were used for the
flight cross sections for this case are shown in fig. 15 analysis· of RI and RII, the one incomplete block,
and 16. On this flight a trail of clouds developed case 21, having been discarded. Only the 16 cases of
behind the seeding airplanes in the form of a wall the second season were used for the analysis of Rt.
several thousand feet high and one to three miles The data for RI in table 2 indicate that, after
wide. The induced cloud trail is shown in fig. 17. adjustments have been made for covariates, the
mean precipitation is slightly greater in the control
4. Statistical results cases, and there is only about 1 chance in 20 that
The am ;sis of covariance adjusts the sample seeding either increased the precipitation more than
means for the effects of covariates and provides 35 per cent or decreased it more than 34 per cent.
confidence limits on the differences between the "true" Similar results are found for RII, with greater
means of the seeded and control samples. precipitation in the control cases and the 95 per cent
The statistical analysis of precipitation was applied confidence interval lying between an increase of 39
to the logarithms of the precipitation amounts on the per cent and a decrease of 68 per cent. In the case of
assumption that the effect of seeding should be pro- Rt, the residual variance is so large and the confidence
portional to the precipitation itself and not merely interval so broad that the experiment provides vir-

TABLE 2. Means a nd 95 per cent confidence limits for precipitation variates in inches.

Variate RI RII Rt
T reatment Seeded Control Seeded Control Seeded Control

Observed geomet ric mean 0.224 0.229 0.088 0.107 0.217 0.278
Adjusted geometric mean 0.220 0.233 0.079 0.118 0.225 0.268

95 per cent confidence limits 0.66 < (S/C) < 1.35 0.32 < (S/ C) < 1.39 0.20 < (S/C) <3.52

TABLE 3. Adjusted means and 95 per cent confidence limits for pressure change variates in millibars.

Variate PI Pml PI! Pm!I

Treatment Seeded Control Seeded Control Seeded Control Seeded Control

Adjusted mean -3.65 -5.30 -19.61 -19.31 -5.87 -5.87 -23.33 -22.60
95 percent con-
fidence limits -2.55 < (S-C) <5.85 -5.37 < (5-C) <4.94 - 5.21 < (S-C) < 4.89 -4.80 < (S-C) <3.34

tually no information with respect to target area years of data, would remain constant with the addition
effects. of more cases. Using the data for RI, it was found
In general, the differences between the precipitation that the addition of 9 pairs of cases, which might
variates in the seeded and control cases are not sta- reasonably be expected in one more year of seeding,
tistically significant. Thus the null hypothesis with would shrink the confidence interval by an effect of
regard to precipitation cannot be rejected. approximately 10 per cent. Assuming no difference
The results of the analysis of the pressure change between the adjusted means, the data would then
variates are shown in table 3. The incomplete block reject (at the 5 per cent level) the possibility that
was again discarded leaving 36 cases. Observed un- seeding increased precipitation more than 33 per cent,
adjusted means have already been given in table 1. whereas at present only increases greater than 43 per
Adjusted means and confidence limits are given in cent could be excluded if the means were equal. The
table 3. smaller increase shown in table 2 is due to the fact
It is apparent from table 3 that the differences that the adjusted precipitation was greater in the
between the means of the seeded and control cases control cases. If it is desired to detect or exclude the
are not statistically significant. The confidence inter- possibility of a 20 per cent increase of RI rainfall by
vals indicate that there is only 1 chance in 20 that seeding, a total of 67 pairs of cases would be needed.
seeding changed the 24 hr sea level pressure changes This would require about 5 more years of seeding.
by more than about ±5 mb. The null hypothesis with A similar analysis applied to Pmi shows that one
regard to pressure changes thus cannot be rejected more year of experimentation would probably reduce
by the experiment. the length of the confidence interval from 10 to about
Although the statistics do not permit rejection of 8 mb. Expressed in terms of the relative effect this
the null hypothesis, they do not preclude the possi- means that, while it may be concluded that seeding
bility that effects exist. It is possible that seeding did not alter the maximum pressure change more
may produce different effects in different situations than about 26 per cent, another year of experimenta-
so that the effect on the mean values may be quite tion would permit acceptance or rejection of the
small. However, one would then expect the sample probability of a 21 per cent effect. If a goal is set for
variance to be greater in the seeded than in the con- a confidence interval of 5 mb, approximately six more
trol cases. The ratios of the seeded to control variances years of experimentation would be required if detec-
were computed for all the test variates. Every variance tion of effects greater than ±2.5 mb (about 13 per
ratio but one proved to be insignificant at the 5 per cent of the present mean value of Pmi) is desired.
cent level. The one exception was PII, which suggests Since the length of the confidence interval varies
a possible hypothesis for future experiments. approximately as the reciprocal of the square root of
It is apparent that the seeding in this experiment the number of cases, the increase in precision associ-
failed to produce any effects which were large enough ated with the addition of cases is relatively slow. In
to be detected against the background of natural addition, the very small observed differences between
meteorological variance. The small differences be- the means of seeded and control cases indicated that
tween the means of the seeded and control samples continuation of the experiment in its original form
indicate the unlikelihood that any large scale effects
was unwarranted. The experiment was therefore
were produced. Narrower confidence intervals, and
terminated after the second season with the conclusion
hence greater precision, are obviously desirable.
Increased precision is usually obtainable by increasing that there was no evidence of any large scale meteor-
the sample size. ological effects due to seeding.
The variation of the length of the confidence The data are still being searched for results that
interval with sample size was estimated on the as- may not have been anticipated in the design of the
sumption that the residual variance, based on the two experiment. If any are found, they may provide the

basis for the formulation of new hypotheses for new in the design of the experiment and in the technical
experiments. aspects of the seeding.
Acknowledgments-The cooperation of all those who The staff of the project at New York University
contributed to Project Scud is gratefully acknowledged. included Messrs. Emanuel Ballenzweig, William
Special thanks are extended to Mr. Edwin L. Fisher Bornstein, Gardner Emmons, Robert G. Miller,
of New York University and Cdr. Charles E. Tilden, Ernest Paroczay, Rudolph Perchal, Roy E. Peterson
the Navy Project Officer, who assisted the writer in and Gunther Reiss. Miss Joan Cipley drafted the
the organization and direction of the experiment. figures. Professors James E. Miller and Richard J.
The technical assistance of AGC Howard J. Wells, Schotland of New York University and Professor
who, with Cdr. Tilden, provided for the maintenance Seymour Hess of Florida State University contributed
and supply of the silver iodide smoke generators, was helpful advice.
also invaluable. The project was greatly assisted also by the mem-
The design of the experiment bears the unmistakable bers of the Committee on Artificial Cloud Nuclea-
imprint of Dr. John W. Tukey of Princeton University tion, especially Drs. Sverre Petterssen and Max A.
who, together with Drs. Robert Hooke, Forman S. Woodbury.
Acton and Richard Link of the Analytical Research REFERENCES
Group, Princeton, N.J., guided the experiment down
the treacherous channels of statistical evaluation. 1. Cunningham, R. M., and D. Atlas, 1954: Growth of hydro-
meteors as calculated from aircraft and radar observations.
The author is also grateful to the anonymous com- Proc. Toronto meteor. Conf. 1953, 276-289.
puters of the Analytical Research Group for their 2. Fisher, R. A., 1932: Statistical Methods for Research Workers.
labors on the analysis of covariance. Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh.
The project would not have been possible without 3. - - , 1947: The Design of Experiments. Oliver and Boyd,
Ltd., Edinburgh.
the splendid cooperation of Navy Weather Squadron
4. Langmuir, 1., 1951: Cloud seeding by means of dry ice, silver
Two, later Navy Airborne Early Warning Squadron iodide and sodium chloride. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 14,
Four, which conducted the aircraft operations and 40-44.
dry ice seeding. To Cdrs. D. J. Walkinshaw and L. V. 5. - - , 1953: Analysis of the effects of periodic seeding of the
Dachs, and all the officers and men of the squadron, atmosphere with silver iodide. Final Report, Project Cir-
rus, Part II, Report No. RL-785, Contract No. DA-
is due a special acknowledgment for participating in
36-039-SC-15345, General Electric Research Laboratory,
an unusually hazardous operation. Schenectady, N.Y.
Among the forecasters who assisted in the selection 6. Spar, J., 1953: An experiment in large scale cloud seeding in
of cases, the following should be mentioned: Messrs. the east coastal region of the United States. Tech. Rep.
Peter E. Kraght, Emil Koehler and Robert Fuller of No. 1, Project Scud, Contract No. Nonr-285(09), New
York University.
American Airlines, and Norman Huseby and Robert
7. - - , 1954: An experiment in large scale cloud seeding in
Bailey of Eastern Air Lines. the east coastal region of the United States. Analysis of
Precipitation data from cooperative weather sta- experimental data for January-April 1954. Tech. Rep.
tions were provided by the United States Weather No. 2, Project Scud, Contract No. Nonr-285(09), New
Bureau through the cooperation of Mr. Leslie Smith, York University.
8. Vonnegut, B., 1951: Silver iodide smokes. Final Report, Project
Supervisor, National Weather Records Center, Ashe- Cirrus, Report No. RL-566, Contract No. W-36-039-SC-
ville, N. C. 38141, General Electric Research Laboratory, Schnectady,
The advice of Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer was helpful N.Y.
a group of field experiments
S. Petterssen; }. Spar; F. Hall;
R. R. Braham, Jr., L. }. Battan, and H. R. Byers;
H.}. aufm Kampe,}.}. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann.


United States Weather Bureau
(Manuscript received 3 April 1956)

The Weather Bureau has completed a field program in western Washington to investigate the applica-
bility of cloud seeding techniques in migratory cloud systems associated with middle latitude cyclonic
activity. The project was designed to give statistically valid estimates of the effects of seeding with dry ice
from aircraft, as well as affording surveys of cloud structure with particular reference to natural precipitation
mechanisms and seeding potentialities. A number of statistical evaluations have been carried out and, con-
sidered as a whole, do not show significant results from the seeding. However, because of the margin of
uncertainty present, none of the evaluations excluded the possibility of limited effects. The cloud surveys
suggested that favorable seeding opportunities were somewhat infrequent due to th~ abundance of natural
ice crystals in the deeper cloud Ia yers.

1. Introduction realizable by presently known cloud seeding tech-

niques in accordance with current knowledge of pre-
This report describes a project of the United States
cipitation mechanisms. Of the total water content of
Weather Bureau related to the applicability of cloud
the air, only two portions are usually considered to
seeding techniques in the migratory cloud systems
fall into this category: (1) moisture in the form of
associated with middle latitude cyclonic activity.
condensed cloud droplets which are too small to fall
The project was called the Weather Bureau Artificial
to the ground and which are not subject to natural
Cloud Nucleation Project (ACN Project).
coagulation processes, and (2) that portion of the
The cyclonic storm system represents one of the
vapor content of the air above the freezing level
major sources of precipitable water, with its deep and
which corresponds to the difference between the vapor
extensive cloud system; and it was thought that such
pressures over ice and water. The second limitation
systems might contain a significant fraction of the
on increasing precipitation is the availability of a
cloud seeding potential in many middle latitude
satisfactory seeding method by which the seeding
regions. Also, many claims of achieving large scale
potential can be exploited.
results from the seeding of these storm systems had
been made. In consequence, it appeared desirable to In order to explore the applicability of cloud seeding
see whether these storms did contain an untapped in the specified cloud systems as fully as possible, the
source of rainfall and whether increases or decreases project was carried out along two lines. First, in
in precipitation could be readily produced in amounts order to investigate the seeding potential of the storms,
which could be detected under the limitations of the structure of the cloud systems was examined in
measurement and analysis. detail, with particular attention to the natural pre-
The extent to which precipitation might be in- cipitation mechanisms and efficiency, and to the need
creased by cloud seeding methods appears to be for additional ice crystal nuclei in the different
governed by two limiting factors. The first of these situations encountered. As a second approach, sus-
is what might be termed the seeding potential; that tained seeding of the cloud systems was carried out
is, the precipitable water in the air passing over an in an attempt to realize, in the form of rainfall reaching
area which will not be realized at the ground through the ground, whatever seeding potential was contained
natural processes, but which might be considered m the cloud systems. The results of this latter ap-

proach would, of course, depend upon both the seeding experimental area is outlined in white and is seen to
potential and the efficiency of the particular seeding be bounded on the west by the coastline and on the
technique employed. east by the ridge of the Cascade Mountains. On the
north, it skirts the southern edge of the Olympic
2. Locale of. experiments Mountains and includes the Puget Sound area. On
the south, it extends a short distance into north-
The program was carried out in the southwestern western Oregon (actually about 15 mi below the
portion of the State of Washington and the north- bottom of the figure). The area extends about 200 mi
western portion of the State of Oregon. This area was in a north-south direction and about 130 mi east-west,
chosen because of the high frequency of occurrence affording room both for cloud seeding test areas and
of storms and because the area was relatively free for surrounding control areas over which the normal
from the possibility of artificial nucleation from other rainfall patterns could be observed. Figure 2 is a map
seeding operations upwind. The main disadvantage of the area showing locations of rain gages, as well as
of the location lay in the rugged terrain over much of the location of the project headquarters at Seattle
the experimental area and the resulting orographic and the radar site at Hoquiam.
rainfall patterns which had to be distinguished from Rainfall is generally plentiful in the area, with
the effects of cloud seeding. amounts reaching 80 or 90 in. per yr along the coast.
A relief map of western Washington and extreme Values decrease inland, however, and reach moderate
northwestern Oregon is shown in fig. 1. The project values along the valley which runs between Seattle

FIG. 1. Relief map of Washington and northern Oregon, with experimental area outlined.


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FIG. 2. Map of experimental area showing location of recording rain gages, project headquarters, and radar station.

and Portland. Farther to the east, the amounts in- to provide a documentary record of the cloud condi-
crease again on the slopes of the Cascade Mountains. tions during seeding test periods, but it was also of
North of the experimental area, precipitation is very great value in studying the general aspects of storm
intense, reaching over 160 in. per yr in the Olympic structure.
Mountains. Normal precipitation for the October- The second radar was capable of both PPI (plan
April period is shown in fig. 3. position indication) and RHI (range height indication)
The climate is characterized by rainy winters and presentations. The set was normally operated to give
dry summers. Temperatures at the lower elevations PPI, and scope photographs were taken at intervals
remain moderate, usually well above freezing, through- of 15 sec throughout all operations and during storm
out the winter. Cloudy and rainy days are very passages. At frequent intervals, the PPI was tempo-
frequent in the winter and as a rule are associated rarily interrupted, and RHI photographs were taken
with middle latitude cyclones moving in from the at 10° azimuth intervals throughout sectors of interest.
Pacific Ocean. Between storm systems, there is Two Lockheed PV-2 patrol bombers were used in
usually considerable cumulus activity with partly the project. These planes were loaned by the Navy
cloudy skies. A large fraction of the annual rainfall and were operated by the Weather Bureau. Instru-
occurs during the October-April period, with virtually ments were installed in each plane to measure the
none in the summer, except in the mountains where basic properties of the cloud systems which would bear
showers and thunderstorms are not infrequent. on the physics of natural precipitation processes and on
The clouds studied were those associated with the potentialities for artificial nucleation. A multi-
fronts and low pressure systems which entered the channel recorder on each plane provided measure-
area, usually from the ocean, and were primarily of a ments of temperature, air speed and pressure-altitude
stratiform character although often containing cumu- at 10 sec intervals. The rate of icing, convertible into
liform developments. In general, they were of the the subcooled liquid water content of the clouds, was
type commonly associated with winter storms, in- continuously measured with NACA pressure type
volving extensive overcast conditions, low ceilings icing-rate meters and recorded on the same chart.
and rather persistent precipitation. Isolated cumulus Also recorded were the temperature of the leading
and cumulonimbus were not included in the seeding edge of the heated wing, which served as a sensitive
program. cloud detector, and a qualitative record of turbulence.
Details of cloud composition were obtained by fre-
3. Equipment and facilities quent sampling of cloud elements with slides coated
with magnesium oxide for cloud droplets and coated
For measurement of rainfall, the existing network with a formvar solution for ice crystals and snow-
of recording rain gages was augmented to provide flakes. Comprehensive logs of cloud conditions were
approximately 100 stations. These are shown in fig. 2. kept by the flight meteorologists, and were supple-
Most stations were operated by voluntary cooperative mented, when possible, by cloud photographs.
observers. Wherever possible, the new recording gages
were located at the sites of pre-existing nonrecording
4. Cloud seeding procedure
gages, where historical rainfall records would be
available. Dry ice seeding from aircraft was used exclusively
A radar station was established at Hoquiam, on during the tests. The possibility of using ground based
the central Washington coast (fig. 2), for storm silver iodide generators, as commonly used in com-
observation and for detection of cloud seeding effects. mercial undertakings, was considered during the
Two radar sets were employed, one operating on a planning stage, since their use would have sub-
wave length of 0.85 em, for cloud observation, and stantially reduced the cost and complexity of the
the second on a wave length in the 5 em band for program. However, it was considered necessary to
observing precipitation. The cloud radar employed a know the exact position of the seeding treatment to
very narrow beam which was fixed in a vertical permit location of the resulting effects, if any, on the
position and recorded on a facsimile device a time ground. Seeding from aircraft seemed to offer a practi-
cross section of the clouds passing over the station. cal way of accomplishing this and avoiding the un-
During moderate or heavy rainfall, the beam suffered certainties of diffusion, wash-out and deterioration
attenuation and observations in such cases were of smoke released from the ground. Dual omni-range
limited to the lower 15,000 or 20,000 ft. In the absence navigational equipment installed in each plane per-
of such precipitation, however, the cloud records mitted continuous precise navigation under all con-
were quite satisfactory. This radar was used primarily ditions, so that location of the seeding was known at

FIG. 3. Normal October-April rainfa ll in experimental area. Units are inches of rainfall.

all times. Originally it was intended to make separate tion of cloud conditions. Many of the cloud systems
tests of dry ice and silver iodide smoke dispensed were quite narrow and difficult to forecast, and con-
from the planes; however, it appeared that there siderable effort was required to schedule operations
might be an insufficient number of trials to permit to coincide with optimum conditions. Seeding lines
dividing the seeding into two types. Dry ice was of 40-mi and 20-mi lengths were used, the seeding
selected since it would presumably work over a wider runs being repeated at approximately 12 min and 6
temperature range and was considered a more positive min, respectively. Turns at the end of the seeding
method than using the aircraft silver iodide generators line were made upwind, and the plane then took
which had been built but which had not been ade- up a heading which, combined with crosswind drift,
quately tested under flight conditions. would bring it over the far terminus of the seeding
Rates of seeding varied between 0.5 and 2 lb of dry line. This procedure produced approximately parallel
ice per mi. During part of the program, an instanta- seeded lines in the clouds.
neous rate of 4 lb per mi was employed, but the seeding The extent to which dry ice seeding in such a
was done intermittently by dispensing for 5 sec at fashion will reach the entire cloud mass moving in
30 sec intervals. The dry ice was dispensed auto- across the seeding line will depend in part upon the
matically with a screwfeed mechanism. action of the vertical wind shear in spreading the
Identification of the effects of seeding simple artificially created ice crystals. The dry ice dropped
uniform stratus layers, including the production of on a particular passage along the line will create a
troughs and holes and accompanying precipitation, vertical sheet or "curtain" of ice crystals down to the
is usually straightforward, and relatively brief seeding melting level. Based on the observation of visual
trials are sufficient to determine the reaction of partic- effects, this curtain can be expected to thicken to a
ular clouds. However, where the results are to be width of about 3 mi after approximately 0.5 hr. If there
determined from rain gage records, and where the were no change in wind speed or direction between the
deeper and more complex cloud systems are to be seeding and melting levels, this curtain would simply
seeded, it is more difficult to separate artificial from drift along with the wind and remain in a vertical
natural effects, and it is desirable to accentuate the position. If the wind direction should be the same at
seeding effects by continuous or repetitive trials. both levels, but if the wind speed were greater at the
This was accomplished by seeding repeatedly, as the seeding level, then the curtain would progressively
plane flew back and forth between two fixed points tilt in the downwind direction, being deformed by
on the ground. These seeding operations were planned the wind shear. Depending upon the strength of the
for a 4 hr period on each occasion, although it often shear and the elapsed time, the curtains could be
happened that the runs were shortened by deteriora- expected to tilt sufficiently to overlap each other,





m77777777177m777m771l777771///lll// SURFACE

FIG. 4. Vertical cross-section normal to seeding line showing tilt of ice crystal curtains produced
by wind shear. Section extends over 1 hr wind travel at seeding level.

and thus be effective in seeding the portions of the pieces of dry ice. However, since the success of seeding
clouds lying between successive initial seeding lines. is also dependent upon the presence of an adequate
Changes in wind direction between the seeding and moisture supply, it would appear that the effective-
melting levels would produce a lateral distortion of ness of the tilting mechanism would increase with the
the curtains but would not change the extent of seeding potential of the clouds.
overlap at right angles to the seeding line. The overlap
would be governed by the component of the wind 5. Operational design
shear normal to the seeding line. The tilting and
overlap of successive curtains are illustrated in fig. 4, Statistical design was utilized throughout the proj-
which shows a vertical cross section at right angles ect in order to insure that the maximum amount of
to the seeding line and extending 1 hr downwind at unbiased information would be realized from the
the seeding level. As a measure of this effect, the cloud seeding tests. This design included publication
ratios between distance a (the shear distance) and of the specifications of the operating procedure and
distance b (the separation of seeding curtains at the the primary methods by which the data would be
melting level) are given for the operating periods in evaluated in advance of actual operations. During
table 1. It is seen that in many of the cases the tilt operations, the seeding trials were fully randomized
was quite effective in providing seeding coverage in order to assure as valid interpretation of the
between the seeded lines. results of the tests as possible, regardless of incomplete
The duration of effective seeding by tilting of control over all of the conditions of the operations.
curtains ;will depend upon the longevity of artificially The storm systems were divided into two groups, one
produced ice crystals. Virtually nothing is known in group was seeded and the other was left untreated as
this regard, but similar curtains are observed to a statistical control. The selection of cases for the two
occur in nature and appear to have a life of about 1 groups was determined solely by a random process.
hr. A great deal undoubtedly depends upon the For this purpose, the National Bureau of Standards
structure of the seeded cloud and whether there is prepared a packet of small opaque envelopes, num-
sufficient moisture available to permit the continued bered serially, and each containing a slip of paper
existence of the billions of crystals, without evapora- which also bore the serial number and on which was
tion, that are produced in the wake of the falling typed the word "yes" or the word "no." These
instructions were prepared by a modified random
TABLE 1. Ratios between a and b of fig. 4 for operating periods. process by Standards, according to the Weather
Multiple values for particular cases are due to changes in Bureau request that there be substantially more "yes"
seeding altitude, changing wind conditions, etc.
than "no" instructions (approximately a 2 to 1 ratio),
Date Ratio Date Ratio and that long runs of either type should be avoided.
The exact ratio employed and the exact restriction
24 March 53 1.16 31 Dec. 53 3.26
1.27 5.71 on runs were not known to the operating staff. The
13 April 53 .40 3.83 system proved to be quite effective, and attempts by
16 April 53 2.60 11 Feb. 54 3.88
2.02 3.27 various staff members to prognosticate the contents
9 Oct. 53 1.46 0.30 of particular envelopes showed no skill.
.73 12 Feb. 54 2.83
4 Nov. 53 2.20 1.40 Daily operations were conducted as follows: A call
1.27 1.83 was made to the Weather Bureau station at the
11 Nov. 53 0.70 15 Feb. 54 3.91
2.17 3.73 Seattle-Tacoma airport at 0300 PST each morning
13 Nov. 53 0.09 5.19 for a briefing on the prospects for suitable cloud con-
0.14 18 Feb. 54 9.01
18 Nov. 53 40.61 22.61 ditions. If the prospects were at all promising, the
5.92 20 Feb. 54 12.57 radar meteorologist at Hoquiam was immediately
1 Dec. 53 10.14 1.75
23.36 1.02 called and requested to start radar observations as
3.30 2 April 54 11.10 soon as he could reach the station. The flight crew
2.55 6.40
4 Dec. 53 1.40 10.17 for the day was also called to the field. The hourly
1. 77 4.20 weather reports were then carefully noted, as well
1.84 4 April 54 0.74
11 Dec. 53 2.73 2.67 as reports from the radar station, and the flight was
0.92 0.86 initiated as soon as it became definite that a storm
1.24 5 April 54 None
0.60 12 April 54 6.49 system was approaching. Preflight of the aircraft and
0.59 6.31 the loading of dry ice and other supplies took about
23 Dec. 53 0.04 7.88
1.58 an hour and a half. Take-off was often delayed by
traffic congestion (caused by the approaching storm)

but usually did not last over 20 min. Approximately more than 100 mi. Also, it had been found that the
1 hr was required to negotiate the Seattle traffic con- deep solid cloud systems associated with fronts and
trol area and to reach the proposed seeding location cyclones were often quite limited in east-west extent
(normally near the coastline to the south of Hoquiam). and often lasted no more than 3 or 4 hr. For this
Prior to take-off a line of position along which seeding reason, it was considered important to begin the test
would be carried out was selected on the basis of the period just as soon as a reasonably thick cloud had
latest upper wind reports and the anticipated seeding moved in, in order to have the best chance of a com-
level, and was furnished to the flight crew. Flight plete 4-hr run. Accordingly, cloud systems were
crews consisted of pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer, and selected for consideration as soon as it was judged
flight meteorologist. that they were actually associated with a storm
When the plane reached the area selected, radio system, even though subcooled liquid water had not
communication was established with the radar sta- been detected in any of the clouds. This procedure
tion, and the plane conducted a cloud reconnaissance was considered justified on three grounds: First, one
in the general area and westward over the ocean to of the missions of the project was to carry out seeding
determine the nature and magnitude of the storm trials in the migratory storm cloud systems associated
system. Particular attention was paid to whether the with cyclones and fronts without particular regard for
clouds were increasing or decreasing in thickness, the cloud structure; second, even though subcooled
whether subcooled water could be detected, and the water was deficient along the leading edge of the
extent of cloud cover. The resulting information was cloud system, there was always the hope that it
radioed to the radar site which relayed it to project would materialize later on; and third, with a single
headquarters along with the latest radar weather aircraft it was not possible to explore all parts of the
picture. On the basis of this information and any cloud systems, and one could often not say with
later synoptic reports and forecasts which were avail- certainty that subcooled water might not be present
able, a decision was made on the suitability for in unexplored sectors or at different altitudes. Also,
seeding. If it was decided that conditions were ap- fuel capacity limited reconnaissance time to 1 or 2 hr
propriate, the situation was declared to be a test if a full 4-hr operation was to be accomplished, so that
unit, and the sealed envelope was opened by the quick decisions were often required. Furthermore, if
Hoquiam CAA office. If the instruction was yes, seeding was to prove most effective in initiating rather
seeding was immediately begun and carried out ac- than increasing the intensity of precipitation, it was
cording to plan; if no, the plane flew an exact simulated important to include, at least in some of the operations,
mission nevertheless, taking the same observations as portions of the storm systems in advance of natural
would have been taken on a seeding operation. In all precipitation.
aspects, both seeded and unseeded (control) cases In consequence of the foregoing, many of the
were handled in exactly the same manner (except for operations were carried out in systems which in
the seeding), and evaluation of the seeding effect was retrospect would probably be considered unsatisfac-
based solely on the difference in the response of the tory test specimens for cloud seeding experiments, in
precipitation between the two sets of cases. If condi- the sense that the clouds were predominantly ice
tions were found to be unsuitable over the area, but crystals and the amounts of subcooled water, if pres-
there was a prospect that they would improve from ent at all, were slight. A survey of seeding and control
the seeding standpoint, the plane was instructed to flight time shows that subcooled water was known to
land at Hoquiam and await the arrival of more suit- be present during only 52 per cent of the time, al-
able cloud conditions. though some subcooled cloud was estimated to have
been present beneath the plane during about 90 per
6. Suitability and representativeness of cloud con- cent of the seeding and control runs.
ditions This circumstance, that is, the fact that in many
of the operations the cloud formations seemed some-
Making a decision to declare a particular situation what less than ideal for cloud seeding, offered no
as appropriate for a seeding trial was a critical and hindrance in effectively carrying out the objectives
difficult task. Usually there were little satisfactory of the test program. At first glance it might appear
synoptic data over the ocean to the west and there that the program had been impaired by carrying out
was virtually no way of estimating the width of the seeding operations in cases where it could not be
cloud system or its duration over the seeding area. determined that deep subcooled layers, ripe for seed-
Most help in this regard came from the radar weather ing, were present, and by failure to encounter more
observations, but these usually did not extend out favorable conditions. In this connection it is necessary

to emphasize the objectives of the project, viz., to ditions which were typical and representative of the
examine the cloud seeding potential of cloud systems winter storms entering the Pacific Northwest during
over northwestern Oregon and southwestern Wash- the existence of the project. It should be noted,
ington, and to seed cloud systems such as they were however, that two rather intense storms were missed
(even, one might say, indiscriminately) in order to because both aircraft were grounded for repairs. On
see what cloud seeding potential by dry ice seeding one other occasion intense icing prevented the
could be realized on the ground in the form of rainfall. initiation of an operation, and on another occasion
If seeding potential was often less than might be icing delayed the beginning of an operation. In two
desired, this fact was one to be investigated and cases (both seeding cases), intense icing forced the
reported. In this case, the two objectives of the project interruption of seeding while the plane descended to
would be satisfied by observing and reporting any de-ice. On 5 April1954, engine trouble forced abandon-
lack of potential, and by the occurrence of negligible ment of the seeding operation after only one pass
rainfall from seeding operations. Abundance or lack along the seeding line. However, the entire load of
of seeding potential was the major question the project dry ice was jettisoned along the first half of the return
set out to investigate. to the Seattle base, and it was decided to leave this
General lack of seedable clouds would, of course, be case in the set of seeding operations, since suitable
a more serious matter for a different type of program clouds were present where the dry ice was dropped.
which had as its object tests of different methods or During the operating seasons, daily precipitation at
rates of seeding. For such a program as that, one Hoquiam averaged 0.60 in. on operating days, as
would presumably wish to have frequent thick sub- against 0.41 in. on all non-operating rainy days.
cooled layers for experimentation. The ACN project
was not oriented in this direction, and so long as 8. Cloud conditions observed during flights
advantage was taken of the most favorable conditions,
it could have completed its purpose successfully if no A wide variety of cloud conditions was encountered
subcooled water whatsoever had been encountered in the storms surveyed. This was true not only
during operations. between different storms but also within relatively
The project employed as much judgment and small sectors of the same system. However, it is
discrimination in selecting cases as was possible under important for seeding that the subcooled water content
the circumstances, and a concerted effort was made of the cloud systems (and consequently the cloud
to operate in the storm systems when the seeding seeding potential) ranged over wide limits from one
potential, whatever its extent, was at its highest. storm to another and within parts of the same storm
This effort was believed to have been successful on system. These observations served to corroborate
almost all cases. similar findings of other workers including the N ACA
icing research teams and the MIT radar weather
group. In some cloud systems there was, so far as
7. Project operations could be ascertained, no liquid water whatsoever.
Project operations began in March 1953 and con- Above the melting level the clouds consisted entirely
tinued through April and May. Flights were suspended of ice crystals and small snowflakes. There were
during the summer in accordance with requests from probably traces of liquid water at the top of the cloud
agricultural interests, and were resumed in September, decks, for example at the cirrus level, but observations
continuing until 15 May 1954. A total of 141 flights could not be made above about 19,000 ft. A variation
of all types were made during the period of operation. of this type of cloud system was one in which light
Sixty of these were operational weather flights made amounts of subcooled water were present along with
in anticipation of seedable conditions. However, the snowflakes for several hundred feet above the melting
conditions were declared seedable on only 35 of these level, decreasing in amount with altitude. These
cases, and the randomization resulted in 22 seeding systems were not the rule but occurred often enough
and 13 control cases. Some of the remaining weather to be an important consideration in assessing seeding
flights were limited to reconnaissance of the cloud potential.
systems; in other cases experimental seeding was At the opposite extreme, deep subcooled layers
carried out on clouds which did not meet the require- containing few if any ice crystals were occasionally
ments of the project in terms of extensiveness of found up to depths of 8000 ft. Such clouds are, of
cloud cover. Seeding and control time during the 35 course, ideal subjects for cloud seeding tests. They
operational periods amounted to 110 hr. So far as were observed, however, on only a few occasions
could be judged, the flights were carried out in con- during the operating period, and their horizontal

extent at right angles to the front or storm system 1-

and their duration over a given area, appeared to be -....==
lj 100 . - - . - - . - - . - - I. - - . --+-:;:--.....01
limited to SO to 100 mi and to 1 or 2 hr, respectively. ffi ~i-...,o--o
a. 90 r- + o""
More frequently, the cloud systems were made up of
mixed ice crystal and water clouds with rather light g
80 1'/0,~
liquid water contents, variable both in space and time
within a given area. In such cases, it seemed question- ... 70 0
able whether the addition of more ice crystals by ~ ~I
seeding could be expected to accomplish much, since ~ 60 t' 0 NACA DATA - -
the absorption of liquid droplets by the natural crys- : +/

k ;/
tals appeared to be in balance with the production of ~50 A'
new droplets. Removal of this "background" liquid
water supply, if accomplished effectively by seeding,
could conceivably increase precipitation locally to a -
very limited extent, but would presumably produce a ~ "' 0
corresponding reduction of 0.5 to 1 hr downwind, 8 20 I
a: I
... cl
since the growth potential for natural ice crystals
would have been removed.
i 10 -
Of natural interest is the extent to which such ~ o~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~-~-~-~~~~
cloud conditions can be considered representative of :::i 0 .I .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
those in other regions. The frequent rainfall over the
experimental area had suggested the possibility that FIG. 5. Cumulative frequency distribution of concentrations of
subcooled liquid water encountered by the ACN Project and by
the natural rainfall processes might be more efficient a transcontinental transport operation.
than elsewhere, thus limiting the usefulness of seeding
in the area, and consequently bearing on the appro- drafts, the cores would consist of wet crystals or snow-
priateness of the location for conducting seeding tests. flakes with only subcooled cloud at the edges. Wet
However, the icing rates experienced during project cumulus developments were often found embedded in
flights suggested that the area was not unfavorable, ice-crystal altostratus, the moderate updrafts ap-
and this impression has been confirmed by a com- parently being sufficient to inhibit nucleation from
parison of the icing conditions encountered by project the surrounding crystals, at least during the formative
aircraft with those experienced in routine trans- stages. Ice crystal haze was frequently experienced,
continental airline operation. The comparison was in some cases representing very diffuse altostratus
made with data collected by the National Advisory layers, in others probably comprising the remnants of
Committee for Aeronautics on DC-4 aircraft operating altostratus, and in still others consisting of weak
between New York and San Francisco during winter precipitation from existing or pre-existing decks. Fig-
months [3]. The results are presented in fig. 5 which ure 6 illustrates three typical conditions encountered.
indicates the close correspondence between conditions Pending a more complete analysis of the inflight ob-
encountered in the two cases. servations, the impression was obtained that the
Usually one could define an upper and lower cloud presence and quantity of subcooled water were favored
deck, the lower containing the primary water supply by proximity to fronts, by the absence of an active
and the upper furnishing ice crystals which fell into altostratus layer, and by transient processes such as
the lower deck and rapidly increased in size. These frontogenesis. Existence of substantial amounts in
two decks correspond to what Bergeron has termed mixed clouds appeared to require cumulus develop-
the "releaser" and the "spender" clouds. On some ments or intensification of the gradual widespread
occasions, however, the upper deck would be absent, lifting process.
with the ice crystals being generated in the upper Subcooled cloud temperatures during seeding and
portions of the lower deck. At other times, the lower control portions of the flights are shown in table 2,
deck would be missing and precipitation was limited which gives cumulative percentages of the time that
to snow showers aloft which usually evaporated before subcooled clouds at or below flight level were warmer
reaching the ground. Altocumulus structures were than the specified value, and similar percentages for
frequently encountered and sometimes contained sub- the observed and estimated subcooled cloud tops (on
stantial amounts of subcooled water in their cores some occasions above achievable flight altitudes). It
while snowing at the outer edges. In other cases, will be observed that 70 per cent of the clouds at or
where the clouds lacked substantial organized up- below operating levels lay between OC and -10C, a

Ice crystals * Snow flakes
30,000 o Liquid cloud droplets/;,-;~' f,?ain


* * * * -20°C.

10,000 * * *
* * *

* 0 * * *


0 0
0 0 0

15,000 0

* *
* * * * *
* ><


20,000 ..:..:::-=::::::::::::======--=-:::::::::=-


0 0 0
0 0
10,000 0

0 0 0

* 0 0
* 0

* *

5,000 * 0

FIG. 6. Vertical cross-sections showing typical cloud conditions encountered during flight program. A) Deep nimbostratus layer
consisting primarily of ice crystals and fine snow above melting level, but including light amounts of subcooled water in shallow

FIG. 7. Line of cumulus developing along seeded path. Flight of 2 April 1954, altitude 12,000 ft.

TABLE 2. Temperature of subcooled clouds existing at or below In a number of cases, however, when daylight
seeding and control flight levels and at estimated subcooled
cloud tops. flights were conducted in the clear above a rather
smooth lower deck, the usual seeding effects could be
Cumulative percentage (clouds as warm or
warmer than indicated)
observed. The effects were characterized by a change
At or below Observed and estimated from water droplets to ice crystals and the creation
flight level cloud tops
of troughs often preceded by slight rises in the cloud
2 12 4 top. The effects were noted with all of the seeding
- 4 18 7
- 6 36 16 rates employ ed, and seeded segments produced by
- 8 50 29 the intermittent seeding were observed to grow and
-10 69 51
-12 78 61 merge into solid seeded lines. On one occasion, a small
-14 93 76 ice crystal cloud was produced several hundred feet
-16 96 87
- 18 100 93 above the lower deck. In another case, a small cumulus
-20 97 cloud was observed to develop in one of the seeded
-22 97
-24 97 troughs, while in yet another a cumulus-type ridge
-26 100 built up approximately 1000 ft in the general location
of an earlier seeded path, as shown in fig. 7. So far as
region in which silver iodide nucleation is thought to could be observed, the seeding effects appeared to be
be only partially effective, thus making it seem fortu- localized, and did not show a tendency to spread.
nate in retrospect that dry ice was chosen as the Figures 8 and 9 show the effects of seeding a thin
seeding agent. About SO per cent of all subcooled cloud stratocumulus deck. Troughs produced at the top of
was estimated to occur in this temperature range. a rather irregular deck are shown in fig. 10.

9. Visual seeding effects 10. Statistical evaluation

Visual observation of seeding effects on the cloud i. General considerations. Evaluation of the results of
tops was rather restricted due to the limitation of a the seeding trials was based first of all on the detection
single aircraft per operation and because the rigid of any rainfall anomalies that occurred in the target
seeding procedure prevented following the seeded areas at appropriate times following the beginning of
clouds downwind for the required length of time. Also an experimental operation. These anomalies were
many of the flights were made entirely on instruments determined both for the seeding periods and for the
and others were made at night where visual observa- control periods. The effects of t he seeding were then
tion was restricted to cloud composition and changes estimated by studying the difference, if any , between
in texture and density, and to the grosser aspects of the anomalies of the seeding periods and those of the
cloud structure. control periods.
mixed layer just above melting level, increased depth just ahead of surface warm front. B) Different form of nimbostratus- cirrus
or a ltostratus absent. I ce crystals generated in upper portions of deck producing precipitation. Light amounts of subcooled water
present at top. Cumulus cells embedded in stratiform cloud mass. C) Deep subcooled layer ahead of developing warm front. Nat-
urally forming ice crystals producing light precipitation, liquid water content not yet exhausted. Cirrus or a ltostratus layer not de-
veloped sufficiently to thoroughly seed lower deck. Situation infrequent, possibly transient in cha racter.

FIG. 8. Patch of ice crystals produced in thin stratocumulus deck 14 min after dropping 50 lb dry ice, 18 January 1954.
Cloud tops 6000 ft, aircraft 8000 ft.

Two types of data were available for analysis- in the standard manner. Special attention was given
rain gage data and radar data. As mentioned earlier, to the proper operation of t he gages, and a continuous
an extensive rain gage network of approximately 100 round of inspections was maintained throughout the
stations was made available by augmenting the exist- program. The radar data afford another method of
ing cooperative network. The gages were of the observing precipitation; however, results of this phase
weighing-recording type, and rainfall amounts were of the analysis are not included in this report.
read off the cha rts and tabulated in hourly increments As stated, the first step in the evaluation was to

FIG. 9. Hole produced in thin stratocumulus deck 39 min after drop of dry ice at rate of 3 lb per mi, 18 January 1954.
Cloud tops 6000 ft, aircraft 8000 ft.

FIG. 10. Troughs produced in top of cloud deck 2 April 1954, altitude 12,000 ft.

determine whether any rainfall anomalies occurred operational case which provided a set of anomalies
in the target area following initiation of a seeding or for the seeding cases and another set for the control
control operation. The presence of anomalies was cases. The effect of seeding was then determined by
determined by first estimating what the rainfall over use of the "t" test [2]. The difference between the
the target area would have been without the seeding average anomaly in the set of seeding cases was com-
(or the simulated seeding in control cases), and then pared with that in the set of control cases, to see
subtracting the predicted rainfall from that which whether t here was any significant reason for abandon-
actually occurred. This problem of estimating the ing the null hypothesis.
natural rainfall over the target was the critical one ii. Targets, control areas and periods. Before any actual
in this as well as in other cloud seeding projects, and computation could begin, it was necessary to select
the skill with which this is done determines the sensi- and define the t arget a reas to be used in each case. In
tivity of the evaluation procedure and the effective- cloud seeding projects there are two ways of accom-
ness of the program in detecting and assaying seeding plishing this task. One system is to select a target
effects. area in advance of an operation and attempt to pro-
Methods used for predicting na tural t arget rainfall duce the seeding effect over it; the other is to perform
in the present program all took the form of utilizing the seeding operation over a fixed geographic course
data from outside the target area or from outside the prescribed in advance and a ttempt to define the target
target period, or both, to arrive at an estimate of the later, using wind and other d ata that may become
target rainfa ll during the target period. Six such available. The second procedure was employed in this
methods, not entirely independent, were employed, research.
resulting in six different numerical results. The esti- A number of tests of the possibility of defining
mates were made for the target-period rainfall for target areas with the aid of fluorescent tracer powdef
each rain gage in the t a rget area. These estimates were made. The powder was released in quantities or
were then subtracted from the observed rainfall at about 10 lb per flight in ice crystal cloud, and samples
each target gage for the same period, resulting in a of rainwater were taken at 10 stations located down-
difference or anomaly for each gage. These anomalies wind from the point of release. This work was carried
were then averaged over the target a rea for each out with the assistance of the Armour Research
seeding and control operation, thus giving a single Foundation which was conducting other fluorescent
number for each operation representing the average powder studies in the area. Results were almost
target anomaly. This procedure was repeated for each entirely negative, and the technique as employed

did not appear to be applicable to ACN project with the hour closest to the commencement of seeding
requirements. or control. Stations between the first line and second
Three different sets of target areas and target line in the target area started counting 1 hr later,
times were used in the final analysis. In each case the and so on.
target areas and times were selected by an objective f) At the end of the period the stations in the
set of rules devised for the purpose, and the determina- target area from the seeding line to the first line
tion of both the rules and the individual targets under counted their last target rainfall ending with the hour
the rules was made before the rainfall records were closest to the termination of seeding or control.
consulted by the persons involved, so that any Stations between the first and second line continued
subjective decisions that might have been employed 1 hr later, and so on.
could not have been biased. The rules for target These fan-shaped targets embraced as few as five
areas took into account such factors as the geograph- rain gages in one case and as many as 53 in another.
ical location of the seeding line, the available The average was 29.
upper wind reports, the heights of the seeding and Type II areas, used in one of the 6 evaluations
melting levels, and the probable formation time and were obtained by reducing the length of the original
settling rate of artificially created snowflakes. The target area to approximately 1 hr of wind travel and
rules governing determination of target times took centering the area at a distance from the seeding line
into account factors such as starting and stopping judged to provide the greatest sensitivity to the cloud
times and the fact that the rainfall records were seeding. This was done by estimating the time neces-
tabulated in hourly increments. sary for artificially created ice crystals to settle to the
Type I target areas were truncated sectors, bounded melting level. A 10-min incubation period was allowed,
upwind by the seeding line and downwind by the edge then 10 min settling time was allowed for each 1,000
of the rain gage network, in a direction governed by ft between the seeding and melting levels. With the
the mean wind direction between the melting and mean wind speed already obtained, the distance
seeding levels. To allow for possible spreading of downwind from the seeding line was determined for
seeding effects, each side was allowed to diverge 10° which a particle would travel in the 20 min interval.
from lines parallel to the target area axis. The rules At that point, a line was drawn parallel to the seeding
governing selection were as follows: line. Parallel lines such as these, drawn at 0.5 hr
a) All upper air data west of the Cascade Mountains travel increments upwind and downwind from the
and from Portland to Tatoosh Island were used. first line, defined the upwind and downwind bounda-
Observations used were those taken just before and ries of the target.
after the seeding or control period (also soundings The hours of rainfall at the various stations within
during the period, if any). these targets that were counted as being within the
b) For melting level determination, all 850mb and seeded period were defined in the same way as those
700mb temperatures were averaged, and the averages obtained in. connection with the type I targets.
plotted on a pseudo-adiabatic diagram. The melting Examples of type I and I I targets are shown in fig. 11.
level was then obtained by interpolation. After a full target had been selected, the remainder
c) Wind directions and speeds at each even thou- of the rain gage network constituted a control area.
sand-foot level, from the melting level to the dis- data from which were used in 4 of the 6 evaluations,
pensing level, were obtained by averaging all values Type I I I targets differed considerably from the
available according to a). Finally a grand average of first two. Visual observation of the effects of dry ice
these wind directions and speeds was taken to obtain seeding in Australia had led research members of the
a single mean wind speed and direction. This mean Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research
wind direction was used as the axis of the target area. Organization to the impression that the induced pre-
d) Next it was determined how far a particle would cipitation began to fall within a rather short time
move from the start of seeding (or control) until the after seeding. They had formulated a rule that the
next subsequent half-past hour. This was based on precipitation would appear at the base of the seeded
the mean wind speed obtained above. At this distance cloud in an interval consisting of a 10-min incubation
a line was drawn parallel to the seeding line. At a period and 1 min additional for each 1000 ft of cloud
further distance, equal to that which a particle would thickness. They had also observed that the effect
travel in 1 hr from the first line, another line was usually did not last for more than 1 hr following the
.drawn and so on. seeding treatment. These observations suggested the
e) Rain gage stations in the first portion of the desirability of selecting a new set of targets in ac-
target area counted their first target rainfall beginning cordance with these findings. Consequently, with the



• a ar.t.aTtrp 11r

• 17 QOIII 'L't II&

' Ill lt.UPE

"'i PUIQ

• 14 LIITil 11


.,•r---------_jl(;~f:l-----:;.::..::::..:.:::' 4 I ILI·---t---:-;;-::;-;::;-:-::;-::t-------+-42 I n Ill CAlB Oil' 111YIJ.----tr-l----t•,0

• t6 EATDII'YILLE IIIII • 41J , • • • • , , • •
JELII I (C111U'&L Cll)
e Ill I!LE(:TJ. I 8DWII

Seeding Time: • 81 IIOOILIII

1214 to 1614
1200 1300 ........·• 1400" ... "...
to o83 CUIU•
I ... ,.1600
to . to ...... " 2000
1800 .. """' 1900
104 . . . . .

1600 1700 TOLEDO 2111111: 11108

• ?e IP JUT L.ll as

... .. '"""I~·~·,
74 I.ELIO ll.tP
• • 7!1 eo••••• 1u1

t-----------~~~ ~~-----~ ... !10 IIIIST


ooa\u esw • 11 urn 0 , 111


... ' "'!"' : ) • 81 8 &!'TLE GI.OUID

fill'----:........__ . . .
' " BUU'Ilfll '\P

:a IUI;::-,CII4W'II -11.) '

... _
~&UYII'B -~·
• t i l GLIIIIOOD •11' IIL.&ID , 101 IOOD IIYEII llp""tr&

• II Lll'l C:&IIIP ""-.. ~01 IOIII18YILLI Dll \../

-.too •uou-:n.u,a wa.u

•11 POII.TLUD 18 CIT'f
• 10 GBISB&II 1111:


88 1.1.11111 DAIII



DATE TIME ---------


FrG. 11. Examples of type I and II targets used in evaluation.


observations, taking into account frontal structures

as shown on Weather Bureau charts.
g) The seeding was considered to have produced
ice crystal curtains extending from the melting level
up to the cloud top or the seeding level. The first
seeding effects were assumed to fall from a median
I 0 min. at height H
plus Trajectory height H defined as being one third of the distance
to Surface down from the top of the curtain, and they were as-
sumed to arrive at the ground in 10 min, plus 1 min
for each 1000 ft to the ground. The effects were as-
sumed to continue for 1 hr, during which the curtain
'ttflnner Boundary would be carried by the wind and be deformed by the
<> shear between its top and bottom .
~ h) To establish the line of first effects, a vector
c"' representing the downwind travel of the effects during
~ ___j_____i~o~P~~~in~d~V~e~c~to~r------------~ the settling time to the ground was obtained by adding
0 a 10-min travel vector at height Hand 1-min vectors
FIG. 12. Method of selecting type III targets. at each 1000 ft down to the ground. This vector was
extended from one end of the seeding track, and a line
advice of Mr. E. J. Smith of CSIRO, a new set of parallel to the seeding track was drawn through the
rules was drawn up for selecting the third set of end of the vector. This formed the inner boundary of
targets. These rules follow: the target area.
a) Three standard level charts were prepared (850, i) Vectors representing 1-hr flow at the top of the ice
700 and 500 mb) at 6-hr intervals for the 12 hr crystal curtain were erected at each end of the seeding
surrounding flight time using upper air data for track. The area between these vectors was swept out
Washington and Oregon. Assistance in preparing by the top of the ice crystal curtain in 1 hr.
charts for times between the regular 12-hr observa- j) A vector representing 1 hr of the mean wind
tions was obtained by referring to the 12-hr charts between the top and the melting level was laid out
adjacent to the desired period. These charts contained from the end of the seeding track such that the
contours, winds, and isopachs* for the layer below. vector lay exterior to the area included by the top
b) Estimates of the wind shear between the wind vectors.
standard levels over the target were obtained by k) The melting level wind vector for 1 hr was also
reference to the isopach and contour patterns over erected from one end of the seeding track, using the
the target, and were adjusted in the direction of any same procedure as inj).
ageostrophic components indicated by the observed I) The outer boundary of the target area was drawn
winds at the surrounding upper air stations. by connecting ends of all vectors, the sides of the
c) The wind shears obtained from b) were added area being the portions of the outermost vectors be-
successively to the estimated surface wind over the tween the inner and outer boundaries. Fig. 12 il-
seeding line, thus giving estimated winds at the lustrates construction of the targets.
standard levels. These estimates were then compared m) If the melting level or the winds showed much
with the contour patterns to determine final values. variation during the operating period, or if the top of
d) Wind values at 1000 ft intervals were obtained the ice crystal sheet changed substantially during the
by fitting the variations of nearby wind soundings to flight because of rising or falling of cloud tops or
the values of winds already found at the standard change in altitude of aircraft, the above steps were
levels. repeated accounting for the changed conditions. In
e) Since the upper winds frequently varied con- such cases, the final target area was a combination of
siderably during a flight period, wind estimates were the individually determined targets.
usually made for the beginning and end of the flight n) The time when effects would first reach the
period, as well as for intermediate times in some cases. ground was determined by noting the beginning of
This was done by adding to the current surface wind seeding and adding 10 min plus 1 min for each 1000 ft
the shear values interpolated between map times. interval below H. This time was rounded to the
f) The height of the melting level was obtained nearest whole hour which was considered the first
from in-flight observations and surrounding radiosonde hour of rainfall to be counted. The length of the flight
* Isopleths of thickness. period was added to the tlme of first effects expected

on the ground. This time was rounded to the nearest dependence, additional analyses could give different
whole hour which was the last hour of rainfall counted. answers, and sooner or later one could have been
iii. Design in evaluations. Before discussing the in- found which, taken by itself, would give a "statistically
dividual evaluations, it may be desirable to indicate significant" result. How much weight should have
the extent to which scientific design was introduced been attached to the analysis as originally contem-
into the evaluation, and the limitations that should plated, and how much to analyses made after the
be applied in the interpretation of the results. The results of earlier ones became available, was a moot
design of the observational and experimental phases question.
of the program, including randomization, has been iv. Computation of precipitation normals. Since it ap-
mentioned earlier. Ideally, in a well designed testing peared that monthly normal precipitation at individual
program the method of evaluation of the data should rain gage stations would be of use as a predictor in
be completely specified in advance and published the analysis program, an early effort was begun to
prior to the taking of any data. This procedure was establish a set of normals that would be of uniform
followed in part during the investigation. Tentative quality and that would afford maximum sensitivity
plans distributed in the Fall of 1952 [4] outlined and for the program purpose. The published normals for
proposed in rather broad terms the use of the monthly stations in th~ experimental area had been based on
normal to aid in smoothing out orographic influences. highly variable lengths of record. An examination of
This was the Brier-Stidd method. It also proposed the the precipitation records from one reliable long-period
extrapolation of residual prediction errors across the station showed that a marked downward trend in
target area, and outlined the method by which project precipitation had occurred during the period 1900-
monthly normals would be obtained. 1920, but that during the past 30 yr the trend had
Further detail in explaining the proposed evaluation stopped and values had stabilized. This suggested
techniques was made in May, 1953. The desirability that only the latter period should be used in the
of using the preceding rainfall as an additional pre- program. Accordingly, the 32-yr period 1920-1951
dictor along with the monthly normal was mentioned. was adopted as the basis for the project normals.
More complete specifications for determination and The problem arose of making use of data from a
adjustment of monthly normals were presented. The large number of stations which had records shorter
exact details of the evaluation were not specified, than the base period, or which had been moved or
since exploratory work on March 1953 data was still changed within the period in such a way that the
in progress. No specifications were given for the homogeneity of the data was affected. A procedure
determination of target areas, except to mention that was devised to permit the computation of 32-yr
upper winds and precipitation settling rates would normals for all stations having a record for at least
probably have to be used. Possible use of the trajectory the last 7 yr of the base period. This procedure has
of radar echoes was suggested for this purpose. been published elsewhere [1], but will be briefly
Exact specifications were completed in the Fall of described here.
1953, prior to the examination of rainfall data. These Thirty stations were chosen, the majority in
methods were employed in evaluations 1 and 2 to be western Washington, some in northwest Oregon, that
described. The procedures to determine target areas had a long record in the same location. If a station
and times, as mentioned earlier, were determined had been moved 100 ft or more in elevation or more
without examination of the rainfall data. They were than 1 mi in any direction it was rejected from this
also fixed in the fall of 1953, and bear a close similarity group. Precipitation data for these stations were
to the previously proposed methods, except that radar tabulated by months for each of the stations for the
data could not be incorporated because of a film period 1920-1951, and 32-yr monthly means for the
development delay. The methods used in evaluations period were obtained for each station for each month,
4 and 5 were variations and formalizations of methods as well as 10-yr monthly means for the period 1942-
which had been previously determined. Method 3 was 1951. The relationships between the 10-yr monthly
developed at a later date, and the target areas used means and the 32-yr monthly means, using data from
in method 6 were selected later still. the 30 base stations, were established by regressions.
In summary, it is believed that sufficient pre- Correlation coefficients averaged 0.99.
cautions were taken to ensure the absence of bias in The next step was to use the regression data for
the data, even though a complete specification of the obtaining estimates of the 32-yr normals for the
analysis methods was not published prior to the shorter period stations. Monthly rainfall data for all
recording of data. A more puzzling question arose, available stations in Washington and Oregon west of
however, as analyses continued. Assuming some in- the ridge of the Cascades and north of latitude 45N

were extracted from the publication Climatological pattern and also with the patterns during the previous
Data for the period 1942-1951. Monthly means for 4- and 6-hr periods. It was also observed that a
these stations for this period were obtained for all multiple correlation involving both parameters was
stations with 7 yr of record or more during this significantly better than either parameter used singly.
period. With the regressions previously obtained, The regressions used in this first evaluation were
estimated 32-yr means were computed for each sta- formed for each seeding and control period between
tion by month. Computations were checked by plot- the rainfall at the individual control stations and the
ting the computed means against time and noting monthly normal and previous 4-hr rainfall for each
abnormalities. Standard errors of estimate for the of such stations. The hours of rainfall at the control
different months varied between 0.25 and 0.5 in. stations used in the regressions covered the entire
A further problem arose in the use of the normals period that any part of the target was affected, thus
computed. Many of these were based on rainfall the "control" period was normally 2 or 3 hr longer
measured with standard 8-in. U. S. Weather Bureau than the target period at any one target station. The
rain gages where the depth of the collected water is relationship obtained in each case was assumed to
determined by dipping with a calibrated wooden hold for the target area, and estimates of the rainfall
stick. For project purposes, however, only recording during each seeding or control period at each of the
gages were used, these including pre-existing gages at target area stations were obtained by entering the
some of the "stick" stations as well as those installed regression equation with the monthly normal and
alongside existing stick gages. Studies using January previous 4-hr rainfall. These individual estimates
and February 1953 data indicated that there was a were averaged over the target area. The observed
significant difference between amounts measured by average target rainfall for the same period was ob-
stick and amounts indicated by the recording gages. tained and the estimated value was subtracted to
The matter was resolved by converting the stick yield the difference between observed and estimated
normals into recorder normals by regression relation- rainfall.
ships during each month of operation. (2) Multiple regression with truncated target. This
A final problem involved establishing 32-yr normals method made use of the same control areas and
for the project gages installed in completely new multiple regression formulae as used in the first
locations or at stations where the existing record was method. The target areas, however, were the smaller
too short to be used in the procedure previously type II areas previously described. Probably because
described. Two methods were employed, the first to of the smaller number of target stations involved, the
select the normals from analyzed monthly normal precision of the estimation of average target rainfall
charts prepared with the data obtained as described was less than in the previous case.
above. The second was to select a group of existing (3) Space-time interpolation. Type I targets and
stations in the area surrounding a new station and associated periods were used in this procedure. The
establish a regression between the 32-yr normals and method consisted of arraying the hourly rainfall data
the rainfall for the month of interest. The 32-yr in time sequence and also partially in space sequence,
normal could then be obtained for the new station to permit visual interpolation of rainfall patterns
by applying the regression relationship to its actual over the target areas and periods. One set of diagrams,
rainfall for the month. Residual error in such pro- called X-T diagrams, was constructed by dividing
cedures was small and was not considered serious, the entire rain gage network into five horizontal bands,
since it would apply to both seeding and control cases oriented east-west. The east-west position of each
and hence would not bias the results. rainfall station in a given band was located on the
abscissa of one of the diagrams. The ordinate of each
v. The separate evaluations diagram was divided into 11 hr. Five X-T diagrams
were required, one for each east-west band. Rainfall
(1) Multiple regression-type I target. The initial values for the 11 hr surrounding the target period
evaluation of the rain gage data was based on a
were plotted above each station, and isohyets were
multiple regression established within the control area
constructed over the arrays and interpolated across
for each seeding or control occasion and then applied
to the target area. The full type I targets, described the target regions, making possible an estimate of the
previously, were used. Studies of rainfall data in the hourly rainfall amount for each target station.
experimental area for January, February and March Another set of diagrams, called Y-T diagrams, was
of 1953 had indicated that 4- and 6-hr rainfall patterns constructed by dividing the network map into five
were significantly correlated with the monthly normal vertical (north-south) bands. The resulting graphs

showed the station positions along the ordinate and (4) Simple time interpolation. The X- Y-T procedure
the time positions along the abscissa. These Y-T indicated that a simple interpolation across the series
diagrams were analyzed in the same manner as the of hourly rainfall amounts for each target station
X-T diagrams, the resulting configurations and would yield a good estimate of the target amounts.
estimates being compared with those of the X-T Since this was an objective method, it was tried and
diagrams and adjustments made in each so that the proved to be the most sensitive of any of the objective
two corresponded. In order to determine whether this tests. In this evaluation the large type I targets were
scheme would be useful, all the control cases were used and the average hourly rainfall for a target
analyzed before the seeding cases. Thus the analyst station during the target period was estimated by
was always aware of which type he was working on, averaging the rainfall for the hour just preceding the
hence it was possible for bias, if any existed, to period with that for the hour just following the period.
influence the results of the analyses. None of the control area data were used.
TABLE 3. Details of statistical evaluations.

Average target rainfall anomalies

Number of target Average target rainfall Observed minus estimated
stations ( xJ0-2 in. per 4 hr) ( xJ0-2 in. per 4 hr)
Duration Type Type Type Type Type Type Methods
(hr) I II III I* II** I II*** 2 3 4 5 6

1953 Mar. 24 2 34 7 4 12.18 2.00 0.0 -1.68 -12.84 4.78 1.78 4.0 0.0
Apr. 13 3 44 16 9 4.03 1.63 2.52 -0.26 -2.08 1.48 0.81 0.7 -0.36
Apr. 16 2 18 5 4 11.66 15.60 16.67 6.98 9.96 4.11 1.78 -8.8 8.67
Oct. 9 3 21 11 10 23.75 28.85 24.93 8.79 12.43 6.59 5.37 3.7 5.53
Nov. 4 2 18 7 7 12.56 14.58 10.48 -1.76 -4.28 2.12 3.00 0.4 -6.66
Nov.11 3 26 14 11 14.00 10.19 6.91 5.83 2.03 -3.84 1.38 1.5 -13.63
Nov. 13 3 14 9 6 24.39 18.67 16.33 15.97 10.85 4.63 -2.47 11.1 -6.67
Nov.18 4 53 6 19 0.72 2.33 3.83 -1.27 -1.95 0.12 -0.22 -0.1 0.35
Dec. 1 3 44 10 9 7.07 10.67 11.41 0.60 -5.76 1.07 1.17 **** -1.25
Dec. 4 4 36 9 9 10.36 10.11 18.31 -3.18 -2.56 -3.86 -1.76 -3.1 -4.13
Dec. 11 3 37 19 24 16.32 24.07 11.67 1.64 8.53 8.84 -0.16 2.0 -3.75
Dec. 23 2 33 6 11 7.88 6.66 6.91 1.54 0.38 -1.20 -1.58 -2.0 -2.73
Dec. 31 3 27 8 8 3.65 . 1.33 6.88 0.08 0.56 -0.51 -1.55 -1.0 -3.88
1954Feb. 11 3 29 11 12 24.09 28.97 30.83 2.87 7.27 -1.69 2.81 1.3 2.33
Feb. 12 3 34 21 12 4.08 4.25 8.00 -5.36 -4.00 -0.96 -19.86 -2.7 -24.16
Feb. 15 4 24 11 7 22.04 21.91 42.95 7.72 10.23 2.04 1.70 -1.7 12.37
Feb. 18 3 34 12 11 18.47 7.89 36.55 -12.53 -13.96 0.59 0.05 2.9 -7.81
Feb. 20 4 31 10 11 33.32 35.70 45.55 5.65 15.18 7.36 6.54 2.9 0.27
Apr. 2 4 25 5 8 6. 76 7.60 5.10 0.65 -0.51 -0.44 2.92 2.7 0.60
Apr. 4 4 31 8 9 10.97 9.13 9.42 -0.76 -1.32 -3.75 -5.23 -3.5 -1.92
Apr. 5 1 13 3 5 9.52 4.00 8.80 2.84 -3.04 4.92 3.82 9.2 -3.20
Apr. 12 3 31 11 13 20.95 14.67 14.71 3.23 6.59 7.39 7.85 3.6 3.79
N = 22 Average 13.58 12.76 1.71 1.44 1.81 0.37 1.10 -2.10
Standard deviation 5.68 7.83 3.81 5.43 4.22 7.29
Standard deviation of mean 1.21 1.67 0.81 1.16 0.92 1.55

1953 Apr. 8 4 10 1 3 0.80 0.0 0.0 -0.30 -0.37 0.80 0.0 0.3 0.0
Apr. 26 4 24 2 5 0.46 0.0 0.48 -3.39 -4.02 0.13 -1.04 -0.3 -1.92
Sept. 26 3 34 10 11 0.59 0.53 0.45 -0.28 -O.Dl 0.25 0.17 0.0 -0.09
Oct. 17 3 46 10 12 13.13 9.20 13.80 -3.41 -5.44 -3.13 1.17 -6.4 6.30
Nov. 5 4 15 5 4 5.87 2.20 1.80 3.96 0.46 3.87 3.20 -1.6 1.30
Nov. 25 3 48 10 13 17.23 11.33 8.23 2.12 -0.45 1.23 0.11 2.4 -1.77
Dec. 9 1 38 10 12 38.12 28.80 29.17 -13.92 -25.00 3.16 -3.10 -16.8 -20.67
1954 Jan. 20 4 5 1 5 17.20 0.0 3.80 13.29 -3.06 6.00 2.80 6.4 -2.20
Feb. 13 2 33 14 8 11.82 10.58 9.83 7.46 6.80 4.90 3.82 1.4 9.33
Feb. 16 4 18 10 6 13.83 20.50 1.33 9.09 14.36 -1.96 1.27 -9.2 -1.67
Mar.15 4 16 8 6 1.06 1.00 1.60 -3.23 -3.84 -0.94 -10.06 -0.7 -8.74
Mar. 26 4 38 6 11 21.26 24.50 20.22 8.19 11.75 3.58 1.58 1.1 1.12
Apr. 7-8 4 20 7 9 14.35 15.29 5.24 8.13 9.13 6.35 3.75 -2.3 -8.98
N = 13 Average 11.98 9.53 2.14 0.02 1.86 0.29 -1.98 -2.15
Standard deviation 6.99 9.48 2.90 3.54 5.65 7.17
Standard deviation of mean 1.94 2.63 0.80 0.98 1.57 1.99

*Applies to method 2 only.

**Applies to methods 1, 3 and 4. Values for method 5 differed slightly.
***Applies to method 6 only.
**** Omitted due to complex target configuration.

TABLE 4. Statistical summary.

Difference in anomalies 95 per cent confidence limits

Average Average rainfall anomaly Seeding minus control Increase or decrease
target Observed minus estimated
rainfall ( xJ0-2 in. per 4 hr) (Percent (Percent
( xJO-•in. (X to-• in. increase or I-test Probability ( X10-2 in. increase or
Method per 4 hr) Seeding Control per 4 hr) decrease) ratio (2-tail) per4 hr) decrease)

1 12.98 1.71 2.14 -0.43 -3.3 -0.195 > 0.8 4.1 to -4.9 31 to -38
2 11.56 1.44 0.02 1.42 12.28 0.470 > 0.6 7.6 to -4.7 65 to -41
3 12.98 1.81 1.86 -0.05 -0.39 -0.040 > 0.9 2.5 to -2.6 19 to -20
4 12.98 0.37 0.29 0.08 0.62 0.047 > 0.9 3.6 to -3.4 27 to -26
5 12.90 1.10 -1.98 3.08 23.88 1.759 0.08 6.6 to -0.5 52 to- 4
6 12.54 -2.10 -2.15 0.05 0.40 0.019 > 0.9 5.3 to -5.2 42 to -41

(5) Interpolation of residuals. This method was ap- the procedure of evaluation 4 above. This method
plied to the large type I targets. It was used also to was used because of its simplicity and because it had
estimate the target rainfall during the seeded period proved to be the most sensitive of the objective
by making use of the target area rainfall 2 hr before methods previously used.
and 2 hr after the seeded period. However, instead of vi. Results of evaluations.· Details of the six evalua-
merely equating seeded rainfall to the average before tions are presented in table 3 and the results are
and after seeding as was done in evaluation 4, a summarized in table 4. In the last two columns of
fractional quantity of the averages before and after table 4, confidence limits are presented within which
were used, the fraction being obtained from the rain- the true values of an increase or decrease due to
fall in the control area during the same periods. Also, seeding might be expected to fall. Column 5 of this
instead of working with the target and control areas table shows that, with evaluation methods 1, 3, 4, and
in their entirety, the target was divided into segments 6, there was a negligible difference between rainfall
which represented the portions of the area that were anomalies on the seeding and control days. The con-
successively affected (in 1-hr steps) as the effects fidence limits in these cases are consequently centered
moved downwind. The control area was similarly near zero, with the spread varying in accordance with
divided, with each target segment having a portion the sensitivity of the procedures. Method 5 however,
of the control area adjacent to each of its sides. indicates an increase in rainfall approaching signifi-
Separate fractions to be applied to the different cance at the 5 per cent level. Here the confidence
target segments were obtained from the corresponding limits are centered around an increase of about 0.03
control segments. By this procedure a first estimate in. per 4 hr, and extend from a slight negative value
of target rainfall was obtained. to more than 0.06 in. per 4 hr. However, the most
The procedure was refined in two ways. First, the sensitive of the tests, the subjective X- Y-T procedure
foregoing estimation method was applied to the con- 3, would appear to indicate that there is less than one
trol stations themselves, and the differences between chance in a hundred that an increase as large as 0.03
the estimated and actual rainfall at the various con- in. per 4 hr was obtained. Methods 1 and 2 may be
trol stations were noted. These estimation "errors" considered most objective, since they were performed
were examined for a significant correlation with first and corresponded closely to the procedure en-
monthly normals, and if a relationship existed it was visioned ahead of time. However, they are rather
also applied as a correction to the first estimates of insensitive in comparison with the others. The results
target rainfall. of methods 4, 5 and 6 were strongly influenced by one
The second step was to plot the residual estimation or two anomalous values appearing in each of the
errors in a narrow belt surrounding the target area. sets of individual differences. The presence of these
The errors at the individual stations within this belt values may suggest that the assumption of normality
were weighted according to the distance along the used in obtaining the confidence limits is not justified,
rim of the target closest to any given station, and and that a non-parametric test would be more
these weighted values were averaged. One half of this appropriate.
value was applied to the average estimated target The results are presented in somewhat different
rainfall as a further correction. This step resulted in form in fig. 13. The results are displayed to indicate
a rough interpolation of estimation errors over the the probability that the observed anomalies could be
target area. drawn at random from normally distributed popula-
(6) Simple interpolation-type III targets. The third tions of seeding and control periods whose true means
type targets were used in this analysis together with differed by the amounts shown on the ordinate.


99 98 95 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 2

+8 /

I /
z 6

u +6 /
- I
~ / 4I
+4.,... / ,., ./

,,., , 1// ~ """~~

.,.,..- 3
(/)U,. ~
I 0: ~+2
/ ~ ~
./ 0 ,
5 /
..,.,. ~ ~ ~~
-;:; ~ ~
<l r -2
o:r: 0
etC 0
...JO: :I:
...JO 4 ~

ctZ ~
I ~ -6
w 2 6

I 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99

FIG. 13. Chart showing confidence limits of evaluation results.

Confidence limits of different magnitude can be read random fluctuations in the data, and implies that
directly from the chart. Sensitivity of the tests is much less importance should be attached to a single
shown by the slope of the curves, the more sensitive evaluation than to the six considered as a group.
being more nearly horizontal. Considering the results as a whole, there is no
vii. Discussion of Results. Of the six evaluations, one strong evidence to support a conclusion that the seed-
has produced a positive departure that is almost ing produced measurable changes in the rainfall,
significant, four have produced departures which are although it might be said that the positive departure
essentially zero, and one has given results between of method 5 was sufficiently marked to encourage
these limits. If all of the evaluations had given about further testing. Although effects on precipitation were
the same result, one would have had a greater con- not demo~strated, it will be observed that none of the
fidence that any effects shown were real. In the evaluations disallows the possibility of an increase in
present case, however, it is seen that the different rainfall, say, of the order of 15 per cent or 0.02 in.
methods of analyzing the data gave results which per 4 hr. Five out of the six evaluations would not
could lead to quite different interpretations. This exclude the possibility of a similar decrease in rainfall.
suggests that the results were subject to considerable Considering the upper confidence limits, all of the

evaluations would suggest that large increases of 50 Special appreciation is due to Mr. John N. Yandell,
to 100 per cent, such as had earlier been thought chief pilot, and Messrs. Max R. Fennell, Paul J. Du-
possible, were quite unlikely with cloud seeding as Pree, and the late Philip L. Schallo, first pilots, whose
practiced by the ACN Project. efforts contributed largely to the success of the flight
In general, the variation of the results with different program.
methods of analysis, as well as the rather wide con- In addition to staff members mentioned above,
fidence limits imposed by the natural variability of many others contributed to the success of the project.
rainfall, both point to the fact that field tests of Numerous statistical computations were carried out
limited duration will not define the effects of seeding by Mr. James C. Coffin and Mr. Isadore Enger of the
within the narrow limits that are undoubtedly desired, Central Office of the Bureau. Maintenance of the
and that tests carried forward over a considerable aircraft and flight engineering duties were ably carried
period of time will be needed to establish cloud seeding out by Mr. Edward A. Evans, Mr. Cecil 0. Shupe
effects to an acceptable degree of precision. and Mr. Wendell D. Olson, A & E mechanics, and by
It should also be kept in mind that the evaluation Mr. William R. Emmons, radio technician. Radar
procedures were not designed to detect sporadic maintenance was accomplished by Mr. John A.
seeding effects, even if they were substantial. The Reilly. Installation and maintenance of the rain gage
values obtained are for average effects throughout the network were handled by Mr. Sidney 0. Howick,
whole period of operation and include a wide variety with advice and assistance from Mr. Earl L. Phillips,
of seeding potentialities. Neither can it be said that in charge of the Seattle Climatological Office. Process-
the seeding treatment necessarily reached all of the ing of data was handled by Mr. George M. Foster
clouds entering the target area or forming within the and by Miss Martha L. Downey. Forecasts and
area, although it was indicated in table 1 that the operational advice were provided by the staffs of the
wind shear often spread the seeding effects farther Weather Bureau station at Seattle and the Navy
than would have occurred by normal diffusion in the Weather Central. Special appreciation is due to Mrs.
seeding lines. The evaluations do not necessarily Marie C. Wolfe, secretary.
furnish information on what the effects might have Finally acknowledgment is made for the support
been with more or less intense seeding activity, rate provided by other government agencies. Appreciation
of release of dry ice, etc. Also it might be speculated goes to the U. S. Navy for the loan of aircraft, radar
that the seeding increased rainfall on some occasions and other equipment and for the facilities and gener-
and decreased it on others. Furthermore the results ous cooperation furnished, to the U. S. Army Signal
have no bearing on such problems as the diffusion, Corps for the loan of radar equipment and for assist-
effectiveness, or decay of silver iodide smoke which ance in its maintenance, to the National Advisory
may be important considerations in the evaluation of Committee for Aeronautics for the loan of special
most commercial seeding operations. cloud instrumentation, and finally to the ACN Ad-
Acknowledgments-The success of the Weather visory Committee headed by Dr. Sverre Petterssen,
Bureau ACN Project was due to the combined effort which gave support and assistance to the project in
of many individuals. Outstanding in this respect was countless ways.
the contribution of Mr. Harry L. Hamilton, Jr.,
assistant project director. Special recognition is also
due Mr. Dwight B. Kline, administrative officer in 1. Coffin, James C., 1954: A method of estimating precipitation
Washington. Primary assistance in scientific design normals for short-record stations. Trans. Amer. geophys.
Union, 35, no. 3, 405-412.
and evaluation matters was furnished by Mr. Glenn 2. Hoe!, P. G., 1947: Introduction to mathematical statistics. John
W. Brier, head of the Meteorological Statistics Sec- Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y., 258 pp.
tion of the Bureau. Evaluation work was carried out 3. Perkins, P. ]., 1952: Preliminary survey of icing conditions
in the main by Mr. Charles K. Stidd. measured during routine trans-continental airline opera-
Mr. Walter H. Hoecker, Jr., served as head flight tion. N.A.C.A. res. Memo. E52J06, 27 pp.
4. U. S. Weather Bureau, 1952: Tentative plans for Weather
meteorologist, and was assisted by Mr. Donald R. Bureau Artificial Cloud Nucleation (ACN) Project., U. S.
Purdy and Mr. Stidd. The radar program was carried Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., 18 pp. (mimeo-
out by Mr. Harrie E. Foster, Jr. graphed).
a group of field experiments
S. Petterssen; J. Spar; F. Hall;
R. R. Braham, Jr., L. J. Battan, and H. R. Byers;
H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann.


University of Chicago
(Manuscript received 3 April 1956)


A field research program was designed to obtain statistically significant answers concerning the efficacy
of precipitation inducement methods in cumulus clouds. Operations were carried out in the Caribbean Sea
area and in the Central United States. Successful experiments were conducted on 122 valid pairs of clouds.
Each pair of clouds consisted of one treated and one untreated cloud. The treated cloud was randomly
Field and laboratory measurements were analyzed in terms of a general physical description of the prop-
erties of cumulus clouds of all types; the basic precipitation mechanisms and the conditions under which
they are effective; the effects of the environment conditions on the development of precipitation; and the
efficacy of dry ice and water spray treatment for inducing the formation of precipitation. It was shown
that precipitation in tropical cumuli develops from an all-water, condensation-coalescence mechanism.
Because of the measured abundance of large hygroscopic nuclei in these regions, this process can proceed
effectively at low levels within the clouds. As a result, precipitation in tropical cumuli develops before the
cloud has had time to grow more than a few thousand feet above the base.
Summer cumulus congestus over Central United States appear to initially develop precipitation both by
the condensation-coalescence mechanism and by the sublimation-coalescence mechanism. The relative
number of clouds which develop precipitation by either of these methods depends upon the lifetime of the
cloud and the number and size of large hygroscopic nuclei in the air from which the cloud grew. Measure-
ments of the level of initial precipitation formation in these clouds and studies of the particulate content
of the air over Central United States show that the all-water mechanism is probably the dominant mecha-
nism in this region.
Analysis of the cloud treatment studies showed that precipitation could be initiated in tropical cumuli
through the introduction of water spray in large quantities. Ice-forming reagents were apparently not useful
in the tropical clouds studied. Studies involving both dry ice and water spray treatment were carried out
in cumuli over the continent. Any effects from seeding these clouds were too small to be detected in the
sample size obtained.

1. Specific aims which govern the formation of precipitation and not

to carry out a series of "cut and try" experiments
The aim of the University of Chicago Cloud Physics
aimed at determining the efficacy of cloud treatment.
Project, defined at the time of inception of the
Those working in the field of experimental meteorology
Artificial Cloud Nucleation program, is as follows:
and in particular those engaged in cloud treatment
"The formulation of a consistent and immediately research are well aware of the complexity of cloud
applicable picture of the processes of formation of processes and the vastness of the scale of cloud
cumulus clouds, charged centers and precipitation
with a view toward testing the possibility that one domains which make cloud treatment studies among
can modify these processes and influence the natural the least tractable of present day geophysical prob-
behavior of clouds." lems. Inevitably a question is encountered that is
It should be emphasized that the general objective virtually without answer; namely, what events would
of these studies has been to obtain a more complete have occurred had natural processes been left to
understanding on the fundamental physical processes operate on artificially seeded clouds. It is the opinion

of the principal investigators that ultimate success in 1. To conduct flight and field investigations to
the matter of increasing the rainfall from cumulus determine the physical conditions of the cloud
clouds will come from a more complete appreciation and environment that lead to precipitation
of the physics of the problem. The task to which the formation. This study would include measure-
Chicago group addressed themselves, therefore, was ments of those variables which the work of
that of devising a set of experiments incorporating previous investigators showed to be important
suitable theoretical analysis to shed as much light as in the formation of precipitation.
possible on the complex problems of artificial cloud 2. To carry out randomized cloud treatment
nucleation. routines to produce valid statistical conclusions
Because of the great complexity of the problem and about the effects of treating convective clouds.
because questions involved could not all be answered 3. To conduct laboratory and theoretical studies to
by any one set of experiments, the general objectives explain the observed processes and develop fur-
of the Cloud Physics Project were reformulated into ther understanding of the precipitation process.
a group of immediate objectives to be accomplished 4. To analyze the data from the flight, field and
through a combination of theoretical studies, labora- laboratory programs in a manner that would
tory experiments and field measurements: establish the relationships between measured

FrG. 1. Schematic drawing of B-17 research airplane. Upper drawing: Equipment on left side of airplane. Lower drawing: Equipment
on right side of airplane. Numbers correspond to items of equipment listed below.
1) Chaff dispensing chute; 2) photo box; 3) photo box camera; 4) meteorological instrument engineer's station; 5) signal junction
box, 6) power junction box; 7) modulator, belly radar AN/APQ-13A; 8) radio frequency unit, belly radar AN/APQ-13A; 9) antenna
system AS-54/APQ-13; 10) belly radar indicator; 11) radar camera magazine rack; 12) radio transmitter ART-13; 13) altimeter
ART-13; 14) water tank; 15) controller's instrument panel; 16) dew point hydrometer amplifier; 17) dew point sensing head; 18)
cloud droplet sampler; 19) cloud droplet microscope and camera; 20) cloud droplet sample timer; 21) antenna system AS-54/APQ-13;
22) radio frequency unit, nose radar AN/APQ-13A; 23) radar test set AN/UPM-10; 24) pressure transducers; 25) nuclei sampling
equipment; 26) aerograph system components; 27) nose radar indicator; 28) inverter, 400 cps; 29) junction box of AN/APQ-13A;
30) VHF transmitter; 31) phasing units and torque amplifiers of radar sets; 32) rectifiers and voltage regulators of radar sets; 33)
range units of radar sets; 34) junction box; 35) nose radar indicator; 36) synchronizers of radar sets; 37) nose radar camera control
boxes; 38) azimuth control boxes of radar sets; 39) control boxes of radar sets; 40) power junction box no. 2; 41) radio receiver BC-
348; 42) modulator, nose radar AN/APQ-13A; 43) IFF AN/APX-6; 44) constant voltage transformer; 45) aerograph recorder;
46) cloud sampler's instrument panel; 47) inverter, 60 cps; 48) dry ice crusher.

cloud variables and the resulting cloud behavior, the radio compartment, (6) establishing a meteoro-
whether natural or artificially stimulated. logical instrument engineer's station in the waist
section where all instrument amplifiers and controls
Fortunately, it is possible to devise experiments for and recording systems were located, (7) installing dry
artificial inducement of precipitation which simul- ice dispensing equipment in the tail of the waist
taneously provide information pretaining to the section and water dumping facilities in the bomb bay,
problem of natural precipitation. The details of the and (8) interconnecting all stations in the aircraft.
design of these experiments are set forth in section 3 The general layout of these stations is shown in fig. 1.
of this paper. On a normal cloud treatment mission the B-17
carried an Air Force crew consisting of: pilot, co-pilot,
2. Instrumentation* flight engineer, radio operator, and radar operator.
The instruments needed to carry out the research Civilians from the University of Chicago were the
program were many and varied. This was true scientific flight controller, cloud sampler and meteoro-
particularly because of the strong emphasis placed logical instrument engineer. The flight controller was
upon the fundamental aspects of cloud treatment. A in charge of the scientific aspects of the flight. Sta-
discussion of the instrumentation is best divided into tioned in the dome, he was in an excellent position to
two parts: (1) instruments used in connection with select clouds for study and make visual observations
the flight program, and (2) instruments used in on their development. The cloud sampler operated the
connection with the ground studies at Champaign, sampling equipment and special instruments which
Illinois. With a few exceptions, which are discussed were mounted in the nose section. He also assisted the
in section 6, the instruments used in the laboratory radar operator in calibrating the nose radar. Control
were not unique. Since the major effort went into the of all measuring and recording equipment was cen-
flight program, the instruments used in that effort tralized at the meteorological instrument engineer's
will be discussed first and given greatest attention. station in the waist section of the airplane.
A group of specially equipped U. S. Air Force The B-17 aircraft suitably met the flight operation
airplanes was used for the flight program. The instru- requirements of the project, having a cruising speed
ments used for physical and meteorological measure- of approximately 150 kt, a service ceiling between
ments were constructed by the Chicago group and 20,000 and 25,000 ft and a cruising range of the order
installed in the airplanes at the Middletown Air of 10 hr. A large cruising range is virtually mandatory
Force Depot. In addition to these special instruments, in studies of this kind in order to find enough cumuli
several items of standard Air Force equipment, such suitable for treatment.
as radars, were installed to assist in the measurement
program. ii. Airborne radar.
i. Airplanes. The Air Force assigned three B-17 and (a) Nose radar. For rain m1t1ation studies the
one B-26 airplanes to the project. These aircraft were nose radar is the most important single item of equip-
accompanied by an operational detachment.t The ment in the airplane. It was used as the standard for
B-17 airplanes, extensively instrumented, were used determining the occurrence of precipitation in the
for actual probes of cumulus clouds and for cloud test clouds. The nose radar was an AN/ APQ-13,
treatment. The B-26 was used for photographic and standard in every respect except that it was mounted
reconnaissance purposes and required a minimum of to rotate about the flight axis of the airplane. This
instrumentation. type of mounting, shown in fig. 1, permitted the
There were several major items of modification of presentation of a vertical cross section normal to the
the B-17 aircraft: (1) mounting a radar and sensing flight path of the airplane. This installation was
probes on the nose (2) locating a cloud sampler with patterned after an earlier one by Smith [52]. The
appropriate equipment inside the nose section, (3) information from this radar was presented on a scope
installing a plastic bubble or dome 4 ft in diameter in the radar operator's position in the radio room
in the top turret position as a station for the flight behind the bomb bay, where it was viewed by means
controller, (4) installing a radar in the belly-turret of a dichoric mirror arrangement and photographed
position, (5) mounting radar scopes and controls in with an Air Force camera Type 0-15. This preserved
a complete record of precipitation formation in test
*For a complete discussion of the instrumentation used in this clouds. Figure 2 illustrates types of data obtainable
research, the reader is referred to "Instrumentation of B-17 Air-
planes for Cloud Physics Research," by K. E. Newton, Univ. of from this installation. A second scope on the nose
Chicago, Cloud Physics Res., Tech. Note No.4, Nov. 15, 1955. radar was located at the controller's position in the
t Detachment 1, 6520th Flight Test Squadron, Air Force Cam-
bridge Research Center. dome.

sensitivity of the set was reduced to the desired value

of 76 db as determined by the test set. This procedure
was repeated several times during the flight and after
the conclusion of test activities. As a consequence, it
is possible to assign quantitative as well as qualitative
significance to the nose radar data.
(b) Belly radar. A second AN/APQ-13 radar was
installed in the former "belly-turret" position on the
underside of the fuselage. The information from this
set also was presented on a scope in the radar opera-
tor's position. This set was installed for obtaining a
PPI type presentation of other clouds and ground
targets which would aid in reconstructing the flight
data. The set was equipped with a slave scope which
also was photographed with an 0-15 type camera.

iii. Airborne meteorological measurements.

(a) Temperature measurements. The temperature

of the free air, both in and around clouds, was meas-
. FIG. 2. Photograph of nose radar indica tor showing precipita- ured with housed copper-constantan thermocouples .
tion echoes. Range markers at interva ls of 1 n mi. Nearly hori- Two separate and complete temperature systems were
zontal line at 1.3 mi below indicator center represents ocean
surface. used on each airplane. One made use of a vortex type
housing patterned after a design by Harney [23].
In the nose of the airplane was located a radar-test The other was shielded inside a reverse flow housing
set AN/UPM-10 which was used to measure the adapted from a design by the National Research
transmitted power, the transmitted wave length, and Council of Canada. The use of two temperature
the receiver sensitivity. In order to make the radar measuring systems was dictated by a lack of confidence
observa tions of the clouds comparable, the radar in the performance of either of the two systems
sensitivity was adjusted to a particular value and individually . It was thought that the vortex ther-
maintained at this level by periodic checks during the mometer would reduce dynamic heating corrections
flight. With the use of the radar equation and several and give accurate indications while in clear air, but
assumptions, calculations were made of detectable it was also thought that it was likely to get wet inside
drop size as a function of the range and liquid water clouds and thus give erroneous indications. It was
content of the drops. It was found t hat, at a range of realized, moreover, that during icing conditions, ice
2000 ft a nd liquid water content of 1 gm per m 3 , a collected on the intake port would affect its charac-
receiver sensitivity of 76 db below a milliwatt cor- teristics and invalida te tempera ture measurements.
responded to a detectable signal from drops hav ing The NRC housing was known to remain dry in wind
diameters of about 150 J.l.. One of the assumptions, tunnel tests and would thus be able to give reliable
namely, uniform drop size, is not in accord with the temperature indica tions inside clouds but it was also
observations; however, since most of the returned known that this housing necessitated an air speed
energy is from the larger drops, the calculations correction.
should give the proper order of magnitude. Experience Experience showed tha t both thermocouples re-
in using the rada r set at a sensitivity of 76 db showed mained dry during traverses through clouds of light
that it was very effective in distinguishing between to moderate water content. Whether or not this was
precipitating and non-precipitating clouds. true for clouds containing heavy rain is doubtful.
It was standard practice to allow the radar to warm The output of each thermocouple was amplified and
up for at least 30 min before attempting to calibrate recorded. Measurements of temperature variations in
and adjust the receiver sensitivity. Then the radar cloud air temperature are considered accurate to
operator prepared the radar for use according to ±0.1C.
standard practice. The transmitted wave length, (b) Dew point temperature. The humidity of the
transmitted power and receiver sensitivity were air in the cloud environment was measured by means
measured with the AN/UPM-10. This gave a check of an electronic dew point hygrometer, essentially an
on the performance characteristics of the set. The improved model of the Barrett and Herndon instru-
jULY 1957 R. R. BRAHAM, JR., L. ]. BATTAN, AND H. R. BYERS 51

ment [1; 2]. The sensing system was located in the oscillograph. With frequent calibration the accuracy
nose section of the airplane where a 1-in. tube of of the instrument system was within ±3 per cent.
minimum length brought a sample of outside air (f) Icing rate meters. Cook Electric Company
into the sensing chamber. The signal from the thermo- orifice type icing rate detectors were installed in each
couple in the sensing mirror was amplified and re- of the B-17 aircraft. Although these devices operated
corded in a manner identical to that of the free air in a satisfactory manner, they were of little value in
temperature. During most of the early flights instru- this research because of the very short duration of
ment malfunction made dew point measurements of icing conditions on a pass through a cumulus cloud.
questionable value. These troubles were corrected (g) Altitude and air speed measurements. To assess
during the summer of 1954 with the result that mean- major draft and turbulence areas in clouds and for
ingful measurements were made on many of the later reducing data from other instruments, air speed and
flights. altitude measurements were recorded.
(c) Cloud droplet sampling. Measurements of cloud Commercial type pressure transducers with ap-
droplet number, size and size distribution were made propriate control units were used to record these
at discrete points inside the clouds by means of an quantities on the oscillograph with an accuracy of
oil-slide cloud droplet sampler [5]. In mechanical better than ± 1 per cent. Standard aircraft altitude
arrangement this device is similar to tliose used by and air speed gages were used in the photo box for a
Golitzine [20], Squires and Gillespie [55] and others. corroborative record of these vital quantities.
Droplet collections could be made at three points (h) Cloud treatment. Operation of the dry ice and
inside the cloud on any one penetration. Between water dispensing equipment is discussed in section 4.
cloud traverses the droplets were photographed under (i) Visual cloud cameras. Photographs of the
a microscope for analysis in the laboratory. visual cloud were made by the controller in the dome
The precise time at which each sample was taken and by the photographer in the nose of the B-26. For
and an indication of the volume of air sampled was this purpose the controller used a 35 mm still camera.
recorded on the oscillograph by an electro-mechanical The photographer in the B-26 used both 16 and 35
timer. mm movie cameras.
(d) Liquid water content measurement. The liquid iv. Airborne data recording and time synchronization.
water content of the clouds was measured with an During cloud traverses all data of a quantitative
Australian conductometric type water content meter nature were recorded on a multichannel recording
[59]. Dr. E. G. Bowen of the Commonwealth Scien- oscillograph. This gave continuous records of the me-
tific and Industrial Research Laboratory kindly teorological and hydrodynamic parameters in both
furnished this equipment to the University of Chicago the cloud and its environment.
group. In principal, this device consists of a paper Certain kinds of data such as airplane attitude and
tape which moves behind a narrow slit exposed to heading, counter numbers and other similar informa-
the wind stream. Water impinges upon the tape, tion were not easily adaptable for recording on the
changing its resistance to a degree proportional to the oscillograph. Indicators for these data were mounted
water content. The resistance of the paper tape is on a panel and were photographed once every second
monitored by a simple electronic system and recorded with a 16 mm movie camera. All intercom conversa-
for later analysis. Although the water content meter tions and all radio transmissions were recorded.
was installed during the winter of 1953-54, it was Internal synchronization of all records and recordings
late summer 1954 before it was working in a satis- was accomplished by mounting Veeder-Root Series
factory manner. For this reason, liquid water measure- 1248 reset magnetic counters at all stations in the
ments were limited to the last half of the operational airplane. The counters were zeroed before each mis-
period. sion and, once started, remained in operation through-
(e) Electrostatic field measurements. Electric field out the flight. A pulse derived from a cam operated
meters operating on the electrostatic induction switch actuated all counters simultaneously.
Synchronization between the several airplanes on
principle were installed in an effort to obtain an
a given mission was accomplished by starting the
estimate of the magnitude of electrical effects which
counters in all airplanes at the same instant through
are thought to be important in droplet coalescence. a voice count-down procedure radioed from the lead
These meters were installed in the wing tips of the airplane. All observations and measurements were
B-17's, facing straight outward, to measure the span- made with respect to the counter number rather than
wise component of the potential gradient. The signal with respect to the reading of a clock. The use of
from each meter was amplified and recorded on the counters has been shown to facilitate analysis and to

be much more reliable than the use of clocks. With were used to obtain information concerning natural
this system it was possible to synchronize the various precipitation processes.
records from a single airplane with an accuracy better i. Initiation versus increase of precipitation. In design-
than 1 sec. The synchronization of records from one ing an experiment in cloud modification, it is very
airplane with those of another had an accuracy of 1 important to differentiate between initiating and
to 2 sec. increasing precipitation. In general, it is not possible
v. Champaign field site. Some aspects of precipitation to study both processes in the same experiment. It
development can be analyzed more readily from a has been asserted that both of these effects have
fixed ground station than from an airplane. For this occurred as a result of cloud treatment.
reason a field site was established at the University of The term initiating precipitation refers to the
Illinois Airport. The objectives of the research at the process of causing precipitation from clouds that
field site were the study of precipitation from all- would not otherwise precipitate, or alternatively, it
water clouds and an investigation of the possible is the process of initiating precipitation significantly
importance of electric fields on the coalescence earlier than would have occurred naturally. Experi-
process. These studies required several items of ments for initiating precipitation are usually predi-
special equipment, most of which were built in the cated upon the hypothesis that some vital character-
shops and laboratories of the Cloud Physics Project istic or property of the cloud is missing and thus
and transported to the field site. Certain items of inhibiting the formation of natural rain. Successful
equipment were leased from the Illinois State Water inducement of precipitation may increase, decrease,
Survey which operated the field site on a subcontract or leave unaltered the amount of water which reaches
from the University of Chicago. The chief instruments the ground from a given cloud or from a whole cloud
located at the field site were radar sets AN/TPS-10 system.
and AN/APS-15, a network of electric field meters, The term increasing precipitation refers to the act
two panoramic cameras and particulate samplers. of setting into motion any mechanism which will
actually result in greater amounts of rainfall reaching
3. Design of experimental and observational program* the ground from a cloud or cloud system than would
have occurred naturally. Increasing precipitation
In devising cloud modification experiments, the implies changing the efficiency of the natural precipi-
basic problem is to separate the effect of the treatment tation process, or altering it in such a way that a
process from the effects produced from purely natural change in scale of the process occurs. That is to say,
causes. It is this basic uncertainty regarding the pre- additional energy may be released to cause growth of
dictability of any given meteorological process that the cloud system or intensification of its rain-produc-
characterizes much of the science of meteorology. The ing processes. The work of the University of Chicago
experiments carried out by the University of Chicago Cloud Physics Project for this project has dealt
group were designed to maximize the chance of detecting almost exclusively with the matter of initiating the
small artificial effects in the presence of large natural precipitation process in cumulus clouds.*
ones. This required special precautions to guard against
ii. Variation in natural behavior of cumulus clouds.
subjectivity and bias of the experimenters, and to
The crux of the problem of cloud modification con-
insure that temporal, regional and meteorological
cerns the natural variability of clouds and their
variations in the natural behavior of clouds did not
attendant precipitation. It is appreciated that, on
invalidate the results. It also required many special
any given day, it is possible to find many clouds of
flights and experiments to study some particular
nearly identical properties and also to find that pre-
aspect of the natural behavior of clouds. Further, it
cipitation will develop in only a fraction of them. If
necessitated the measurement, on all flights, of many
some characteristic or property of the cloud has an
physical and meteorological variables which were
influence on the development of precipitation, the
thought to be important in determining the probability
probability of precipitation will vary with this
of natural precipitation and in discerning the differ-
parameter and this dependence can be plotted in
ences between naturally and artificially induced rain.
conventional form. If cloud treatment has any effect,
In addition to the airborne measurement program,
the probability of precipitation will be different for
studies made from the ground and in the laboratory
* There are several other aspects of the problem which, though
* Certain parts of this section were originally prepared for a important, will not be discussed here. They include changing the
special report to the President's Advisory Committee on Weather rate of precipitation, eliminating lightning and hail, and causing
Control which has kindly consented to use of the report in this precipitation to fall as snow on higher slopes rather than rain on
paper. lower slopes.

at least some values of this parameter among the forming processes in precipitation development could
treated, as contrasted with the untreated clouds. If be assessed.
a single parameter, or perhaps a group of parameters, The results derived from the cloud census, and the
were the only quantities influencing the probability way in which it contributes to an understanding of
of precipitation from clouds, then in principle the the precipitation process in clouds and to the evalua-
effect of modification treatments could be simply tion of modification attempts, is covered in later
tested and evaluated. sections.
As yet, however, meteorologists have discovered no iv. Physical basis for precipitation initiation. There
single parameter, or small group of parameters, that are two different combinations of physical properties
uniquely determine the probability of precipitation. within cumulus clouds which are equally capable of
This probability varies in a complex way as a result producing precipitation elements. The first of these
of many factors changing with time and place. While is the combination of a subcooled cloud (temperature
it is possible to speak of the probabilities of precipita- <OC) and a source of ice nuclei. This combination
tion from a randomly selected cloud with respect to produces what the cloud physicist sometimes calls
observable criteria such as height of cloud top and cold-cloud rain. The second combination is a reason-
temperature, it is recognized that these probabilities ably high liquid water content and a broad cloud-
vary from flight to flight. Accordingly, average, or droplet size distribution. This can lead to warm-cloud
expected, probabilities of precipitation should be rain. Natural clouds precipitate by both methods;
computed for all flights within a given broad time in addition there may be other combinations of
band and geographical area. physical properties, as yet unknown, that are favor-
It is expected that clouds observed on one flight will able for rain.
be more alike with respect to precipitation probability There are two different physical processes operating
than clouds observed on different flights. The design as two separate steps in the formation of precipitation
of the experiment allowed for this by calling for the by either method. The initial growth of cloud droplets
observation of a pair of clouds, one treated and one or ice crystals is through a diffusive process. Through
not treated. Elaborate precautions were taken to molecular diffusion, water vapor is driven to the
ensure independence between the choice of clouds for cloud elements by minute vapor pressure differences
observation and the decision to treat or not to treat. existing between the surfaces of the cloud elements
The analysis of the experiment allowed for the vari- and the surrounding atmosphere. The rate of growth
ability and probability described above by using the by diffusion is a function of the kind of nuclei (either
so-called correlated 2 X 2 table analysis. condensation, sublimation or freezing), size of particle
iii. Cloud census approach. Because of the known involved, the water phase involved (ice or liquid),
day-to-day, season-to-season, and even year-to-year the ambient supersaturation, largely a function of the
variations in the behavior of clouds, the experimental updraft speed, and other physical parameters. There
design of the Chicago group incorporated a measure have been a number of theoretical studies and labora-
of the precipitation distribution for natural clouds for tory investigations of the growth of cloud elements
each period of operations. This was done by means by diffusion. These studies are in general agreement
of the cloud census.* and all show that, although initial growth is very
The cloud census consisted of an examination of a rapid, the process slows down as the particles become
great number of clouds over a short period of time larger. Before the particles have grown to precipita-
that differed in some specific parameter in order to tion element sizes, the growth by diffusion becomes
determine which of them had developed precipitation negligible for producing convective precipitation.
through natural processes. In the Cloud Physics The second physical process involved in the growth
Project studies, airplanes were used to measure the of precipitation elements is that of collision and
heights of the cloud tops and to check for echoes with coalescence. The falling speeds of cloud droplets and
the calibrated radar. From these data it was possible precipitation elements are largely governed by their
to determine the precipitation probability as a function size. In a cloud containing particles of differing size,
of cloud height and consequently as a function of the larger ones fall relative to the others and grow
cloud thickness and cloud top temperature. Hence, at the expense of the smaller droplets in the vicinity.
temporal and regional variation in the behavior of The rate of growth by the coalescence process is a
clouds could be determined ; also the role of ice function of the number of particles and their relative
sizes and falling speeds, the collision and coalescence
*A plan for a census of the clouds appears to have had its efficiencies, and the liquid water content of the cloud
origin with S. E. Reynolds and E. J. Workman of the New
Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. (assumed to be largely contained in the smaller

droplets). There have been theoretical and laboratory Another possibility wherein cloud treatment might
studies of the growth of precipitation particles by improve upon nature is illustrated by the following
coalescence; unfortunately, the results of these studies reasoning. Assume that the number of nuclei is just
are not in good agreement. The rate of growth of a sufficient to precipitate the available water in a cloud.
droplet by coalescence increases with increasing In this case each raindrop will have maximum size
droplet size. For average cloud conditions, coalescence and upon impact with the surface can damage the
probably is the predominant growth mechanism, soil by erosion. To add nuclei in this case might in-
once the droplets reach a diameter of a few tens of crease the number of raindrops, thus reducing their
microns. The major growth of snowflakes is also size and leading to a more useful kind of precipitation
through the action of coalescence. even though the amount of rain might not be altered.
The Cloud Physics Project experimental program The possibility must be recognized that adding
was designed to study precipitation initiated both nuclei may well hinder the production of rainfall.
through the ice phase process and through an all- It has been frequently contended that the apparent
water, coalescence process. The methods of treatment failure of some rain-making tests resulted from the
and the requirements of clouds acceptable for study addition of too many nuclei. In such a case the result-
are quite different in the two cases. Details of each of ing precipitation elements are too numerous, compete
these types of studies are set forth below. for available water, and grow too slowly to ever be-
A valid experiment is impossible without a satis- come large enough to fall as rain. Although this is
factory means to determine its success or failure. It is a definite possibility, there is, however, very little
important to decide upon a pertinent, unequivocal evidence in the literature to support this contention.
standard by which to judge the experiment and to In fact, it has been suggested that it is very difficult to
provide an unbiased method of making this judgment. produce enough effective nuclei to overseed a cloud
Fortunately, it was possible to draw upon the exten- [46]. There are many reports of successful rain pro-
sive experience of other researchers and commercial duction experiments in which the amount of dry ice
operators some of whom were hampered by the lack used was of the order of a hundred pounds or more in
of a suitable standard by which to judge the outcome a single convective cloud [7; 27; 29].
of their experiments. In Cloud Physics Project There is still another way in which cloud modifica-
operations, the success of each experiment was judged tion might increase rainfall. If, for any reason,
by means of a carefully calibrated radar, the scope of treatment resulted in an increase of the size of the
which was photographed. cloud the amount of rain reaching the surface may
v. Physical basis for precipitation increase. There are be increased. By virtue of the released latent heat of
no clear cut models which would support the conten- sublimation, any treatment which results in the
tion that cloud treatment will yield an increase in formation of ice in the cloud actually adds energy
rainfall from clouds that are already precipitating, or to the system. It has been suggested that this added
that will soon precipitate, as a result of purely natural energy causes the cloud to grow, entrains additional
causes. Nevertheless, there are certain possibilities moist air at lower levels and thus triggers the develop-
which have been suggested and which merit considera- ment of whole cloud systems.* The same result
tion even though they are not sufficiently well under- might be produced in an all-water coalescence process;
stood to constitute an acceptable physical model. by treating the clouds with water drops the drag on
Two ways in which cloud treatment may increase the air is reduced allowing it to rise. Additional
precipitation are, by increasing the efficiency of the research is required to determine the importance of
precipitation process in a cloud already raining and such effects as these in the production of rain.
by changing the scale or magnitude of the cloud Tests to determine the efficiency of cloud treatment
system from which precipitation falls through purely to increase precipitation are more difficult than are
natural processes. those for precipitation initiation. The initiation of
It is well known that natural precipitation is a precipitation is easily distinguished by means of radar.
rather inefficient process [8]. It has been contended On the other hand, experiments to increase rainfall
that, if there are too few particles which can serve as must be judged on the basis of rainfall amounts
nuclei for the growth of precipitation elements, the measured at or near the ground. Evaluations of such
number of raindrops produced will be relatively low experiments in the past have usually made use of the
and only a small fraction of the water in the cloud historical record of the rainfall for the area in question.
will precipitate. In this case nuclei of a suitable kind This leads immediately to serious problems of temporal
could be added to increase precipitation from the * The reader is referred to paper II of this monograph which
cloud. deals with the modification of large scale weather systems.
jULY 1957 R. R. BRAHAM, ]R., L. J. BATTAN, AND H. R. BYERS 55

and meteorological variations which, to date, have followed in order to chart the cloud development
not been resolved satisfactorily. from the beginning of precipitation to cloud
Because of the limited time and resources available dissipation. The usual procedure consisted of
for this research, the problem of increasing precipita- flying a uniform race-track pattern with re-
tion received second priority by the Chicago group. peated passes through the cloud on the same
Even with the use of several airplanes of considerable heading. Turns were made in alternate directions
range, the sample of clouds available for study was after successive passes, thus providing measure-
only marginally large enough for sound analysis of ments of the cloud and its environment. This
treatment. To be restricted to a surface rain gage pattern was also favorable for photographing the
network that is closely spaced (because of the very visual cloud. The leading airplane flew at an
local nature of convective rain) might make convec- altitude such that it penetrated the upper one-
tive cloud treatment studies hopelessly protracted. third of the cloud. The following airplane
The radar measurements on treated versus untreated penetrated the lower one-third of the cloud. The
clouds, along with other meteorological measurements, flight path of the second airplane outside the
will be analyzed for any information that might shed cloud was one duplicated as nearly as possible
light on this part of the problem. through visual contact with the forward aircraft.
vi. Experimental procedure. The primary observa- In all cases, the senior scientist in the upper
tional facility of Cloud Physics Project operations airplane selected the cloud for study and deter-
was a group of airplane flights around and through mined the headings on which penetrations
cumulus clouds to carry out the randomized treatment would be made.
program and to measure various parameters of the 4. After a cloud had been selected for study, the
clouds· by which to judge the effect of the treatment. senior scientist acting as flight controller, in-
The airplanes were maintained and operated by the structed the meteorological instrument engineer
Air Force but were instrumented by Project personnel to release the treating reagent on the next pass.
(see section 2). Flights were conducted from August The cloud was or was not treated depending
1953 through November 1954 from bases in Illinois upon further instructions available only to the
and Puerto Rico. meteorological instrument engineer. The senior
Ideally, a mission would involve two B-17 aircraft, scientist who selected the clouds for study was
used to make actual measurements and to carry out physically isolated from other scientists and had
the cloud treatment, and a B-26, used for photography no knowledge of which clouds were treated until
and general reconnaissance. In actual practice it was after each mission was completed. The details of
frequently necessary to conduct the mission without the randomization are covered in section 3 viii,
the B-26 or with only one B-17. The design of the page 56.
experiment permitted this even though the data 5. Whether or not the cloud was treated, observa-
obtained were less complete than those from a full tions and measurements continued until it had
scale mission. A typical flight can be broken into the dissipated, developed into a well defined rain-
following parts: storm, or lost its identity by merging with other
clouds. Recording instruments were left on
1. The airplanes were flown in an altitude array in throughout the period that a cloud was under
a region where cumulus clouds had developed, observation.
or where they were expected to develop, in order
to measure the environmental conditions of the The experimental procedure was varied a little on
clouds. flights designed primarily for cloud census. For a
2. A cumulus cloud was selected for study and an cloud census flight it was necessary to have two air-
inspection was made to determine its eligibility craft. The pilot of one would select and fly through
for further measurements. This required a pass any cloud in the sky which extended to the flight
through or very close to the cloud. The require- altitude or higher. The second airplane, flying contact
ments for eligibility differed somewhat depend- with visual reference to the first, would just skim
ing upon whether the proposed treatment was over the cloud top at the time of cloud penetration
to be with water or with dry ice pellets. Details by the first. The actual height of the cloud was thus
of cloud selection are covered in the next sub- measured by the upper airplane and radioed to the
section. lower. While penetrating the cloud, the radar observer
3. Having selected an eligible cloud for study, a would check for the presence of an echo inside the
pattern of repeated passes through it was cloud. This was later verified by the examination of

the photographs of the radar scope. In this manner, The flight procedure adopted for this research con-
it was possible to examine many clouds on a single sisted of examining a cloud for an echo before flying
flight and from data such as these to estimate the through it on a treatment pass. This meant that the
probability of precipitation in clouds of any given cloud had to remain eligible for a period of 2 to 4 min.
height.* In 17 per cent of all clouds studied, it was found that
vii. Criteria for cloud eligibility. For dry ice treating an echo developed between the time of the initial
a cloud was considered eligible for study if it met the inspection and the time of the treatment pass. In
following conditions: these instances the cloud was not suitable for testing
the treatment hypothesis, although it provided usable
(1) There was no precipitation during the inspection information concerning the degree to which treatment
pass as indicated by the total absence of an echo on caused the resulting precipitation echo to differ from
the calibrated nose radar scope. natural precipitation echoes.
(2) The appearance of the cloud (solid base and hard
viii. Randomization of treatment. It was realized from
sides with a lack of holes, shelves, etc.) indicated that
the start that the crux of the experimental design
continued growth was likely.
lay in devising a scheme that would allow for natural
(3) The cloud had reached sufficient height that the
variations in the behavior of clouds. The Cloud
top airplane, flying at a level where the air temperature
Physics Project was fortunate to have available at
was approximately - 2C or colder, could fly through
the University of Chicago a group known as the
the cloud and still have several hundred feet or more
Committee on Statistics. In consultation with this
of cloud above the airplane.
group, it was decided that the maximum amount of
(4) The cloud was located in an area where there was
useful data would be obtained through a scheme of
no evidence of gross natural seeding by rain from a
studying clouds in pairs, treating one cloud and not
middle cloud layer, snowing cirrus, or ice-laden middle
the other. Which cloud of the pair was treated was
cloud types.
determined by a randomization procedure equivalent
(5) The cloud under study was reasonably well iso-
to flipping a coin. The instructions as to which cloud
lated from other clouds so that there was a good
of the pair was to be treated were contained in sealed
chance that it could be positively identified on later
envelopes prepared by the statisticians assisting in
the research. Envelopes were opened by the meteoro-
In every instance the attitude of the controller logical instrument engineer just prior to the treatment
was a positive one, that is, from the clouds present pass on the first cloud.
he selected those which he thought had the best It was considered essential to select pairs of clouds
chance of continued development and natural rain. as similar in development as possible and as close in
Before leaving the matter of cloud eligibility it time and location as nature would permit. By separat-
must be pointed out that it was generally quite ing the data according to region of operations and by
difficult to find clouds which met all the listed require- requiring both clouds of any pair to be studied on the
ments. The requirements of eligibility for water same flight, it was possible to minimize the effects of
treatment were roughly equivalent to those for dry temporal, regional, and meteorological variations in
ice treatment with the exception of the height of the the behavior of clouds. It still remained, however, to
cloud top. It was very hard to find clouds in the tropics incorporate a scheme to remove any effect of possible
which extended above about 10,000 ft and which did bias on the part of the experimenters. This was made
not already contain precipitation elements sufficiently possible by delegating the responsibilities for selecting
large and numerous to produce a radar echo. This is and treating the clouds to two different members of
shown most clearly in the results of the cloud census the flight crew. These crew members were physically
measurements (section 5 ii, page 65). Frequently, separated in such a way that the one responsible for
clouds of apparent suitability were found to contain a selecting the clouds would have no knowledge of
radar echo even though there was no visual evidence of which cloud of the pair was treated. As mentioned
precipitation. This clearly indicated the necessity for earlier, the clouds were selected by the controller in
using radar which permits the detection of precipita- the dome. The treatment was carried out from the
tion within the cloud. aircraft waist and could not be seen or heard by the
* Rigorously speaking, the probability of precipitation deter- controller. The only conceivable way in which the
mined in this fashion is not directly comparable to the proba- controller might have known whether or not a cloud
bility determined from the data obtained in the treatment
experiment on which repeated passes were made through the was treated was through the possible effect of the
same cloud. Although the differences in these probabilities are treatment on the behavior of the airplane. When
not yet completely understood, it is felt that direct comparison
does not lead to a misinterpretation of the data. treating a cloud with dry ice pellets or with water

from the small valve (section 4 i), there was no de- CLOUD PHYSICS PROJECT
tectable effect of the treatment on the airplane. CARIBBEAN 650 600

When treating with water from the large valve, OPERATIONAL AREA ---------.,·-23°

however, the decrease in load on the airplane caused 1953-54

the plane to rise about 40 ft in 14 sec. The extent to
which this effect was noticeable varied with position 21°
within the airplane and with the amount of free air
turbulence. According to the pilots, the release of the
water was usually evident in the "feel" of the controls. SEC-JZ:
In the waist position the efflux of water could always
be heard when the water was released in clear air and
sometimes was noticeable when released in clouds.
From the controller's position the change of altitude
was detectable in clear still air, but totally unde-
tectable in cloud or during airplane maneuvers. The
reason for this lay in the natural turbulence found in
the cloud and in the preoccupation of the controller
with other duties. On the basis of all the evidence at
hand, it is the unqualified judgment of the experi-
menters that the controller had no knowledge of the
treatment of a cloud of any pair until the information
was revealed by the meteorological instrument engineer
after the test was completed. FIG. 3. Sectors of flight operations in Caribbean area.
ix. Period and location of operations. The research
reported in this paper had its beginning at the Uni- flights were unsuccessful for reason of mechanical or
versity of Chicago in the spring of 1952. Throughout instrument malfunction.
1952 work consisted of formulation of detailed plans, The areas of flight during the Caribbean phase of
selection of instruments and airplanes suitable for the the operations are shown in fig. 3. The boundaries of
flight work, and the recruitment of personnel to the operational sectors were largely determined for
handle the many phases of the program. Almost all reasons of safety of flight and for convenience of
the instrumentation was of special nature and had to reporting in-flight airplane positions. The time of day
be built in the laboratory and University shops. during which clouds were studied varied from about
Flight crews were trained in the operation and main- 0800 to 1600 local standard time. No differences in
tenance of the special equipment and in the tech- the number or intensity of the cumulus clouds in the
niques of making specialized observations inside sectors were noted during this period. Moreover, the
cumulus clouds. "cloud pair" analysis technique minimizes the effects
Installation of equipment in the B-17 and B-26 of any difference that may have existed.
aircraft was done at Middletown Air Force Depot, On 3 May 1954 the Flight Detachment returned
Pennsylvania from March through July 1953. When to Chanute Air Force Base and on 18 May 1954
completed, the airplanes were flown to Chanute Air operations were resumed over the continental United
Force Base, Illinois. During August and September, States. For the ensuing four months 79 flights were
1953, a total of 23 flights were made, primarily for conducted in the sectors shown in fig. 4. (For con-
the purpose of testing equipment under actual venience the whole region of operations is referred to
operating conditions and developing crew techniques as the Central United States.) Usable cloud informa-
suitable for carrying out the missions. tion was obtained on 53 of these flights. During the
October 1953 was spent in readying the airplanes summer of 1954, protracted periods of dry cloudless
for winter in the Caribbean area. On 29 October the weather in the eastern two-thirds of the United States
entire detachment moved to Ramey Air Force Base, resulted in many fruitless flights.
Puerto Rico. From 19 November 1953 through It was necessary to restrict flight experiments to
27 February 1954, a total of 74 flights were made in off-airways areas. The lettered sectors in fig. 4 were
trade-wind cumuli. Of these, 57 flights were successful approved for test flights by the Civil Aeronautics
in obtaining data on cloud treatment or cloud census. Authority, Army Flight Service, and Air Defense
Seven flights were devoted to sampling the atmosphere Command. The restriction to fly only in these areas
for atmospheric sea salt particulates. The other 10 was a severe handicap to flight operations. Some of

the areas were too small to accommodate a good TABLE 1. Number of pairs of clouds studied
during flight activities.
mission. Not infrequently a cloud under investigation
would drift onto an airway and have to be abandoned Total
Total valid
before the normal complement of measurements Period Location pairs Treatment pairs
could be obtained.
8/53-9/53 Chanute AFB, 4 None
During the latter part of May 1954, results of the Illinois
previous winter work in the Caribbean were reviewed.
11/53-2/54 RameyAFB, 47 Water 32
It was decided to return to Puerto Rico at the end of Puerto Rico (small valve)
the summer work at Chanute Air Force Base and to
18 Water 15
discontinue dry ice studies in the United States. (large valve)
Flights in the Caribbean area were begun on 1
5/54--9/54 Chanute AFB, 19 Water 17
October 1954. A total of 53 flights were flown, 45 of Illinois (large valve)
which successfully obtained scientific data. Flights
37 Dry ice 27
were conducted in the same sectors used in the first
Puerto Rico operations. The full-scale flight program 10/54-11/54 RameyAFB, 47 Water 31
Puerto Rico (large valve)
was terminated on 19 November 1954.
Total 172 122
x. Summary of data obtained. In 43 weeks of actual
flight operations, a total of 231 missions were con-
ducted. On these flights, data were obtained covering shown that efflux from the two different valves
many facets of the cumulus precipitation problem. produced different results.
The fundamental parameter used in cloud treatment Cloud census data were obtained on a total of 17
data was the valid cloud pair. A pair was considered flights in the Caribbean area and on 6 in the United
valid if both clouds met the eligibility requirements States. Sea salt particulate measurements were made
(sections 5 vii, 5 viii), echoes were not observed on on 11 flights in the Caribbean area and on 9 flights
treatment passes, and there were no malfunctions of in the Central United States.
vital scientific equipment. Successful experiments
were conducted for a total of 122 valid pairs distributed 4. Treatment reagents
as shown in table 1.
Both dry ice pellets and water spray were used as
The number of valid pairs of clouds studied in each treatment reagents in the experiments. Dry ice
of the flight sectors in the Caribbean and on the treatment was limited to subcooled cumulus clouds
continent is shown in table 2. The last two columns in Central United States. Water spray treatment was
show numbers of cloud pairs treated from water tanks carried out on cumuli both in Central United States
with two different sizes of dump valves. It will be and in the Caribbean near Puerto Rico.
The reason for using water spray in addition to dry
ice is because both ice-crystal and all-water processes
CENTRAL UNITED STATES are used by nature in the production of rain. Over
OPERATIONAL AREA some regions the production of natural precipitation
1953-54 is almost entirely by non-ice processes. For example,
the cloud census measurements (section 5 ii-iii) show
that precipitation develops from one half of the
clouds over the ocean in the Caribbean area, before
they reach a height of 9000 ft. By the time a cloud
TABLE 2. Distribution of valid cloud pairs according to sectors
of operation and method of treatment.

Central United States Caribbean area

KY. Treatment Water treatment
Dry Small Large
Sector Water ice Sector valve valve

A 2 7 I 13 24
B 0 0 II 0 5
c 12 20 III 0 0
D 3 0 IV 19 0
E 0 0 v 0 17
FIG. 4. Sectors of flight operations in Central United States.


f-- ,...__
10 4 10 4

0: 0
0: 0

3 A
~ I--
3 A

. ..
~ 10
__, .......
0 0
0: 0:
0 Q

-~ I--

10 2 10 2


3 5 7 9 II 13 15
17 19 21
0 I 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19
n 21

(a) (b)

FIG.5. Number and size distribution of droplets dispensed per centimeter of flight path with water treatment equipment. Number of
droplets counted in 0-1 OOJL classes are probably an order of magnitude less than actually dispensed. (a) Small valve; (b) Large valve.

grows to 12,000 ft precipitation is almost inevitable. is larger than appears to have been used by other
The melting level ranges between 13,500 and 16,900 experimenters. Langmuir [31] suggested that a gallon
ft. To treat with dry ice or silver iodide smokes for or two of water released in a balloon attached by a
the purpose of inducing the precipitation process in 100ft string to the seeding airplane would be sufficient
these clouds would be a waste of effort. In the Central to treat a cumulus cloud. Coons et al. [13] conducted
United States there are many cumulus clouds which cumulus treatment studies using 1 gal per mi and 50
appear to be amenable to either ice or water treatment. gal per mi. Bowen [6] treated cumulus clouds using
i. Water spray treatment. Water spray treatment was approximately 11 gal per mi. The Cloud Physics
accomplished by opening a valve in the bottom of a Project treating rate was selected as one easy to
400 gal water tank in the bomb bay, allowing the obtain with a simple valve assembly and one which
water to fall in a stream through a chute in the bomb should have demonstrable effects as judged from the
bay door. The tank used was a regular bomb bay reports of other investigators.
gasoline tank which was modified by removing most In water treatment studies the amount of water
of the internal baffling and installing a dump valve released is not the only important parameter. The
in the bottom. important variables are the number and size of the
(a) Small valve. Two different valve sizes were droplets produced when the water column is broken
used during the course of the experiment. The original by the slip stream. Langmuir's suggested treatment
installation consisted of a valve of circular opening of a gallon of water was based upon the judgment
4 in. in diameter. The valve, known as the small that a very few large drops of water would be sufficient
valve because of a subsequent change in valve size, to initiate rain through the "chain reaction" mech-
was solenoid operated from a switch located on the anism. Langmuir did not speculate on the size of
meteorological instrument engineer's control panel. the drops produced by this method. He suggested
Ground and flight tests showed that approximately however, that drops produced by direct spray into
70 sec were required to empty the 400 gal of water the airstream would be too small to be effective.
through this valve. At an airplane speed of approxi- Coons et al. used two different methods to produce
mately 160 kt, this resulted in a treatment rate of water drops. One method consisted of releasing water
approximately 130 gal per mi. This rate of treatment directly to the airstream through a 2 in. diameter

valve. The other method consisted of spraying water is not suitable for droplets below approximately 80,u
from a spray-bar manifold of small orifices. Coons diameter. The number of droplets in sizes less than
suggested that the droplets from the spray-bar were this value can only be estimated from mass considera-
approximately 0.5 mm diameter whereas the drops tions.
from the valve dissemination were estimated to be (b) Large valve. After treating approximately 25
somewhat larger. Bowen used a spray-bar arrange- pairs of cumuli in the vicinity of Puerto Rico with
ment that was stated to produce a wide range of water from the 4 in. valve, it became evident that
droplet sizes having a median value of about 50JL. this treatment had little, if any, effect in producing
Aside from these broad generalizations, the sizes and precipitation. It was therefore decided to enlarge the
size distributions of the treatment droplets used in size of the valve opening to increase the amount of
these previous experiments apparently are unknown. water and hence the number of effective drops re-
The number and size distribution of droplets from leased in the cloud. The second valve consisted of a
the Cloud Physics Project water drop using the small trap door approximately 10 in. square which was
valve are shown in fig. Sa. These data were deter- fastened to the bottom of the bomb bay tank. This
mined through a series of drop tests over a spatial valve was released by a solenoid controlled by the
array of dye impregnated papers laid out on the run- meteorological instrument engineer.
way at Chanute Air Force Base. Filter papers, 20 in. Increasing the outlet area of the valve reduced the
pquare, were coated with methylene blue dye and total drop time to approximately 18 sec. This cor-
laid out in a series of three lines, approximately 1000 responded to a treatment rate of about 450 gal per
ft apart, normal to the active runway. The airplane mi-a rate much greater than that used by any other
then flew at an altitude of approximately 30 ft over known experimenter. The droplet sizes and size
the papers and released the water. The resulting distribution were checked by use of the dyed paper
spots on the filter paper were counted as a function technique and the results are shown in fig. Sb. Fig-
of size. The relationship between drop size and spot ure 6 is a photograph of the plume of water droplets
size was determined in the laboratory. This technique emerging from the large valve. As with the small

FIG. 6. Photograph of plume of water droplets emerging from large valve of B-17 water tank.

valve, the appearance of the plume suggests that the TABLE 3. Size distribution of dry ice pellets used for
major part of the breakup occurred in the first few cloud treatment tests.
feet of fall. It was determined experimentally that Dispersal rate of 17 lb per mi
the spray in itself did not produce a radar echo.
(c) Lateral spread of droplet spray. Very little is Diameter-inches ~-~ ~-~ ~
Per cent of total 39 13 44
known about the lateral spread of the spray after it
leaves the airplane, although during Project operations Dispersal rate of 50 lb per mi

several attempts were made to measure this effect. Diameter-inches ~ ~-% %-~ ~-~ ~-716 716
On one large-valve test the wind was very close to Per cent of total 2 6 28 17 7 40
normal to the line of papers and parallel to the path
of the airplane. On this test the airplane altitude was ii. Dry ice treatment. During the summer of 1954,
50 ft and the droplets were distributed over a width cumulus clouds in the Central United States were
of 120 ft. It was estimated that on this test over 90 treated with dry ice pellets. The pellets were dispensed
per cent of the water was confined to a width of 50 ft. directly from a dry ice crusher mounted in the waist
Photographs of the visible plume suggest a somewhat section of the airplane.
smaller value for the lateral spread. Presumably the (a) Rate of treatment. During the research two
difference is due to the fact that some of the water different treatment rates were used. For the first part
lies beyond the limits of the visible plume. of the studies, a rate of approximately 17 lb per mi
(d) Level of treatment. Most of the water treatment was used. This was obtained by feeding 2 in. cubes of
was performed at an altitude such that there were dry ice directly to the hopper of the crusher. Because
several thousand feet of cloud below the treatment of the turbulent conditions within cumulus clouds, it
airplane. In the case of trade wind cumuli near was not always possible for the meteorological instru-
Puerto Rico, treatment altitude ranged from 5000 to ment engineer to feed the crusher continuously;
7000 ft in clouds having bases at approximately 2000 hence, the value of 17 lb per mi should be considered
ft and tops ranging from 6000 to 10,000 ft. In the the upper limit of the actual treatment rate for this
Central United States cloud bases and tops were both portion of the flight program.
higher. On clouds treated with water the bases For the second part of the dry ice program, the rate
ranged approximately from 5000 to 8000 ft and of treatment was increased to approximately 50 lb
estimated tops ranged approximately from 12,000 to per mi. This was accomplished by pre-crushing the
20,000 ft. In these clouds the water release was made ice on the ground before take-off and feeding it
from an altitude of 10,500 to 15,000 ft. directly to the crusher for dispersal. In general, this
The decision to treat with water well above the procedure was more satisfactory for testing purposes
bases of the cumulus clouds is in contrast with the than that of crushing the ice aloft since the operator
method proposed by Bowen [6]. In the description was able to dispense the ice at a fairly constant rate.
of the Australian flights, Bowen suggested that water The size distribution of the dry ice pellets charac-
treatment should be performed near the base of the terizing each of these treatment rates is given in
cloud in order to let the droplets rise with the updraft table 3.
inside the cloud and grow by accretion. In principle, The rates of treatment used are roughly midway
this suggestion is perfectly sound, but it requires in the range of rates reported for successful precipita-
substantial numbers of the treatment droplets to be tion inducement by various investigators. Kraus and
of small enough size to be carried upward in the cloud Squires [27], Leopold (reported by Langmuir [29]),
by the draft and yet be sufficiently large to have high Squires and Smith [56], and Bowen [7] reported
collision efficiencies. successful precipitation inducement using several
The updrafts inside a typical trade wind cumulus hundred pounds of dry ice in a single cloud turret.
are known to be small, averaging a few meters per
second. Knowing the drop size spectrum from the TABLE 4. Effective dry ice treatment rate assuming no updraft
or downdraft in cloud (lb per mi).
small valve before starting the water treatment flights,
it was believed that the greatest probability of Depth of subcooled cloud below
initiating precipitation would result from treating the treating level (ft)

cloud well above the base thus ensuring a relatively 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

long trajectory through cloud air for all treating drops Dispersal rate of
regardless of initial size. This procedure was continued 17 lb per mi 9 12 13 14 15
Dispersal rate of
after changing to the large valve, both in Puerto Rico 50 lb per mi 26 28 29 30 31
and in the Central United States.

On the other hand, many of the experiments of i. General characteristics of clouds studied. The char-
Project Cirrus [30] and the 1949 Weather Bureau acter of clouds selected for study was determined by
tests [13] involved only a few pounds of dry ice per the cloud eligibility criteria. The requirement that the
mile of traverse. clouds must not contain precipitation prior to the
In order to study the relative effectiveness of the beginning of treatment meant that the clouds were of
two treatment rates, a simple computation was made an intermediate size, i.e., large enough to have a
of the evaporation of the ice pellets during their fall significant probability of precipitation yet not so
through successive thousand-foot intervals. These large that rain seemed inevitable.
computations were based upon the evaporation studies (a) Cumuli of the Caribbean area. The clouds stud-
of Langmuir [33], later verified by Squires and Smith ied in the Caribbean area were grouped into the
[56]. The results of• this study are presented in table classification of trade wind cumuli [40]. In their origin
4. Although these computations cannot be considered and growth they are influenced by a thermally stable
entirely accurate, they give a good estimate of the layer in the atmosphere that is characterized by a
effective treatment rate. rapid decrease of moisture with height. In the Puerto
(b) Level of treatment. To be eligible for dry ice Rico area this layer usually is described as a remnant
treatment a cloud had to extend at least to the - 2C of the trade wind inversion. This classification differs
level. The level of treatment varied from a few only in detail from that used by Riehl [48] in de-
hundred feet to several thousand feet above the scribing the cumuli of the trade wind regions. Whereas
melting level (fig. 16 section 5). The mean tempera- Riehl differentiates between trade cumulus, chimney
ture at the treatment level was approximately - 3C clouds, and cumulus congestus on the basis of shape,
and the average cloud top temperature at the time size and the development of precipitation, this was
of treatment was - 9C. On the average, about 2000 not considered necessary for project analysis. The
ft of subcooled cloud was below the airplane at the clouds studied frequently had characteristics that
time of treatment. This means that the effective were only imperceptibly different, one from the other.
treatment rate averaged about 12 lb per mi until the As a class, however, the cumuli of the trade winds
ice-dispensing procedure was changed. Thereafter it near Puerto Rico have many distinctive features.
averaged about 28 lb per mi. These cumuli, of which fig. 7 shows representative
The procedure of treating the middle of a tall examples, were nearly always numerous in the area.
cumulus cloud at a few thousand feet above the Typically the cumuli occur in bands or zones inter-
melting level, differs from the method used by the spersed with cloudless areas or regions where the
Australian group [56]. They usually flew over the top clouds are only a few hundred feet thick. On some days
of the cloud that they were treating. Whether or not the clouds were aligned in bands separated by cloud-
this difference is important is not known. In view of less areas a few tens of miles wide. More frequently
the requirement that a cloud should appear to be the clear areas were irregular in outline and surrounded
building to be eligible for treatment, it can be pre- by a ring of cumulus clouds. Typical linear dimensions
sumed that an updraft carried the ice crystals to of the cloud-free areas were 30 to SO mi. The dynamics
higher levels in the cloud than those at which they of the atmosphere which cause the grouping of clouds
were released. Treating a cloud only a few thousand into definite regions are poorly understood. This con-
feet above the melting level has the distinct advantage dition, however, has been seen to be typical of con-
that the latent heat of fusion is released deep inside vective cloud regimes over land as well as over oceans.
the cloud where it should have the maximum effective- A pronounced tilt from the vertical was observed
ness to promote further cloud development. in many of the clouds. The shelf-like extension near
the top of the cloud in fig. 7a, due to vertical wind
5. Analysis shear, was a common but not universal feature of the
The analysis work carried on by the Cloud Physics trade cumuli. During the operations in the Caribbean
Project was directed towards obtaining a better area, it was observed that the wind speed usually
understanding of the natural precipitation processes decreased with height in the cloud layers, producing
and the effects produced on these processes by arti- a condition in which the bases of the clouds were
ficial nucleating agents. The analysis was conducted carried out from under the cloud tops. It was oc-
by considering the characteristics of clouds en- casionally observed that the shelf-like extensions from
countered by the project, studying cloud census data, the tops of many clouds of approximately the same
determining radar response from tropical cloud forms, height would merge to form what resembled a layer
and investigating special properties of convective of stratocumulus through which a few taller cumuli
clouds related to problems of cloud modification. would protrude.
JULY 1957 R. R. BRAHAM, JR . , L . J. BATTAN, AND H. R . BYERS 63

(a) (d)


(c) (f)

FrG. 7. Photographs of tropical cumuli over the ocean. All cloud bases ~2000 ft altitude. a) Cloud top height measured 10,200 ft;
precipitation echo extended to 8700 ft. Photogra ph taken at 6000 ft 4 Nov. 1954. b) Cloud top height measured 8500 ft; no echo.
Photogra ph taken a t 6000 ft 17 Nov. 1954. c) Cloud top height measured 7400 ft; no echo. Photograph taken at 6000 ft 19 Nov. 1954.
d) Cloud top height estima ted 8000 ft; no echo. Photograph ta ken at 5500 ft 11 Nov. 1954. e) Cloud top height measured 8800 ft;
no echo. Photograph taken at 6000 ft 17 Nov. 1954. f) Shower falling from tropical cumulus.

The most t y pical characteristic of tropical cumuli than the thicknesses. A cloud with a thickness of
was the uniformity of the heights of the cloud bases 5000 ft would usually have a diameter of 2000 to
which ra nged from about 1500 to 2500 ft. Although 4000 ft. Diameters of the larger clouds were more
cloud tops ra nged from a few hundred feet above t he nearly equal t o the thicknesses.
bases to more than 15,000 ft msl, most of the clouds T he most notable feature of the trade cumuli was
studied had tops between 7000 and 9000 a bove sea their a bility to produce rain when only a few thousand
level. Smaller clouds had diameters somewhat smaller feet thick. This was clearly brought out by t he cloud

census measurements (section 5 ii). A very fine rain from shelves and isolated fragments, it was some-
or drizzle was commonly observed to develop from times observed that precipitation would develop along
cloud shelves and from fragments of clouds which had the sides of the m ain parts of the clouds. On such an
become detached from the ma in cloud mass. The occasion a rainbow was observed on the side of the
precipitation particles in such rain areas were small cloud and careful observations would reveal the
in size. On the basis of repeated measurements with darkened, irregular spot on the sea that characterized
the cloud sampler and from observations of the an area where a rain column struck the sea surface.
droplets hitting the dome of the aircraft, it was The effect of the island of Puerto Rico on the
estimated that they were no larger than a few hundred location of t rade wind cumuli was very not iceable.
microns in diameter. In addition to the precipitation As had been pointed out by Malkus [40], the island


(b) (e)

(c) (f)

FIG. 8. P hotographs of cumulus congestus clouds over Centra l United States. a) Cloud top heigh t est imated 16,500 ft ; precipitation
echo extended to 9900 ft. P hotogra ph taken at 10,700 ft 18 J u ne 1954. b) Cloud t op height est imated 22,000 ft; no echo. Photograph
taken a t 17,000 ft 29 J une 1954. c) Cloud top height measured 21,000 ft; no echo. Photograph ta ken at 16,700 ft 28 J une 1954. d)
Cloud top heigh t measured 20,000 ft ; precipitation echo extended to 15,000 ft . Photogra ph ta ken at 10,200 ft 30 June 1954. e) Cloud
top height estimated 15,500 ft ; no echo. Photograph taken a t 12,200 ft 28 June 1954. f ) Clo ud top height estimated 18,000 ft ; no
echo. P hotogra ph taken at 16,500 ft 8 Sept. 1954.

100 20 ment. During much of the summer of 1954, the

t. . . . . . . . .
~ 90 ~ 15 weather of the Central United States was dominated
~ 80 p~10 - by a large tropospheric anticyclone stagnant over
Alabama and Mississippi. As a result the cumuli had
~ 70 ~ 5
60 .... 0 abnormally high cloud bases and were less well
5J 50 r- developed than is common for these regions in summer.
~ 40 With a few exceptions, the clouds selected for study
.... 30
had bases between 5000 and 10,000 ft.
~ 20 10 19 53 51 57 62 55 39 47 35 22 19 6 20
Some of the common characteristics of the clouds
....z studied in the Central United States are shown in
~ 10
0. 0
fig. 8. Contrasted with the Caribbean area clouds,
5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 11500 + these are larger, faster growing, more turbulent, less
CLOUD TOP HEIGHT IN FEET likely to develop shelves and whispy blow-offs and
FrG. 9. Per cent of over water tropical cumuli with precipita- far less likely to develop precipitation naturally. In
tion echoes as a function of cloud top height and temperature. common with the cumuli over the ocean, these clouds
Numbers within body of the diagram represent total number of
clouds examined in each height interval. (After Byers and Hall tend to develop in preferred areas leaving large regions
[12].) of the sky relatively cloud free. In most instances the
clouds used in treatment studies were adjacent to or
acts to inhibit the formation of cumuli for a consider- part of a larger group of clouds, some of which were
able distance over the water away from the coast, precipitating naturally.
especially to leeward. On flights into Sector I it was The cloud census measurements revealed that the
found that, almost without exception, there existed a number of cumuli was small that developed precipita-
cloud-free zone 30 to 50 mi wide off the southwestern tion naturally below 20,000 ft. In those which did
part of the island. No such cloud-free zone was found develop echoes it appeared that both the ice crystal and
to the north of the island although it did appear that the all-water coalescence processes could have been
during the daytime the clouds close to the island operative.
were less well developed than were those farther out ii. Cloud census in the Caribbean area. In any research
to sea. dealing with cloud modification it is essential to know
During the period of operations from Ramey Air the natural behavior of the clouds to be modified.
Force Base, it was only during mid-October 1954 that Although this knowledge can take a variety of forms,
it was not possible to find clouds suitable for nucleation one of the simplest considerations is that of the
studies. During that period hurricane Hazel slowly probability of rain from clouds as a function of cloud
passed about 400 mi south of the island and a layer of top height. In order to obtain information of this type,
altostratus clouds covered all flight sectors. The it is necessary to examine many clouds, i.e., to take a
presence of the cloud cover was not particularly census of the clouds. On the Cloud Physics Project,

;,i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
effective in stopping cumulus activity, but a fine
drizzle from the middle cloud very effectively treated 100 20
most of the cumuli in the area. Although these cumuli Ul
~ 90
were suitable for other kinds of studies, and several :I:
~;lao l;t1o
of them were investigated, data taken from them a:
i= 70 lt 5
were not acceptable for artificial nucleation studies. j :::;:
Ul 60 ~ 0
(b) Cumuli of the Central United States. In contrast 0 r-
to the cumuli of the Caribbean area which were of 5..J 50
... 40
reasonably uniform size and physical characteristics, 0
w 30 .--- -
the clouds studied in the Central United States C> r-
~ 20
covered the spectrum from small fair weather cumuli

z IN EACH GROUP 3 23 38 48 21 22 7 9 7 3 2 9
to thunderstorms. The wide range in cloud sizes was ~ 10

due in part to the greater natural diversity of cumulus lt 0

5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 tOOOO 11000 12000+
cloud forms common to the continental region and in CLOUD TOP HEIGHT IN FEET
part to the fact that greater freedom in cloud selection
was possible because precipitation at low cloud FrG. 10. Per cent of cumuli over Puerto Rico with precipitation
echoes as a function of cloud top height and temperature. Nine
heights was uncommon. Also a greater diversity was clouds having top heights greater than 12,000 ft were distributed
prescribed by the advantage taken of the existence of as follows: without echo-12,000; 12,300; 12,500; 13,000 and
13,000 ft; with echo-12,000; 13,000; 14,000 and 15,000 ft.
both ice clouds and "warm" clouds suitable for treat- (After Byers and Hall [12].)

measurements were made of the tops of cumulus precipitation development over the height interval
clouds with an airplane, while the presence of precipi- considered. This result may be an effect of the small
tation was observed using the nose radar of another sample size.
airplane which flew through or along the side of In the Caribbean area, the zero-degree isotherm
the cloud. was generally located in the vicinity of 15,000 ft.
Cloud census data were collected over the ocean and A consideration of fig. 9 reveals that by the time a
over the island of Puerto Rico during two periods tropical cumulus over the ocean has grown to 11,500
between November 1953 and November 1954. The ft, it will contain a precipitation echo. Therefore, it
data from 15 out of 17 such missions, involving 495 may be concluded that in these clouds, precipitation
and 192 clouds over the water and land, respectively, is always initiated by an all-water process. Such an
were analyzed. Results of this analysis have been inclusive statement, although believed to be true,
described by Byers and Hall [12]. The main features cannot be made categorical regarding the clouds
of the data are given in fig. 9 and 10. It can be seen over the island of Puerto Rico, fig. 10. It can be seen,
that over the ocean no cloud with a top at less than however, that precipitation was formed in some clouds
6000 ft contained an echo, whereas all clouds extend- with tops between 7000 and 12,000 ft. At least in
ing over 11,500 ft had precipitation echoes within these clouds ice crystals could have played no part
them. The fraction of clouds with precipitation in- in the precipitation formation process.
creased fairly regularly with increasing cloud height. From theoretical considerations, it is expected that
The clouds observed over the island did not exhibit the formation of precipitation depends on character-
a systematic relationship between vertical extent and istics of the clouds other than their vertical extent.


12 +
...,.: II

0 +
+ +
~10 ~ +
0 + + + __.
.... 9 +! 0
+ + + +
::::) + t; *+
0 t 0
0 +
0 0 ++ ++
8 0 0 ++
+ + +
0 0
(!) 0 0 80 0 ~ 0
0 0 0 0 + 0 +
~ 7 0 0
0 oooocoCf/
0 0 0
+ 0
0 ~ 00 80 0000 + + +
0 + 0
6 0

48 SEC

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1000 FT

FIG. 11. The existence ( +) or non-existence ( 0) of a precipitation echo as a function of cloud top height and cloud width.
All clouds were tropical cumuli over the ocean.

by the tops of the continental cumuli prevented the

collection of the type and quantity of data obtained
in the Caribbean. In most cases, it was necessary for
50 r-
the flight crew to estimate the heights of cloud tops.
"(VV' In many instances, the flight altitude was within 3000
1- ft of the cloud top, hence the estimates were adjudged
not too much in error. The values given for the larger
w 40 1- r-- clouds could be in error by 3000-5000 ft or more.
0 Experience gained on missions when the B-26 was
- r---
available indicates that these errors are most likely
w underestimated.
30 1- r--
:I: A summary of the data analyzed is presented in
t- r---
fig. 12 and 13. It can be seen that there is a general
3: increase of probability of precipitation with increasing
t- 20 1- cloud top altitude and decreasing cloud top tempera-
z 1---
w ture. To a certain extent, the irregularities are a
1- result of small sample size. They may also be partly
a:: attributable to the fact that the heights of the cloud
w 10 1- 1---
a.. bases were highly variable from one day to the next.
15 38 45 54 33 15 5 4 Braham, Reynolds and Harrell [9] have shown that
cumulus clouds in New Mexico do not produce
precipitation echoes until the cloud top temperature
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 -OVER falls below -12C. The measurements of the Cloud
CLOUD TOP HEIGHT - 1000 FT Physics Project which are given in fig. 13 show that
FIG. 12. Per cent of cumuli with precipitation echoes as a function one cloud with a temperature as high as +4.1C had
of cloud top height over the Central United States. an echo and that 21 per cent of the clouds in the tem-
perature interval +6 to -12C contained precipitation
In particular, such factors as (1) the size distribution
echoes. There are several possible explanations for
of the condensation nuclei, (2) the height of the cloud
the observed differences. Considerations of the radar
base, (3) the strength of the updraft, and (4) the
liquid water content should be related to the produc-
tion of precipitation. Over the ocean, factors (1) and
(2) are probably fairly constant. The strength of the
updraft within a cloud should be positively related to
the cloud top height. The maximum liquid water in 50 ~ r--
a convective cloud should be related to the horizontal
width of the cloud, because horizontal mixing and
subsequent drying would be less effective in clouds r---
~ 40
of large diameters than in those of small diameters. :I:
In some of the cases used to compile fig. 9, the ILl

diameter of the cloud was measured as the airplane
~ 30
flew through it. These measurements are presented in
fig. 11. This diagram shows that, although a great
deal of scatter exists, the width of the cloud is related
1- -
~ 20
to the likelihood of precipitation formation. In fact, 0
some of the tallest clouds which did not have echoes a:
are seen to be quite narrow and, thus, probably had Q. t---
relatively low liquid water content. ;---

iii. Cloud census in Central United States. During the 4 2 5 17 31 34 53 34 ~ II 2

summer of 1954, data were obtained on the presence
of precipitation echoes in convective clouds of various $-21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6
sizes found over Central United States. Unfortunately, CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE °C
the infrequency of suitable clouds, the unavailability
FIG. 13. Per cent of cumuli with precipitation echoes as a function
of the B-26 aircraft, and the higher altitudes reached of cloud top temperature over the Central United States.

sensitivities and the distances between the radar sets TABLE 6. Distribution of altitudes for water-cloud tops in the
Caribbean area. Cloud pairs treated or not by water
and the clouds indicate that the Cloud Physics from aircraft using small dispensing valve.
Project radar unit would detect precipitation in
smaller clouds than would the unit used in New Altitude of cloud top
(100's of ft, mean sea level) Mean
Mexico. In view of the findings of Battan [3] using altitude
50-- 60- 70-- 80- 90- 100- (100's of
ground radar equipment in southwestern Ohio, it is 59 69 79 89 99 109 Total ft msl)
felt that the differences of radar sensitivity cannot
Treated 3 9 6 1 19 78
entirely explain the results cited above. Accordingly, Untreated 11 10 2 3 27 73
it is concluded that the observed temperature differ-
ences are an indication that the precipitation mech- satisfy the conditions for the production of precipita-
anism in New Mexico cumuli is different from that tion by an all-water process, it still has the opportunity
in eastern cumuli or that the same processes occur in of producing rain by the Bergeron process if it grows
both regions under significantly different meteoro- to great enough heights.
logical conditions.
iv. Initiation of precipitation in tropical cumuli. If the
Cumulus clouds in New Mexico generally have
cloud census data discussed in the preceding section
bases in the vicinity of 12,000 ft above sea level while
had been available, it would have been possible at the
those in Central and Eastern United States have
beginning of operations to specify with good precision
bases in the vicinity of 6000 ft above sea level. Since
the type of cloud which would have been suitable for
the melting level in both regions is located at about
treatment. However, at that time little was known of
15,000 ft, a cloud of given thickness will have a
the relationship between precipitation likelihood and
considerably colder top if it is located over New
cloud top height. As a consequence, the flight con-
Mexico than if it is over Central United States. If the
trollers selected large trade wind cumuli which, in
same process produced precipitation in similar clouds
their estimation, had some probability of precipita-
in both regions, the temperature of the cloud tops at
tion. Tables 5 and 6 show the distribution of the
the time of the initial echo would be lower in the
heights of those clouds actually used in the cloud
clouds over New Mexico. Therefore, on the basis of
treatment studies for which accurate height data are
cloud top temperature alone, it cannot be concluded
available. From a comparison of these data with those
that the rain formation processes in the two regions
in fig. 9, it can be seen that the cloud heights fall in
are different. Also, if the contention is accepted that
the region of small but positive chance of natural
precipitation can be formed through an all-water
rain formation.
process in Central United States, then it is reasonable
During the period October 1953 to February 1954
to expect the same process to be effective in New
when the aircraft was equipped with the small water-
dispensing valve, 32 valid pairs of clouds were studied
On the basis of radar measurements taken by the for radar echoes. The results are shown in table 7.
Thunderstorm Project, Reynolds and Braham [47] Each unit in the table represents a pair of clouds.
and Battan [3] concluded that precipitation in cumuli For example, the number 4 in this table represents
in southwestern Ohio is frequently formed through four pairs of clouds in each of which the untreated
a process not requiring ice crystal growth. The cloud cloud produced an echo and the treated cloud did not.
census data are compatible with this conclusion be- In the initial analysis, only the data in the lower left
cause, in many cases, the echoes formed below the and upper right entries were considered. The numbers
airplane and in the part of the cloud with temperatures in the other diagonal represent those cases in which
above OC. On the other hand, these data do not each cloud of a pair responded in the same way to
dictate the acceptance or rejection of the Bergeron radar probing as the other. These data thus do not
mechanism. If a building cumulus cloud does not
TABLE 7. Contingency table for radar .echoes from tropical
TABLE 5. Distribution of altitudes for water-cloud tops in the cumuli. Clouds treated or not w1th water from
Caribbean area. Cloud pairs treated or not by water aircraft using small valve.
from aircraft using large dispensing valve.
Treated cloud of pair
Altitude of doud top No
(100's of ft. mean sea level) Mean Echo echo Total
50-- 60-- 70- 80- 90- 100-- (100's of
59 69 79 89 99 109 Total ft msl) Untreated cloud Echo 3 4 7
of pair No echo 3 22 25
Treated 6 12 18 5 2 44 81
Untreated 5 17 15 s 2 44 81 Total 6 26 32

contribute to a test of the hypothesis that treatment basis, it must be concluded from table 8 (c) that the
makes no difference to the average number of echoes null hypothesis is false and that treated clouds had a
produced in water-clouds. higher probability of precipitation than untreated
From table 7 it may be seen that three pairs of clouds. The probability of 0.017 given by the com-
treated clouds developed an echo whereas the un- posite table must be viewed with some caution, be-
treated developed none; in four pairs, however, the cause it was calculated on the assumption that the
reverse was true. Hence, no conclusions can be drawn total sample size would be decided in advance, or at
regarding the efficacy of treatment. As a matter of least decided on issues totally independent of what the
fact, the scientists recording the data realized this and initial results happened to be, whereas in fact this was
suspected that the reason was connected with the not the case. It was decided to return to the Caribbean
small amount of water being released into the cloud. area after the data in table 8 (a) were obtained.
As a result, a larger dump valve was installed and It must be emphasized that the data from table 8
used for the remainder of the operations. The results reveal nothing about intensity or total amounts of
of precipitation initiation tests using the large valve rainfall reaching the ground. They pertain only to the
are presented in tables 8a-c. initial formation of an echo. These data also do not
The experimental procedure and the types of clouds show the magnitude of the difference of the probability
selected were the same during both seasons of opera- of precipitation initiation in treated and untreated
tion. The probabilities of obtaining the results by clouds. Some idea of this important factor can be
chance that are distributed along the lower left to obtained from another type of analysis. From the
upper right diagonals of table 8, or of obtaining results groups of treated and untreated clouds one can calcu-
more unusual than these, are 0.11, 0.072 and 0.017 for late the proportion of each group that developed a
the three sections (a)-(c) of the table. These prob- precipitation echo. These proportions are estimates of
abilities were calculated under the null hypothesis that the true average probabilities of echo.
seeding had no effect. In designing the experiment it These average probabilities must be interpreted
had been decided that, in problems of this type, 0.05 properly. Suppose that the probabilities of echo on a
would be an acceptable significance level. On this single flight, using the small valve and choosing
clouds at random among those in a given cloud top
TABLE 8. Contingency tables for radar echoes from tropical height and temperature range, are P. (no treatment)
cumuli. Clouds treated or not with water from and P'. (treatment). Then P. and P'. are random
aircraft using large valve.
correlated variables since the probabilities of echo
(a) January-February 1954 vary from flight to flight because of the many un-
controllable and unobservable factors. The average
Treated cloud of pair
values of P. and P'. taken over all possible flights
echo Total may be called Ps and p' •. If p'. - Ps > 0, then small
valve treatment has a positive effect. If p'. - p. is
Untreated cloud Echo 3 1 4
of pair No echo 5 6 11 considerably larger than zero, the positive effect of
small valve treatment is large. Analogously, the
Total 8 7 15
quantities PL and p' L may be considered for large
(b) October-November 1954 valve treatments.
Estimates of the values of p and p' may be obtained
Treated cloud of pair
directly from the observed proportions of echoes.
Echo echo Total Using standard procedures one may also compute 95
2 5 7
and 99 per cent confidence intervals for p., p'.,pL, and
Untreated cloud Echo
of pair No echo 12 12 24 p' L; these are given in fig. 14. *The confidence intervals
14 17 31
for p and p'. overlap to a large extent, exhibiting con-
sistency with the earlier (and more valid) 2 X 2
(c) All nata contingency table analysis. The 95 per cent confidence
Treated cloud of pair intervals for p and p' L scarcely overlap at all, and
this is again consistent with the earlier analysis.
Echo echo Total
* In the analysis of the data, untreated clouds of large valve
Untreated cloud Echo 5 6 11 and small valve cloud pairs have been combined. The similarity
of pair No echo 17 18 35 between the types of clouds involved in the two sets of data
make this possible. The proportions of untreated clouds which
Total 22 24 46 produced echoes were 0.23 and 0.22 in the large valve and small
valve samples, respectively.

Treated-Small valve- p'

1-+----------<l----------t----i T reo ted - Lorge vo Ive- p'

r<l 0'> L
<D U)

Untreated - p
N'<t r<l

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

FIG. 14. Observed proportion of treated and untreated clouds with echoes (circles) and the 95 and
99 per cent confidence intervals of expected proportions (vertical dashes-outer dashes represent
99 per cent limits).

Approximate calculations were also made of con- where r is droplet radius, k is the coefficient of diffusion
fidence limits for p' L - PL, the differential effect of of water vapor in air, Ae is the difference of vapor
large valve treatment. These calculations were based pressure of the air and the water surface, C is a
only on valid cloud pairs treated with the large dis- constant, p is the density of water, VV is the liquid
pensing valve. At the 95 per cent level the confidence water content, E is the collection efficiency, and v
interval for p' L - PL is 0.04 to 0.44. This may be is the velocity of the droplet under consideration
interpreted as showing that large valve treatment relative to the other cloud droplets.
quite clearly increases the average probability of The first term of equation (1) gives the rate of
precipitation from 4 to 44 per cent. growth by condensation and is important for small
Another aspect of the effect on tropical clouds by drop sizes. However, as the droplets become larger,
water treatment from the large dispensing valve is the second term becomes of increasing importance
shown in table 9. These data indicate that per cent until the first term can be completely neglected for
of treated clouds which developed echoes was ap- droplet diameters of the order of 50,u. It has been
proximately the same for all cloud thicknesses. The visualized (Langmuir [29]; Mason and Ludlum [41])
three cases of echo occurrence in treated clouds in the that after droplets have grown by coalescence to very
4000-4999 ft interval were all cases in which the large sizes, they break into many smaller droplets.
depth of cloud below the airplane was about 4000 ft. Each of these in turn will grow by coalescence to
v. Time for formation of echo in tropical cumuli. It break-up size in a fashion described by Langmuir as
has been suggested that artificial nucleation of a a "chain reaction."
cloud can result in changing the time of precipitation In the explanation of precipitation from tropical
initiation. From a theoretical point of view this ap- cumulus clouds these arguments appear reasonable.
pears to be a reasonable proposition. It has been Thus, if a cloud does not already contain droplets
shown by Bowen [5], Houghton [25], Mason and large enough to permit growth by the second term of
Ludlum [41], and others that the growth of a water equation (1), the introduction into the cloud of drop-
drop in a cloud is described by: lets of the order of 100.u or greater would result very
shortly in production of large raindrops through the
dr CkAe vVVE collision and coalescence of these drops with the
=rp- + 4-' (1)
smaller cloud droplets. Therefore, an acceleration of
the rain formation mechanism would be expected.
TABLE 9. Effect of large valve treatment on tropical cumuli The time between the release of the water into the
as a function of cloud depth below treatment level.
(Cloud base height assumed 2000 ft) cloud and the appearance of an echo is tabulated in
table 10. There were several limitations imposed upon
Number of clouds the compilation of these data. The clouds were con-
Untreated Treated Per cent clouds with echoes tinuously observed but were examined for echoes only
(IOO's of ft) Echo
echo Echo
treated Treated Census during the penetrations of the airplane through the
30-39 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 cloud. These discrete time intervals varied from
40--49 0 5 3 3 0 50 4 about 2 to 4 min. Also, the radar set cannot "see"
50-59 5 12 5 7 29 42 12
60-69 2 13 9 9 13 50 26 anything which is within one radar pulse length, a
70-79 2 3 s 2 40 60 50 distance which amounts to about 500 ft. In addition,
80-89 1 1 1 1 50 50 75
time for recovery of the radar receiver must be
TABLE 10. Frequencies of first echo as a function of time shown in fig. 15. Preliminary examination of the echo
elapsed from treatment pass (valid cloud pairs only).
intensities and durations appears to show little differ-
Number of cases ence between the treated and untreated clouds. In
Treated most cases the echoes did not grow after first detection
Time Large Small Un- but dissipated instead, indicating that the cloud was
(min) valve valve treated Total "raining itself out." In a few cases the tops of the
o--1.9 0 echoes grew for sufficient periods of time to permit
2-3.9 4 2 6 measurements of average rates of growth. It was
4-5.9 8 1 1 10
6-7.9 3 1 4 8 found that ascent rates of the tops ranged from 130
8-9.9 6 1 1 8 to 780 ft per min or about half the values found for
1D--11.9 2 2 clouds over the continent (Workman and Reynolds
12-13.9 1 1 2 [65]; Battan [3]). If the ascent of the radar echo
14-15.9 1 1
16-17.9 0 top is related to the updraft speeds, the vertical
18-19.9 1 cloud motions in tropical cumulus clouds are about
20-21.9 2 2 half those in large convective clouds over the United
22-23.9 1 1 States. Malkus [40] has reported updrafts ranging
24-25.9 1 1 as high as 1000 ft per min in tropical clouds. In view
Total 22 4 16 42 of the fact that the drops giving the echo were falling
relative to the rising air, the values Malkus measured
compared favorably with the radar measurements.
allowed. This imposes a time threshold, because if the
If water treatment of clouds acts in the manner
precipitation process is initiated by the water from
postulated in earlier sections, a difference might be
the airplane, a finite time is required for the drops to
expected between the locations of the initial echoes
travel more than 500 ft above or below the airplane
within treated and untreated clouds. The positions o{
flight path.
The average time for precipitation initiation in the the initial echoes relative to the levels of treatment
untreated clouds that were part of valid pairs was (fig. 15) indicate that such a difference existed. in all
11.9 min; for the treated clouds it was 6.4 and 8.5 but one cloud treated where the large valve was used,
min for the large and small valve data, respectively.
In order to evaluate the significance of the differ-
ences in times, calculations were made of the prob- Untreated
abilities of obtaining the observed distributions by
chance using the Wilcoxan test (Kruskal and Wallis
[28]). In making this test the data were separated
according to whether only one or both clouds of the
pair produced precipitation echoes. It was found that
the probabilities of obtaining the observed time
differences were 0.022 and 0.0003 for the small and 1&1
large valve data, respectively. The probabilities were "" Treated- Small valve

computed by the null hypothesis, one tailed test. 2

The computations were for data from the one cloud a:
of a pair that produced echoes. The latter probability ID
is very significant statistically. Thus it can be con- z

cluded that the time elapsed between the treatment

of a cloud and the occurrence of the first precipitation
echo was significantly smaller than the time which Treated- Lorge valve
would have elapsed if the cloud produced an echo 2
vi. Level of echo formation in tropical cumuli.* The
positions of the initial precipitation echoes relative to
the height of the airplane on the treatment pass are
4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -a

* The research reported in this subsection was adapted from FIG. 15. Height of airplane on treating pass minus height of
a thesis submitted by John R. Sievers to the Department of top of initial precipitation echo. Frequencies are for all valid
Meteorology, University of Chicago, in partial fulfillment of the clouds of both valid and invalid cloud pairs observed in Caribbean
requirements for the S.M. degree. area from November 1953-March 1954.

the echo formed below the treatment level. On the TABLE 11. Frequency of development of r~dar echo~~ in treated
and untreated tropical clouds as a functiOn of positive and
other hand, in untreated clouds and in clouds treated negative buoyancy (positive buoyancy: cloud
with the small valve, the initial echo sometimes air less dense than environment air).
formed above and sometimes below the treatment
level. This indicates that, in the case of the large (a) Small valve
valve treatment, the precipitation formed through Positive Negative
buoyancy buoyancy
the action of many large drops falling through the
No Sub- No Sub-
cloud and coalescing with cloud droplets. Echo echo total Echo echo total Total
vii. Buoyancy considerations in tropical clouds.* One Treated 3 12 15 1 9 10 25
of the criteria for the selection of a cloud eligible for Untreated 4 9 13 2 10 12 25
treatment was the vertical extent of the cloud. This Total 7 21 28 3 19 22 50
parameter was used because of its correlation with
the probability of precipitation and because of the (b) Large valve
ease of measurement. In addition, the shape and the Positive Negative
appearance of the cloud were used to indicate whether buoyancy buoyancy

or not the cloud was growing. This subjective evalua- Echo echo
No Sub-
Echo echo
total Total
tion of the vertical motions within the cloud gives
some idea of the expected future behavior of the Treated 3 3 6 4 3 7 13
Untreated 4 4 8 0 5 5 13
cloud; however, it has obvious weaknesses. A much
better inference of the future behavior of the cloud Total 7 7 14 4 8 12 26

can be drawn from measurements of the difference of

virtual temperature inside and outside the cloud ture difference by about 0.14C at 800 mb and 10C.
(AT). This term is directly related to the vertical The AT values were calculated from the mean tem-
acceleration of the cloud air, but it was not used in perature in the cloud compared with the mean value
the selection of eligible clouds. taken in the clear air over a radial distance of 1 to
The temperature data obtained in the course of 1.5 cloud diameters. Cloud space was assumed to
the flights gave additional information on the efficacy be saturated. The San Juan radiosonde was used to
of treatment and support to the decision to study obtain clear air humidity. Because of the lack of
clouds in pairs. It has been found that clouds in a temperature measurements on some flights, the num-
given pair tended to resemble each other (with regard ber of cases is less than that given in earlier tables.
to buoyancy and thus presumably with regard to Statistical tests of the data from table 11 showed
other unmeasured parameters) more than they re- results that were statistically insignificant. Never-
sembled any other clouds in the series. theless, a few inferences may be made. For example,
Analyses were made of the values of AT on the there is no evidence that there is any difference
first passes through the cumuli examined in the between the proportional effect of small valve treat-
Caribbean from November 1953 to March 1954. ment on echo probability between positively and
Table 11 summarizes the analyses. It is to be noted negatively buoyant clouds.
that, in this table and in the subsequent discussion, Turning to the large valve data, it may be seen
no account has been taken of within-flight pairing. that for positively buoyant clouds the treatment had
This may be a serious defect, but attempts to take no apparent effect. Both for treatment and no treat-
pairing into account resulted in spreading the already ment the proportion of echoes was 0.50. On the other
sparse data over so many classifications that analysis hand, for negatively buoyant clouds the apparent
was made virtually impossible. effect of the treatment was to increase echo proportion
Positive and negative buoyancy in table 11 mean from 0 to "'4/7 or 0.57. This suggests the hypothesis
AT > 0.1C and AT < 0.1C, respectively; The pres- that the mechanism of large valve treatment affects
ence-of liquid water in a cloud reduces the buoyancy echo probability in positively buoyant clouds very
below that indicated by the virtual temperature little, but that it substantially increases echo prob-
difference. An average liquid water content of 0.5 ability in negatively buoyant clouds. Tests of this
gm per m 3 effectively reduces the virtual tempera- interaction hypothesis did not show statistical signifi-
it is adjudged that the suggestion
* The research reported in this subsection was adapted from a cance; however,
thesis to be submitted by Miss Bernice Ackerman t? the Depart- about the mechanism of large valve treatment is well
ment of Meteorology, University of Chicago, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the S.M. degree. worth future investigation.
juLY 1957 R. R. BRAHAM, JR., L. J. BATTAN, AND H. R. BYERS 73
TABLE 12. Distribution of cloud top altitude of untreated and dry ice treated cumuli in Central United States
(valid cloud pairs only).

Altitude of cloud top (1000's of ft, mean sea level)

14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- altitude
14.9 15.9 16.9 17.9 18.9 19.9 20.9 21.9 22.9 Total (lOOO's of ft msl)

Treated 3 4 7 2 6 5 27 20.2
Untreated 2 3 10 7 1 2 26 19.5

viii. Results of precipitation initiation experiments ~n more unusual distribution) in table 13 by chance is
the Central United States 0.39. Thus, it cannot be concluded that dry ice treat-
ment increases the probability of precipitation initia-
(a) Cloud treatment with dry ice. One of the princi-
tion. At the same time, neither can it be concluded
pal aims in the continental phase of the program was
that treatment does not have such an effect.
the evaluation of results of cloud treatment by dry
Further information on the results of dry ice treat-
ice. Unfortunately, during the period available for
ment is given in fig. 16. Precipitation echoes developed
these experiments, the frequency of suitable convec-
in approximately 40 per cent of the treated clouds
tive clouds was small. Accordingly, the final sample
with tops colder than -7C at the time of treatment.
of valid cloud pairs was also small. Table 12 shows
These results are in contrast with the Australian
the distribution of the heights of clouds at the times
results of Squires and Smith [56] which showed
of the treatment passes (cases for which data were
"positive results" for approximately 50 per cent of
the clouds in the interval from OC to -7C and for
The results of dry ice treatment of convective
100 per cent of the clouds colder than - 7C. It is
clouds over Central United States are given in table
unlikely that this difference is due to differing cloud
13. It can be seen that in seven pairs of clouds the
treated cloud developed an echo and the untreated TABLE 13. Contingency table for radar echoes from dry ice
cloud did not; in five pairs the reverse situation pre- treatment of cumuli in Central United States.
vailed. These results might suggest that treatment Treated cloud of pair
had a small positive effect. However, the probability No
of occurrence of such a distribution by chance alone Echo echo Total

must be considered. Under the hypothesis that the Untreated cloud Echo 1 5 6
probabilities of formation of an echo in treated and of pair No echo 7 14 21
untreated clouds are the same, the probability of Total 8 19 27
obtaining the observed seven-five distribution (or a


s0 s 0s s0
z +
w 0
::!!: -4 0 0
<t 0 + 0

w 0 0
a:: +

!;i -2 0
a: 0 0 0 0
w 0

-2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16

FIG. 16. The formation ( +) or non-formation ( 0) of a precipitation echo as a function of tem-
perature of cloud top and temperature at treatment altitude for dry ice treated clouds. S indicates
clouds treated at average effective rate of 12 lb per mi. Other clouds treated at average effective
rate of 28 lb per mi.

TABLE 15. Contingency table for radar echoes from water
treatment of cumuli in Central United States.

Treated cloud of pair

Echo echo Total

Untreated cloud Echo 1 2 3

of pair No echo 3 11 14
-16 Total 4 13 17

Fr<?· 17. Frequency of untreated clouds of dry ice pairs as a

functwn of cloud top temperature. Shaded areas: Clouds which of too little dry ice into the clouds. This is discussed
produced echoes.
in detail in section 5 ix.
top temperatures, cloud thickness, or rates of treat- (b) Water treatment in Central United States. The
ment, all of which were essentially the same in the results of water treatment in Central United States
two sets of experiments. The only marked difference are shown in tables 14 and 15. The relatively high
appears to be in the life span of the clouds under number (11) at the lower right in table 15 expresses
study. Squires and Smith report that all clouds studied the fact that some cloud pairs were studied on days
were observed for at least 45 min and that precipita- when the clouds were small, certainly unsuitable for
tion was usually first observed between 10 and 20 dry ice treatment, and probably unsuitable for any
min after treatment. The clouds studied by the Cloud kind of treatment because of the very small prob-
Physics Project existed for much shorter duration ability that either naturally or artificially induced
than those studied by Squires and Smith, and less precipitation would occur. The distribution along the
time elapsed between treatment and precipitation. diagonal from lower left to upper right does not
Assuming that the two groups of investigators were permit any conclusions regarding the positive or
equally successful in following the continuity of in- negative effects of water treatment.
dividual clouds, it appears that the differences in ix. The problem of overseeding. The problem of over-
results are related to regional differences in the clouds seeding is one of the more obscure aspects of the
studied. concept of artificial cloud nucleation. Although the
Among the pairs of clouds of which one was treated physical principles through which overseeding might
with dry ice, the only untreated clouds that developed act are well established theoretically, there is almost
echoes were those with temperatures at the top lower no information concerning the requirements of clouds
than - 7C (with one exception), fig. 17. Of the clouds for nuclei and the efficiency of various treatment
colder than -7C, the fractions of treated and un- methods under actual field use. Therefore, it appears
treated ones which developed echoes were 0.42 and impossible to determine, short of actual field trials
0.33, respectively. The difference in these fractions which rates of treatment can create an overseeded
suggests that the treatment has a positive effect, but condition in a cloud. Obviously the critical rate will
in such a small sample it is much too small to be depend upon the natural nuclei count and the size
significant. Satisfactory cloud top data were available and kind of cloud under consideration, in addition to
for 26 ofthe 27 untreated clouds represented in table 13. the treatment technique.
The fact that many subcooled cumulus clouds were For overseeding to be important in preventing the
treated with dry ice without the initiation of precipi- initiation of precipitation it must result in sufficient
tation raises the question of whether or not the clouds numbers of ice crystals to cause them to compete for
were overseeded. Although it is possible that there the available water within the cloud. Hence, over-
was overseeding, there is strong evidence that the seeding results in a cloud containing a large number
absence of precipitation was due to the introduction of ice crystals, each of which is too small to fall

TABLE 14. Distribution of cloud top altitude of untreated and water treated cumuli in Central United States
(valid cloud pairs only).

Altitude of cloud top (1000's of ft. mean sea level)

12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- altitude
12.9 13.9 14.9 15.9 16.9 17.9 18.9 19.9 20.9 21.9 22.9 23.9 Total (1000's of ft msl)

Treated 2 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 17 16.8
Untreated· 2 3 4 3 2 2 17 15.9

through the cloud and grow by accretion. If a cloud x. Droplet size distribution in convective clouds. In any
contains large amounts of liquid water for substantial study concerned with the problem of precipitation, it
periods following treatment, it may safely be assumed is essential to have information on the droplet size
that it was not overseeded. Throughout all the Cloud distribution in the clouds involved. Ideally, one would
Physics Project experiments, an effort was made to like to know the variations in space and time as the
determine the physical state of the clouds studied, cloud passes through its life cycle. It would then be
both before and after treatment. It was for this pur- possible to make reasonable inferences regarding the
pose that a procedure of repeated probes on a single processes involved in the growth and evaporation of
cloud was instituted. In the analysis of the results of the cloud droplets. However, there are no instruments
the dry ice treatment experiments, measurements available at present which permit continuous measure-
taken on probes following treatment were given
ments of droplet sizes in large cloud volumes. The
special study in order to determine, if possible, the
device used by the Cloud Physics Project, described
degree to which the cloud was converted from water
particles to ice particles. by Brown and Willett [10], permitted the capture of
In 24 dry ice treated clouds the information was droplets on a moving, oiled slide. It has the advantage
sufficiently detailed to make an investigation fruitful. of simplicity and dependability but suffers because of
Results are presented in table 16, which shows the
temperatures of the clouds during treatment passes 1000
as a function of the phase of the precipitation particles

. \0\
(ice, water, or both) and the subsequent development
of a precipitation echo. It is to be noted that only
one of the three clouds which were completely turned
to ice crystals developed a precipitation echo. Echoes
developed in approximately one-half of the clouds 100 +-+ Cloud Physics Project
which consisted of a mixed ice-water phase. The most 0\ -
o-o Weickmonn and aufm Kampe
surprising point of these data, however, is that in 9
\ ... A - .. Diem

\, 0""
of the 24 clouds, ice crystals were too sparse to be
detected by the controller or the cloud sampler.
Three of the nine were treated at temperatures
warmer than - 2C which might account for their
behavior, although in five other clouds treated at
10 \\ \
\ 0"
\ 0

this temperature ice particles were detected. At present \

these apparent anomalies are not understood. A ....I
\ a'\.
possible explanation may be that dry ice pellets are u
vastly less effective for producing ice crystals in field \\ 0

use than in the controlled conditions of the laboratory. w
::;: 1.0
An alternative possibility is that the rate of lateral :::>

mixing within a cumulus cloud is much slower than
has been assumed, with the result that the airplane
missed the treated area even though the clouds were

observed by repeated probes for an average of 8 min
after treatment.
On the basis of the evidence at hand, it appears
unlikely that failure to initiate an echo in some of the
clouds studied resulted from overseeding. If anything,
it appears as though too little ice was dispensed in
some of the clouds. This also is indicated in the data
of fig. 16 where the occurrence of an echo is identified
· 01 ~~~1~0~~~20~~~30~~~4~0~~~5~0~~~60~~~70
with one of the two different treatment rates used in DROPLET DIAMETER- MICRONS
the experiments. The no echo cases at cold treatment
FIG. 18. Droplet size distribution in fair weather cumuli.
temperatures in fig. 16 all occurred with the 17 lb per Observed droplet concentrations of 1000, 302 and 170 per cm 3 were
mi dispensing rate. This suggests that the rate may found by Diem, Weickmann and aufm Kampe, and the Cloud
Physics Project, respectively. Dotted curve: Droplet sizes subject
be too low for the most effective treatment. to largest evaporation losses.

TABLE 16. Temperature distribution of dry ice treated clouds in correction is very small. All of the data were corrected
terms of subsequent phase of precipitation particles and
ensuing radar echoes. Data marked by asterisk rep- using these values. However, it should be pointed out
resent clouds observed for more than 500 sec. that, because the slide was moving rapidly across the
air stream when the sampling was accomplished,
Ice only Mixed ice and water Water only
steady state conditions likely did not exist and the
Echo No echo Echo No echo Echo No echo
actual collection efficiencies may have been higher
-2.0* -1.9* -1.9* -1.4 -3.1* -0.6 than those given above.
-4.9 -2.2* -1.5 -1.5
-2.8* -1.8* -1.6
A second correction which should be applied to the
-3.7* -3.1 -3.1* droplet data is to compensate for droplet evaporation
-4.6 -3.8* -3.6 between the time of impingement on the slide and the
-4.2* -4.0
-8.8* -4.0 time the photograph is made. By taking photographs
-4.9* of the same slide at fixed time intervals, it was
Total possible to measure the rate of evaporation of particu-
cases 2 5 7 8 24 lar drops. An analysis of this type showed that the
evaporation proceeded at a rate given approximately
the small cloud volume sampled, a maximum of by
about 7.5 cm 3 for each pass through a cloud. (2)
In the evaluation of the droplet data, certain
where a is droplet diameter in microns and c is equal
corrections are necessary. First, differences in the
to """1.75,u2 per sec. Equation (2) shows that the
collection efficiencies for drops of various sizes must
evaporation of small drops is serious for periods of
be resolved. Use of the equations of Langmuir and
time running into tens of seconds. However, for a 25,u
Blodgett [32] were made to calculate the collection
droplet, evaporation would result in a decrease of
efficiency as a function of droplet diameter. These
diameter of about 1,u in 40 sec. (The maximum period
equations are based on an assumption of steady state
of time during which evaporation could occur between
air flow around a stationary ribbon. It was found that
collection and photography was about 40 sec.) For
the efficiency averaged 0. 74, 0.90 and 0.94 for droplets
this reason if is considered that no correction is
in the intervals 5-10,u, 10-15,u, and 15-20,u, respec-
necessary for the larger size drops. For the smaller
tively. Thus, except for the smallest size groups, this
sizes, a correction should be applied. Because of the
100 uncertainty of the number of droplets which com-
pletely evaporated, the data presented in fig. 18, 19
·o-----.o.. and 20 have not been corrected for evaporation.
-.... __ _ +-+ 10 Clouds which developed
an echo
(a) Fair weather cumuli over Central United States.
o- -o 21 Clouds which did not The average drop size distribution in fair weather
'+.. -~
. \
develop an echo
cumuli in Central United States is plotted in fig. 18
\ \ along with similar curves obtained by Diem [15] and
'\;, Weickmann and aufm Kampe [61]. The new curve

+\. shows a pronounced difference from those found by

Diem and Weickmann and aufm Kampe. The latter
0\ studied clouds with "extremely warm" bases and with
higher liquid water contents than those examined by
\ '-+ the Cloud Physics Project. The clouds in the cumulus

\ +""-
humilis category studied by the Cloud Physics Project
varied in thickness from about 1000 to 3000 ft, did
not grow significantly greater subsequent to the drop-

\.,, \
\ +
let measurement, and showed no signs of precipitation.
" + +-+ (b) Cumulus congestus over Central United States.
In cumulus congestus over Central United States
.0 5 L-~10~~~2~0~~~3~0--~~4~0~--5~0~~~6~0~~~7~0~~80 there was an important difference in the drop size
distribution from that found for fair weather cumulus
FrG. 19. Droplet size distribution in cumulus congestus over (fig. 19). In these clouds it can be seen that the range
Central United States, none of which contained an echo at time
of sampling. Solid line: Clouds which developed precipitation of the distributions extends to 62,u with several drop-
echoes at a later time (average observed droplet concentrations lets at """75,u. This maximum size is about half that
142 per cm 3). Dashed line: Clouds which did not develop echoes
(average observed droplet concentrations 190 per cm 3). given by Weickmann and aufm Kampe. None of the
jULY 1957 R. R. BRAHAM, JR., L. ]. BATTAN, AND H. R. BYERS 77

10.0 are consistent with observations of precipitation from
warm cumulus clouds in the tropics, because they
' \
show that in these clouds there are many drops with
diameters exceeding SO,u-large enough to grow
+ - + I I Clouds with Khoes
rapidly through coalescence. Concentrations of drops
o- -o 27 Clouds without echoes
larger than SOJL are of the order of 10 6 per rna. If only a
I fraction of these grew by coalescence, they could

I+ produce significant rainfall.
A summation of the mass of the drops in a unit
10 volume of cloud gives the liquid water content of that
\ + volume of air. This scheme for determining the liquid
water content has been used by several investigators.

....I Because of the inherent limitations of the volume of
::e cloud actually sampled, values computed in this way
are of limited usefulness. This is clearly evident from

a consideration of fig. 21 which presents part of a
record obtained in a tropical cumulus cloud during
the Cloud Physics Project operations.
I +
The figure shows marked differences in liquid water
content over short distances inside the cloud, with
maximum values reaching about 2.0 gm per rna. In
\ \
I +
I+ making calculations of droplet growth by coalescence,
I there is always a question whether theoretical values

\o, I~I of liquid water content based on a moist adiabatic

ascent should be used, or whether entrainment could
\ I I be effective enough to reduce the growth of droplets
\1 I -+-+-+ throughout the cloud. The theoretical liquid water
I content for the cloud considered in fig. 21 is 2.0 gm
01 '---7.:1o;---:;2~o-3:f:o::---::-4\::;-0--:5~o;---::'s':::-o--=7-t;o:--:a~o~-go
100 ....Lo
I per rna. Thus, within limited parts of this cloud, the
DROPLET DIAMETER- MICRONS observed values approximated those calculated under
FIG. 20. Droplet size distribution in tropical cumuli. Solid line: the assumption of a moist adiabatic ascent. Within
Clouds which contained precipitation echoes at the time of sam- these localized regions of high water content, the
pling (average observed droplet concentrations 46 per cm 3).
Dashed line: Clouds which did not contain echoes (averaged ob- rate of growth of droplets would be rapid. Once some
served droplet concentrations 48 per cm 3). large droplets are formed and mixed in the cloud by
turbulence, in a short time they would infect the
clouds represented in fig. 19 contained echoes at the entire cloud. Further study of liquid water content
time of the first sampling pass, although echoes sub- may yield information on the efficacy of cloud treat-
sequently developed in some clouds. It is evident that ment and the character of turbulence in convective
there was a higher percentage of droplets greater than clouds.
35JL in the clouds which later developed echoes. In
xi. Sea salt particles in the atmosphere. Observations
these clouds one would expect to find even larger
of rain and large droplet sizes in clouds warmer than
droplets than those observed, but the probability of
OC have proven that there exists a process within
capturing large, infrequent drops is quite small using
the present sampling techniques. '? 2.0
(c) Tropical cumuli. The droplet size distributions :>

in tropical cumuli were distinctly different from those :. 1,6
observed over the United States (fig. 20). The first "' 1.2
feature to be noted is the double maxima in the
distribution curve, with the first maximum at the ;
smallest size range and the other at 25-30JL. This bi- 0

modality was found in many individual clouds and is ::i

74 78 80 82 88
not a result of the averaging process. Another im-
portant feature of the data was the observation of FrG. 21. Record of liquid water content measurements in a
tropical cumulus. Cloud top height 7500 ft, base 2000 ft; aircraft
droplets with diameters larger than SOJL. These data altitude 4500 ft.

these clouds whereby large droplets are produced growth of salt nuclei into large droplets. The Cloud
without the existence of ice. The most promising Physics Project experiments in the tropics were de-
theory for the explanation of these observations is signed to study the variation of airborne salt distribu-
that large sea salt nuclei grow rapidly into large tion on the windward and leeward sides of Puerto
cloud droplets by condensation when the relative Rico and to measure the variation of salt nuclei as a
humidity of the air is increased to saturation (Ludlum function of distance from the shore line. Detailed
[39]; Mason and Ludlum [41]; Woodcock [63] and discussion of the results of this work is given in a
Wexler [62]). A droplet of 50,u diameter is large paper by Lodge [35].
enough to grow by coalescence. A droplet of this size In order to determine the distribution of chloride
will result from condensation on a dry sea salt nucleus particles aloft, measurements were made from an
of 10,u diameter if allowed to grow to equilibrium at airplane flown at various altitudes from 100 to 10,000
99 per cent relative humidity (Woodcock [63]). If, ft above the ocean surface on the windward and
on the other hand, a value of 100 per cent is assumed leeward sides of Puerto Rico. The results obtained
for the relative humidity, a smaller salt nucleus will on typical flights are presented in fig. 22 and 23.
be sufficient. Theoretical work by Squires [54] indi- Figure 22 shows an interesting feature; namely, that
cates that a 3,u diameter salt nucleus will grow to a 50JL on the windward side of the island the data recorded
solution droplet in approximately 1.5 min under approach a Boltzmann distribution with altitude.
saturated conditions. Thus, in a rising column of The increase with height of the concentration of
cloud air, large salt nuclei can grow into large cloud particles less than 6,u through the interval from 100
droplets by condensation and then continue increasing to 500 ft was observed on four flights. Note that in
in size by coalescence. Before accepting this theory, the vicinity of the average cloud base, there were
it remains to be shown that there are adequate num- particles numbering about 102 to 10 5 per m 3 having
bers of large hygroscopic particles in the atmosph~re. diameters of 10 and 3,u, respectively. These represent
During the flight operations in Puerto Rico and in the an adequate number to produce precipitation by
United States, measurements were made of the sizes condensation and coalescence. Measurements showed
and concentrations of salt nuclei using the new concentrations of 10 6 per m 3 of droplets larger than 50JL
Millipore technique devised by Lodge (see section 6). diameter in tropical clouds. The implications of these
Woodcock and his collaborators [63; 64] have made data with regard to the precipitation process are
many observations of sea salt particles in the air over evident. Distribution of airborne salt nuclei on the
tropical oceans and have supported the theory of leeward side of Puerto Rico is presented in fig. 23.

Flight 65. Distribution of

Chloride Particles with
10 Altitude on the Windward
Side of Puerto Rico,
21 January 1954

.... 8 Collection
I 6
;i 4

FIG. 22. Concentration of sea salt particles of various sizes as a function of height. Observations
made on windward side of Puerto Rico. (After Lodge [35].)

Flight 64. Oistri bution of

Chloride Particles With
10 Altitude on the Leeward
Side of Puerto Rico,
20 January 1954

1- 8 Millipare Collection
I 6
<l 4

10 1 103
FIG. 23. Concentration of sea salt particles of various sizes as a function of height. Observations
made on leeward side of Puerto Rico. (After Lodge [35].)

Of particular interest is the pronounced minimum Although emphasis has been placed on the properties
at about 2000 ft which is probably a result of washout of sea salt particles, it is also of importance to recognize
and particulate precipitation during the overland tra- that other hygroscopic nuclei may be present in
jectory of the air. relatively large concentrations. It has been suggested
Measurements of salt nuclei concentrations meas- by Junge [26] that ammonium and sulphate com-
ured in Puerto Rico at the surface at various distances pounds are present in adequate sizes and numbers
downwind from the coast line indicated a general to be important in atmospheric condensation processes.
decrease with increasing distance. One series of ob-
xii. Suggestion for future studies. In addition to the
servations showed a marked reduction of ground
studies already discussed, a number of others should
level concentration immediately after the occurrence
be conducted. These include the following:
of precipitation. These measurements suggest that
during a long overland trajectory the concentration 1. An investigation of the relationship between the
of large salt nuclei are greatly reduced.* Measurements electric fields in convective clouds and the forma-
of nuclei concentrations at the ·ground in central tion of precipitation and lightning.
Illinois for which an impactor was used (see section 6), 2. A study of the growth and duration of convective
showed concentrations of 10JL salt particles of the clouds, treated and untreated, using data col-
order of 2 per m 3 (Reitan, Braham [45]). Further lected from a ground site as well as from a flight
studies showed that impactor collections suffer serious program.
fading losses, hence these measurements are of 3. A study of the importance of medium scale
limited value. During the summer of 1954, data were synoptic weather conditions in determining the
collected in the free air over the continent using the formation of convective clouds and precipitation.
millipore technique [11]. On two flights, one at 4. Continuation of studies of liquid water content
2500 ft and the other at 5000 ft, it was found that in convective clouds, cloud droplet distributions,
particles with diameters ;::: 10JL were present in con- level of formation of precipitation in treated and
centrations of the order of 100 per m 3 in areas well untreated clouds, the role of hygroscopic nuclei
inland. On the same flights, concentrations of particles in precipitation processes, the energy balance of
;:::3J.I ranged from 102 to 104 per m 3 • small convective clouds and many other factors
bearing on the problem of artificial cloud
*Similar measurements made over southeastern Australia have
been described by Twomey [57]. nucleation.

The fairly large amount of work involved in the to go to completion, the filter is washed and dried.
ground installations at Champaign is not discussed When the filter is treated with immersion oil, it
in this paper, although mention has been made of the becomes transparent and the reaction sites can be
particulate measurements there. examined microscopically. The resulting halos are
similar to the ones found using the gelatin technique
6. Laboratory work of the Cloud Physics Project and are related to the original sizes of the particles.
Specific reagents have been developed for the identifi-
The Cloud Physics Project had the services of a cation of a number of ions among which are the
small staff of chemists who conducted research on ammonium ion, calcium ion, magnesium ion, halides,
problems related to the formation of clouds and sulfates and nitrates. Details concerning the types
precipitation. Most of the results of the laboratory of reagents, the nature and colors of the resulting
investigations have been published elsewhere. Ac- halos, and suggested examination procedures are given
cordingly, this paper contains only brief summaries by Lodge [34].
of the aims and results of the experiments. The millipore sampler was used for studies of
i. Capture, identification and sizing of small particles. atmospheric salt particulates in the Caribbean and
The process of condensation in the atmosphere and, Central United States [35]. It has several advantages
to a considerable extent precipitation itself, depend over the gelatin technique. The first is the improved
on nucleation by small particles. The nature of these collection efficiency of very small particles. The
particles and the manner in which they operate are second is that developing and counting the particles
known only partially. To obviate this situation, a can be done at will, provided the Millipore filter is
great deal of effort has been devoted to the problem properly stored. It has been found that the small
of capturing, identifying and sizing atmospheric par- halos fade rapidly with the gelatin technique; there-
ticulates. One of the most useful techniques was fore, the sizing must be done very shortly after col-
developed by Seely [50]. It involves the use of a lection. A third advantage of the millipore technique
layer of gelatin on thin strips of polystyrene. The is that the presence of particles having different
gelatin is impregnated with a chemical reagent which chemical compositions can be tested from a single
reacts with the particle to produce a halo of crystals sample by cutting the filter into several pieces and
around the area of the original particle. The size of subjecting each piece to a different reagent.
the halo is a function of the size of the nucleus and ii. Flame counter for sodium bearing particulates. Al-
the time of reaction. Seely gave some values of halo though the techniques discussed in the preceding
sizes for sodium chloride particles with mercurous section have the advantages of being specific and
fluosilicate as reagent. The rates of growth and fading quantitative, they have the disadvantages of requiring
of the halos produced in this way were studied in time-consuming development, microscopic inspection
greater detail by Pidgeon [44]. Tests for other and counting. For this reason, a device was developed
substances are given by Lodge and Fanzoi [37]. similar to those of Soudain [53] and Vonnegut and
When using the gelatin-coated strips, the capture Neubauer [58] which makes use of the spectroscopic
of the particles is accomplished with an impactor. properties of sodium for automatically counting the
The impaction is satisfactorily accomplished for par- number of sodium-bearing particles in a measured
ticles of diameter :2: 1-2J,t, but the collection efficiency volume of air. In the operation of this device an
at smaller sizes is < 1 and decreases with decreasing unmetered quantity of filtered air is mixed with a
particle sizes. Since the sub-micron particles are metered quantity of unfiltered air and hydrogen to
important in cloud formation, it was necessary to produce a small flame. The light from the excited
develop another technique for the capture of the sodium atoms is focused by a lens and passed through
small particulates. a narrow band filter (sodium D-line) to a photo-
The commercial filter material called millipore multiplier tube. The resulting pulse is suitably ampli-
(Bush [11]) which retains particles down to about fied and transmitted to two counters. One counter is
0.2JL has been adapted by Lodge [34] for capturing used to record all pulses above the noise level; the
atmospheric particulates. Flow rates through the other records all pulses above an adjustable threshold
filter of the order of 6.0 1 per min at pressure drops of level.
35 mm Hg can be attained. In order to test for the By using millipore collections in conjuction with
presence of a particular kind of nucleus, the filter is the flame counter, the latter may be calibrated so
brought into contact with a reagent having a specific that the threshold value of one of the counters can be
reaction with the substance to be detected. After a set to correspond to a known particle diameter. When
sufficient time has been allowed to permit the reaction this has been accomplished, it is possible to monitor

the concentration of salt particulates greater than a and solution concentration. In past studies of freezing
certain size. Because of the importance of the large temperatures, the water was either in bulk inside a
particles, the instrument has much greater useful- closed container (Hollstein, reported by Weickmann
ness than one which can only measure total salt [60] or droplets resting on a surface (Heverly [24];
concentration. Dorsch and Hacker [16] or at a fluid interface (Bigg
iii. Origin of atmospheric salt particulates. The origin [4]). In order to check the possibility that the previous
of salt particulates in the atmosphere has been the data may have been affected by the presence of the
subject of considerable debate, Wright [66; 67; 68] foreign boundary, experiments were carried out using
and Simpson [51]. Wright sought to meet one of free droplets in a temperature-controlled chamber and
Simpson's arguments by invoking the work of using light scattering techniques to determine the point
Melander [43] who had suggested there was a pro- of freezing. The homogeneous nucleation of pure water
duction of salt nuclei by evaporation of salt solutions. droplets at -40C was used to verify the experiment~!
Wright admitted that the details of the work needed procedure. As a result of these experimental studies,
further study but noted that Melander's hypothesis it was possible to show that the work of Bigg and
had never been refuted. From theoretical and experi- Holstein can be combined into a single freezing point
mental work done in the Cloud Physics Project diagram relating freezing temperatures to both the
laboratory, Lodge, McDonald and Baer [38] showed droplet size and the solution concentration.
conclusively that there is no basis for accepting the v. Droplet coalescence and breakup. Coalescence is the
Melander hypothesis as an explanation of the origin predominant growth mechanism of precipitation par-
of condensation nuclei in the atmosphere. ticles after they have attained diameters of the order
It has also been proposed that the number of salt of 100~. Thus it is essential that the factors governing
nuclei in the atmosphere is increased by the shattering coalescence be investigated, particularly in view of
of crystal nuclei following total evaporation of large the fact that water treatment is based upon the
droplets, Dessens [14]. Experiments were conducted coalescence process.
by Lodge and Baer [36] which showed that, under Generally, within the volume swept out by a falling
conditions similar to those encountered in the atmos- drop, the fraction of droplets that collide with the
phere, desiccation of salt solution droplets does not falling drop (collision efficiency) is the value deter-
result in shattering of the nuclei to form new nuclei. mined by Langmuir and Blodgett [32]. In most
studies of drop coalescence, it is assumed that all
iv. Growth and freezing of small water droplets. In
droplets which collide will coalesce and thus only the
addition to the studies of the identification and origin
collision efficiency is considered. Sartor [49] has con-
of atmospheric nuclei, experiments were carried out
ducted some research which raises questions about
to investigate the growth and freezing of solution
the validity of this assumption. In an effort to learn
droplets. One of the standard laboratory devices for
more about this important subject, experiments were
the nucleation of aqueous droplets (La Mer generator)
conducted by members of the Project using drop
makes use of a heated salt-coated filament [19].
sizes ranging from SO to 750~ produced by a jet of
When an attempt was made to use this technique in
water from a small nozzle. The droplets were made to
connection with another experiment, it was realized
fall between two horizontal plates with a variable
that almost nothing was known of the size and
voltage difference across them. The behavior of the
number of nuclei produced by this device. Tufts and
droplets was observed using a Fastex camera operated
Lodge* conducted experiments using a thermal pre-
at 7000 frames per sec. These measurements showed
cipitator for capturing these nuclei and an electron
microscope for examining them. It was found that that an electric field across the droplet region strongly
influenced collision and coalescence. This effect, shown
the sizes and numbers of the nuclei vary in a predicta-
ble manner with the temperature and age of the by the data in table 17, is in general agreement with
the findings of Sartor.
filament. The shapes of the salt crystal nuclei were
related to the relative humidity. Under most operating TABLE 17. Effect of ambient electric fields on
conditions, the nuclei are small solution droplets due droplet coalescence efficiency.
to the hygroscopicity of the nuclei.
Mean coalescence Standard deviation of
Using droplets produced in a La Mer generator, Electric field efficiency experimental data
(per cent)
(volts per em) (per cent)
Goyer and others studied the variation of droplet
freezing temperatures as a function of droplet size 0 29.4 3.1
3.1 33.5 2.4
15.4 88.7 3.6
* Described in a paper delivered before the American Chemical 38.4 95.3 1.6
Society, 30 March 1955 Cincinnati, Ohio.

In view of the apparent importance of electrical cumuli for a given method of cloud treatment differs
effects in promoting droplet coalescence, experiments in the two regions.
were designed to test the hypothesis that condensation 2. The data prove that within cumuli over the
and evaporation separate electric charge [21]. This ocean in the Caribbean area, precipitation is initiated
suggestion has been cited in the literature as one through an all-water process. The sizes and concen-
having possible importance in problems of cloud trations of sea salt nuclei measured in this region are
physics [17; 18; 22]. Using conventional cloud droplet adequate to initiate precipitation in this manner.
generators, the Project experimenters found that the Occasions when ice forming nuclei (dry ice or silver
growing cloud droplets were charged; however, it was iodide smokes) are required to initiate precipitation
shown that this charge resulted from growth on a in these clouds hardly ever exist. The evidence
charged nucleus or from Brownian pick-up after indicates that many small cumuli (tops :::;; "' 10,000
formation. A water droplet generator was constructed ft) are amenable to water spray treatment. The
which produced sufficiently uniform sizes of solution observations cover only the winter months near
droplets to permit accurate size measurement by Puerto Rico, but the physics of the precipitation in
standard light scattering techniques. There was no the clouds studied indicate that this conclusion proba-
observable charging of the droplets grown by con- bly applies to all tropical oceanic areas during the
densation on NH4Cl particles in an ion-free atmos- entire year.
phere containing water, ammonia and hydrochloric The cloud census data for cumuli over the island
acid. of Puerto Rico show that precipitation also formed
Another laboratory study concerned the shapes of through an all-water process in many of the clouds.
freely falling droplets. It is known that large falling However, the sample size and the limited number of
drops are distorted in such a fashion that the lower observations of clouds in the height ranges above
part of the drop tends to flatten out. Since the prob- 12,000 ft do not permit the conclusion that this is the
ability of drop breakup depends on the shape of the only process operating in these clouds.
drop, a knowledge of the reasons for deformation is Although no treatment experiments were carried
important. McDonald completed a study of this out in cumuli over the island, the physical processes
problem while with the Cloud Physics Project [42]. which lead to precipitation in these clouds are probably
He showed that the physical factors which might be the same as those in the cumuli over the ocean. This
expected to control the shape of large raindrops are means that many of the island clouds are amenable
surface tension, and hydrostatic and aerodynamic to water spray treatment. The question of whether
pressures. or not any of the island cumuli will respond to dry
ice or silver iodide treatment cannot be answered
7. Conclusions without further research.
3. In the cumulus population of the Central United
The University of Chicago Cloud Physics Project States, the fraction suitable for treatment is greater
mvestigated precipitation processes in cumulus clouds than that in the Caribbean cloud population. The
of tropical regions and over the Central United States, total number of cumuli is greater, however, in the
making use of fully instrumented Air Force airplanes latter area. A large fraction of the clouds over the
and a well equipped laboratory. The most important continent reach heights where they will react to both
results and conclusions of this work are presented dry ice and water spray treatments. If it is assumed
here. Primary emphasis is placed upon the interpre- that the condensation-coalescence-pre cipitation proc-
tation of the data as they pertain to the problems of ess requires the same amount of time in both regions,
artificial cloud nucleation. In so doing, the investiga- more rapid growth rates could explain the greater
tors in no way wish to detract from the importance of heights attained by the continental clouds.
research relevant to discovering fundamental processes 4. The treatment of tropical cumuli. by water spray
of natural precipitation. Only through such knowledge at a rate of 450 gal per mi induced the formation of
can the problems of artificial cloud nucleation be precipitation in clouds in which none would have
brought to a satisfactory conclusion. occurred naturally. Although this conclusion is in-
1. The relative importance of the Bergeron ice- dicated by each of several points of evidence, it is
crystal and the all-water condensation-coalescence supported principally by the following: (a) compari-
processes of precipitation formation differs between son of the echo probabilities in treated versus un-
the two major geographical regions of this study, and treated clouds, (b) time required for the initiation of
perhaps between clouds of different origin within the a precipitation echo, (c) position within the cloud of
same region. As a consequence, the susceptibility of the initial echo, and (d) echo development versus the

mean buoyancy of the cloud air. The probability of Acknowledgments-The research on Artificial Cloud
echo formation following the large valve treatment Nucleation reported in this paper has been sponsored
apparently was independent of the cloud size provid- by the Geophysics Research Directorate of the Air
ed that there was 4000 ft or more of cloud air below Force Cambridge Research Center, Air Research and
the treatment level. Development Command under Contract AF 19(604)-
Except for the large quantity of water required, 618. The work was conducted in the Department of
the mechanics of the water spray treatment technique Meteorology at the University of Chicago. Professor
were very simple. The clouds which are suitable for Horace R. Byers, Chairman of the Department of
treatment contain only weak turbulence and are Meteorology, directed the research. Assisting him as
devoid of other characteristics which could make principal investigators and supervisors were: Dr.
treatment experiments hazardous. Roscoe R. Braham, Jr., Associate Professor; Drs.
5. The treatment of tropical cumuli by water spray Louis J. Battan and Donald R. Fitzgerald, Meteorol-
at the rate of 130 gal per mi, introduced near the ogists; Drs. Guy G. Goyer and James P. Lodge,
cloud top, produced no detectable increase in the Chemists; Dr. James E. McDonald, Physicist; Ernest
probability of precipitation formation. A. Neil and John R. Sievers, Meteorologists; and
6. The treatment of tropical cumuli by water spray Kenneth E. Newton, Meteorological Instrument
using the large valve resulted in a significant increase Engineer.
in the rate of the precipitation process. The average The University of Chicago Committee on Statistics,
time requited for the initiation of precipitation in directed by Professor Allen W. Wallis, provided
untreated clouds was about 12 min following the invaluable help in the design of the experiment and
first pass, whereas for the treated clouds it was about analysis of resulting data. Drs. William H. Kruskal
6 min. A similar increase was found for the clouds and K. Alexander Brownlee were largely responsible
treated using the small valve (average time 8 min), for formulation of the statistical approach to the
but this result is considered insignificant because of problem. Their contributions were made possible
the small sample size. through a special contract between the Department
7. Results of the analysis of the water treatment of Defense and the University of Chicago.
of tropical cumuli permits the conclusion that this Throughout the duration of the research, Dr.
process can increase the amount of precipitation reach- Worth H. Rodebush, Professor of Chemistry at the
ing the ground. This conclusion is based upon (a) the University of Illinois, served as consultant to the
demonstrated increase in the probability of precipita- laboratory group. During the summers of 1953 and
tion initiation following treatment, and (b) an ob- 1954, Dr. Rodebush was employed full time to direct
served similarity of echo intensity and duration in the efforts of the physics and chemistry laboratory
treated and untreated clouds. group.
8. The experiments involving dry ice treatment of The following individuals actively participated at
subcooled clouds in the Central United States do not one time or another in the flight experiments, labora-
permit the conclusion that the treatment increased tory investigations and analysis efforts which led to
or decreased the probability of precipitation initiation. this report.
Although the number of echoes observed in treated Bernice Ackerman, Edward N. Brown, Milton
clouds was greater than in untreated clouds, the Draginis, Lewis H. Fichthorn, Edward L. Harrington,
difference was too small to be statistically significant Thomas R. Morris, George V. Owens, Jack H. Willett,
for the number of experiments performed. The con- and Stanley A. Zawadzki participated in the flight
trast in results between the experiments of the Cloud experiments and analysis.
Physics Project and similar experiments carried out Earl W. Barrett, Chester J. Bednarzyk, Ralph A.
in Australia suggests a regional difference in the Larsen, Alan L. McPherron, Robert L. Slater, and
clouds studied. Constantine Yabes were employed on flight experi-
Extensive observations and measurements were ments and instrument development.
made within subcooled cumuli following treatment Analyses of flight data were carried out by Gene E.
with dry ice. In many of these clouds the hydrometeors Birchfield, Kenneth C. Brundidge, Robert K. Hall,
remained unfrozen throughout the subsequent life of Harry W. Maynard, Clayton H. Reitan.
the cloud even though treatment rates up to 28 lb per Laboratory experiments were conducted by Ferdi-
mi had been used. This leads to the conclusion that nand Baer, Miriam L. Baker, Edgar W. Eubanks,
the lack of consistently marked effects following Hanny M. Fanzoi, Frances D. Pidgeon, John M.
treatment is to be accounted for by some subtlety Pierrard, William K. Sumida, Barbara J. Tufts, and
in cumulus behavior and not by overseeding. Raymond P. Westerdahl.

Others who assisted in the research and preparation 17. Findeisen, W., 1940: Uber die entstehung der Gewitter-
of this paper were Roger F. Coup, Tetsuya Fujita, elektrizitat. Meteor. Z., 57, 201-215.
18. Frenkel, J., 1944: A theory of the fundamental phenomena
Patrick F. Redden, D. Carol Schremp, and David of atmospheric electricity. J. Phys. (U.S.S.R.), 8, 285-304.
H. Slade. 19. Gendron, P. R., and V. K. La Mer, 1952: Some recent
A large measure of credit goes to the United advances in homogeneous aerosols. Chem. in Can., April,
States Air Force officers and enlisted men that p. 52.
made up Detachment 1, 6520th Flight Test Squadron. 20. Golitzine, N., 1951: Method of measuring the size of water
droplets in clouds, fogs and sprays. National Aeronautical
Particular acknowledgment is due Captain Floyd H.
Establishment of Canada. Note 6.
McKahan, detachment commander. Under his direc- 21. Goyer, G. G., and G. S. Handler, 1955: Water vapor conden-
tion the test missions were flown in numbers far sation as a cloud droplet charging mechanism. J. Meteor.,
exceeding that which could be expected for the type 12. 569-570.
of airplanes available for the program. 22. Gunn, R., 1935: The electricity of rain and thunderstorms.
Terr. Mag. atm. Elect., 40, p. 79.
Successful operation of the Champaign field site
23. Harney, P. J ., 1954: Testing aircraft thermometer perform-
was largely the result of the efforts of Mr. Glenn E. ance. M. I. T. tech. Note No. 4, Department of Meteor-
Stout and his assistants who were employed part time ology, Cambridge, Mass.
under a subcontract with the University of Chicago. 24. Beverley, J. R., 1949: Supercooling and crystallization.
Trans. Amer. geophys. Union, 30, 205-211.
REFERENCES 25. Houghton, H. G., 1938: Problems connected with conden-
sation and precipitation processes in the atmosphere. Bull.
1. Barrett, E. W., and L. R. Herndon, Jr., 1950: An improved Amer. meteor. Soc., 19, 152-159.
electronic dew point hygrometer. J. Meteor., 8, 40-51. 26. Junge, C. E., 1954: The chemical composition of atmos-
2. - - , R. L. Slater, and K. E. Newton, 1955: Further im- pheric aerosols, I: Measurements at Round Hill Field
provements in the electronic dew point hygrometer. J. Station, June-July 1953. J. Meteor., 11,323-333.
Meteor., 12, 308-313. 27. Kraus, E. B., and P. Squires, 1947: Experiments on the
3. Battan, L. J ., 1953: Observations on the formation and stimulation of clouds to pr-oduce rain. Nature, 159, p. 489.
spread of precipitation in convective clouds. J. Meteor., 28. Kruskal, W. H., and A. W. Wallis, 1952: Use of ranks in one-
10, 311-324. criterion variance analysis. J. Amer. stat. Assoc., 47, 583-
4. Bigg, E. K., 1953: The supercooling of water. Proc. Phys. 621.
Soc., 66B, p. 688. 29. Langmuir, 1., 1948: The production of rain by a chain reac-
5. Bowen, E. G., 1950: Formation of rain by coalescence. Aust. tion in cumulus clouds at temperatures above freezing.
J. Sci. Res., 3, ser. A, 193-213. J. Meteor., 5, 175-192.
6. - - , 1952: A new method of stimulating convective clouds 30. - - , 1950: Results of seeding of cumulus clouds in New
to produce rainfall and hail. Quart. J. roy. meteor. Soc., Mexico. Proj. Cirrus occ. Rep. No. 24, General Electric
78, 37-45. Research Laboratory, Schenectady, N.Y.
7. - - , 1952: Australian experiments on artificial stimulation 31. - - , 1950: Studies of tropical clouds. Proj. Cirrus occ.
of rainfall. Weather, 7, 204-209. Rep. No. 25, General Electric Research Laboratory,
8. Braham, R. R., Jr., 1952: The water and energy budgets of Schenectady, N. Y.
the thunderstorm and their relation to thunderstorm 32. --,and K. B. Blodgett, 1946: A mathematical investiga-
development. J. Meteor., 9, 227-242. tion of water droplet trajectories. A.A.F. technical Rep.
9. - - , S. E. Reynolds, and J. H. Harrell, Jr., 1951: Possi- No. 5418.
bilities for cloud seeding as determined by a study of cloud 33. - - , V. J. Schaefer, B. Vonnegut, R. E. Falconer, K. May-
height versus precipitation. J. Meteor., 8, 416-418. nard, and R. Smith-J ohannsen, 1947: First Quarterly
10. Brown, E. N., and J. H. Willett, 1955: A three-slide cloud Project Report, Project Cirrus. General Electric Research
droplet sampler. Bull. Amer. meteor. Soc., 36, 123-127. Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y.
11. Bush, J. H., 1952: A basic new tool in bacteriology. Sci.
34. Lodge, J. P., Jr., 1954: Analysis of micron-sized particles.
Monthly, 75, 303-305.
Anal. Chem., 26, 1829-1831.
12. Byers, H. R., and R. K. Hall, 1955: A census of cumulus
35. - - , 1955: A study of sea salt particles over Puerto Rico.
cloud height versus precipitation in the vicinity of Puerto
J. Meteor., 12, 493-499.
Rico during the winter and spring of 1953-54. J. Meteor.,
12, 176-178. 36. --,and F. Baer, 1954: An experimental investigation of
13. Coons, R. D., E. L. Jones, and R. Gunn, 1949: Second the shatter of salt particles on crystallization. J. Meteor.,
partial report of the artificial production of precipitation- 11' 420-421.
cumuliform clouds--Ohio, 1948. U. S. Wea. Bur. res. 37. --,and H. M. Fanzoi, 1954: Extension of the gelatin
Pap. No. 31. method for the detection of micron-sized particles. Anal.
14. Dessens, H., 1946: Les noyaux de condensation de !'atmo- Chem., 26, 1829.
sphere. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 223, 915-917. 38. - - , J. E. McDonald, and F. Baer, 1954: An investigation
15. Diem, M., 1948: Messung der Grosse von Wolkenelementen, of the Melander effect. J. Meteor., 11, 318-322.
II. Meteor. Rundschau, 1, 261-273. 39. Ludlum, F. H., 1951: Structure of shower clouds. Nature,
16. Dorsch, R. G., and P. T. Hacker, 1950: Photomicrographic 167, 254-256.
investigation of spontaneous freezing temperatures of 40. Malkus, J. S., 1954: Some results of a trade-cumulus cloud
supercooled water droplets. N. A. C. A. tech. Note 2142. investigation. J. Meteor., 11, 220-237.

41. Mason, B. J., and F. H. Ludlum, 1951: The microphysics of 56. Squires, P., and E. J. Smith, 1950: The artificial stimulation
clouds. Rep. Progress Phys., 14, 187-192. of precipitation by means of dry ice. Aust. J. Sci. Res., 2,
42. McDonald, J. E., 1954: The shape and aerodynamics of large 232-245.
raindrops. J. Meteor., 11, 478-494. 57. Twomey, S., 1955: The distribution of sea-salt nuclei in air
43. Melander, G., 1897: Sur la condensation de la vapeur d'eau over land. J. Meteor., 12, 81-86.
dans l'atmosphere. Imprimerie des Heritiers de Simelius, 58. Vonnegut, B., and R. L. Neubauer, 1953: Counting sodium-
Helsinki. containing particles in the atmosphere by their spectral
44. Pidgeon, F. D., 1954: Controlling factors in identification of emission in a hydrogen flame. Bull. A mer. meteor. Soc., 34,
microscopic chloride particles with sensitized gelatin films. p. 163.
Anal. Chem., 26, 1832-1835. 59. Warner, J., and T. D. Newnham, 1952: A new method of
45. Reitan, C. H., and R. R. Braham, Jr., 1954: Observations measurement of cloud water content. Quart. J. roy. meteor.
of salt nuclei in midwestern United States. J. Meteor., 11, Soc., 78, 47-52.
503-506. 60. Weickmann, H. K., 1949: Die Eisphase in der Atmosphiire.
46. Reynolds, S. E., 1952: Ice-crystal growth. J. Meteor., 9, Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes in der U. S. Zone.
36-40. Nr. 6, p. 14.
47. --,and R. R. Braham, Jr., 1952: Significance of the 61. --,and H. J. aufm Kampe, 1953: Physical properties of
initial radar echo. Bull. A mer. meteor. Soc., 33, p. 123. cumulus clouds. J. Meteor., 10, 204-21t.'
48. Riehl, H., 1954: Tropical meteorology. McGraw-Hill, New 62. Wexler, R., 1954: Growth of rain in warm clouds. Woods
York, N.Y., 381 pp. Hole ocean. Instn., Ref. 54-32. May, unpublished manu-
49. Sartor, D., 1954: A laboratory investigation of collision script.
efficiencies, coalescence and electric charging of simulated 63. Woodcock, A. H., 1952: Atmospheric salt particles and rain-
cloud droplets. J. Meteor., 11, 91-103. drops. J. Meteor., 9, 200-212.
50. Seely, B. K., 1952: Detection of micron and sub-micron 64. - - , 1953: Salt nuclei in marine air as a function of altitude
chloride particles. Anal. Chem., 24, 576. and wind force. J. Meteor., 10, 363-371.
51. Simpson, G. C., 1939: Sea salt and condensation nuclei. 65. Workman, E. J ., and S. E. Reynolds, 1949: Electrical activity
Quart. J. roy. meteor. Soc., 67, 163-169. as related to thunderstorm cell growth. Bull. A mer. meteor.
52. Smith, E. J., 1950: Observations of precipitation with an Soc., 30, 142-144.
airborne radar. Aust. J. Sci. Res., 3, 214-223. 66. Wright, H. L., 1939: Atmospheric opacity: a study of visi-
53. Soudain, G., 1951: Realisation d'un compteur automatique bility observations in the British Isles. Quart. J. roy.
de noyeaux de chlorure de sodium. J. Sci. Meteor., 3, 137. meteor. Soc., 65, 411-439.
54. Squires, P., 1952: The growth of cloud drops by condensation. 67. - - , 1940: Sea salt nuclei. Quart. J. roy. meteor. Soc., 66,
Aust. J. Sci. Res., 5, ser. A, 59-103. 3-11.
55. --,and K. A. Gillespie, 1952: A cloud droplet sampler 68. - - , 1940: The origin of sea salt nuclei. Quart. J. roy. meteor.
for use on aircraft. Quart. J. roy. meteor. Soc., 78, 387. Soc., 66, 11-12.
a group of field experiments
S. Petterssen; J. Spar; F. Hall;
R. R. Braham, Jr., L. J. Battan, and H. R. Byers;
H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly, and H. K. Weickmann.


Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories
(Manuscript received 3 April1956; revised manuscript received 13 November 1956)

Seeding experiments with dry ice and silver iodide are described. The experiments i~dicate that it ~s
possible to dissipate large cloud areas by seeding them with dry ice if the temperature Is below approxi-
mately -4C and the cloud decks are stable. For successful silver iodide seedings, the cl~ud temperature
should be around -10C and the seeding rate should be of the order of 100 gm Agi per mi.

I. Introduction stratocumulus cloud deck and thus opening a hole

in it appears to be a straightforward task. In practice,
In the last decade many cloud seeding projects
however, the problem is involved. Every cloud deck
have been initiated in order to increase the rainfall
is an entity in itself with different temperature, depth,
in certain areas. In most of the experiments it was
process of formation, internal shear, grades of turbu-
very difficult to decide whether or not the seeding
lence, etc. In addition all the difficulties associated
produced significant effects on the rainfall or whether
with the use of aircraft for probing the atmosphere
some of the heavier rainfalls from a seeded cloud
are present. The missions, therefore, require a very
would have occurred anyhow, regardless of the seed-
high degree of teamwork between scientist and pilot.
ing. Unlike the seeding experiments from the ground
or seeding isolated cumulus type clouds, the seeding
of solid stratus or stratocumulus layers from an 2. Previous seeding experiments on stratus clouds
airplane show the unmistakable results of the seeding. Experiments on the seeding of stratus-like sub-
Significant effects produced by seeding can be ex- cooled clouds have been carried out by both Project
pected, of course, only with subcooled clouds. Sub- Cirrus and the Wilmington Cloud Physics Project.*
cooled clouds are those whose temperatures are lower The objective of the latter project was primarily to
than OC. They are in unstable equilibrium and when investigate the effect of seeding in producing precipi-
seeded with suitable nuclei, the cloud droplets will tation; no particular effort was made to dissipate the
instantaneously change to ice crystals. After a number
clouds. Project Cirrus succeeded in a few cases in
of ice crystals have formed the rest of the water clearing holes in stratocumulus decks, but the number
droplets will evaporate, because the vapor pressure of successful cases was insufficient to permit conclu-
over ice is less than that over water; hence, the ice sions of the proper procedure to follow in order to
crystals will grow rapidly and fall out as precipita- dissipate stratus of a given type. Some investigators
tion. Of course this cannot happen within a cloud have warned of the danger of overseeding a cloud,
whose temperature is above freezing. It is obvious i.e., of creating so many ice crystals that the water
that actual dissipation of low, subcooled stratus or and water vapor in the cloud would not be sufficient
fog by seeding would be very helpful to air traffic for the crystals to grow large enough to have an
since this type of cloud is not only hazardous but may adequate fall velocity. It was suggested that a seeding
completely paralyze the air traffic of an airport.
The problem of precipitating part of a subcooled *EDITOR's NOTE: See also papers III and IV of this monograph.


rate of about 1-2 lb dry ice per mi would be sufficient stratus. However, a fundamental difference exists
for stratus dissipation. This seeding rate was generally between anticyclonic stratus and stratocumulus, and
used in the Project Cirrus stratus seeding experiments. between cyclonic stratus and friction layer strata-
With the exception of one case, the Wilmington cumulus. The two latter types are formed by lifting
group did not seed with more than 4 lb per mi. of the air caused by convergence or convection,
respectively. The dynamic process in the mechanism
3. Characteristics of subcooled cloud layers and cloud of formation of the convergence type and friction
decks layer type clouds is missing in the case of the anti-
cyclonic stratus and stratocumulus. The experiments
i. Stratus clouds. Two types of stratus clouds can be which are described in this report were carried out in
distinguished-anticyclonic and cyclonic. both anticyclonic and cyclonic stratocumulus, and
The anticyclonic stratus usually is found during the they show that among the many individual features
fall and winter on the western slope of a high pressure of these clouds, three are apparently of special im-
area. This type of cloud is produced both by radiation portance: (1) temperature; (2) depth; and (3) state
and by mixing humid air from the south with the of convection.
stagnant cold air of the anticyclone. The stratus first
appears at the subsidence inversion, and the growth 4. Flight instrumentation
proceeds downward. The cloud may persist for several
days and even weeks. During such a weather situation i. Meteorological instrumentation. One, sometimes two,
the ceiling is usually low and the visibility poor near B-17 aircraft were used for the experiments. The
the ground. The depth of the cloud deck, however, is following instruments were aboard at least one of the
only a few hundred feet. The weather above the cloud two planes:
deck is clear, with perhaps a few high clouds present.
The weather situation just described occurs fre-
2. Recording thermometer designed to measure
quently in western and central Europe during late
true temperature inside clouds
fall and winter, and it presents a great problem for all
3. Recording visibility meter
aircraft operations. Because different climatological
4. Droplet and ice crystal sampling device
and geographical conditions prevail in the United
5. Recording water content meter.
States, this weather situation is not common in this
The cyclonic stratus often is found in several layers ii. Seeding equipment
ahead of the warm front of a low pressure area. (a) Dry Ice Dispenser. In order to disperse large
However, the layers usually combine in a few hours amounts of dry ice in a period of several minutes, it
with the altostratus above, and a very thick precipitat- was necessary to obtain an automatic dry ice crusher.
ing cloud mass results which cannot be modified to A crusher of the "Hail-Queen" type, from the Clawson
any extent by seeding. Manufacturing Company, Flagstown, New Jersey was
ii. Stratocumulus clouds. This cloud type occurs usu- used. This crusher was mounted on the floor of the
ally in areas some distance from a low center where radio compartment of the B-17 aircraft. The crushed
convergence in lower layers is still present, but where dry ice was discharged into the air through a funnel.
the upper layers of the atmosphere are already under After several experiments it was found that the best
appreciable anticyclonic influence. In fall and winter way to disperse dry ice from the plane was to crush
the stratocumulus type also occurs within a cold the dry ice prior to the flight and store it in canvas
anticyclone due to radiation. This anticyclonic strata- bags. During the seeding runs the bags were emptied
cumulus usually disappears around noon due to into the crusher. This was necessary because the
insolation and subsidence. Consequently this type of crushed dry ice forms lumps while stored in bags.
cloud deck is normally not very persistent, and its (b) Silver iodide dispenser. In order to avoid having
base is relatively high; therefore, it seldom seriously an open flame on the aircraft an Agi-acetone solution
hampers aircraft operations. was simply sprayed into the cloud. While this pro-
Another kind of stratocumulus forms at the top of cedure seemed to work it was soon abandoned since
the turbulent friction layer which usually reaches the output was insufficient. Later, an 8 per cent Agl
from the ground. up to approximately 3000 ft. The solution was sprayed through a paint sprayer nozzle
physical structure of these stratocumulus clouds, i.e., which was gravity fed and mounted behind the tail
their thickness, temperature, liquid water content and outside the airplane (fig. 1, 2). Compressed acetylene
drop size, is very similar to that of the anticyclonic gas was used for spraying and the mixture was

FIG. 1. Silver iodide burner in tail of B-17 aircra ft.

ignited through sparks from an oil burner transformer. while the plane was flying a straight course, at inter-
With this arrangement it was possible to disperse up vals ranging from 5 to 15 sec when flying at 230 ft per
to 50 gm Agl per min or 0.75 qt of solution per min. sec which corresponds to a base line of 1150 to 3450 ft.
(c) Tanks with compressed gases. Highly compressed The stereoscopic views of the cloud decks proved to
gases like air, nitrogen, or helium, were used as well be very useful for the analysis of the results. With
as Freon. While this method worked rather well in this method it was possible to detect and explain
the laboratory, success during the flight experiments peculiarities in the development of seeded areas which
was poor, and the method was discarded. Either the otherwise would have escaped attention. The dis-
number of ice crystals formed by adiabatic cooling, advantage of this method is that these pictures have
after the pressure release, was too small compared to to be viewed with stereoscopic equipment; therefore,
the high speed of the plane or the air temperature they are not shown in this paper.
was too high at the location where the gas was
released because of heating by the exhaust gases. 5. Flight plans
iii. Photography. The photographer, the photographic
equipment, and the films were furnished by the Re- Whenever it was possible, two aircraft were used
production Branch, Evans Signal Laboratory. Tests during the experiments. After an area had been seeded,
using different films showed that the cloud pictures the laboratory plane flew through the seeded portion of
taken with infrared sensitive film were most satisfac- the cloud deck. This maneuver was made in order to
tory. Therefore, this type of film was used when study the development of the seeded area by means
available. Most pictures were taken from the waist of of ice crystal investigation, visibility observa tions, etc.
the plane with a K-20 or Speed Graphic camera. The second plane flew several thousand feet above
However, both the nose compartment and the tail the cloud deck to select sui table seeding areas and to
compartment served as vantage points for some secure a photographic record of the entire area. Most
pictures. The cloud photographs were usually taken of the time only one aircraft was availa ble because
in pairs so that they would be suitable for viewing trouble in starting the engines was experienced during
with a stereoscope. The stereoscopic pairs were taken cold winter weather. In these cases the cloud deck was

not penetrated, and after seeding, the plane climbed Then one piece of dry ice (pea to cherry size) was
to the photographing altitude. dropped to the floor from the 7 ft ceiling. It was
When the weather situation and observations in- covered as soon as it hit the floor, and thus it was
dicated stable cloud decks within a radius of 200 to within the subcooled cloud only about 0. 7 sec. The
400 mi, a flight plan was filed. It was necessary to mean fall velocity was 12ft per sec, roughly one-third
select cloud fields that were not near airways because of the terminal velocity. A piece of dry ice the size of
changes of altitude during the experiment interfered a cherry created the following concentrations of ice
with the safety along airways, and too long a waiting nuclei at various temperatures (the concentration
time was required to obtain clearance for a new flight was estimated after the nuclei had been uniformly
level. It is obvious that such a project requires a very dispersed throughout the chamber):
close cooperation between the pilot and the scientists. Temp. °C Number per em'
The very excellent cooperation which the authors - 2 .01
have experienced with the pilots, navigators, and - 6 10
-10 100
crew members of the Air Force Flight Test Division,
Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, New York, can only be (A piece the size of a pea created about 10 ice crystals
characterized by the term "teamwork," and this per cm3 at -9C.) These values of ice nuclei concen-
cooperation is consequently an integral part of the tration may vary by a factor of ten. It should be
success of this project. noted that the concentration of ice crystals which is
formed by a dry ice pellet falling through a subcooled
6. Exploratory experiments cloud decreases very rapidly as the temperature rises.
To find the most efficient way to dissipate a cloud Preliminary seeding experiments indicated that a
area, some exploratory experiments were conducted seeded line would usually spread until it was about
in the laboratory and in the atmosphere to determine 2 mi wide. Since 1 lb of crushed dry ice contains about
the necessary concentration and size of ice particles. 200 pellets, the final concentration of ice crystals in a
i. Dry ice seeding. To measure the number of ice strip 2 mi wide at -10C would be of the order of 10
crystals formed by a dry ice pellet falling through a per I if the seeding rate was 1 lb per mi and if the dry
cloud, subcooled clouds were studied at different ice pellets penetrated the whole depth of the cloud.
temperatures in a cold chamber of 8 X 8 X 7 ft size. Under these conditions, if the liquid water content

FrG. 2. Silver iodide burner in operation.


were 0.2 gm per m 3 , and 0.2 gm per m 3 were also avail- pattern, the seeding rate, and the seeding time; and
able in vapor form (due to the difference between (5) results of the experiments.
water and ice saturation), a plate crystal of approxi- The nearest radiosonde data and upper level winds
mately 0.67 mm diameter at an assumed thickness were plotted whenever these data were available. The
of 0.1 mm should form. If the seeding rate were vertical extent of the seeded cloud layer is indicated
increased to 10 lb per mi, the concentration of ice by a cross hatched area, and temperatures measured
crystals would increase tenfold but each crystal would during the experimental flights are shown by crosses
now be about 0.33 mm in diameter. Although these and are listed in the description of the experiment.
crystals are smaller the drag is correspondingly Sometimes the measured temperatures and cloud
smaller, consequently the crystals fall with about the data do not agree very well with the soundings. This
same speed as those 0.67 mm in diameter. Thus, the is not necessarily attributable to errors in the data,
time required to produce a hole in stable stratus does but may result from the distance between the aircraft
not depend critically on the seeding rate. However, and the sounding station and from the difference in
in the case of stratocumulus with small updrafts time at which the data were obtained. Furthermore,
present the higher seeding rate is advantageous be- if the clouds formed at an inversion discrepancies
cause the larger number of ice crystals will absorb may result from oscillations of this inversion. Several
the water vapor before it forms droplets that grow cases of such oscillations were experienced; an espe-
and fall out rapidly. If the ice crystals in strata- cially pronounced case is discussed in the Appendix,
cumulus clouds are too few, their effective cross section viii. The development of the seeded area is
section is too small to absorb all the water vapor, described and some observations of more general
and consequently water droplets form between the interest for cloud physics are presented. Photographs
ice crystals. illustrate results of the seeding experiments. The
ii. Silver iodide seeding. In order to get an idea of time and altitude in the legends of photographs are
the ice crystal concentration in a cloud after a silver the time at which and the altitude from which the
iodide seeding, a simple calculation was carried out pictures were taken. Highlights of the results of the
based on earlier laboratory experiments (H. J. aufm seeding experiments are discussed in the next section.
Kampe and H. K. Weickmann 1951). In these experi-
ments it was found that with 5 X 10-5 gm Agi, 10 7 ice 8. Results of dry ice seeding experiments
crystals were produced at -10C and 10 5 ice crystals
at - 5C. Assuming a seeded line spreads to a width Figure 3 shows the development of the seeded areas
of 2 mi, the average concentration of ice crystals in a in 27 experiments. The abscissa represents the time
cloud layer 1500 ft thick would be about 5 per I at in minutes after seeding, and the ordinate represents
-10C and 0.05 per I at - 5C if the seeding rate were the depth of the cloud deck. If there are several cloud
approximately 100 gm Agi per min or roughly 0.8 qt decks, the ordinate is the distance from the base of
of 8 per cent Agl solution per min. The concentration the lowest cloud layer to the top of the highest deck.
of 5 ice crystals per liter is comparable to that ob- A heavy black dot along a horizontal line indicates
tained with dry ice seeded at a rate of 1 lb per mi. the time at which ground could be first observed
This calculation indicates that the output of a through the seeded area. It does not indicate, however,
silver iodide burner in an airplane must be much the complete clearance of the seeded area. A circle
higher (by a factor of approximately 100) than that around a dot indicates that the seeding was done at a
of the burners currently used in seedings from the higher rate (see legend). It may be that ground could
ground, to achieve results comparable to those ob- have been observed 5 to 10 min earlier, since the
tained with relatively small dry ice seeding rates. airplane did not fly directly over the area all of the
time. This is especially true for the cases with high
seeding rates because these experiments usually in-
7. Representation of data volved the seeding of large areas. The development of
A total of 49 seeding flights were completed; 35 of the area after ground was observed is indicated by
these were worth evaluation. Some typical examples the extension of the line to the right of the dot. The
are listed chronologically in the Appendix. For each end of the line indicates the time at which observation
-experiment the following information is furnished: ceased. If the area closed in again, the line is termi-
(1) The site of seeding; (2) the synoptic weather nated with the letter C. If the area started to close in
situation at the seeding site; (3) the cloud data in again, the line is terminated by an arrow with the
the form of aerological soundings and photographs; letter C. If the whole cloud deck in the vicinity started
{4) information on the seeding agent, the seeding to break up, the line is terminated by an arrow and


6000 ...,.II
LLI //
~ 5000

~ 4000
~ v
AFTEi 86 MIN •

9 3000
0 ..:..

c ?
= ,. =

0 c.!- c
2000{ ? "
(/) /
'i" c
z / r B
:::.:: _e
(.) 1000
::z:: /~.
,!, r B
/ .... B
90 MIN.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70


FIG. 3. Life history of 27 seeding experiments.

the letter B; if further development of the seeded again only a few minutes after it was first observed.
area was not observed, the line is terminated by a In a few instances, the ground was never seen at all.
question mark. Figure 4 shows the rate of lateral spreading of a
In view of the limitations of the available data, the seeding line. The mean value of all these points is
following conclusions, drawn from fig. 3, must be con- shown by the square which indicates that a seeded
sidered tentative. (1) The thicker the cloud deck, the line is 2 mi wide on the average (i.e., has spread 1 mi
more time will elapse before the ground can be seen. to either side), 27 min after seeding. Since this is
A certain minimum time appears to be required, nearly the same as the time which must elapse (on
tentatively indicated by the dashed line. (2) For a the average) before the ground is visible through a
cloud depth of 2000 ft, ground can be seen through seeded cloud, it is advantageous to seed large areas
the seeded area about 30 min after seeding, on the in lines 2-3 mi apart. If this is done, the ground shouldi
average. (3) Almost all cloud decks of thickness less be visible as soon as the modified areas from these
than 1500 ft would have broken up anyway. (4) Holes lines have joined into one large area. Although there
produced in cloud decks thicker than 1500 ft usually seems to be a general trend toward a greater time
started to close in again, especially if convective interval for the wider tracks (indicated by the dashed
activity existed. The ground sometimes was obscured line), the points scatter considerably. This may be

attributed to differences in the efficiency of the An intense circulation such as this one is probably
mechanisms which cause lateral spreading in different responsible for the irregular displacement of a seeded
cloud types. There are some cloud decks in which a line in a convective cloud deck. The generated crystals
seeded line spreads out steadily and continuously into are carried away from the cloud forming regions to
one large field, whereas in others the modified area is regions of subsidence where they can act effectively.
irregularly distributed left and right of the seeding Consequently, it must be expected that the seeding
path. The first type occurs in the relatively thin and of a convective cloud deck will result in scattered holes
stable anticyclonic stratus or stratocumulus. It occurs through which the ground will be visible temporarily.
under an inversion or at least under a layer with a In the case of thin cloud decks in which the circula-
small temperature lapse rate, in areas with more or tion is less intense, the velocity of the updrafts does
less divergent airflow. Typical cases of this type are not exceed the fall velocity of the ice crystals. Under
documented in the Appendix, sections iii, iv, v, vii, these circumstances the crystals remain in the cloud
and ix. The second type was typical of thicker and forming parts long enough to modify these parts,
more convective cloud decks, which often occur in although they are gradually carried away horizontally.
areas which are under cyclonic influence. Typical This accounts for the steady spreading of a modified
results of seeding experiments on these cloud decks area in thin cloud layers.
are given in the Appendix, sections i, vi, and viii.
The effect of such convective activity was observed 9. Results of silver iodide seeding experiments
on 29 November. 1952 when a line of clouds was
seeded. On this day a stratocumulus deck was seeded The flight experiments confirmed the conclusion
first. After this experiment was finished some dry ice reached from laboratory experiments that a seeding
remained; this dry ice was then dispersed at a rate of rate of 1-2 lb dry ice per mi was sufficient for clearing
about 3 lb per mi for 8 mi along the middle ridge of a part of a cloud deck only when this cloud deck was
cloud line consisting of subcooled water clouds. After very stable and relatively thin (approximately 1000
the seeding was finished nothing happened immedi- ft, see section ii, Appendix). In most cases such a
ately, but 9 min later ice crystals appeared left and small seeding rate either did not show any cloud
right of the cloud line, but none appeared underneath. dissipation, or the seeded area rapidly closed in again
The cloud line itself was not modified. This experi- (section i, Appendix), unless it was seeded with as
ment indicated that the circulation which formed the much as 30 lb dry ice per mi. On the other hand these
cloud line consisted of an updraft under the ridge, high seeding rates did not overseed thin and stable
diverging horizontal flow near the top of the cloud line cloud decks, but cleared the area so that the ground
and down drafts at some distance left and right of could be seen very well after about 30 min (see
experiment of 20 January 1952).
the cloud edges. The velocity in the updraft must
Silver iodide was used as a seeding agent during
have been higher than the fall velocity of the generated
nine flights. The number of flights is not sufficient to
ice crystals, which was about 0.5 m per sec. Thus,
appraise fully the effect of Agi as a seeding agent.
they did not stay in the cloud and were carried away However, valuable information was collected during
horizontally. those flights. After the spray technique was abandoned
due to insufficient output of Agi the less explosive
I propane gas was tested for atomizing and burning a
3 ·rr ~

Agi-acetone solution, but difficulties of igniting and

0 XX X burning during flight were encountered. Therefore,

¢.: acetylene gas was used; this necessitated stricter
0 f/)
safety rules. B. Vonnegut 1 had previously used glow-
0 ..J I X ing charcoal impregnated with Agi as seeding agent
., in his experiments; this method was discarded for
safety reasons. It should be mentioned that the seed-
u.. I
0 X ing rate used in Vonnegut's experiments corresponded
very closely to the high seeding rate used in the
93: 0 10 20 30 40 50 experiments reported here.
TIME AFTER SEEDING IN MINUTES 1 Vonnegut, B., 1949: Silver Iodide Smoke. Proj. Cirrus occ.
Rep. No.lJ, General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady,
FIG. 4. Lateral spreading of seeded lines. N.Y.

The silver iodide seeding procedure was as follows: 10. Summary and conclusions
the aircraft flew 100 to 200 ft below the tops of the
Seeding experiments were carried out in subcooled
clouds. After the seeding, it emerged from the clouds
stratus type clouds during 1952-1955 using dry ice
and the results were observed. This procedure was
and silver iodide as seeding agents. The experiments
more involved than the method used for seeding with
yielded the following results and conclusions:
dry ice, because entering and leaving the clouds
sometimes required a special flight clearance, and the i. Dry ice seeding
seeded area could not be found again. 1. It is possible to modify a subcooled cloud layer
Another factor should be mentioned when the to such an extent that ground becomes visible through
seeding agent is dispersed within the cloud; namely, at least parts of it.
the combustion products in the exhaust gases may 2. The temperature of the cloud deck should not
seed the cloud if the latter has relatively low tempera- be above -4C, particularly if the cloud deck is thick.
ture. It appears that one such case occurred on 28 3. In a thin cloud deck, 1000 to 2000 ft thick with
March 1952 when a cloud deck with a top temperature no appreciable internal convection, an area of any
of -14C was seeded. One flight leg 6 mi long was size and shape can be modified so that the ground is
seeded by spraying (not burning) 200 ml of a 3 per visible through relatively large areas.
cent Agl-acetone solution (ca. 1 gm Agl per mi). After 4. In thicker cloud decks holes with diameters of
a 180-deg turn within the cloud, another leg was one to several miles may be made by seeding. However,
seeded by opening the valve of a tank of helium which the size and location of the holes cannot be controlled
was under a pressure of 2000 lb per sq in. Not only as well as in the case of thin clouds.
the seeded legs but also the unseeded 180-deg turn 5. Overseeding is not as common as is generally
developed into a large ice cloud. Therefore it was assumed.
assumed that in this case neither silver iodide nor 6. A thin cloud deck may be cleared with a seeding
helium produced the effect but the nucleation by the rate of 20 lb dry ice per mi as well as with 1 lb per mi.
exhaust. (The cloud deck broke up from natural 7. A convective cloud deck, however, may be under-
causes soon after seeding, and only the artificial ice seeded with a seeding rate as high as 5 to 10 lb per mi.
clouds were still visible for some time.) 8. On the average, a seeded line spreads roughly 1
It appears that one seeding flight yielded the best mi to either side approximately within 0.5 hr.
comparison between the effectiveness of silver iodide 9. On the average, ground can be seen through some
seeding and dry ice seeding. The result of this flight parts of the seeded area 0.5 hr after seeding.
(section ix, Appendix) was that at a temperature of 10. In order to clear a large area, it is best to seed
- 8.5C a dry ice seeding rate of 4 lb per mi was more parallel lines 3 mi apart.
effective than a Agl seeding rate of 16 gm per mi. These 11. Depending on the natural lapse rate, the insola-
authors estimate that it would have required three to tion, and the steepening of the lapse rate due to the
five times the amount of Agl used to match the dry ice descending ice crystals, cumulus clouds sometimes
seeding. Another seeding experiment on a very stable form in the modified area as a consequence of seeding.
and thin cloud deck was carried out on 9 February ii. Silver iodide seeding
1954 with a seeding rate of 2 gm Agl per mi. The lowest 1. Silver iodide is effective as a cloud seeding agent
temperature was -..,.13C. In this deck several small for the purpose of dissipating subcooled clouds; how-
holes were produced along the seeding track; ground ever, it is less effective than dry ice.
was seen through these holes but the seeding never 2. Approximately 16 gm Agl seeded over 1 mi cor-
spread, and the holes filled up rather quickly. respond to a rate less than 5 lb dry ice per mi. This is
Seedings carried out on 2 March 1954 and 27 March in agreement with data given by B. Vonnegut who
1954 indicate that the effectivencess of Agl is small seeded with Agl-impregnated charcoal.
even at temperatures slightly below -10C, especially 3. The threshold temperature at which noteworthy
if the cloud deck shows convective activity. This was cloud modification can be achieved appears to be
the case on both days. Although the development of approximately -10C rather than -5C.
ice crystals could be observed, their number was so 4. The seeding effectiveness can probably be im-
small that it would have been insufficient for cloud proved if the output of Agl crystals can be increased
dissipation. to 100 gm Agl per mi or more.




1. Site of Seeding: 150 to 200 mi E of Presque Isle,

2. Weather Situation: High over Hudson Bay; anti-
cyclonic isobaric curvature at site.
3. Cloud Data: Figure Sa.
Type: Convective stratocumulus fig. Sb-5c.
Temperature: Base: -6C.
Top: -9C.
Depth : 2000 ft.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: "Figure eight" pattern, diameter of
circles 3 mi.
Seeding Rate: First circle with 4 lb per m1;
second circle with 1 lb per mi.
Time: 1200 EST.
5. Results: Ten minutes after seeding, the "Figure
eight" pattern was recognizable although rather
irregular in shape (fig. 6a-6d). The second
circle (foreground) was not as well developed
as the first. Fifteen minutes later the ground
was seen through some small parts of the first
circle. The second circle was no longer visible
since it had been filled in completely by water
clouds. The seeded area of the first circle
appeared as a doughnut with water clouds in
the center; however, the circular pattern be-
came quite irregular 21 min after seeding
(fig. 7a-7d). The circular cloud pattern in the
foreground is indicative of the convective state
of the cloud deck and is most probably a
cumulus cloud pushing through the deck.
Water clouds started to fill the first circle 35
min after seeding, and 25 min later the entire
seeded pattern was covered with new water


......... (a)


FIG. 5. Cloud data 3 December 1952. (a) Aerological sounding Caribou, Maine 1000E. (b), (c) Clouds at seeding site.

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)

(d) (d)

FIG. 6. Pattern seen from 10,000 ft lO min after seeding FIG. 7. Pattern seen from 10,000 ft 21 min after seeding 3
3 December 1952 1208E. December 1952 1221E. Note irregular shape of the "figure eight"


1, Site of Seeding: Presque Isle, Maine.

2. Weather Situation: High over Hudson Strait;
anticyclonic isobaric curvature at site.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 8.
Type: Stable stratocumulus.
Temperature: Base: -11C.
Top: -12C.
Depth : 700 ft.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Figure 9. C, D, and E 2 mi apart.
Seeding Rate: Leg A (1.5 mi long) 7 lb per mi.
Leg B (1.5 mi long) 7 lb per mi
(seeded with dry ice dust).
Leg C (6 mi long) 2 lb per mi.
Leg D (6 mi long) 6 lb per mi.
LegE (6 mi long) 6 lb per mi.
(Legs A, C, D, E seeded with
cherry-sized pellets).
Time: 1107 to 1117; average 1112 EST.
5. Results: The seeding experiment was designed to
answer the following questions: (1) What
difference will there be in the final appearance
of two cloud areas seeded with different
amounts of dry ice? (2) Does dry ice dust,
seeded from about 1000 ft above the cloud top,
evaporate before it enters the cloud deck?
Approximately 10 min after seeding legs A
and B, both looked almost exactly alike (fig.
10); the same was true for seeded lines C, D,
and E. Approximately 20 min after being
seeded, C, D, and E had nearly joined (fig. 11),
and the ground is almost visible through all
seeded areas. In another 10 min C, D, and E
had joined to become one large snowing area
through which the ground could be seen very
easily. The area stayed open and expanded;
later on in the day the cloud deck broke up



A B c D E

FIG. 9. Seeding pattern 4 December 1952.

FIG. 8. Aerologica l sounding Caribou, Maine

4 December 1952 1000E.

FIG. 10. Part of seeded areas seen from 9000 ft 10 min a fter seeding
4 December 1952 11 26E.

F IG. 11. Three lines joined a p proxima tely 20 min after seeding.
Photographed from 9000 ft 4 December 1952 1135E.


1. Site of Seeding: Presque Isle, Maine.

2. Weather Situation: High over James Bay; anti-
cyclonic isobaric curvature at site.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 12.
Type: Stratocumulus.
Temperature: Base: -10C.
Top: -11.5C.
Depth: 600 ft.
4. Seeding Data :
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Two parallel legs and one perpendicular
to these.
Seeding Rate: Two parallel legs seeded with 22
lb per mi; single leg seeded with 3 lb per mi.
Time: 1039-1048; average 1044 EST.
5. Results: This experiment was planned to deter-
mine any differences in the effect of seeding
with small and large amounts of dry ice. The
distance between the two legs was extended
to 3 mi; they were then seeded with 22 lb per
mi. Cloud puffs showed 5 min after seeding
that rose about 300 ft above the cloud deck.
This was practically the only difference be-
tween the legs seeded with 22 lb per mi and
the one seeded with 3 lb per mi; 28 min after
seeding the two parallel legs had joined.
Ground was seen equally well through leg
seeded with 3 lb per mi as through the two
legs seeded with 22 lb per mi (fig. 13).


FIG. 12. Aerological sounding Caribou, Maine

20 January 1953 1000E.

FIG. 13. Cleared area seeded with 22 lb dry ice per mi (foreground) ; cleared leg seeded with 3 lb
dry ice per mi (background). Photographed from 17,000 ft 20 J a nuary 1953 1118E.


1. Site of Seeding: Detroit, Michigan.

2. Weather Situation: Stationary front north of
Detroit; anticyclonic isobaric curvature at site.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 14.
Type: Extensive solid stratocumulus fields sepa-
rated by clear areas.
Temperature: Base: -8C.
Top: -9C.
Depth : 1000 ft.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Three legs, 6 mi long and 3 mi apart.
Seeding Rate: 10 lb per mi.
Time: 1550-1602; average 1556 CST.
5. Results: Cloud puffs rose to about 300 ft above
the cloud deck shortly after seeding; 24 min
after seeding, the ridges of water clouds be-
tween the seeded legs had almost dissipated
(fig. 15) ; 18 min later the edges of the seeded
area and the lines along which the three legs
joined were clear, and the ground could be
seen very well (fig. 16). Also the rest of the
seeded area was transparent (due to the photo-
graphic process this cannot be seen).



"'"' ...w
!!! w


F IG. 14. Aerological sounding Selfridge AFB, Michigan

19 February 1953 lOOOE.

FIG. 15. Three legs joined 24 min after seeding. Seeded area approximately 100
sq mi, photographed from 21,500 ft 19 Febr uary 1953 1618E.

FIG. 16. Ground seen from 20,000 ft through seeded area

19 Februar y 1953 1636E.


1. Site of Seeding: Syracuse, N.Y.

2. Weather Situation: The seeding site was situated
between a high over the southern part of the
United States and a low over Quebec, Canada.
Isobaric curvature was neutral. The tempera-
ture-height curves changed remarkably during
the day (fig. 17) ; at 1000 EST the lapse rate
was weak up to 12,000 ft; at the time of the
experiment (crosses) a strong subsidence in-
version had formed and the atmosphere had
become unstable from the cloud base to about
6000 ft; above this altitude the atmosphere
was very stable.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 17.
Type: Stratocumulus. The convective lower
layer reached to about 6500 ft, whereas the
stable cloud deck reached from this altitude to
8200 ft.
Temperature: Base: -1.3C.
Top: -lOC.
Depth: 5700 ft.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Two legs 6 mi long and 3 mi apart.
Seeding Rate: 30 lb per mi.
Time: 1618-1623; average 1620 EST.
5. Results: Cloud puffs appeared over seeded legs
within a few minutes after seeding; 30 min
after seeding the entire seeded area was filled
with ice crystals (fig. 18). These ice clouds
descended giving the appearance of two large
bowls. Figure 19, 25 min later, shows the edge
of the hole in the upper cloud deck which had
been dissipated ; in the foreground the top of
the lower cumulus-type layer is shown which
was not appreciably affected by seeding be-
cause of convective activity. Approximately
58 min after seeding, the ground could be
seen between the lower cumuli (fig. 20).


j 0

FIG. 17. Aerologica l sounding Rome, New York FIG. 18. Seeded area photographed from 14,000 ft 30 min after seeding 16 March
16 March 1953 1000E. 1953 1651E. Ice crystals descending from seeded areas.

FIG. 19. Upper stable cloud deck has been dissipated. Photograph
from 86~0 ft 16 March 1953 1716E.

FIG. 20. Ground seen from 7500 ft through seeded a rea 16 March 1953 1719E.


1. Site of Seeding: Rome, New York.

2. Weather Situation: High over Great Lakes; anti-
cyclonic isobaric curvature over site.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 21.
Type: Stratocumulus deck with base at 5000
and top at 6000 ft. Underneath this deck were
cumuli with bases around 2500 ft; some
cumuli penetrated the stratocumulus deck and
rose to about 6500 ft which indicated convec-
tive activity.
Temperature: Base: -7.5C.
Top: -7.5C.
Depth: 1300 ft.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Three parallel legs 6 mi long and 2 mi
Seeding Rate: First leg: 8 lb per mi; second and
third leg, 25 lb per mi.
Time: 1136-1142; average 1139 EST.
5. Results: Ten minutes after seeding, the second
and third legs had already joined; however,
the shape of the area became more and more
disturbed and did not develop into a regular
square such as had occurred in cloud decks
with no convective activity. The first leg
(seeded at one-third the rate used for the
other two legs) spread out more slowly, and
25 min after seeding there was still a small
water cloud ridge between the first and second
leg (fig. 22). At the same time new cumuli
formed in the seeded area. Forty minutes after
seeding, the ground could easily be seen
through some parts of the seeded area (fig.
23); however, the adjacent cloud deck had
also started to dissipate by that time.

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FIG. 21. Aerological sounding from aircraft 17 March 1953


FIG. 22. Seeded area seen from 14,000 ft 25 min after seeding
17 March 1953 1105E.

FIG. 23 . Ground seen from 14,000 ft through convective

part of seeded area 17 March 1953 1120E.


1. Site of Seeding: Thunder Bay, Michigan.

2. Weather Situation: High pressure ridge, anti-
cyclonic curvature of isobars at the ground
and 700mb.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 24.
Type: Stable, slightly convective stratocumulus.
Temperature: Top: -9.2C.
Base: -7.5C.
Depth: 2500 ft.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Three legs, each 9 m1 long and 3 m1
Seeding Rate: 12 lb per mi.
Seeding Time: 1130 to 1142; average 1136 CST.
5. Results: Figures 25-27 show the development of
the seeded area into a very large clear opening
within 75 min; 90 min after seeding, the area
was still free of clouds. The ground could be
seen approximately 40 min after seeding. The
seeded area drifted slowly with the wind pre-
vailing at the altitude of the cloud layer.

<! I-

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i 0

FIG. 24. Aerological sounding Alpena, Michigan FrG. 25. Seeded area from 15,000 ft 21 min after seeding
12 December 1953 1200C. 12 December 1953 1157E.

FIG. 26. Seeded area from 18,000 ft 36 min after seeding

12 December 1953 1212E.

FIG. 27. Seeded area from 18,000 ft 70 min after Eeeding

12 December 1953 1246E.


1. Site of Seeding : Utica, New York.

2. Weather Situation: West side of shallow trough;
anticyclonic curvature of isobars at the ground;
cyclonic at 700 mb.
3. Cloud Data: Figure 28.
Type: Stratocumulus with wavy surface; dis-
tance from ridge to ridge about 3 mi; height
difference from mountain to valley about 600ft.
Temperature: Top: -6. 7C.
Depth: Unknown.
4. Seeding Data:
Agent: Dry ice.
Pattern: Three legs each 9 mi long and 3 mi apart.
Seeding Rate: 13 lb per mi.
Time: 1159 EST to 1211 EST; average 1205 EST.
5. Results: Figure 29 shows the first leg 3 min after
seeding; 18 min after seeding, the legs had
spread well (fig. 30); 21 min after seeding, the
third leg became narrow in the middle due to
newly formed clouds in this part and was cut
in half after 25 min-the cut-off part finally
moving away after 38 min. After 42 min the
ground could be seen through part of the
seeded area (fig. 31) but later this opening
filled. The separation of the third leg into two
parts was due to an extended ridge of new
convective clouds which had formed parallel
to the general orientation of the waves. The
cloud forming process was more intense than
the cloud destroying process during seeding,
and the new clouds pushed the ice crystals
aside in much the same way as it happens to
the left and right of a seeded cloud line in a
convective cloud deck.


FIG. 28. Aerological sounding Utica, New York FrG. 29. First leg 3 min after seeding. Photographed from 6500 ft
21 January 1954 1200E. 21 January 1954 1205E. Note wavy cloud top.

FrG. 30. Seeded area seen from 14,500 ft 18 min after seeding
21 January 1954 1229E

Fro 31. Ground visible from 14,500 ft through some parts of seeded area
42 min after seeding 21 J anuary 1954 1253E.


1. Site of Seeding: Rome, New York. have been due to "overseeding" of the dry ice
2. Weather Situation: Cold anticyclone over major legs, stereoscopic analysis of the photographs
part of the United States; seeding site located indicates that the ice crystals drifted away
on the eastern edge of the anticyclone; anti- from the Agl leg and underneath the dry ice
cyclonic curvature of surface isobars. legs due to wind shear. Both dry ice legs were
3. Cloud Data: Figure 32. over 2 mi wide 23 min after seeding, whereas
Type: Solid stratocumulus deck, non-convective. the width of the Agl leg was still less than 1
Temperature: Top: - 8.5C. mi. The ground is visible through the Agl leg
'Base: -7.5C. and the second dry ice leg 40 min after seeding.
Depth : 900 ft. At that time the two dry ice legs started to
4. Seeding Data: join whereas the Agl leg was still well sepa-
Agent: Dry ice and Agl. rated. Figure 34 shows the ground through
Pattern: Three legs each approximately 9 mi the Agl leg 45 min after seeding.
long; separation between legs 3 mi. Legs 1 and One hour after seeding the aircraft descended
2 were seeded from 7700 ft.; leg 3 seeded in through the seeded area to collect ice crystals.
cloud top. Only shattered fragments of what seemed to
have been plate crystals could be obtained.
Seeding Rate: Leg 1: 13 lb dry ice per mi.
Exceptionally rich halo phenomena were ob-
Leg 2 : 4 lb dry ice per mi.
served in the ice crystal clouds that formed
Leg 3: 16 gm Agl per mi. after the seeding consisting of 22-deg halo,
Seeding Time : Leg 1 : 105 7-1100 EST. 46-deg halo, mock suns of these two halos, and
Leg 2: 1102-1105 EST. an horizontal circle with two mock suns at
Leg 3: 1107-1110 EST. about 120 deg from the sun. Whereas the 22-
5. Results: All three legs developed, but the leg deg and 46-deg circle require ice crystals with
seeded with Agl developed considerably less 60-deg and 90-deg edges oriented at random,
than those seeded with dry ice. Figure 33, all other halos require crystals having a
taken at 1125E, shows the Agl leg in the fore- specific orientation. These crystals are most
ground and the dry ice legs in the background. probably thick plates which are expected at
Whereas each of the dry ice legs developed as temperatures around - 9C. Ice crystal replica
usual into a wide area of ice crystals, the Agl did not turn out well; however, hexagonal
area was still narrow and separated into plates and columns and peculiar triangular
patches along the flight path. However, the shapes could be recognized.
ground was already visible through some parts The conclusion reached after this flight was
of the Agl area at 1125E which was not true that vaporizing 16 gm of Agi was less effective
for the dry ice areas. Although this fact could than a dry ice seeding rate of 4 lb per mi.


FIG. 32. Aerological sounding Rome, New York

30 March 1954 1015E.

FIG. 33. Seeded lines seen from 11,000 ft approximately 20 min after seeding
30 March 1954 1125E. Silver iodide leg in foreground; dry ice legs in background.

F IG. 34. Ground visible from 11,000 ft through silver iodide leg
45 min after seeding 30 March 1954 1150E.
Vol. l, No. I. Wartime Developments in Applied Clirrn~tol­ No. 9. bulmtrial Operations under Extremes oJ
or;y by W. C. Jacoba. Augun, JW7. $1.00. Weather by J. A. Russell; W. W. Hay; ]. W.
Waters; H. E. Hudwn, Jr.; J. Abu-Lughod,
No. 2. The Observations and Photochemistry of At- W. J. Roberts, and J. B. Stall; A. W. Booth;
mospheric Ozone and Thf.!ir Meteorological and E. F. Taylor. Edited by J. A. Ru&sell.
Significance by R. A. Craig. September, 1950. May, 1957. $6.00.
No. 10. Interaction of Sea and Atmosphere: a group
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C. K. Stidd and L. B. Leopold; T. C. Yeh, Reid; W. Marks and J. Chase. June, 1957.
C. C. Wallen, and J. E. Car$0n; and T. C. $5.00.
Yeh, J. E. C:al'$0n, and J. J. Marciano. June,
1951. $2.50. No. 11. Cloud and Wt:ather Modification: a group of
field experiments by S. PettersEen; J. Spar;
No. 4. On Atmospheric Pollution: a group of con· F. Hall; R. R. Braham, Jr .. L. J. Rattan, and
tributions by J. H. Carter, C. A. Gosline, E. H. R. Byers; H. J. aufm Kampe, J. J. Kelly,
W. Hewson, H.. LandJ;herg; M. L. Barad; G. and H. K. Wcickmann. July, 1957. $6.00.
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P. H. Lowry, D. A. Mazzarella, M. E. Smith;
H. F. Poppendiek; H. Rome; R. H. Sherlock; Vol. 3. Meteorological Ru~arch Reviews: summaries of prog-
M. E. Smith. November, 1951. $4.50. ress from 1951 to 1955. July, 1957. $7.00.
No. 5. Forecasting in Middle Latitudes by H. Riehl; No. 12. Revi1w of Climatology, 1951-1955 by H. E.
and J. Badner; J. E. Hovde; N. E. La Seur; Land~ berg.
L. L. Means; W. C. Palmer; M. J. Sd1roeder;
L. W. Snellman; and others. June, 1952. No. U. Meteorolol£ical instruments by J. C. Bellamy.
$3.50. No. 14. Radiorneteomlogy by J. S. Manhall and W.
E. Gordon.
Vol. 2, No. 6. Thirty-Day Forecasting: a review of a ten-
year expe1·iment by Jerome Namias. July, No. 15. Weather Obs~ruations, Analysis, and Fore-
1953. $3.50. castmg Ly S..Pettem~en.

No. 7. The jet Stream bv H. Riehl, M. A. Alaka, No. 16. Applied Meteorology by T. 1''. '-falonc.
C. L. Jordan, and R. J. Renard. August,
No. 17. Physics of the Upper Atmosphere by E. 0.
1954. $3.50. Hulburt.
No. 8. R.-:amt Studies in Bioclimatology: a gmup by
C. W. Thornthwait.e and J. R. Mather; W. G.
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H. K. Wcickmann.
Welliugton; J. D. Findlay; L. P. Herrington;
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F. Sargent, II; H. Landsberg; K. Huettner; mann.
J. l'vL May; J. H. Foulger. I~dited by :F. Sar-
gent, II and R. G. Stone. Octobe1·, 1954. No. 20. Atmospheric Electricity by H. J. aufm
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