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Report On Mobile Banking Service Quality- A study on bKash”

Premier University

Premier University, Chittagong
Report On:
Mobile Banking Service Quality- A study on bKash”

Course Title: Business Research Methods (BUS-361)

Submitted To:
Ms Sultana Razia Chowdhury
Assistant Professor,
Department of Marketing,
Premier University, Chittagong
Submitted By:
Major: Accounting
Batch: 31st
Program: BBA
Semester: 6th
Faculty of Business Studies
Premier University, Chittagong
Student’s ID Student’s Name Remarks
150311010-8015 Md. Sumon
150311010-8098 Md. Faisal
150311010-7966 Md Anwar Hossain Khandokar
150311010-8053 Md. Rezaul Uddin
150311010-8086 Shamson Noor

Submission Date: 13th May, 2018

Date: 13th May, 2018
Ms Sultana Razia Chowdhury
Assistant Professor,
Department of Marketing,
Faculty of Business Studies,
Premier University, Chittagong.
Subject: Submission of Research Report.
Dear Ma’am,
With immense pleasure, we would like to submit our Report based on the topic of “Measuring
the Customer Behavior Intention and Attitude on Mobile Banking Service Quality- A study on
bKash.” On the basis of primary data. We have prepared this Report for your kind consideration.

We therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be would be kind to accept our report and
oblige thereby.

Sincerely Yours

1. Md.Sumon
ID No: 150311010-8015

2. Md.Faisal

ID No: 150311010-8098

3. Md. Anwar Hossain Khandokar

ID No: 150311010-7966

4. Md. Rezaul Uddin

ID No: 150311010-8053

5. Shamson Noor

ID No: 150311010-8086

The Research Report is prepared “Measuring the Customer Behavior Intention and Attitude on
Mobile Banking Service Quality- A study on bKash.” The first mobile banking and payment
initiatives were announced during 1999 [ CITATION Fun99 \l 1033 ]. The first major deployment
was made by a company called Pay box [ CITATION Deu99 \l 1033 ]. “Dutch-Bangla Bank
Limited” (DBBL) has for the first time introduced its mobile banking service expanding the
banking service from cities to remote areas[CITATION Dut \l 1033 ]. “. The main objective of the
study will measure mobile banking service quality. In order to achieve this objective, the study
will follow sub-objectives: To find out the perceived relative advantage of mobile banking
service quality, perceived ease of use of mobile banking service quality, perceived compatibility
of mobile banking service, perceived competence of mobile banking service quality, perceived
benevolence of mobile banking service quality, perceived integrity of mobile banking service
quality, attitude of mobile banking service quality and Behavioral intention of mobile banking
service quality. We had analyzed the data to using descriptive research, survey through
structured questionnaire. We had followed the structured questionnaire to collect data. The
populations of the study had used users of bkash under BRAC bank. We had collected 125 user
data on bkash to analysis the descriptive research. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive
research, which included frequency analysis, reliability analysis, Correlation analysis, regression
analysis. In this research customer has more happy ease of use and attitude are good about bkash.
It is more ease to use of customer attitude are positive. People are highly agreed to
using bkash. The calculation of co-efficient alpha (also known as cronbach alpha) in order to
assess the reliability 0.7 is acceptable[ CITATION Nun78 \l 1033 ]. The average level of cronbach
alpha above 0.7. According to Nunally, this research reliability is accepted. The standard value
of F is 2.25 but our model has 23.074 which is greater than standard value. It is show the model
fit for regression analysis. In this study there is no doubt that bkash has brought remarkable
change to the experience of mobile phone users as they are now able to get wide range of
financial services through their mobile phone. People has very likely to adopt mobile banking in
the future. Bkash will create a new flexible and easy model of mobile banking. Need to reduce
the cost of mobile banking, the external security of bkash is lower the normal banking, bkash

will do its best to help their customers, bkash will put user’s interest first, bkash will must keep
their commitments.

1.1 Introduction:
The first mobile banking and payment initiatives were announced during 1999 [ CITATION Fun99 \l
1033 ]. The first major deployment was made by a company called Pay box [ CITATION Deu99 \l
1033 ]. The company was founded by two young German’s and successfully deployed the
solution in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain and the UK [ CITATION Ent99 \l 1033 ]. Improving
access to financial services, such as savings, deposits, insurance and remittances, is vital to
reducing poverty. Savings can help poor people to invest in productive assets like livestock, a
loan may help to expand business activities, and insurance can provide income for a family if a
breadwinner becomes sick. In many developing countries, however, 9 out of 10 people do not
have a bank account or access to basic financial services. Poor people are often not considered
viable customers by the formal financial sector as their transaction sizes are small, and many live
in remote areas beyond the reach of banks branch networks. Informal banking services such as
microfinance and village savings and loan associations remain limited in their reach [ CITATION
Bro03 \l 1033 ].
A million of people were registered on mobile bank and the company was rated by Gartner as the
leader in the field[ CITATION Grö03 \l 1033 ]. “Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited” (DBBL) has for the
first time introduced its mobile banking service expanding the banking service from cities to
remote areas. Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman inaugurated the service by depositing
Tk 2,000 and withdrawing Tk 1,500 through Banglalink and Citycell mobile networks in
Motijheel area. Bangladesh Bank has already allowed 10 banks to initiate mobile banking. Of
them DBBL kicked off first. BRAC Bank Limited” is set to introduce mobile banking secondly,
a top official said the service will enable millions of banked and unbanked people to deposit,
withdraw and transfer money through mobile phones. Bkash, a joint venture between BRAC
Bank and US-based Money in Motion, will provide mobile banking with a fully encrypted VISA
technology platform for transactions through mobile phones [CITATION Sir \l 1033 ]." Mobile
banking is an alternative to the traditional banking through which banking service can be reached
at the doorsteps of the deprived section of the society,” the central bank governor said at an
inaugural press briefing at hotel purbani. Atiur Rahman said through mobile banking various
banking services including depositing and withdrawing money, payment of utility bills and

reaching remittance to the recipient would be possible[CITATION Dut \l 1033 ]. The quality of e-
services can be defined as the customers´ overall evaluation and judgment of the excellence and
quality of e-services offerings in the electronic environments[ CITATION Bau061 \l 1033 ] .
Consumers’ motives also predetermine consumers’ attitudes and behaviors towards different
banking technologies[ CITATION GBa97 \l 1033 ].

1.2 Significance of the Study:

There are various research works are available in service marketing literature such as factors
affecting Jordanian consumers’ adoption of mobile banking services [CITATION Khr \l 1033 ].
Improving the security of mobile banking applications [CITATION Elk \l 1033 ]. Opportunities and
challenges on implementation of mobile banking in Bangladesh [CITATION Bhu \l 1033 ]. Mobile
Banking and its Impact on Customer's Banking Transactions [ CITATION Sin16 \l 1033 ] .A new
device to explore mobile banking in Bangladesh [ CITATION Rah12 \l 1033 ]. An Empirical
Investigation of Mobile Banking Adoption in Developing Countries-[ CITATION Raj14 \l 1033 ]. An
empirical investigation of mobile banking adoption[ CITATION Lin10 \l 1033 ]. In past
Bangladesh didn’t conducted any research about this topic that’s the reason we have been
completed the research about this topic.

1.3 Objectives:

The main objective of the study would be measured mobile banking service quality. In order to
achieve this objective, the study followed sub-objectives:

 To find out the perceived relative advantage of mobile banking service quality.
 To find out the perceived ease of use of mobile banking service quality.
 To find out the perceived compatibility of mobile banking service.
 To find out the perceived competence of mobile banking service quality.
 To find out the perceived benevolence of mobile banking service quality.
 To find out the perceived integrity of mobile banking service quality.
 To find out the attitude of mobile banking service quality.
 To find out the Behavioral intention of mobile banking service quality.

1.4 Limitations:

 Non-cooperation
 Lacking of Time
 Lacking of Money
 Lacking of Experience
 Lacking of Security
 Irrelevant or duplicate data collected
 Pertinent data omitted
 Language barrier
 Difficulty in locating appropriate standards for comparison to data

1.5 Literature Review:

Mobile banking is a subset of electronic banking in which customers access a range of banking
products, such variety of savings and credit instruments, via electronic channels [ CITATION
Por06 \l 1033 ]. Mobile banking can be defined as financial transactions that are based on wireless
handsets. They also argue that finance encompasses a wide range of services and products which
are of interest to financial services institutions, including mobile banking, mobile payments or
funds transfers and mobile commerce, the common element being a handheld wireless device
which the customer uses to initiate a transaction [CITATION Ven08 \l 1033 ]. Mobile Banking is a
Banking process without bank branch which provides financial service to UN banked community
effectively and at affordable cost. To provide banking and financial services through Mobile
technology devices e mobile phone called Mobile Banking[CITATION Placeholder1 \l 1033 ]. In
mobile banking some customer attitude and behavior is positive & some customer are negative.
Because some people feeling comfortable & safety, some are not.

 Perceived relative advantage:

Perceived relative advantage refers to the degree to which an innovation provides more benefits
than its precursor. Relative advantages manifests as increased efficiency, economic benefits, and
enhanced status [ CITATION Rog95 \l 1033 ]. The advantage of an innovation is positively related to
the rate of adoption. Correspondingly, the potential of mobile banking reported obvious benefits
such as immediate, convenient and affordable to customers [ CITATION Moo91 \l 1033 ] . In general,
when customers perceive clear advantages offered by mobile banking, they are more likely to

have a positive attitude toward adopting (or continuing to use) mobile banking. Some advantage
of Perceived relative advantage: Mobile banking transactions more efficiently, mobile banking
transactions more quickly, mobile convenient way to conduct banking transactions, useful for
managing finances. Perceived relative advantage has positive relationship on behavioral
H1. Perceived relative advantage has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking

 Perceived Ease Of Use:

Perceived ease of use is the degree to which mobile banking is perceived as easy to understand
and operate. The mobile banking services having very user friendly interfaces, customers are
likely to see them as easy to use, and hence to have positive attitudes towards them [ CITATION
Sul07 \l 1033 ]. To prevent the problem of a useful system remaining “under-used”, customers do
not need to expend significant effort on using mobile banking. Extensive research over the past
decade provides confirmation of the significant effect that ease of use has on perceived [ CITATION
Aga99 \l 1033 ]. Mobile banking systems must be both easy to learn and easy to use in order to
prevent the using problems of mobile banking system. In this study, it is argued that the mobile
banking ease of use is one of the motivating factors of perceived usefulness of mobile
banking[ CITATION Bar09 \l 1033 ]. Some advantage of Perceived Ease of Use: Mobile banking
operate is easy for us, mobile banking to accomplish banking transactions, mobile banking does
not require a lot of mental effort, mobile banking is easy to use. Perceived ease of use has
positive relation on behavioral intentions.
H2. Perceived ease of use has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or continuing to
use) mobile banking

 Perceived Compatibility:
Perceived compatibility is the degree to which an innovation fits the values, previous experiences
and needs of the potential adopter [ CITATION Tay95 \l 1033 ].Greater compatibility between
individual needs and technological innovation is preferable, because it allows innovation to be

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interpreted in a more familiar context [ CITATION Lia05 \l 1033 ] . Perceived compatibility has been
identified as the best perception-based indicator of attitude towards online transactions [ CITATION
Vij04 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, this study expects that customers perceive mobile baking as compatible
with their lifestyle and preferences, and thus adopt a favorable attitude towards adopting ( or
continuing to use) mobile banking. Some advantage of perceived compatibility: Mobile banking
is compatible with my lifestyle, mobile banking fits well to manage our finances, mobile banking
transactions fits into my working style. Perceived compatibility has positive relation on
behavioral intentions.
H3. Perceived compatibility has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or continuing
to use) mobile banking

 Perceived Competence:
Mobile banking trust in an automated system is based primarily on customer perceptions of
capabilities of the automated system. The customers perceive the technical competence of a
website inter of their understanding of the under lying processes governing the online
transactions[ CITATION Mor96 \l 1033 ]. If customers believe mobile banking firms offer the
ability, skills, and expertise to provide appropriate transactional services, then they will be more
likely to evaluate mobile banking favorably. Thus, perceived competence is posited to result in
more positive attitude toward adopting[ CITATION Che01 \l 1033 ]. Some advantage of perceived
competence: Mobile banking firms have the ability to understand our needs about managing our
finances, it has the expertise to understand our needs about managing our finances, it has good
knowledge about managing our finances. Perceived competence has positive relation on
behavioral intentions.
H4. Perceived competence has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or continuing
to use) mobile banking

 Perceived Benevolence:
Benevolence is important to trust because it indicates the extent to which an individual is
believed to feel interpersonal care and concern for others, and to be willing to strive to do well
for reasons other than ego and profits [CITATION Rob09 \l 1033 ]. The benevolent trustee would
help a trustor, even when not required to or rewarded for doing so. If customers believe that
mobile banking firms are benevolent, they are more likely to use mobile banking [CITATION
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Bha02 \l 1033 ]. I think that mobile banking firms put my interest first. Some advantage of
perceived benevolence: Mobile banking firms will do its best to help us, mobile banking firms
are interested in our wellbeing. Perceived benevolence has positive relation on behavioral
H5. Perceived benevolence belief has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking

 Perceived Integrity:
Perceived integrity indicates adherence to a set of acceptable principles. Integrity is critical
because it instills the confidence of in trustee behavior, and reduces uncertainty and potential
risks[ CITATION Bha021 \l 1033 ] . Mobile banking, rules governing integrity include providing
accurate and timely information, maintaining customer commitment, and maintaining
confidentiality of personal information. Mobile banking firms are considered to exhibit high
integrity when customers believe mobile banking firms exhibit strong justice, honesty, and
objectivity. Therefore, customers with high integrity belief in mobile banking firms are more
likely to have positive attitude toward adopting (or continuing to use) mobile banking [ CITATION
Lio07 \l 1033 ]. Some advantage of perceived integrity: Mobile banking firms are honest, it has
been kept their commitments, mobile banking firms provide unbiased information about banking
transactions. Perceived integrity has positive relation on behavioral intentions.
H6. Perceived integrity belief has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking

 Attitude & Behavioral Intension:

The Intentions-based models have been successful in investigating attitude as a mediator

between beliefs and intentions [ CITATION Dav89 \l 1033 ]. Customer attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) the particular system is generated by individual salient beliefs about the
consequences of adopting (or continuing to use) the particular system and evaluation of
these[ CITATION Kar99 \l 1033 ] .Individual attitude towards system use is expected to influence
system use intention. Existence of this relationship has been supported in a variety of situations,
including in the workplace using enterprise resource planning (ERP) and knowledge

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management programs and virtual settings using technology such as Internet services [ CITATION
Cal09 \l 1033 ]. Attitude has positive relation on behavioral intentions. This study expects this
relationship to hold in mobile banking context. Specifically, potential customers (or repeat
customers) attitude toward mobile banking reflects feelings of favorableness and un
favorableness towards mobile banking and therefore predicts adoption (or continued post-
adoption usage) intentions [ CITATION May95 \l 1033 ].

H7. Customer attitude has a positive effect on behavioral intention about adopting
(continuing to use) mobile banking

1.6 Proposed Model:

Perceived relative advantage


Perceived ease of use

H3 H7
Perceived compatibility Attitude toward mobile Behavioral intention
Perceived competence

Perceived benevolence

Perceived integrity H6

1.7 Hypothesis:
In accordance with the research problems, and the dimensions of the model used, six starting
hypothesis were defined:

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 Hypothesis 1: Perceived relative advantage has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting
(or continuing to use) mobile banking.
 Hypothesis 2: Perceived ease of use has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking.
 Hypothesis 3: Perceived compatibility has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking
 Hypothesis 4: Perceived competence has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking
 Hypothesis 5: Perceived benevolence belief has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting
(or continuing to use) mobile banking.
 Hypothesis 6: Perceived integrity belief has a positive effect on attitude toward adopting (or
continuing to use) mobile banking.
 Hypothesis 7: Customer attitude has a positive effect on behavioral intention about adopting
(continuing to use) mobile banking.

1.8 Methodology:
1.8.1 Introduction:
To enhance a productive study, the following techniques for obtaining related information would
be adopted: Literature such as related thesis and journals will be reviewed on M-service quality.
Questionnaires containing end-user questions has been prepared in the study area to obtain facts,
opinions and views of respondents (customer).

1.8.2 Research Design:

We have analyzed the data to using descriptive research, survey through structured
questionnaire. We have been followed the structured questionnaire to collect data. The study has
done mainly based on primary and secondary sources of data or information.

1.8.3 Population:

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The populations of the study has users of bkash under BRAC bank. These banks were selected
because they were among the first introduced mobile banking, have a wide customer base and
perform well financially.

1.8.4 Sampling:

A sample under 100 might be adequate, assuming that other statistical assumptions
hold[ CITATION Pat991 \l 1033 ]. We have collected 125 user data on bkash to analysis the
descriptive research.

1.8.5 Questionnaire Description:

In this Study has different questions related to the Mobile banking service quality. There were 27
structured question. Scaling from “Strongly disagreed” to “Strongly agreed” on a 1 to 7-point
scale. 1 = Strongly Disagreed, 7= Strongly Agreed.

1.8.6 Data Collection and Analysis:

We have collected primary data from the users of bkash in different area of Chittagong by
structured questionnaire methods.

We have used SPSS-17 to analyze the collected data. Data analysis was conducted using
descriptive research, which included frequency analysis, reliability analysis, Correlation analysis,
regression analysis.

2. Findings:
2.1 Respondent Demographical Discussion:

Characteristics Frequency Percentage

Gender: Male 88 70.4
Female 37 29.6
Total 125 100.0
Marital Status: Married 51 40.8
Single 74 59.2
Total 125 100.0
Lives In: Urban Area 116 92.8
Rural Area 9 7.2

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Total 125 100.0
Age: 20 years to less than 30 years 90 72.0
30 years to less than 40 years 23 18.4
40 years to less than 50 years 10 8.0
50 years to less than 60 years 2 1.6
Total 125 100.0
Education: Under Graduation 62 49.6
Under Graduation Completed 14 11.2
Graduation Completed 30 24.0
Post-Graduation Completed 19 15.2
Total 125 100.0
Occupation: Students 43 34.4
Govt. Organization 5 4.0
Private Company 43 34.4
Businessman / woman 16 12.8
House wife 10 8.0
Others 8 6.4
Total 125 100.0
Income: Less than taka 60,000 55 44.0
Taka 60,000 to less than taka 80,000 32 25.6
Taka 80,000 to less than taka 100,000 13 10.4
Taka 1,00,000 to less than taka 1,20,000 11 8.8
Above Taka 1,20,000 14 11.2
Total 125 100.0
In this study, we collected 125 bkash users’ data, 88 has male and 37 has female. And here 51
has married & 74 has single. Also 116 peoples has lived in urban area and 9 peoples has lived in
rural area. And here 90 peoples age has from 20-30 years, 23 peoples age has 30-40 years, 10
peoples age has 40-50 years and 2 peoples age has from 50-60 years old. Here 62 peoples has
under graduation, 40 peoples has under graduation completed, 30 peoples has graduation
completed and 19 peoples has post-graduation completed. Here 43 peoples has worked at
students, 5 peoples has worked at Govt. organization, 43 peoples has worked at private company,
10 peoples has housewife, and 8 peoples has worked at other organization. Here 55 peoples
monthly family income has less than taka 60000, 32 peoples monthly family income has less
than taka 60000-80000, 13 peoples monthly family income has less than taka 80000-100000, 11
peoples monthly family income has less than taka 100000-120000 and 14 peoples peoples
monthly family income has above taka 120000.

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2.2 Descriptive Analysis:

N Mean Std. Deviation Rank

Perceived relative advantage 125 6.2040 .67902 3

Perceived ease of use 125 6.3020 .59509 1

Perceived compatibility 125 5.8533 .99677 7

Perceived competence 125 5.7120 .89017 6

Perceived benevolence 125 5.9200 1.01016 8

Perceived Integrity 125 6.0933 .85886 5

Attitude 125 6.5653 .63813 2

Behavioral intention 125 6.5067 .75444 4

Analysis: In this research customer has more happy ease of use and attitude are good about
bkash. It is more ease to use of customer attitude are positive. People are highly agreed
to using bkash.

2.3 Reliability Analysis:

Name of Construct N Cornbach No. of Item
Perceived Relative 125 .658 4
Perceived Ease to Use 125 .566 4
Perceived 125 .723 3
Perceived competence 125 .613 4
Perceived 125 .728 3
Perceived Integrity 125 .690 3
Attitude 125 .792 3

17 | P a g e
Behavioral Intension 125 .829 3

Analysis: The calculation of co-efficient alpha (also known as cronbach alpha) in order to assess
the reliability 0.7 is acceptable[ CITATION Nun78 \l 1033 ]. The satisfactory level of cronbach alpha
value is minimum 0.6 is accepted but dependent on the number of items of scale [ CITATION Bri86 \l
1033 ]. Our study involving 125 respondents, has 7 independent variables and 1 dependent
variable. Some variables has 3 questions and some has 4 questions. The average level of Cronbach
alpha above 0.7. According to Nounally, this research reliability is accepted.

2.4 Correlation

Perceived Perceived
relative ease of Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived
advantage use compatibility competence benevolence Integrity Attitude

Perceived ease of use .314**

Perceived compatibility .334** .206*

Perceived competence .323** .102 .547**

Perceived benevolence .370** .386** .539** .444**

Perceived Integrity .370** .210* .307** .554** .337**

Attitude .380** .446** .364** .212* .450** .357**

Behavioral intention .230* .433** .346** .226* .457** .374** .724**

2.5 Regression:

Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .762a .580 .555 .50339

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Analysis: the standard value of Adjusted R square is 0.4 but our model has
0.555 which is refers to 55.5 % are influence by the independent variables as
perceived ease of use, perceived compatibility, perceived competence, perceived
benevolence, perceived Integrity and attitude to dependent variable as behavior
intention. So 44.4 % are influence by other variables to the dependent
variables as behavior intention.


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 40.929 7 5.847 23.074 .000a

Residual 29.649 117 .253

Total 70.578 124

Analysis: The standard value of F is 2.25 but our model has 23.074 which is greater than standard
value. It is show the model fit for regression analysis.

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) .439 .622 .706 .482

Perceived relative advantage -.163 .078 -.147 -2.103 .038 Rejected

Perceived ease of use .156 .089 .123 1.755 .082 Rejected

Perceived compatibility .042 .060 .056 .704 .483 Rejected

Perceived competence -.031 .072 -.036 -.428 .669 Rejected

Perceived benevolence .097 .060 .129 1.622 .107 Rejected

Perceived Integrity .130 .068 .148 1.919 .057 Rejected

Attitude .710 .089 .601 7.975 .000 Accepted

a. Dependent Variable: Average of Behavioral intention

19 | P a g e
In this research coefficient has: (1) Average of perceived relative advantage calculated t-value
has (-2.103) less than tabulated value (2.00), so it was rejected. (2) Average of Perceived ease of
use calculated t-value has (1.755) less than tabulated value (2.00), so it was rejected. (3) Average
Perceived compatibility calculated t-value has (0.704) less than tabulated value (2.00), so it was
rejected. (4) Average Perceived competence calculated t-value has (-.428) less than tabulated
value (2.00), so it was rejected. (5) Average of Perceived benevolence calculated t-value has
(1.622) less than tabulated value (2.00), so it was rejected. (6) Average of Perceived Integrity
calculated t-value has (1.919) less than tabulated value (2.00), so it was rejected. (7) Average
Attitude calculated t-value has (7.975) more than tabulated value (2.00), so it was accepted.

3. Conclusion:
In this study there is no doubt that bkash has brought remarkable change to the experience of
mobile phone users as they are now able to get wide range of financial services through their
mobile phone. People has very likely to adopt mobile banking in the future. Customer has more
happy ease of use and attitude are good about bkash. It is more ease to use of customer
attitude are positive. People are highly agreed to using bkash. Mobile banking through an SMS
based service would require the lowest amount of effort, in terms of cost and time, but will not
be able to support the full breath of transaction-based services. Some customer satisfied and
some has dissatisfied, because customer has transection few amount of money per day in his or
personal account, they feel lack of safety, mobile banking firms provide biased information
about banking transactions. Sometimes mobile banking firms has never kept their commitments.
Operate mobile banking has easy for us. But mobile banking don’t fits well with the way we like
to manage our finances. Some bkash user feel need a essential bkash apps. In completed this
study consumer very likely to adopt mobile banking in the future. They have planned to adopt
mobile banking in the future. However, currently the best user experience, depending on the
capabilities of a mobile phone, is possible only by using a standalone client. Overall the research
is accepted because cronbach alpha above 0.7.

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3.1 Recommendations:

While working this report, there were certain things that came in front of our eyes which bkash,
we should consider. The recommendations are:

 Bkash will create a new flexible and easy model of mobile banking
 Need to reduce the cost of mobile banking
 The external security of bkash is lower the normal banking.
 Bkash will do its best to help their customers.
 Bkash will put user’s interest first.
 Bkash will must keep their commitments
 Bkash will provide same information all users about banking transactions.
 Bkash will have the ability to understand users’ needs about managing their finances.

3.2 Appendix:
1) Perceived relative advantage:
a) Adopting mobile banking will allow me to conduct banking transactions more efficiently.
b) Adopting mobile banking will enable me to accomplish banking transactions more
c) Adopting mobile banking is a convenient way to conduct banking transactions.
d) Adopting mobile banking is useful for managing my finances.
2) Perceived ease of use:
a) Learning to operate mobile banking is easy for me.
b) It is easy to adopt mobile banking to accomplish banking transactions.
c) Interaction with mobile banking does not require a lot of mental effort.
d) Overall, I believe that adopting mobile banking is easy to use.
3) Perceived compatibility:
a) Mobile banking is compatible with my lifestyle.
b) Adopting mobile banking fits well with the way I like to manage my finances.

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c) Adopting mobile banking to conduct banking transactions fits into my working style.
4) Perceived competence:
a) I think that mobile banking firms have the ability to understand my needs about
managing my finances.
b) I think that mobile banking firms have the expertise to understand my needs about
managing my finances.
c) I think that mobile banking firms have good knowledge about managing my finances.
5) Perceived benevolence:
a) I think that mobile banking firms put my interest first.
b) If I required help, I believe that mobile banking firms will do its best to help me.
c) I think that mobile banking firms are interested in my wellbeing, not just its own.
6) Perceived integrity:
a) I think that mobile banking firms are honest.
b) I think that mobile banking firms will keep their commitments.
c) I think that mobile banking firms provide unbiased information about banking
7) Attitude: Adopting mobile banking is
a) Bad ... good.
b) Negative ... positive.
c) Dislike ... like.
8) Behavioral intention:
a) I am very likely to adopt mobile banking in the future.
b) I plan to adopt mobile banking in the future.
c) I believe it is worthwhile for me to adopt mobile banking.

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3.3 References:
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