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Test #6

Question 1
Early Hominin fossils have been found in Madagascar.



Question 2
Which of the non-human Great Ape species (Hominids) is found here?


Question 3
Perhaps the most famous Early Hominin paleoanthropological site is Olduvai Gorge in
northern Tanzania. This is where _______________ worked for decades. They
discovered Paranthropus boseiin 1959 and Homo habilis in 1960.
Kim and Kanye Johanson

Mary and Louis Leakey

Meghan and Harry Goodall
Ivanka and Jared Ussher

Question 4
Which great ape species are found in Africa?
1. Pan troglodytes
2. Pan paniscus
3. Gorilla gorilla
4. Pongo pygmaeus
5. 1, 2 and 3
6. 1, 2, and 4

Question 5
Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis, was discovered in the Afar region of which country (be sure to spell it
correctly)? Ethiopia

Question 6
That Humans and Apes diverged in Africa is supported by:

the contemporary distribution of apes

the fossil record
DNA evidence
all of the above

Question 7
The three countries with the richest early Hominin fossil record are:

Russia, China, Australia

Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia
Kenya, Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo
England, Germany, France

Question 8
If you were a paleoanthropologist looking for fossils dating to the divergence of humans from Chimpanzees,
which color sediments would you explore?

Question 9
Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Tomai) was remarkable for its antiquity (6+ million years old) and the fact that it
found 1000 miles west of the Great Rift Valley
found 1000 miles east of the Great Rift Valley
had fully developed language
was monopedal
all of the above

Question 10
No early Hominin fossils have been discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in central Africa. This
must mean that no early Hominins lived there.




Question 1
The image below shows the base of the skulls of two species, including the upper jaw viewed from
below. Based on the position of the foramen magnum, what can we conclude about their posture and/or

the species on the left is more quadrupedal; the species on the right is more upright
the species on the left is more upright; the species on the right is more quadrupedal
the two species are equally upright
it is not possible to learn anything about the posture of an animal based on the foramen magnum
Question 2
Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Tomai) was remarkable for its antiquity (6+ million years old) and the fact that it

found 1000 miles west of the Great Rift Valley

found 1000 miles east of the Great Rift Valley
had fully developed language
was monopedal
all of the above

Question 3
The reduction in sexual dimorphism that is seen in the evolution of Hominins may be associated with

a shift toward a more polygynous reproductive strategy

increased sexual satisfaction
a shift toward a more monogamous reproductive strategy
greater overall promiscuity

Question 4
Both Orrorin tugenensis and Sahelanthropus tchadensis lived in wooded environments. These findings
challenge which of the following:
the radiator hypothesis
the food-sharing hypothesis
the Savanna hypothesis
the food-cooking hypothesis
Question 5
There is no archaeological record associated with Orrorin tugenensis.


Question 6
The systematic study of the processes that take place between the death of an organism and fossilization is
1. taxonomy

2. flint-knapping

3. stratigraphy

4. taphonomy

5. phylogeny

Question 7
According to most phylogenies, Orrorin tugenensis is ancestral to Pan troglodytes.



Question 8
The earliest Hominins were large-brained bipeds



Question 9
For Hominins, which of the following traits is (most) primitive? In other words, which trait was probably
inherited from the common ancestor of apes and hominins?

1. reduced canine size

2. parabolic (or v-shaped) dental arcade

3. bipedalism

4. rudimentary tool use

Question 10
Hypothesis that try to explain the evolution of such derived traits in Hominins as bipedalism, tool use, cranial
capacity and the reduction in dentition are referred to as:

1. Hominization Scenarios

2. Taxonomic Classifications

3. Darwinian Models

4. Phylogenetic Hypotheses


Question 1
We know Neanderthals were not Homo sapiens because they lacked such sophisticated technology as the
manufacture of stone tools and controlled use of fire.


Question 2
Geneticists at the Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig Germany have:

1. sequenced DNA from Orrorin tugenensis

2. sequenced DNA from Homo erectus

3. sequenced DNA from Homo neanderthalensis

4. cloned H. neanderthalensis

5. 1, 2 and 3

Question 3
According to the single-origin hypothesis, modern Homo sapiens are descended from Homo floresiensis.


Question 4
Which of the following species is found outside of Africa?

Ardipithecus ramidis
Australopithecus afarensis
Homo erectus
Homo habilis
Orrorin tugenensis
Question 5
Homo floresiensis (nicknamed "the Hobbit") lived in Indonesia and stood less than 4 feet tall. This species
overlapped in time with Homo sapiens and Homo erectus.



Question 6
These tools, known as Achulean, are large symmetrical hand axes. There has been some debate about
whether the flakes or the core were more useful. They are found in association with the remains of which
Hominin species?

Homo neanderthalensis
Homo erectus
Homo sapiens
Homo habilis

Question 7
Neanderthals existed for:
thousands of years
tens of thousands of years
hundreds of thousands of years
over a million years.

Question 8
There is a gene called Slc24a5. Originally, when Homo sapiens only existed in Africa, everyone had the
ancestral versions of the gene (+). As populations moved away from the equator, a mutation began to
increase in frequency, In generation one, the gene frequency of the ancestral version (+), which codes for dark
skin, is 100%, while the mutant, which codes for fairer skin, is 0%. In generation 10, the gene frequency of the
ancestral version has fallen to 90%, while the mutant, which codes for fairer skin, has risen to 10%. In
generation 50, the gene frequency of the ancestral version has fallen to 85%, while the mutant, which codes
for fairer skin, has risen to 15%. This is an example of:
survival of the fittest
survival of the weakest

Question 9
These tools, discovered by Mary and Lewis Leakey, are generally attributed to Homo habilis. They mark the
beginning of the _______________.

paleo diet
Question 10
According to most phylogenies, Homo neanderthalensis gave rise to Homo sapiens.


2. The MCR1 gene is found in Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. One variant
(mutation) affects which of the following phenotypic traits of Neanderthals:

4. According to the single-origin hypothesis, modern Europeans are descended

from Dmanisi Man (classified as either Homo georgicus or H. erectus) whose
remains have been discovered in the European nation of Georgia.
7. If you could clone one of the following species to keep as a pet, which would it
-pick any answer**

10.According to fossil and genetic evidence, the species Homo sapiens evolved on
what continent?

12. This image depicts the _________________ model of the origin of Homo
sapiens, according to which all members of the genus Homo who lived outside of
Africa went extinct and did not contribute to the ancestry of living humans.

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