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Urdu in UP who could not gain admission in any other

faculty took to Urdu as an escape from

the criteria of merit. They later gained high
degrees and became teachers to the dam-
Since independence, Urdu has seen a rapid decline. Initially the age of Urdu education.
decline was largely fomented by the adherents of Hindi and These atavists wiped out Urdu from
secular educational curricula in north India.
opportunistic leaders of the Muslim community. The cause of Urdu Parents were thereby compelled to send
had even been well championed by the likes of Zakir Hussain and their children to the mosque-dominated
I K Gujral, but once in power such well intentions invariably ran madrasas or maktabs. These were now the
aground. At present, besides an appeal filed in the Supreme Court only source of Urdu education. This
by the Hindi sahitya sammelan against the UP government’s 1989 strengthened the grip of Muslim funda-
mentalists and obscurantists on the mind
amendment granting Urdu the status of official second language, of the people, as was evident during the
there are more than 16 petitions filed in the high court that seek to Shah Bano controversy.
challenge the status accorded to Urdu. The stilted Urdu taught by the madaaris
and makaatib (religious seminaries) be-
DANIAL LATIFI pitch and led his followers up the garden came the official standard Urdu, wiping
path. Later when he became president he out the immemorial Urdu traditions of the

rdu in the UP, for long a sleeping abandoned the idea. Even if he was com- past that constituted the priceless wealth
volcano, has suddenly erupted. pelled to do this by opposition from the of the composite Indian cultural heritage.
This event is wrapped in such cabinet, morality demanded that he resign The new Urdu thus created alienated non-
confusion, mystery, and misinformation on this issue. He did not do so and Muslim Urdu speakers and simultaneously
that the Urdu-speaking people and the demoralised the Urdu speaking people strengthened the atavic non-Muslims.
public do not know where to turn and how who had trusted him. Thereafter it became We are now confronted with the third
to redress their woes. difficult for anyone else to raise the banner or fourth generation of these conditioned
After independence and partition Urdu of this cause. Some years later I K Gujral Urdu scholars who comprise the major
came under a cloud and was subjected to played the same game. He had authored part of the official Urdu intelligentsia.
attack from atavists. These atavists were the Gujral committee report, containing It is alleged that the ‘advisers’ above-
joined by certain opportunistic Muslims various recommendations to the govern- named prevailed upon the government to
who sought to prove their loyalty by ment in favour of Urdu. He gave maximum open ‘show-window institutions’ appear-
abusing the rest of their own community. publicity to this for 25 years. Partly on this ing to promote Urdu – really a mere cloak
Many of these were bureaucrats who after account he gained popularity and a secular for inactivity.
retirement sought to become public lead- image that helped him become prime mini- All this, particularly the performance of
ers of the Muslim community, a task for ster in 1997. When in office he inexpli- Zakir Hussain and even more of I K Gujral
which most of them were ill-equipped. cably abandoned his own proposals which brought maximum discredit to their respec-
he could seemingly have implemented suo tive governments and ruling parties among
The Decline motu without consulting anybody as Ali the Urdu speaking people. This has shown
Imran Zaidi has rightly pointed out: in devastating poll results in the UP.
The decision of the Drafting Committee Now it is useless to talk about the Gujral
of the Constituent Assembly [by the Commission and its famous recommenda-
tions in favour of Urdu because it is as clear
Misinform and Deny
president’s casting vote] making Hindi
the official language of the union, i e, raj as broad daylight that they were never meant A placebo statute was passed in 1989 by the
to be implemented – but only to fool Urdu
bhasha was sought to be read as speaking people. By recommending for Urdu UP legislature to give the status of second
rashtrabasha by Hindi enthusiasts. They every thing between heaven and earth, Gujral official language to Urdu in UP. This Act was
rode roughshod over the rights of other became the apple of the eyes of Muslims toothless because it made no provision for
language-speakers. This was resisted in and it was the immense popularity thus Urdu education. Such a provision had be-
the south. Unfortunately north Indian Urdu gained that helped his ascendancy to the come essential because four generations of
speakers were ill-led and misguided. throne of prime ministership. As PM he those whose mother tongue was Urdu had
Zakir Hussain, later India’s third presi- never tried to give any thought to imple- been deprived of instruction in that lan-
menting his own recommendations. Only
dent, gained popularity in 1952 by collect- guage, whether as primary or optional subject.
when he was dethroned with the UF govern-
ing 2.25 millions of signatures from Urdu ment losing its majority in the house did On October 6, 1989 the UP legislature
speaking people of UP (at that time a very he aspire to become PM again by playing amended the UP Official Languages Act
high percentage) after a massive cam- the Gujral Commission Card. But to his bad 28 of 1989, adding section 3 to it. This
paign, supporting a petition asking the luck – by the time Muslims had lost faith enabled the state government to provide
president to save Urdu under Article 347 in him (EPW, April 10, 1999). as per the purposes indicated in its noti-
of the Constitution. Subsequent census It is generally believed that on the advice fication, “in the interests of Urdu speaking
reports were manipulated (by wrongly of certain opportunitists the government people” that Urdu would be treated as the
stating the mother tongue of Urdu speak- permitted persons to study Urdu in the uni- second official language of the state. A
ers as Hindi) to mask this figure. He raised versity who had never matriculated in that notification issued thereunder the next day,
the expectations of the people to a high language. It is alleged that such students enumerated these purposes.

Economic and Political Weekly February 17, 2001 533

This act was passed under Article 345 All the many legal grounds taken by the court) from receiving notice of the special
of the Constitution, (reading, “The legis- petitioners in the high court were ultimately leave petition later filed in the Supreme
lature of a state may by law adopt any one rejected by that court. The writ petition was Court. As an academic, Naim may be
or more of the languages in use in the state dismissed. Leave to appeal to the Supreme forgiven for assuming that the order of the
or Hindi for all or any of the official pur- Court was refused by the high court. high court refusing leave to appeal to the
poses of the state”). The notification there- Supreme Court would be final. It was the
under was challenged in a PIL Writ Peti- Proceedings in the High Court duty of his advocate to alert him to pos-
tion No 10313 of 1989 filed in the Lucknow sibility of the appeal which actually
bench of the Allahabad High Court by the It is needless to detail the many inter- materialised. A petition for special leave
UP Hindi sahitya sammelan on various esting arguments considered and ultimately to appeal was shortly thereafter filed by
grounds. The court did not insist at the rejected by the high court at Lucknow. the indefatigable sammelan and admitted
outset that any concerned Urdu represen- These are now of academic interest only in the Supreme Court in 1996. It does not
tative or institution be made respondent. in view of the pending appeal in the appear that they made anyone but the state
Three main constitutional issues were Supreme Court. It is not permissible to a party respondent, despite the earlier
raised by the petitioners in their petition comment on them here. The judgments of application made by Naim before justice
which runs into 48 typed pages:- the learned judges of the high court run Brijesh Kumar, earlier referred to. This
(1) That the word ‘or’ in Article 345 into 145 pages of typescript and display appeal has been pending in the Supreme
must be given its full meaning; that Hindi much erudition. One of the longest of these Court since then.
having been declared official language relates to a question that arose as to the More inexplicable is the conduct of the
exhausted the power of the legislature to procedure to be followed when there is a politicians and public figures claiming to
adopt any other language for any official difference of opinion between two judges be interested in Urdu. When this writer
purpose. No doubt ‘or’ can be read as ‘and’ of the bench (as here). This question is well was approached by Ather Farouqui in
whenever the judges so please, but they settled under the Letters Patent governing January 1999 to examine this matter, the
should normally give reasons for so doing. the procedure in the various high courts first thought that occurred was to find out
In the present case all the judges on the in India that have been functioning for whether any special leave petition had
bench seem to have dismissed this argu- over 100 years. Readers cannot help think- been filed in the Supreme Court. It was
ment without giving any reasons. No doubt ing that if the learned judges had received a matter of archival research to ascertain
cogent reasons were present in their minds abler legal assistance they might have the appeal number of an appeal already
for the course they took. completed their task sooner. Actus curiae three years old. Initial efforts in the Su-
(2) That the words “subject to the pro- neminem gravabit is the grim maxim of preme Court having failed it was the te-
visions of Articles 346 and 347 occurring the law. In English this means: ‘grin and nacity of the redoubtable Ather Farouqui
in Article 345 of the Constitution imported bear it’. Beneficial legislation has been that was able, ultmately to trace out the
the consequence that the power conferred held up for 10 years by the Hindi sahitya appeal. Meanwhile opportunist politicians
on the legislature under Article 345 is sammelan obtaining the stay order of the were publicly declaring that the battle in
subject to the same limitations as are court. The prolonged legal proceedings are the UP had been won. The strong public
imposed on the power given to the presi- a tribute to the legal ability and acumen response of the Urdu speaking people in
dent under Article 347. The limitation was of the lawyers of the sammelan. They took two public meetings at New Delhi, on
that there must be a desire expressed by full advantage of the indifference of their January 16, and again on April 16, 1999
a substantial proportion of the population only opponent, the government, that demonstrated their enormous and vibrant
of a state that the language spoken by them seemed least interested in speedy end of interests in this issue. Spreading compla-
should also be officially recognised in the the litigation. A study of these proceedings cency and misinformation about such a
desired manner. The reading of this limi- may prove instructive to students of legal matter is ill service to Urdu; so is irrational
tation into Article 345 was rejected by the procedure, constitutional law and political thinking and chauvinism which is losing
judge Trivedi J but approved by judges science. Such a study cannot be attempted cause in the world today.
Sahay and Brijesh Kumar. here now. In these circumstances a gathering of
(3) That no substantial proportion of the intellectuals and well-wishers of secular-
population of the UP were Urdu speaking Attitude of Urdu Teachers ism and Urdu met on January 16, 1999
and that the condition had not been sat- which continued on April 16, 1999 at the
isfied. Judge Brijesh Kumar held this point This matter seems to have proceeded IIC, New Delhi under the joint auspices
in favour of the Urdu speaking people. He before the learned judges of the UP High of the Linguistic Minorities Guild, the
held that the matter stood concluded by a Court for many years without attempted Jamia Urdu, Aligarh and the Urdu Speak-
previous decision of a judicial bench intervention by any of the well-wishers of ing People’s Front – to demand that Urdu
comprising K K Goyal and K N Mishra. Urdu in the state. At a late stage Z Jilani be accorded its full rights under the Con-
It would not be proper to comment on these was permitted to make oral submissions stitution of India. This campaign has re-
questions in view of the pendency of the before justice Brijesh Kumar on behalf of ceived adherence from a formidable list
appeal in the Supreme Court. There were Naim Ahmad who also sought to be of eminent supporters from all secular
other minor points (such as the argument impleaded as a party. However, no formal sections of the people.
that the notification issued under the act order impleading him seems to have been The former chief justice of India and
involved excessive delegation of legisla- passed. This was unfortunate because it chairman of the Human Rights Commission,
tive powers by the legislature) that need prevented Naim (seemingly the only per- M N Venkatchalliah, on April 16, 1999
not be discussed in detail here. son really interested in Urdu before the at the India International Centre, New Delhi

534 Economic and Political Weekly February 17, 2001

in his inaugural address to the Urdu Sym- decided to declare Urdu, along with
posium, sounded the tocsin. He said: Punjabi, as second languages in the state.
The Urdu language has a special place in This is a toothless bill since it does not
India. The Urdu language conjures up and provide any facility for Urdu/Punjabi
inspires deeply emotive sentiments and education nor does it make it an extra
thoughts from the sublimity of the mystic qualification to know these languages for
to the romantic and the earthy, of perfumes applicants seeking government jobs –
of camaraderie, of music and life’s wistful- particularly in those departments where
ness and a whole range of human relation- the knowledge of these languages becomes
ships. Its rich literature and lore is a trea-
imperative. However, despite this the BJP
sure house of the noblest thoughts on life’s
mysteries. Urdu is not simply one of the had opposed this move, which still awaits
languages of this country. It is a culture and the sanction of the governor. A long battle
civilisation in itself...But today this great is ahead. Much has to be done. Spreading
culture needs urgent measures for its very complacency and misinformation is ill
survival...The richness of Urdu culture service to Urdu. According to materials col-
needs to be restored to its pristine glory. lected by Ather Farouqui 16 writ petitions,
Unfortunately, at this time as mentioned challenging the status of Urdu are pending
earlier, some persons who should know in the high court. It is surprising that
better have been falsely representing that Lucknow, with all its traditions and claims,
the UP Act is now in force, when it is still seems to have been unable, so far, to supply
under stay from the Supreme Court as these. The Urdu speaking people must
mentioned above. Meanwhile the Delhi meet this challenge. The slogan of second
state government under Sheila Dixit had official language may not suffice. EPW

Economic and Political Weekly February 17, 2001 535

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