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It was first in 661 where a new era of caliphates initiated which was first undertook by
Muawiya. After Muawiya, Yazid was chosen as the next caliphate which was further took
by other great rulers from the dynasty of Muawiya. In 1258 Abbasid caliphate started and
after a total of 885 years from the death of Muhammad saw in 1817, the journey of a great
warrior started which led to the foundation the Usman empire.
This journey was first initiated by a great leader of kyai tribe, Suleiman shah. And before
his death, he made his son Ertugul ghazi as the next leader. He was a great warrior, a great
leader, who never let down himself in front of injustice, who never gave up in front of
troubles, who made himself as an example for others, made sky his shelter, horse as his
companion, Hazrath Khizr as his mapping and sword as his flag
The tribe of Ertugul ghazi was one of the 12 tribes which was under the famous sultan,
sultan alp Arsalan, a great Turkish warrior and the founder of Saljuk Turkish Empire.
But before the death of Saljuk emperor, the responsibility of 12 tribes was given to Sultan
Allaudin, the second sultan of the Saljuk empire. Thus, the death of alp Arsalan was one of
the greatest achievements achieved by Mongols. Sultan Allaudin was a great emperor but
could not control the cruelty and brutality of the Mongols. One day they planned to
capture all the tribes under their control. This wish of Mongols was fulfilled in the last
moments of sultan Allaudin, but failed to capture the most powerful tribe - the kyai - the
tribe of Suleiman shah.
Ertugul protested against these Mongols and due to his passion and compassionate towards
himself, his religion and his tribe, sultan Allaudin chose him as a chief of the tribes. Soon
Ertugul ghazi was chosen as the sultan of Saljuk sultanate. He defeated many rulers of that
time with his passion and plans. And finally, he achieved the greatest achievement and
victory against the injustice.
The conquering of Constantinople.
Muhammad saw said: -
{Constantinople will be conquered. Great is the commander who will conquer it). And
truly the prediction of the holy prophet was fulfilled by a great warrior, son of Suleiman
shah – Drills Ertugul Ghazi.
May Allah bless us with such more warriors, ameen.

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