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Water purification and pollination.

Poeple depend on ecosystems for many products and services.

Fruits, vegetables, seeds, air purification.
The first main idea explains that pollination is experiencing a serious
problem because of changes in the ecosystems. The second main idea
is about the effects of losing pollinators for humans.

Yes, because they explain more about the topic of each paragraph.

Yes, because of, as a result, effect, consequence.



When they go to another flower,

the pollen comes off their bodies. As a result of this pollination, there is new fruit.
The agouti opens the fruit to eat the nuts inside and then it puts nuts in the ground

to eat later. Consequently, new Brazil nut trees grow.


They need each other to get food and together they grow new Brazil nut trees.
Food: nuts.

There won't be more nuts.

rain forest
farm and farm animals

paper and building materials

Due to


It's like a cycle. When a part of the web is in

danger, it affects our lives as we're connected to
the ecosystems. Other ways we're connected to
the rain forest is by fruits and herbal medicines.
Cutting down the trees; trees used for paper
and building materials. Also, the land is used
for building farms and farm animals. Other
reasons can be that some tourists damage the
rain forest, many people throw rubbish,
pollution, etc.
The first sentence because the professor says
that destroying the rain forest has serious
effects on living things across our planet. From
this, we can infer that she's worried about the
rain forest and that it is necessary to protect it.
I agree with the first statement too as I've
always believed that Earth has to be the
most important thing in every person's
life; it's our home and we must protect it.
Swimming relaxes me and the sound of the sea and birds
is fascinating. Also, it is not expensive to go to these
beaches. Therefore, all the services beaches offer are
valuable since they make me feel good and in contact
with nature.

- fun: swimming, - good for swimming

Beaches in Costa surfing and chilling out
- fish - cheaper option to
go out
- beautiful views

Yes, because they indicate the relation between the


Products: food and medicine

products Services: air and water purification

human watersheds were

actions degraded, farming and building
use of insecticides

the drinking water
became unhealthy.
prices of
fruits and vegetables went higher.
economy buy the watershed or
build a water purification plant
pollination by hand

Many economies would stop

economic and health problems. without them
People's health would be affected
seriously without services

Water purification and pollination.

Farming and building.

Fruits and vegetables.

6-8 billion dollars to build and 300 million dollars each year
after that.

33 trillion dollars.
water drinking water
human actions

Water purification
Human actions like throwing
Dirty, contaminated water

Yes, stopping polluting it and building a

water purification plant.

web of life
economy costly


Farming and buillding.

Due to the destruction of forest for Increasing number of popullation.

farming and building, there is a lack of

pure water.

People's life and health Water quality is important and should

Drinking water became unhealthy be preserved.
Prices go higher.
Economies would stop without ecosystem.
Losing ecosystems causes economic

and health problems.

Río Rímac Lima-Callao

The most important source of potable water for

Lima and Callao - Water purification

Upper basin: mining tailings, acidic water.

Middle basin: agricultural activity, avalanches because of rains,
organic material, metals, microbiological pollution.
Lower basin: drainage, rubbish, chemicals.
Climate change.
The quality of the water is bad.
People cannot drink water directly from the river.
Prawns died.
New pollutants, water have a black color.

The drinking water in nearby New York City became

Health problems.

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