Tugas B.inggris Tiaraameliaputri 6120013

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Name : Tiara Amelia Putri

Student Number : 6120013
2. Definition
1. Countable

Countable noun is a noun that denotes the name of a countable object or person.
Example: Book, chair, table, car and others
Countable noun in singular, so the verb must be singular by adding the letter "-s / es / ies" at the end
of the verb for the simple present tense or must use the auxiliary verb is (simple present tense) or was
(past tense).
2. Uncountable
Uncountable noun is a noun denoting the name of a thing that cannot be counted with
numbers.calculating it requires measurements, scales, gauges, measurements and so on. Uncountable
nouns include material nouns (material nouns) and abstract nouns (intangible nouns).
3. Article
Article in English grammar is a word used to make a noun such as a person, place, object or idea. In
fact, an article can be said to be an adjective or word because it has the same function, namely to refer
to a noun or noun.
4. Singular

In this article I will explain singular and plural nouns and how we can convert singular nouns into
plural nouns.
Singular nouns are singular nouns and plural nouns are plural nouns. Singular nouns can be turned
into plural nouns in a specific formula or method.

5. Plural

Plural is a word which indicates that the number of something (animal, or human object) is more than
one. Usually the plural is in the form of a repeated
3. example of sentences
1. Countable
I have a Book.
Do you like these photos?
2. Uncountable

Can I have some water?

Can you give me some information about that ?

3. Article

Have you bought the book that our teacher told us to buy?

4. Singular

I found a secret room.

5. Plural

Mr. Ramz bought three houses last month.

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