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Bandung, 27 Mei 2020

No : 57/SPW-DIR/SS/V/2020
Lampiran : -
Hal : Penawaran Harga Pengadaan Mobil Jenazah

Kepada Yth.
Bpk. Asep Nurdin ( FILANTRA )
Di Tempat

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Teriring ungkapan syukur atas segala nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita, semoga shalawat dan
salam selalu tercurah kepada kekasih kita Rosulullah SAW, kepada sahabat, dan ummatnya sampai
akhir zaman.

Dengan surat penawaran kami memberikan penawaran harga pengadaan Mobil Jenazah dengan
spesifikasi sebagai berikut :


DAIHATSU Luxio 1.5 X Rp. 412.000.000
Mobil Jenazah
M/T Mc

Demikian surat penawaran ini kami sampaikan, ditunggu kabar baik dari Bapak.

Atas perhatiannya kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Dadan Arus Cahyadi


No Item Qty

1 Oxygen Delivery System

> Oxygen Cylinder 1M3 2 Pcs
> Oxygen Regulator 2 Pcs
> Flowmeter Oxygen with Humidifier 1 Pcs
> Nasal Oxygen Cannula with Tubing for Adult 1 Pcs
> Oxygen Mask with Tubing for Adult 1 Pcs
> Tubing High Pressure and Clamp Tubing 1 Set
> Oxygen Valve On / Off 1 Set
> Tap Pin Index 1 Set
> Neple Elbow 2 Pcs
> Oxygen Wall Outlet 1 Pcs
2 Stretcher - Automatic locking leg system ensures that the 1 Pcs
cot legs are locked into place once they are fully unfolded.
3 Folding Scoop Stretcher 1 Pcs
4 Attendant seat with box space for equipment - ABS Form 1 pcs
5 Bumper Protection for Ambulance Stretcher 1 Pcs
6 Sliding Infuse Stainless Steel 1 Pcs
7 Floor Modification Vinyl Covering Anti Bacteria 1 Set
8 LED Flash light bar include coil Filter 1 Set
Multi Sound Sirene System, Include Microphone Paging
9 Adjustable Lighting spot light 1 Set
10 Adjustable Examination Lamp 1 Pcs
11 Base Stretcher Stainless Steel Covering with space for Scoop Stretcher 1 Set
Locking and Unlocking key full Stainless Steel
12 Three Extra DC Outlet 1 Set
13 One Extra AC Outlets 1 Set
14 Medical Equipment Compartement system with acrylic door, 1 Set
Washtafel cabinet with 2 Water Tank, finishing Duco
15 Fire extinguisher 1 kg with Bracket 1 Pcs
16 Sticker & Logo Standard 1 Set
17 Curtain (Tirai) Cabin & Patient 1 Pcs
18 Glass Film 60 / 80 % 1 Set
19 Keranda 1 Set

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