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R 2 Look up the meanings

Stage Learning Standards: Lexical Sets:

2.2.4 Able to apply dictionary skills. Conduct, device, invent, research,
Word patience, improve
(a) locate words,
(b) meaning of base word
Learning Outcomes: Materials:
Sentence Able to find meaning of base words in  Textbook page 25
the dictionary.  Task sheet
Whole Text
Assessment: -
Task Procedures:
1. Teacher guides briefly pupils on how to use the dictionary.
2. Read the whole paragraph.
3. Ask the students to underline the difficult words and guess the meanings.
4. Look for the meaning of the words in the dictionary.
5. Pupils complete the table in the task sheet given.

Task sheet

Arrange these words in alphabetical order. Guess their meanings and the check them in the dictionary.

conduct invent

reasearch patience improve

No. Word Meaning Sentence example

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