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Camille  Camille Parker  

Parker   Awater, CA 95301 

Resume   208-890-8369 

ㅡ  My name is Camille Parker and I am currently a senior at Atwater High 

Objective  School. I enjoy participating in extracurricular activities such as 
Leadership and volunteer work. My objective is to obtain a part-time 
position and to become more educated and experienced in the 
  workforce environment. 
● Organized   ● Self driven  
● Leader   ● Positive attitude 
● Works well with others  ● Determined  
● Efficient   ● Adaptable 
● Strong work ethic   ● Responsible  
● Problem solver   ● Quick learner 
  ● Patience 

ㅡ  Camp Green Meadows - Cabin Leader  
Experience  January 21-24, 2020, 7798 White Chief Mountain Rd.  

My duty as a Cabin Leader was to maintain supervision of students 

safety and to promote positive behavior 22 hours a day for four days. 
Other job duties I had were to assist teachers and naturalists, lead 
recess activities, enforce the discipline system, and to be a positive role 
model and leader. I was graded as exceptional on all areas assessed.  

2016-2020, Atwater, CA & Dallas, TX 
I have been a babysitter for the past four years. Throughout this time I 
have looked after three different families with a total of ten children. 
The skills required of me on an everyday basis include organization, 
responsibility, patience, communication, multitasking, and relationship 
building skills. 
Education  Atwater High School 
  2017-Present , 2201 Fruitland Ave, Atwater, CA 95301 
Expected Date of Graduation: June 2021   

Mitchell Senior Jr. High 

2015-2017, 1753 Fifth St, Atwater, CA 95301 

Extracurricular Activities  ● Volunteer Work - St. Anthony’s, Atwater High School, Peggy 
Heller, Camp Green Meadows, etc.  
● AHS Leadership - Teaches children multiple leadership 
characteristics & skills 


Reference  Shelby Fishman  
Agriculture Teacher 
Atwater High School 
( 209)-985-4861 
Nathan Braga 
Leadership Teacher 
Atwater High School 

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