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Substitute the underlined words with subject pronouns:

1. Peter and Paul ( ………) study French and German.

2. The cat (…………) is in the garden.

3. Do Mandy and you (…………) like golf?

4. Does your sister (…………) sing well?

5. Dr Swam (…………) visits his patients in the morning.

6. Do the students (…………) do the homework?

7. You and I (…………) live in Spain.

8. Do Sam and Paula (…………) meet after school?

9. My mum (…………) cooks really well.

10. The supermarket (………) closes at midday.

11. The books (…………) are on the table.

12. When do you and Sally (…………) play chess this week?

Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks:

1. ………… is in class with ………

Her/ us She/we She/us

2. Does ………… use a laptop at home?

He it him

3. These are my mum’s friends. ………… usually goes out with …………….

She/ they Her/them She/them

4. Do ………… eat pasta? No, I don’t like ……

we/it you/it you/her

5. We don’t talk to Sam. We’re angry with ………

he him his

6. Can you pass ……… the sugar, Terry?

you I me
7. “When do you do homework?” “I do ……… after school.”

them it he

8. Give ....... to …………, please.

I/it it/I it/me

Substitute the underlined words with object pronouns:

1. Tom comes to the cinema with Paul and I (……………).

2. Do you play with your children (……………) after dinner?

3. Pam takes her dog (…………) for walks in the morning.

4. Does Sue study with her brother (…………)?

5. Mr Postman delivers our letters (…………).

6. I usually meet Pam (…………) on Friday afternoon.

7. Tom goes to school with his friends (………).

8. Does mum feed the baby (…………)?

9. Can you pass the newspapers (…………) to I (…………), please?

10. Do you eat apples (…………), Tom?

11. Mary send e-mails (……………) to her boyfriend (…………).

12. James is with his grandmother (…………).

Subject and Object Pronouns.
Possessive Adjectives.
Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Object Pronouns
Fill in the gaps with possessive adjectives
I My Me
1.This is Jack. ______mother is so kind.
He His Him 2. This is Ann. ______dad is really funny.
She Her Her 3. Donald and Mike are teachers.
It Its It ________students are smart.
We Our Us 4. I like_______family. They are so cool.
5. I have got two sisters. _______names
You Your You
are Julie and Mary.
They Their Them

Subject Pronoun : kata ganti untuk subyek (biasanya ada di depan) adalah sebagai pelaku dalam sebuah kalimat
Possessive pronoun : kata ganti untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan (benda/keluarga)
Object pronoun : kata ganti untuk objek (yang terkena akibat dari kejadian), biasanya ada di belakang, tapi
terkadang juga ada di depan kalimat

Fill in the gaps with the corresponding object pronoun Write sentences as in the example
1. I haven’t got a pen. Can you give________your pen, please?
That’s my brother. His name is Jim
2. Look at__________. She is so beautiful.
3. John is my best friend. I can tell__________everything.
4. Manchester United is my favourite football team. I 3. Mother/Alice
like____ _______________________________
5. My favourite food is pizza. I love_____________. 4. Cat/Tom
6. Tom, can I ask__________something? _______________________________
7. Please, invite________to your party. We really want to go!

Replace the words in bold with a subject or object Underline the correct pronoun
pronoun, as in the example 1. Her/She has got a sister.
1. Rick has got a car. 2. Look at my/me. I can ride a bike!
He has got it. 3. That’s my father. Him/His name is Dave
2. Jerry likes cheese. 4. My parents are cool! I love they/them.
________________________________ 5. Can you tell my/me your phone number?
3. David loves Helen. 6. His/him brother is a musician.
________________________________ 7. Our/Us teacher is kind and friendly.
4. This present is for me and you. 8. Where is your dad? He/him is at work.
________________________________ 9. He has got a dog. His/him name is Spike
5. My parents love Batman. 10. Can you give him/his your pen
________________________________ 11. These apples are for our/us.

Read the text, underline the correct pronoun and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
Dear Jesse,
Hi! My/me name is Mike! I______(to be) 10 years old. I/me have got a big family. Our/us family is friendly
and caring. My mother’s name is Helen. She/Her is 35 years old. She/Her_____(to be) a doctor. I really love
she/her. My father’s name is David. He/him______(to be) a teacher. He always helps me/my with my/me
homework. He_____(to be) really kind and I love his/him so much! I have got a little brother. Him/His name is
Kevin. He_______(to be) 5 years old. I always tell his/him scary stories at night. He______(to be) the best
little brother in the world!. I have also got a cat and a dog. Their/them names are Tom and Spike. I love
their/them a lot!
I must go now. My/me mum calls me/my. Write back and tell me about you/your family!

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